Help - Need to up my protein ....

....I know everyone tells me that I should eat more protein (can't eat wheat either ): nuts (which bothers me because of the cals), fish, meat etc....but the worse is I found yoghurt which I LOVE bloats me up!

At the moment I'm trying to juggle, as I have a lot on at work, home and going to the gym every night so it’s been a case of grab a ready meal, put it in the oven while I get a shower and by that time it’s 7.30pm every night…..

Would REALLY appreciate any advice or feedback on what’s helped with you guys, decided to finally take the advice of upping my protein as weighed myself and have actually put ON 1.6lbs this week after religiously drinking gallons of water and logging everything I eat.

Thanks ever so much and good luck to you all, have a fab weekend!!


  • PBJunky
    PBJunky Posts: 737 Member
    eggs? whey protein?milk?
  • NuttyBrewnette
    NuttyBrewnette Posts: 417 Member
    Nuts / nut butters (small amounts)
  • adamswife23
    adamswife23 Posts: 52 Member
    Shakeology is a GREAT tasting shake that beachbody offers. It is only 150 calories and has 15g protien. Otherwise I think eggs would be a good choice since you haven't had luck with other sources. Do you drink a lot of water during the day? Increasing your water intake can usually help with reducing bloating.
  • PBJunky
    PBJunky Posts: 737 Member
    Nuts / nut butters (small amounts)

    how could I forget! Peanut Butter!!!!!!!!!!!
  • fitzie63
    fitzie63 Posts: 508 Member
    Eat more FISH meals... You'll lose weight easier. Minimum: 4 or more/week
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    1. What kind of yogurt are you talking about? If the label says more sugar tha protein, its the wrong kind anyway. (try fage 0% or chobani 0% and adding things into yourself like chia/flax seeds, agave for sweetener etc.

    2. Stop worry about the nuts in calories -- they are a perfect protein snack and you don't need very many to feel full. Anything you eat protein wise is going to have calories.

    3. Try some protein shake samples -- this is my favorite thing as I have 2-3 protein shakes a day. Once you find a brand you like and know how to mix them, you can easily get 20-30g protein in one drink for under 120 calories. Again, you have to become a label reader. You can order tons of different samples from numerous sites on the web. I just got 12 different chocolate samples all different brands since I'm trying to find a new one (my old powder was discontinued) ** Don't waste your moeny on any of those expensive pre-made shakes...its ridiculous when you can make them better and cheaper yourself.

    4. Have things like chicken, turkey handy to snack on. I buy the whole rotisserie chickens all the time and cut the meat up and keep it in the fridge.

    5. Learn to love quinoa -- great high protein, low glycemic grain.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Shakeology is a GREAT tasting shake that beachbody offers. It is only 150 calories and has 15g protien. If you are interested I could send you out a sample. Otherwise I think eggs would be a good choice since you haven't had luck with other sources. Do you drink a lot of water during the day? Increasing your water intake can usually help with reducing bloating.

    A lot of protein powders on the market have fewer calories, more protein and are cheaper.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    lean proteins



    protein powder


    OP maybe look into a slow cooker, through some meat and veggies in there and it will be done when you get home
  • reba971
    reba971 Posts: 80
    I needed to up my protein intake too, but I do not have time to cook eggs and stuff in the morning, so I got some whey protein powder and I mix it with skim milk in the morning and shake it up and drink, it is very good, tastes like chocolate milk and filling too.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Shakeology is a GREAT tasting shake that beachbody offers. It is only 150 calories and has 15g protien. If you are interested I could send you out a sample. Otherwise I think eggs would be a good choice since you haven't had luck with other sources. Do you drink a lot of water during the day? Increasing your water intake can usually help with reducing bloating.

    too bad Shakeology is overpriced and much better products can be had for a lot less
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    protein shakes + tuna + chicken, for me.

    Tuna can be added to any salad, and does not require any preparation whatsoever (easy!).
    Shakes you can drink in front of TV/computer/whatever you do.
    Chicken is when I think I can cook something.
  • sb_summer
    Soy Yogurt
    ready-to-eat Tuna cups (I love those - they're 80 cals, 1g fat, and 18g protein).
    Reduced fat cheese is really good, too.
    Nuts are good in moderation - I buy the 100cal packs and eat half a pack in the morning and half in the afternoon.
    Quinoa is really good!
    Turkey Jerkey.
    Good luck!
  • Motivationrequired
    Thanks everyone, I've tried to get 'shakeology' but I'm in the UK and you can't buy it over here anywhere, even over the net!

    I’m not a great fan of eggs….typical I know although I do love cheese but there again with the nut thing it’s high in fat!!

    Anyone in the UK recommend a low cal protein shake??
  • Motivationrequired
    can you recommend any I can get in the UK???
  • violon
    violon Posts: 74 Member
    I add a scoop of protein powder to my cereal in the morning. Helps me a lot!
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    I consume a high protein diet. I don't eat nuts to often just because the fat content is to high even for a small amount though its good fat its to high for me. I guess if you were on a high fat low carbs it would be good. Anyways food high in protein are

    Good lunch/breakfast high protein:

    Tuna fish ( 13g per serving can heck ya)
    Canned Chicken ( 10g per serving can for lunch) I buy the cans and mix it in my meals for lunch
    Peanut butter (from time to time have to throw it out there)
    egg whites ( You just have to eat a good amount only 5-6g each)

    Main Meal proteins:
    Meats(chicken and fish low in sat fat but steak/red meats rocks but high in sat fat)
    Ground beef ( I dont eat to much of this but 80/20 is about the same fat as chicken).

    Protein Shakes (25-33g per scoop depending on what kind)

    Hope that helps

    Edit: Take your weight in the morning. A gallon of water will fluctuate your weight something fierce after that time. You 1.6lbs might just be water but you will find out for sure in another 2 weeks.
  • randa_behnam
    randa_behnam Posts: 488 Member
    eggs, chicken, cheese, cottage cheese, beef, fish, tuna, sardines, prawns, whey protein.

    i tend to live off this stuff at the moment and its got rid of most of my carb cravings cos im so full up on all the protein. mayke sure you add fibre to your diet tho cos you dont want to end up constipated!! i try and start the day with porridge and then high protein throughout the day.
  • Motivationrequired
    thanks everyone!!!!! Starting monday so nhere goes!! How much protein should I aim for as going to alter my %'s manually??
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    greek yogurt maybe?
    beef jerkey
    Beluga lentils
    lowfat mozzarella sticks
    cottage cheese
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Why are you waiting to start until Monday? Might as well start tonight....

    And why are you so anti nut and yogurt? Eating something like greek yogurt or all natural plan yogurt shouldn't bloat you ... and nuts have good fats... you'll get some protein and good fats, and they're a healthy snack.