Christmas Countdown Challenge (Closed) - Week #14

Ok all, even though its already weigh-in time, I wanted to make sure I got you last week's chart so you can see the results of all of your hard work. I know I'm a visual person so charts like these motivate me :)


Because the weigh-ins start now, there will be no new challenge this week. I would however like to know where everyone stands with their water? :huh: You should have $55 in your secret spot by now. :bigsmile: Are you sleeping well? :yawn: Making time for yourself?:noway: I want you to carry these past weeks with you, and not just leave them behind when the week is over. I hope you have all gotten a little something out of this challenge so far :flowerforyou:

I saw that there was some confusion as to when the measurements were to be submitted. I usually do it for the week that the 25th falls in. It doesn't have to be exactly on the 25th but I thought that would be an easy way to remember. If you submitted your measurements in Week 13's thread, I already have you in the chart. For the rest, get them in this week by Sunday 10/30 along with this week's weigh-in.

Sooo sorry this is coming out so late. :cry: This gallbladder issue is really kicking my butt! :sick: Oh and throw in a special visit from TOM and it doesn't get much better than that! :grumble:

Just trying to keep positive and appreciate you all sticking this out with me :)

:heart: :heart: :heart: LOVE YOU ALL!!!:heart::heart: :heart:


  • gennybunny1
    Jenn we love you too and hope you are doing ok. I have run into huge financial struggles so no secret money stash for me right now but I have been trying to get enough sleep, have upped my water and am trying to take time for myself. Have a great day or night, wherever ou reside. Good night for me!!
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    Jenn, please remember your health comes first! Don't apologize for that... hope you're feeling better soon!
  • Trixtabella
    Trixtabella Posts: 471 Member
    I have a miniscule loss of 0.6 lbs
    CW 220.2 I will add in the messurement when I find my tape messure
  • shelly650
    shelly650 Posts: 319
    Still the same! This weight better start to dreading halloween!
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    CW: 156.2

    Yesterday I saw a 155.6 but I knew that was never going to last. HAHA. But I like the 156... means i should be seeing a 155 next week! WOO! Next stop: 150.0! :smile: 150 was my original goal, but I think I'm going to aim for 140 because I'm still quite... fatty.

    Jenn, I wish you a speedy recovery! :flowerforyou: Positive vibes coming your way. :heart:
  • kristinkt
    kristinkt Posts: 921 Member
    Jenn - Thanks for pushing us on when you seem to be going through so much in your own life. Please know that you are appreciated by your CCC family. Your life challenges have become a part of my prayers & I hope they are resolved soon for you. The good thing about going through rough times is that when the good times come again they are so much sweeter to enjoy.

    I have been keeping up with some of the challenges but not all of them. First - this challenge has helped me increase my water intake. I am consistently drinking 12-16 glasses a day. I got a couple of the cute cups with a straw (16 oz) so that I only need to drink 4 of those to meet my goal. It is usually not too hard to get in 2 before lunch then 2 more by supper I usually need 2 when/after I exercise to feel hydrated again & there you go - all done. It also helps that I bring bottled water to work since I do not like the metalic taste of that water. I figure it is a lot cheaper to bring it in than it was when I was drinking 1-2 bottles of soda a day.

    I have also kept up with the plie-kicks as a part of my mini-morning routine. I have saved up a few $ but finances have put me behind some on my secret stash. I am not sure I always get my fruit and veggies in everyday, but I definitely pay more attention to them & fruit is always on my grocery list now. My family is also eating more fruit & veggies which is an added bonus. Before this challenge a dinner of Mac & cheese or pasta with bread was not so unusual.

    People are starting to notice a change in my size & if they ask how I am doing it this challenge usually makes its way into the conversation. I love the motivation to make small changes that are working their way into the healthy habits I need to maintain what I lose.
  • want_it_25
    want_it_25 Posts: 219 Member
    CW: 231.8

    that's a loss of 1.2 lbs.
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member
    Great job on all your hard work once again Jenn! I get so excited when I see the chart! Now nextg week I plan to see a lost for me.. lol

    My water intake as been out of this world! I've been drinking water like there is no tomorrow! Is there such a thing as drinking too much water?
    For the vegetables, I discovered spaghetti squash... hmm good. Check out my post requesting new recipes! Please share if you have any good ones!

    Happy Friday everyone! Now, I better get my butt in gear or I'll be late for work!
  • abjedi
    abjedi Posts: 114 Member
    Stayed the same again :( I've been stuck in the 190s for what seems like forever.... I'm glad I did not gain but sheesh I would like to start loosing again....
    CW 190.8
    Measurements didnt change much...,

    Bust 42
    Hips 45
    Arms 12
    Thighs 22
    Waste  41
    I'm feeling a little discouraged...
  • liz4214
    liz4214 Posts: 63 Member
  • JustJenn419
    JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member
    Just wanted to share two things with you...

    FIRST... I completely forgot to recognize our HUGE accomplishment!!! LADIES... TOGETHER WE HAVE LOST OVER 500 POUNDS!!!! What was that?!?! Yes, 500 POUNDS!!!! Absolutely incredible!

    SECOND... I wanted to share a link to a video that I enjoy. I've seen the words in an email before but really liked the added visual.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Friday!!!
  • cmpinklisa
    cmpinklisa Posts: 15 Member
    CW 234
  • kristinkt
    kristinkt Posts: 921 Member
    Thanks for sharing the link Jenn - Those are words to live by that often slip by.
  • gennybunny1
    CW: 220.8

    Not quite out of the 20's but getting close.
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Yes it's Friday!!! Feel better Jenn, thanks as always for your hard work!

    Abjedi ~ Don't be discouraged!!!! Take a look at what you have been there something you can change??? Add exercise, more water, more veggies, logging ALL your food???? You can do it!!!

    Azeria ~ I really like spaghetti squash!!! I just put some marinaria sauce on mine. I haven't had it in a while...I think I will pick some up :smile:

    Kristin ~ You are doing so great!!! I love the cup idea! I love having cute fun things like that...infact when we started this awesome group I ran out and bought a super cute lunch bag so I always can have great snacks in the car with me! Planning is where it's at to be a success!!!

    Shelley ~ Keep that candy locked up!!! Halloween is only one day....OK I know parties and candy in the strong...maybe make sure you have some low cal sweets around to have instead....SF Jello, Laughing cow chocolate out to earn more calories to get you by. You can do it - don't be scared :devil:

    SUPER SMALL loss.....but I'm so OK with it:wink:

    CW 183.8

    Have a great day friends
  • leslyta
    leslyta Posts: 70
    Hope you're feeling better Jenn. I'm glad everyone's doing so great!! I actually got on the scale this morning and I am now down to 190.2!! I cant wait to be under that!!
    Have a great weekend everyone!!
  • kthom
    kthom Posts: 175
    Will weigh tomorrow. 500 pounds???? That is something:) Keep it up everyone.
  • gardenimp
    gardenimp Posts: 185 Member
    Congrats to everyone ~ 500 lbs is crazy! Really hope you're feeling better Jen, please take care of yourself. I will post my loss & weight tomorrow..
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    Stayed the same again :( I've been stuck in the 190s for what seems like forever.... I'm glad I did not gain but sheesh I would like to start loosing again....
    CW 190.8
    Measurements didnt change much...,

    Bust 42
    Hips 45
    Arms 12
    Thighs 22
    Waste  41
    I'm feeling a little discouraged...

    Are you eating back your exercise calories? If that doesn't work you could also try zig-zagging your calories--e.g., today eat significantly over your daily limit, tomorrow under, etc. That has helped me in the past.

    Don't give up, we all go through our plateaus!
  • abjedi
    abjedi Posts: 114 Member
    I was thinking aout it today.. And I know part of the problem... Dr.Pepper... So as of Monday NO more!!!
    I eat some of my exercise calories... But inthink I will stagger my calories also and hope with no soda and the calorie variances hope to say good but to the 190s...
    Ok it's written down now I will do it!!!