25 in 65 Thanksgiving Challenge (Closed Group)



  • sdgirl22
    sdgirl22 Posts: 225 Member
    My weight stayed the same. I did not lose my 5 lb. but I did lose three. But then I got some news on Friday that threw me threw a loop. I might be pregnant! I can't believe it. I have not had aunt flow visit since July and I took a test and it came up negative. So I went to the Dr. and long story short with my age my HCG levels might not be high enough to show up on pee test. So I go for blood work tomorrow for preg test and to test my hormone levels to see if I’m in early menopause. I find out if I'm preg Thursday and get the rest of my test back in two weeks.

    Is it just killing you to wait this long????

    omg you're still waiting to find out?? Ultimate anticipation!!

    Sorry I've been mia guys!! I'm in the middle of a move so things are crazy. I'm actually doing better than ever with my diet though!. I've stopped planning meals ( hence thinking about food much less), and I've been consistently under my calorie goal! Working out is the best part of my day :). Hope everyone is doing awesome!!
  • Happyhappy352
    Just found out and........ Ok not pregnant!! I have to go to Dr. the 24th to find out why my period isMIA but for now, back to my diet!!
  • JennC831
    JennC831 Posts: 631 Member
    What is supreme 90?
  • Happyhappy352
    What is supreme 90?
    It is similar to power x90
  • Happyhappy352
    Well back on track for me. I’m going to do a two day juice fast Sunday and Monday and see if I can lose the 4 lb. I gained back and maybe some extra. I got to kick this baby into high gear!!!
  • blackdahlia2004
    blackdahlia2004 Posts: 6 Member
    down 3 lbs this week! woohoo-which is great since it was my TOM!
  • heatheramara
    Congrats on all the losses, ladies!!

    No loss fr me this week, still at 285, but that happens some times.

    I have started seeing a personal trainer, and I have started c25k, so I am exercising more. Next my period starts next week, and honestly I could have done better this week with food choices. I have eaten out at least twice, had friends over for tacos and had lots of sodium heavy meals.


    Maybe next week I will be the one with the 3 pound loss.

  • rachemn
    rachemn Posts: 407 Member
    I'm going to have to weigh and measure tomorrow as I'm not going near the scale after my binge eating disaster yesterday. I was doing really good and had been down 3 pounds for the week yesterday. Then I had a rough night at work last night and between 8pm and 1:30am I ate over 1000 calories in snacks. :embarassed:

    Crap. And now I can't do that either. :sad: Today I will behave and get back on track, but I'm really disappointed in myself and no way will I be weighing today!
  • Happyhappy352
    I'm half way through day two my two day juice fast. The first day was hell but today is going good. Of course yesterday was football Sunday and we had family over and of course you can’t do a football party without the snacks and homemade sub sandwiches. lol I’m thinking I might just do this three days. You can do it up to seven day’s safely. Glad to hear we have some good loses this week and don’t worry if you got off track one day, it happens just brush yourself off and get back on track!
  • Linzmyers
    Linzmyers Posts: 15 Member
    I need some motivation!!! I was sick last sunday and troughout the week...didn't eat healthy cause had no appetite and didn't make it to the gym once!!! Now it's my TOM, I know no excuses....but I'm up 4lbs!!! Getting sick of my current diet and need some new suggestions!
  • Happyhappy352
    I need some motivation!!! I was sick last sunday and troughout the week...didn't eat healthy cause had no appetite and didn't make it to the gym once!!! Now it's my TOM, I know no excuses....but I'm up 4lbs!!! Getting sick of my current diet and need some new suggestions!

    Do what I did a two day juice fast. I lost 5 lb doing it. No food for two days just home made juice and water.
  • rachemn
    rachemn Posts: 407 Member
    Well I'm still up 5 pounds from Sunday morning's weigh-in. I couldn't possibly have gained all that from just one night of bad choices (I hope.) So I have a good plan in place and I'm going to work out like a fiend and continue on the healthy path and not let Sunday night derail me or discourage me!
  • Happyhappy352
    Well I'm still up 5 pounds from Sunday morning's weigh-in. I couldn't possibly have gained all that from just one night of bad choices (I hope.) So I have a good plan in place and I'm going to work out like a fiend and continue on the healthy path and not let Sunday night derail me or discourage me!
    U go girl!! You can do it!!! Try that juice fast.

    I'm going to start running in the pm. I let my gym membership expire and I don’t want to renew because it is disgusting and dirty. I'm looking to buy my own Elliptical and just work out at home.
  • rachemn
    rachemn Posts: 407 Member
    Well I'm hoping for good things for my weigh-in tomorrow. I am down 1 pound from last Sunday's weigh-in, so I managed to work off last week's binge-fest!
  • rachemn
    rachemn Posts: 407 Member
    Ugh! What is it about me and Sunday nights???? I had the super munchies last night. Didn't eat anything off plan really, but ate more than I needed. :grumble:
  • Happyhappy352
    I know the feeling!! We have football parties on Sundays and I fall off track a little bit. I finely got my husband on board with this whole weight loss thing and the pounds are flying off him. He has lost 20 lb. in like three weeks!! I fell off the band wagon for two week's but I'm back. I let my gym membership expire and just purchased my own elliptical. So now I have no excuses!!
  • Happyhappy352
    How is everyone doing?
  • Happyhappy352
    Ok guys we are half way thair. So tomarrow give me your measurments or write them down and keep them some place safe we have 30 more day's to go!!
  • sdgirl22
    sdgirl22 Posts: 225 Member
    hey peeps :bigsmile: i'm back!!

    I drove my last 350 miles out of like... 3k or something, last night, and I won't have to drive longer than 10 miles down the (literally one) main road. and that will be to the gym!! The gym here is alright.. there's treadmills that aren't bumpy or lag. there's also zumba classes :D that's really cool. I'm going to try to forge a few populated but traffic safe 3-4 miles routes - it's really pretty out here, as long as it doesn't rain and then get hot again. omg, that kind of humidity is hard to run in.

    so how's everyone doing? it looks like some have lot a good amount!! that's awesome!! I'm going to go take my measurements now to post tomorrow. looking forward to seeing everyone's posts :D
  • Happyhappy352
    I'm getting down to the wire with my cruise less than 30 day's away. So I'm watching my carbs. No bread,Pasta,pizza,potatos ect.