p90x 90 day challenge October 1



  • mdm3
    mdm3 Posts: 40 Member
    I've been struggling a bit lately. I'm been really tired and getting frustrated that the scale has not been moving. I've even missed some workouts (I know, I know -- bad stuff)! Just wanted to let you guys know that when I've felt really bad, I come back here and read this thread and you guys motivate me all over again. Thanks so much Coach Kelly and thanks to all of you guys for your inspiring stories. Can't tell you how much I appreciate it. We can do this!
  • i slept this morning thus causing me to not get the shoulders/biceps/arm workout down before work. But after a brief discussion with myself I managed to get my run workout (10X400m at 6:50 pace with 400m jogging recovery) and the P90X workout done tonight! I couldn't fit in ab ripper X as i was starving and it was after 9pm but i am so thrilled that I could motivate motivate myself to get both workouts done.

    I LOVE that you have discussions with yourself. I do as well. Sometimes not so brief! I also love that you talked yourself into fitting in your workout even though it was late. You can be forgiven for blowing off ARX at that point! Keep pushing-play - and Bring It!
  • I've been struggling a bit lately. I'm been really tired and getting frustrated that the scale has not been moving. I've even missed some workouts (I know, I know -- bad stuff)! Just wanted to let you guys know that when I've felt really bad, I come back here and read this thread and you guys motivate me all over again. Thanks so much Coach Kelly and thanks to all of you guys for your inspiring stories. Can't tell you how much I appreciate it. We can do this!

    Struggle is okay; frustration not so much. If you started with the rest of the group, you should be in the Recovery Week right now. At the end of this week, we should all do a round of pictures and - most importantly - of measurements. Those measurements are what count - NOT the scales. In P90X the scales are not your friends. The tape measure IS. Just hold on to that for now and have faith. This program works if you work. It's just that it takes 90 days, not 30. For myself, I've gained maybe half a pound since the beginning of the program, but my friends are noticing positive changes in my body, which is what matters.

    Don't beat yourself up over the missed workouts. You're working out now, and that's what matters. Keep pushing-play - and keep posting. We're all in this thing together, and we will all get through it together!
  • abby459
    abby459 Posts: 694 Member
    I got in a really nice 7.2 mile trail run today at a 9:40/mile pace (a HUGE improvement for me!!!) tomorrow is back to p90x...shoulders/biceps/arms and of course ARX!! Starting to actually like all of the strength training. I can see my arms toning up and I LOVE it!!!
  • I've been struggling a bit lately. I'm been really tired and getting frustrated that the scale has not been moving. I've even missed some workouts (I know, I know -- bad stuff)! Just wanted to let you guys know that when I've felt really bad, I come back here and read this thread and you guys motivate me all over again. Thanks so much Coach Kelly and thanks to all of you guys for your inspiring stories. Can't tell you how much I appreciate it. We can do this!

    Hey hon, did you get my message from yesterday? Keep your head up and keep moving forward. I'm here if you need to talk! Kelly :flowerforyou:
  • I got in a really nice 7.2 mile trail run today at a 9:40/mile pace (a HUGE improvement for me!!!) tomorrow is back to p90x...shoulders/biceps/arms and of course ARX!! Starting to actually like all of the strength training. I can see my arms toning up and I LOVE it!!!

    Abby I love how dedicated you are! You inspire me on a daily basis. All of you p90x-ers do! :happy: MIne and the hubby's new weights come in on Tuesday. I can't WAIT to pump up the lbs. I am SO ready for some heavier weights.
    Great run today too! You are kicking behind!!! WOO HOO!!! Anymore races coming up??? XO Kelly :flowerforyou:
  • I've been struggling a bit lately. I'm been really tired and getting frustrated that the scale has not been moving. I've even missed some workouts (I know, I know -- bad stuff)! Just wanted to let you guys know that when I've felt really bad, I come back here and read this thread and you guys motivate me all over again. Thanks so much Coach Kelly and thanks to all of you guys for your inspiring stories. Can't tell you how much I appreciate it. We can do this!

    Struggle is okay; frustration not so much. If you started with the rest of the group, you should be in the Recovery Week right now. At the end of this week, we should all do a round of pictures and - most importantly - of measurements. Those measurements are what count - NOT the scales. In P90X the scales are not your friends. The tape measure IS. Just hold on to that for now and have faith. This program works if you work. It's just that it takes 90 days, not 30. For myself, I've gained maybe half a pound since the beginning of the program, but my friends are noticing positive changes in my body, which is what matters.

    Don't beat yourself up over the missed workouts. You're working out now, and that's what matters. Keep pushing-play - and keep posting. We're all in this thing together, and we will all get through it together!

    We can never stress it enough MEASURE MEASURE MEASURE!!!!!
  • Today was my long Sunday run! I got 14.2 miles in at 2 hours and 08 seconds. It was a crisp beautiful morning, but it sure is dark at 5:30 a.m. HA! :tongue:

    Tomorrow I will be doing Back&Chest X + ARX. As most of you know I made my own hybrid schedule so I am rotating through the toning workouts. I think I need to add more Cardio X and Stretch X somewhere in my routine. My body might love this sense I've been tearing it up running durning the week. I'll keep you all posted. One thing for sure, I can't ever get enough of p90x and Beachbody workouts. They are so much fun!

    Off the p90x subject. I FINALLY got my INSANITY "I earned it" tshirt! Man, OH MAN how I earned that shirt! I even did an extra week! LOL! :noway:

    Have a great week p90x-ers, keep posting and keep PUSHING PLAY! :happy:
  • lilyinlove
    lilyinlove Posts: 441 Member
    Week 4... Core synergistics today!

    I am still going to be lifting weights as well as doing week 4. I just love lifting and we have this nice bench and weights at home now... Cant pass up the opportunity to burn extra cals to eat a bit more as well. I finally got myself an inexpensive hrm to know what I burn.

    Will let you all know how it goes tonight, I'm scurrrred!!
  • abby459
    abby459 Posts: 694 Member
    I did arms/shoulders last night and I upped my weights from the previous round of it....and oh man I am sore today. I got into my car to go to work this morning and I felt like I could barely lift my arms up the steering wheel level...haha!!! Cardio X or Core Syn for me tonight...I cant remember what is on my odd schedule!!!
  • ddoohaluk
    ddoohaluk Posts: 40 Member
    Legs/Back and arx for me this morning. I wanted to do leg/back on Sunday but my legs were trashed from my running and bike workouts (Thurs-Sunday) so I took a day of rest and came back strong today. Goal for this week is 3 strength workouts - legs/back, shoulder/arms, chest/back) and 1 other workout - maybe yoga or maybe cardio/plyo/kenpo if I feel up to it. All this will be arranged my swim, bike, run workouts.

    I also need new bands. Hopefully I will be able to scout some out this week.
  • canelly
    canelly Posts: 731 Member
    How is everyone doing? I can't believe I have been loosing weight well not alot but 3 lbs since I started p90xand I can defenetly see a huge difference in my arms legs and abs they are getting toned how kool is that!! I really can't wait.. 5 more days and it's picture day ; ) and I found my new favorite.... Core synergistics oh.. Yeah..
  • mdm3
    mdm3 Posts: 40 Member
    I've been struggling a bit lately. I'm been really tired and getting frustrated that the scale has not been moving. I've even missed some workouts (I know, I know -- bad stuff)! Just wanted to let you guys know that when I've felt really bad, I come back here and read this thread and you guys motivate me all over again. Thanks so much Coach Kelly and thanks to all of you guys for your inspiring stories. Can't tell you how much I appreciate it. We can do this!

    Struggle is okay; frustration not so much. If you started with the rest of the group, you should be in the Recovery Week right now. At the end of this week, we should all do a round of pictures and - most importantly - of measurements. Those measurements are what count - NOT the scales. In P90X the scales are not your friends. The tape measure IS. Just hold on to that for now and have faith. This program works if you work. It's just that it takes 90 days, not 30. For myself, I've gained maybe half a pound since the beginning of the program, but my friends are noticing positive changes in my body, which is what matters.

    Don't beat yourself up over the missed workouts. You're working out now, and that's what matters. Keep pushing-play - and keep posting. We're all in this thing together, and we will all get through it together!

    Thanks so much for the encouragement. I am ABsolutely seeing results in terms of how my clothes are fitting and its definitely easier to do some of the workouts. I am still however struggling with being tired. I'm not sure if I'm eating too much/too little, etc. MFP suggested 1200 calories, but the P90X suggests much more. Not sure what to do and so I've settled on 1350 and sometimes have difficulty eating even that. Other days, I am starving and can't seem to get enough. Ultimately, I guess I'm still trying to figure out the diet part. Any help the group has on this would be welcomed. My diary is open.

    Thanks again!
  • mdm3
    mdm3 Posts: 40 Member
    I've been struggling a bit lately. I'm been really tired and getting frustrated that the scale has not been moving. I've even missed some workouts (I know, I know -- bad stuff)! Just wanted to let you guys know that when I've felt really bad, I come back here and read this thread and you guys motivate me all over again. Thanks so much Coach Kelly and thanks to all of you guys for your inspiring stories. Can't tell you how much I appreciate it. We can do this!

    Hey hon, did you get my message from yesterday? Keep your head up and keep moving forward. I'm here if you need to talk! Kelly :flowerforyou:

    Coach Kelly -- got your message and just sent through a reply. Thanks so much for reaching out and continuing to support us all.
  • ddoohaluk
    ddoohaluk Posts: 40 Member
    after legs and back yesterday all I can say today is Holy Glutes! i am hoping that this afternoon's yoga or stretch (haven't decided which one yet) will help work out some of the kinks. Hope all is well with my fellow challengers!
  • I've been struggling a bit lately. I'm been really tired and getting frustrated that the scale has not been moving. I've even missed some workouts (I know, I know -- bad stuff)! Just wanted to let you guys know that when I've felt really bad, I come back here and read this thread and you guys motivate me all over again. Thanks so much Coach Kelly and thanks to all of you guys for your inspiring stories. Can't tell you how much I appreciate it. We can do this!

    Hey hon, did you get my message from yesterday? Keep your head up and keep moving forward. I'm here if you need to talk! Kelly :flowerforyou:

    Coach Kelly -- got your message and just sent through a reply. Thanks so much for reaching out and continuing to support us all.

    Your welcome. I still need to reply to the message you sent me and I will either tonight or tomorrow. I have been going nonstop trying to get my exercise room in order. I'm finally done painting...YAY! Have a great night and we'll talk very soon! :heart:
  • Hello p90x-ers! How are you all doing? GUESS WHAT! It's almost the end of week 4 for those of use who started on Oct 1.
    I should be hearing we are getting ready to take our 30 day measurements and accountability pics. :happy: I can't wait to hear who everyone is BRINING IT! :happy:
  • How is everyone doing? I can't believe I have been loosing weight well not alot but 3 lbs since I started p90xand I can defenetly see a huge difference in my arms legs and abs they are getting toned how kool is that!! I really can't wait.. 5 more days and it's picture day ; ) and I found my new favorite.... Core synergistics oh.. Yeah..

    WAY TO GO!!! I'm so excited to hear this and can't wait to hear all about your 30 day results! :flowerforyou:
  • Legs/Back and arx for me this morning. I wanted to do leg/back on Sunday but my legs were trashed from my running and bike workouts (Thurs-Sunday) so I took a day of rest and came back strong today. Goal for this week is 3 strength workouts - legs/back, shoulder/arms, chest/back) and 1 other workout - maybe yoga or maybe cardio/plyo/kenpo if I feel up to it. All this will be arranged my swim, bike, run workouts.

    I also need new bands. Hopefully I will be able to scout some out this week.

    I LOVE your style! You are ROCKING IT!!!! Great job! :happy:
  • I did arms/shoulders last night and I upped my weights from the previous round of it....and oh man I am sore today. I got into my car to go to work this morning and I felt like I could barely lift my arms up the steering wheel level...haha!!! Cardio X or Core Syn for me tonight...I cant remember what is on my odd schedule!!!

    LOL Abby! Odd schedule. I'm in the same boat. I can never remember what is next! Hopefully I am done painting (touch ups) tomorrow so I can get to my shoulder and arms. I will do it NO MATTER WHAT because that is what us p90x-ers do! We keep on PUSHING PLAY...WOO HOO!!!!