4 weeks til Thanksgiving. (low carb)

OK, 4 weeks. I really want to buy the next size down in the jeans I am dying to buy by then! Not my ultimate goal but would have them all through the holidays to remind me how far I have come and where I want to be!

In order to do this I need to focus hard.
diet. (i am eating clean, low carb, watching calories)
water. water. water.
SLEEP. I am bad at this one!
exercise. 6 days! Some days will just be a slow walk. But something and need to stick to weights and spinning.

Does anyone want to join me in a serious run to Thanksgiving? We can take our measurements and/or weight and remind ourselves of our mini-goal!!

I do low carb and need to be free of many foods. I am not against anyone who is not as long as you don't judge me or try to convince me I need them! :-)


  • stoofers
    I'm Canadian but we celebrate American Thanksgiving because my step-dad is from Virginia (and he makes the greatest Thanksgiving meal ever). I also live 4 hours away and Thanksgiving will be the first time I will see my family in over 3 months. I'd like to join this group, if you'd have a Canadian!
  • smilebhappy
    smilebhappy Posts: 811 Member
    I'm game ;)

    I'm in a weddiing Dec 31st & have a dress fitting Dec 3rd.....really need to look / feel my best!!
    Let's do this!! :happy:
  • nmg8
    nmg8 Posts: 73 Member
    I would love to join you - if you'l have ANOTHER Canadian...

    Goal for the next 4 weeks
    -Complete the PUSH phase of ChaLEAN Extreme - finishing the BURN phase tomorrow, yay!
    -Diet - watching carbs and sugar, calories

    I just got my BodyMedia Fit last night, so today is the first day I'm wearing it. I'm hoping to figure out how much I'm actually burning and try to get this weight loss going - it has been painfully slow and I'm hoping to figure out what I've been doing wrong. Losing weight used to be so much easier...
  • tjtemple
    I'm in, if you'll take a "Brit" too? I am happy to celebrate Thanksgiving - gotta love turkey on low-carb! :tongue:
  • yummummum
    yummummum Posts: 257
    Ha! Sounds good :-)
    Thinking maybe we should keep the group small.

    Going to measure and weigh in tomorrow. And record it all.
    Just filled up my gallon jug of water. DRINKING!!!
  • stoofers
    Awesome! My goal will be to do the 30 Day Shred at least 24 times. I know I'll have to skip a few days here and there so 24 seems like a good number. I'm also going to try and lose at least 5 pounds by then. Should we make a new post every week? Every Thursday?
  • projectkristy
    projectkristy Posts: 29 Member
    I would love to join in. I need to really concentrate on what I'm eating. I'm staying within my calories, but the food isn't as nutritious as it should be.

    My goals:

    Continue with 30 DS
    Concentrate on getting more fruits and veggies
    Stay within my calorie range
    Drink 64 oz of water daily (big struggle for me)
  • nmg8
    nmg8 Posts: 73 Member
    Question for yummummum - have you been doing low carb long? Any tips to make it easier?

    I have done low carb in the past because I know I have major gluten/sugar/carb issues, but I never seem to be able to stick with it for long. It seems to be the only way I can lose weight, so you'd think that would be enough motivation for me. I have been trying to lower my carb intake the last few weeks, but am struggling. I have cut out all grains - fruit and some yogurt are pretty much the only carb-y things I'm having right now.
  • Mmmary212
    Mmmary212 Posts: 410 Member
    I need to join this 4 week mad dash.

    I'm doing great on my eating, I'm totally slacking on the moving part. I walk to and from work...but once I get home, my butt is plastered to the couch and I feel so lazy.

    I have an elliptical machine within arms reach of that couch LOL <lame>

    I need pressure...someone to call me names, poke me, compete against me...something!

    Just another 10lb drop would be good enough for me.
  • yummummum
    yummummum Posts: 257
    Question for yummummum - have you been doing low carb long? Any tips to make it easier?

    I have done low carb in the past because I know I have major gluten/sugar/carb issues, but I never seem to be able to stick with it for long. It seems to be the only way I can lose weight, so you'd think that would be enough motivation for me. I have been trying to lower my carb intake the last few weeks, but am struggling. I have cut out all grains - fruit and some yogurt are pretty much the only carb-y things I'm having right now.

    I have been doing low carb for about 5 weeks. Totally gluten free. I have lost 11 pounds and something crazy like almost 4 inches off my waist! Need to take new measurements.

    The first week was HELL. Definitely. But not the whole time, some of it i felt GREAT. But there were times I felt sick like with the flu. But I was SO tired of feeling crappy and not losing weight so I pushed through. I was ADDICTED to carbs and sugar and SEVERELY bloated all the time.

    So what made it possible for me to stick with it is this: FAT !!! I eat fat and protein and it keeps me full. I have ZERO cravings. SHOCKING to me really!! I was a serious addict.

    My splurges now are high fat items like ribs, or chicken with skin, bacon. I don't eat these all day long but if I am craving or starving I eat them and am full for hours. I used to be afraid of fat, even nuts and olive oil. (too many points on weight watchers.)

    I eat a lot of protein too and get my carbs through greens mainly (for now).

    I am seriously a NEW person on low carbs. ANd would be happy to talk more if you like. For me, it had to be an all or nothing thing. If I get a little wheat .. sugary carby thing.. it turns me into a bloated crazy craving machine!

    Feel free to check out my food diary. Yesterday was kinda a "bad" day but usually I eat pretty well.
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Can I join too?? Now that rugby season is over, I'm having trouble staying motivated to exercise and eat well (low carb too!).

    My goals:
    -lose 5 lb
    -exercise at least 5 days/week, at least 2 days of strength training
    -no grains/sugar!! as much as possible...only 1 cheat meal a week!

    I will weigh tomorrow and do measurements, too.
  • nmg8
    nmg8 Posts: 73 Member
    Question for yummummum - have you been doing low carb long? Any tips to make it easier?

    I have done low carb in the past because I know I have major gluten/sugar/carb issues, but I never seem to be able to stick with it for long. It seems to be the only way I can lose weight, so you'd think that would be enough motivation for me. I have been trying to lower my carb intake the last few weeks, but am struggling. I have cut out all grains - fruit and some yogurt are pretty much the only carb-y things I'm having right now.

    I have been doing low carb for about 5 weeks. Totally gluten free. I have lost 11 pounds and something crazy like almost 4 inches off my waist! Need to take new measurements.

    The first week was HELL. Definitely. But not the whole time, some of it i felt GREAT. But there were times I felt sick like with the flu. But I was SO tired of feeling crappy and not losing weight so I pushed through. I was ADDICTED to carbs and sugar and SEVERELY bloated all the time.

    So what made it possible for me to stick with it is this: FAT !!! I eat fat and protein and it keeps me full. I have ZERO cravings. SHOCKING to me really!! I was a serious addict.

    My splurges now are high fat items like ribs, or chicken with skin, bacon. I don't eat these all day long but if I am craving or starving I eat them and am full for hours. I used to be afraid of fat, even nuts and olive oil. (too many points on weight watchers.)

    I eat a lot of protein too and get my carbs through greens mainly (for now).

    I am seriously a NEW person on low carbs. ANd would be happy to talk more if you like. For me, it had to be an all or nothing thing. If I get a little wheat .. sugary carby thing.. it turns me into a bloated crazy craving machine!

    Feel free to check out my food diary. Yesterday was kinda a "bad" day but usually I eat pretty well.

    Wow, 11lbs in 5 weeks, that's awesome!! And please, as much information as you feel like giving me!! I need an inspiration!! I totally hear you on the "bloated crazy craving machine"...that is me EXACTLY. And I'm so sick of people saying "a little bit won't hurt you", or "everything in moderation" - that does not apply to me, a little bit WILL hurt me because I can't just have a little bit - a little bit will turn in to a lot, and I just can't control myself. Sorry...rant over!!

    I will try upping the fat intake, and have a look at your diary. What are your macros set at? I've been lowering the carb every week, and am currently at 30c, 35f, 35p - have been able to stick with that fairly well, but thinking I should lower the carb again. I've been trying to do it gradually, but maybe just biting the bullet and going all out would be easier.

    Oh, one more thing - how do you find low carb with your workouts? I'm worried that I won't have enough energy to do my workouts without the carbs - this ChaLEAN Extreme program is kicking my butt!! I usually have a protein shake after my workout in the morning (just berries and protein powder usually) and I'm not sure I want to give that up - I live for my breakfast!
  • yummummum
    yummummum Posts: 257
    I was worried about working out too but so far have been strong. I do a lot of protein. Trainer at my gym said if I start feeling depleted to have a "carb up" day but to eat them for breakfast or lunch- not dinner. When I feel like I am really depleted I add 1/4 to half of cup of sweet potatoes to breakfast. Or I have greek yogurt which has carbs and some sugar.

    I am basically following an Atkins diet. The old school one, not any of the bars or anything. It gets a bad rap but every trainer I have talked to at the gym basically recommends the same thing (but does not call it that)
    Protein, fats, carbs from veggies and very limited starches. Fruit as dessert- but when trying to lose fat best to not have much.

    Me too by the way, the the moderation thing. I was banging my head against the wall for years on weight watchers. I am so sick of being fat I am ready to lose it. When I get to my goal, I will have to carefully add in carbs and see what I can tolerate. I know I can't go back to eating the way I did. I also am pretty sure I must be gluten intolerant.
  • msamcoates
    msamcoates Posts: 261 Member
    I'm in!! ... I have been looking/searching in need of some motivatoin, a push, a kick, something.

    I started back working out, doing kick boxing and zumba 3x a week.

    I love carbs to and I knooooooooooowww I need to stay away from them if I want to loose weight.

    Thanks for the suggestion on low carbing it.
  • nmg8
    nmg8 Posts: 73 Member
    Thank you for all the tips, I'm so glad to be able to chat with other people trying to do a low carb lifestyle. I've tried it in the past, but it's not easy (at least it hasn't been for me) and I know absolutely NO ONE that does low carb - everyone always has something negative to say about it and it always seems to get me doubting myself, even though I know it is definitely the healthiest option for me.

    So...we had a potluck lunch today at work, with soooo many delicious dishes and desserts - and I managed to stay away from everything carb-y and dessert-y!!! It was a much higher calorie meal than I have been used to still, but I'm still counting it as a success, since it could have been much worse!!

    Anybody use a BodyMedia Fit or BodyBugg? I am using mine for the first day today, and hoping it will be worth it!! I can totally see it being addictive...I've already synched mine 3 times today to see where I'm at. Maybe I should get the display...lol
  • yummummum
    yummummum Posts: 257
    No going to look and see what those are!

    How should we do this? LOL
    I wish we could do groups here. Guess we will just check in on this thread here and there?
  • yummummum
    yummummum Posts: 257
    OH! that is so cool!! I am dying to know if you like it! Which one did you get?
  • nmg8
    nmg8 Posts: 73 Member
    Welcome newbies!

    I think checking in here is fine - I'm addicted to this website so I'm on here all the time...lol

    I just got the basic BodyMedia Fit - found it on Ebay for $139 with a 12 month subscription!! I didn't get the display though, which I totally want now because I am a numbers junkie (read: NERD) and I need to know what's going on at all times!! That's actually why I bought it in the first place, because I wanted to know how much I was actually burning, not how much MFP said I'm burning in a day. The 1200 calorie goal is way too low I think (for me anyway), I'm starving all the time!! And I do eat my exercise calories back, and still I'm thinking about food 24/7. So yesterday was a REST day - no workout, sitting at a desk all day at work - and I burned 2605 calories!! No wonder I'm hungry all the time! And yesterday I ate almost 1700 calories - 500 more than MFP goal - and I was down .5 on the scale this morning. I did a workout this morning so I'm excited to see what the numbers are today.

    Okay, checking in with weight/measurements - 176.0 lbs, chest 40', waist 36.5', hips 42.5' - hoping to be under 170 at the 4 week mark! Which is...when? November 24th?

    msamcoates - how do you like Zumba? I tried a Zumba class a few weeks ago but wasn't that impressed - I think it was just the instructor though, she didn't say a word the entire class, so I had no idea what was going on. Everyone that I know who does Zumba absolutely loves it.
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    I was at 182.6 this morning....my body really seems to like that number, unfortunately! lol...I didn't have time to do measurements, so I'll do that tonight or tomorrow and update again.

    nmg8 - you might consider increasing the amount of fat that you take in to help you feel fuller - I know that makes a difference to me. If you are eating less carbs, the calories have to come from somewhere else! It looks like you're still keeping to a lower-fat regimen. I usually eat the same grams of fat & protein (not intentionally, that's just how it works out at the end of the day for me), but I'm set at a 15/25/60 on my C/P/F ratios.

    As far as workouts for me, I'm usually ok donig high-intensity workouts if it's less than an hour - longer than that (on a regular basis), and I have to supplement with more carbs. But I usually try to stick around 50g net carbs otherwise.
  • emt_til28
    I'm so happy I came across this post today!!! We'll be headed south to see family over thanksgiving and i'd love to look and feel better in my warmer weather clothes!!! I also decided last night that today I would start low carbing again......I've had huge success with it in the past but then faltered when it came to maintenance time. Then yesterday Dr. Oz confirmed that people who carry their weight around their middles would best be served by eliminating processed carbs. I really want to make low carb a lifestyle change so that's the goal. I'm down 6 pounds so far by calorie counting, so hopefully low carb will jumpstart even more. I've found in the past that when I count carbs I wind up accidentally eating low cal because after a week or two cravings are gone and satiety is a common feeling. Feel free to friend me and track my journal...I'm excited for all of us!