Wedding challenge



  • kirstina_23
    kirstina_23 Posts: 448 Member
  • holly78
    holly78 Posts: 347
    Hey Girls!

    5 lb loss for me this week!

    Have a great week ladies!
  • rach700
    rach700 Posts: 25
    Wednesdays seem to e a bad day for me to weigh in for some reason. I am up to 185.4 from 183.6 on Friday. Very discouraging! I will try again on Friday and see what happens.
  • destiny_206
    destiny_206 Posts: 430 Member
    Hey Girls!

    5 lb loss for me this week!

    Have a great week ladies!

    Congrats, great job.
  • destiny_206
    destiny_206 Posts: 430 Member
    No weight in today, tomorrow morning I am going to check though.

    i have a wii fit now by the way, we will see if it helps.
  • meisje
    meisje Posts: 84 Member
    i want to join! my wedding is only... 23 days away!
    i am rushing off to school so i will post all stats later - just wanted to say 'hi' and congratulations everyone!
  • meisje
    meisje Posts: 84 Member
    hi again! i very much wanted to join this group because i am coming right up on my wedding and don't want to lose my motivation!
    i started mfp a few months ago with a start weight of 142 and goal weight of around 129. i am currently at 135 and feeling really great (although still a little "wiggely" in a few places). my biggest motivator was my one-size-too-small wedding dress (don't do it, ladies!!!) which now fits almost perfectly!
    (i have to say though that right now, i am focussed less on my weight and more on the fading inches all over my body - a very cool feeling!)
    i don't really "workout" - though i really want/need to. i bike to the bus stop to go to school every day (which is at least 25 minutes and sometimes up to 2 hours if i go the whole way) and racewalk from my bus stop in town another 15 minutes to school (and then do the same at the end of the day). i also bike with a group of women once a week - we just started with 33 km and will work up to 60+ km by the end of the summer. and, about 3 nights a week, i jog for at least 20 minutes with a friend.
    my best advice is start now!!! there are so many other things to worry about in the weeks and months before your wedding and if you are eating healthy and treating your body right, you will be much less stressed and much, much happier in your life with your love. good luck!
  • holly78
    holly78 Posts: 347

    our wedding's small- only about 80 guests.

    photog- booked
    hall- booked
    baker- booked
    bridesmaids dresses- bought
    dj- booked
    florist- booked
    caterer- booked
    rentals- reserved
    hotels- blocked
    favours- in progress
    invites- in progress
    rings- bought
    decor- bought
    honeymoon- reserved

    my in laws are taking forever with their list too. I have everything from my side of things, and now I have to sit around and wait, :laugh: We're planning from Manitoba and the wedding's in Ontario so I'm having similar issues as you girls are. My mom has had to do almost everything for me (I love my mom :bigsmile: )

    We have about 120 guest for our wedding, i am a little father out than most of you but here is what we have so far:

    Reception Hall: Booked
    Caterer: Booked
    Bakery: Booked
    DJ: Booked
    Photography: Have an Idea, not booked yet
    Florist: Have an idea, not booked yet
    Officiant: No
    My Dress: No
    Bridesmaids: No Dresses, but Color Picked
    Rentals: No
    Hotels: No
    Decor: No
    Invites: No
    Favors: No
    Centerpieces: No
    Honeymoon: No
    Rings: Mine-yes, His -No

    I am registered

    Still alot of work to do!
  • aduff77
    aduff77 Posts: 56
    I have completely fallen away this past two weeks. I've eaten out alot, gone over my calories, and not worked out. Good news is I haven't lost OR GAINED. I'm really feeling down on myself and I am thinking of cancelling my dress fitting that's scheduled in about a week.

    I did okay today, EXCEPT for the TWO sausage muffin's from McD's I had. I tried to rationalize saying it was my fiances fault for brining me two, not the one I asked for but come on, I asked for it to begin with and he didn't force feed me the second one! I'm still within my calories for today (barely) and got in my first run in over two weeks.

    I just have to wonder, if the motivation of an upcoming wedding and a form fitting dress aren't enough, what will be?
  • meisje
    meisje Posts: 84 Member
    do NOT be hard on yourself! i had some friends over last night for a wine tasting (we made our own apple wine for the wedding and i wanted some second opinions) and snacks. and so i drank. and i snacked. and then i indulged them by modeling my dress (after drinking and snacking!) and i have to say, i was feeling pretty bummed by my bloated tummy and my inability to breathe too deeply....
    BUT, i woke up today and ate a good, healthy breakfast. i am drinking water like it's going out of style. i have a run with a friend planned later in the afternoon.
    most of all, i know with all certainty that i don't want that bummed, bloated feeling on my wedding day. not at all.
    the wedding is less than 3 weeks away and i am just going to push through and do my best. i am proud of the weight i've lost so far and any more will just be icing on the cake - but there will be no eating of icing between now and then!!!
    good luck, everyone - stay focussed and remembere how lucky we all are!
  • destiny_206
    destiny_206 Posts: 430 Member
    I am still here, I am not doing so great but I am here, i am kinda staying off the scale for a couple days but I have been staying around usally under with food and working out.
  • kirstina_23
    kirstina_23 Posts: 448 Member
    Hey ladies just wanted to see how everyone is doing ? Happy easter :flowerforyou:
  • destiny_206
    destiny_206 Posts: 430 Member
    Same as before, I am still not sure why I am not really losing the last week or two I have not been trying to hard, I am not gaining ether which is good. We still have not found a location, I kinda got side tracked though.
  • Jenners
    Jenners Posts: 30 Member
    Can I still join?

    My wedding is July 18, 2009.

    Start Weight 167.6
    Current Weight: 154
    Goal Weight: 135
  • holly78
    holly78 Posts: 347
    welcome jenners
  • kirstina_23
    kirstina_23 Posts: 448 Member
  • holly78
    holly78 Posts: 347
    1 lbs lost for me this week! 29 Total since January!
  • destiny_206
    destiny_206 Posts: 430 Member
    Holly congrats on your 29lbs. keep up the great work.