Gotta Hate.... and Love ex boyfriends!



  • jsteinberg87
    jsteinberg87 Posts: 146 Member
    Makes me have so much love for my boyfriend now, who's been so supportive of me, no matter what. He loved me at my heaviest, and he loves me even more for taking charge of my life to get healthy. Its amazing the differences between a boy and a man.

    And likewise the differene between a girl and a woman.

    :) Youre awesome. Please add me :)
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    gotta admit, I totally came in here thinking, ugh, not another one of "those" threads... But, KUDOS to you for dropping the weight and the dead weight, too! And, congrats on finding someone who loves you for you! Rock on!

    Yep, this subject can be redundant. Does this count as a non scale victory? HAHAHA - I would prefer him to just stop texting me alltogether. But one day, when I'm a hot *kitten* *****, I'll get to tell his pathetic *kitten* off.

    this is TOTALLY a NSV, girl!!
  • Iwillbemeagain
    Your awesome and way better than him!
  • EricNCSU
    EricNCSU Posts: 699 Member
    I'm not ashamed to say I hope to have the same NSV a little less than a year from now when things get settled with my now ex-wife and I am close to my goal weight of 225. I won't say a word, but the look on her face will say "You walked out on this?"

    Good for you and best wishes to you and your new *man*.
  • jsteinberg87
    jsteinberg87 Posts: 146 Member
    Love this. Darling self esteem is the best thing you can have whether you're fat or thin. Telling this guy where to go will stay with you forever.

    In my young days I had a boyfriend who treated me so bad. He'd dump me and then pick me up again at his whim. I was so in love with him I would fall for it every time. One time we were apart I lost 4½ stone (almost 70lbs). I saw him across the street one day and he didn't recognise me. He called that night and asked me to come to his place. I told him I couldn't cos I had a date. Oh that felt so good I can still remember it second for second 25 years later.

    Thats amazing. I remember, right before I found my new love over two years ago, that he needed to stop toying with me, and my emotions, and all he did was use me to make him feel better about himself. And all he is is selfish. And he can find a new girl who will hang on him and his every word. Because I was done. And from that day, July 26tth 2009, We stopped talking. And I cut the dead weight out of my life. My once security blanket was gone. I have a great poem that I re-read and memorized over and over again, I think I should post it for you guys, Seriously. Its amazing. Oddly enough, I started talking to Marcus (my amazing boyfriend) and we've been together ever since.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    What until you have an ex-spouse... those are REALLY fun!
  • jsteinberg87
    jsteinberg87 Posts: 146 Member
    Love this. Darling self esteem is the best thing you can have whether you're fat or thin. Telling this guy where to go will stay with you forever.

    In my young days I had a boyfriend who treated me so bad. He'd dump me and then pick me up again at his whim. I was so in love with him I would fall for it every time. One time we were apart I lost 4½ stone (almost 70lbs). I saw him across the street one day and he didn't recognise me. He called that night and asked me to come to his place. I told him I couldn't cos I had a date. Oh that felt so good I can still remember it second for second 25 years later.

    Thats amazing. I remember, right before I found my new love over two years ago, that he needed to stop toying with me, and my emotions, and all he did was use me to make him feel better about himself. And all he is is selfish. And he can find a new girl who will hang on him and his every word. Because I was done. And from that day, July 26tth 2009, We stopped talking. And I cut the dead weight out of my life. My once security blanket was gone. I have a great poem that I re-read and memorized over and over again, I think I should post it for you guys, Seriously. Its amazing. Oddly enough, I started talking to Marcus (my amazing boyfriend) and we've been together ever since.

    This gave me tremendous strength when I didn't have it, lifted my chin when my head felt too heavy to hold... I know it verbatim, and I remeber this. And how much it meant to me when I read it.

    After a while you learn the subtle difference
    between holding a hand, and chaining a soul.
    And you learn that love doesn't mean leaning,
    and company doesn't always mean security.
    And you begin to learn that kisses aren't contracts,
    and presents aren't promises.
    And you begin to accept your defeats
    with your head up and your eyes ahead,
    with the grace of a woman, not the grief of a child.
    And you learn to build all your roads on today,
    because tomorrow's ground is too uncertain for plans,
    and futures have a way of falling down in mid-flight.
    After a while you learn that even sunshine burns
    if you get too much.
    So you plant your own garden and decorate your own soul
    instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.
    And you learn that you really can endure.
    that you really are strong.
    And you really do have worth.
    And you learn and you learn,
    with every goodbye you learn.
  • msbri90
  • jsteinberg87
    jsteinberg87 Posts: 146 Member

    I have an even better story. Visiting my friend Travis' house, we were having fun hanging out, and drinking some Johnny Walker Black Label. I was looking pretty good, in 4 inch heels when Travis busted out a bb gun and set up a can on the other side of the living room to shoot at. (This same ex boyfriend happened to be rooming with him at the time but wasn't home), Travis and I each had 5 shots at the bb gun to see who'd win. I got all 5 out of 5 shots, in four inch mother effing heels. My ex boyfriend walks in the front door and stands there for a while until he said, "DAMN TRAVIS, YOU GOT OWNED BY A HOT GIRL IN HEELS, She's a good shooter." obviously trying to make another pass at me now I'm really blossoming into my beauty. I turned to my ex with my bb gun, pointed it at his crotch and said, "Hmm... small target, I think I can manage though... cause you're right, I AM a good shot." That shut him up pretty quickly. I will always remember Travis laughing like a crazy person after he heard this, and the slam of my exboyfriends bedroom door. ::Whistles:: Im a b*tch huh?
  • ashleighjoy2007
    ashleighjoy2007 Posts: 150 Member

    I have an even better story. Visiting my friend Travis' house, we were having fun hanging out, and drinking some Johnny Walker Black Label. I was looking pretty good, in 4 inch heels when Travis busted out a bb gun and set up a can on the other side of the living room to shoot at. (This same ex boyfriend happened to be rooming with him at the time but wasn't home), Travis and I each had 5 shots at the bb gun to see who'd win. I got all 5 out of 5 shots, in four inch mother effing heels. My ex boyfriend walks in the front door and stands there for a while until he said, "DAMN TRAVIS, YOU GOT OWNED BY A HOT GIRL IN HEELS, She's a good shooter." obviously trying to make another pass at me now I'm really blossoming into my beauty. I turned to my ex with my bb gun, pointed it at his crotch and said, "Hmm... small target, I think I can manage though... cause you're right, I AM a good shot." That shut him up pretty quickly. I will always remember Travis laughing like a crazy person after he heard this, and the slam of my exboyfriends bedroom door. ::Whistles:: Im a b*tch huh?

    OMG You are AMAZING girl! That is soooooo awesome! I can't wait to be able to get that kind of response from my exs and shoot them down. Well, I got it from one and fell for it only to get cheated on >=\ But anyway, it felt good when he came crawling back. You hella just inspired me, cause now I'm even more on a mission to make all the exs regret it =] Love the poem too!
  • smkcx♥
    smkcx♥ Posts: 317 Member
    good job :) I've had ex's that dumped me because of my weight (or dated me and wouldnt admit to it) and boys back in school who wouldnt of took a second look at me.

    after i lost 70lbs (four years ago) it was refreshing to see the guys who once treated me like crap, tryna get back with me. (but like you, i realized they were buttheads and didnt deserve me!)

    gotta love that feeling!! :D -- however, i gained 40 of those lbs back when I met my fiance LOL!

    keep up the good work!
  • jsteinberg87
    jsteinberg87 Posts: 146 Member
    good job :) I've had ex's that dumped me because of my weight (or dated me and wouldnt admit to it) and boys back in school who wouldnt of took a second look at me.

    after i lost 70lbs (four years ago) it was refreshing to see the guys who once treated me like crap, tryna get back with me. (but like you, i realized they were buttheads and didnt deserve me!)

    gotta love that feeling!! :D -- however, i gained 40 of those lbs back when I met my fiance LOL!

    keep up the good work!

    Hey, its kind of a comfort thing. Knowing you're with someone who loves you unconditionally makes it kind of hard to have the self control of dieting and weight loss. In my experiences anyways. But as long as you are doing it for yourself, and no other reasons, That is what counts in my opinion.
  • smkcx♥
    smkcx♥ Posts: 317 Member
    good job :) I've had ex's that dumped me because of my weight (or dated me and wouldnt admit to it) and boys back in school who wouldnt of took a second look at me.

    after i lost 70lbs (four years ago) it was refreshing to see the guys who once treated me like crap, tryna get back with me. (but like you, i realized they were buttheads and didnt deserve me!)

    gotta love that feeling!! :D -- however, i gained 40 of those lbs back when I met my fiance LOL!

    keep up the good work!

    Hey, its kind of a comfort thing. Knowing you're with someone who loves you unconditionally makes it kind of hard to have the self control of dieting and weight loss. In my experiences anyways. But as long as you are doing it for yourself, and no other reasons, That is what counts in my opinion.

    oh yes, i agree!. my fiance loves me no matter how i look. he loved me at 174lbs and he loved me the same at 213! and he'll love me when im down to 160lbs! :)) i love him with all my heart for that!
  • msbri90
  • jsteinberg87
    jsteinberg87 Posts: 146 Member

    *wink* I thought you'd like it :)
  • luvmycandies
    luvmycandies Posts: 489 Member
    gotta admit, I totally came in here thinking, ugh, not another one of "those" threads... But, KUDOS to you for dropping the weight and the dead weight, too! And, congrats on finding someone who loves you for you! Rock on!

    ^^ This!! Agreed!
  • Mallory0418
    Mallory0418 Posts: 723 Member
    You are awesome! So glad you have found that respect for yourself! I want to meet him now though. And punch him in the face. What a douche.
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    Good for you. All my exes except one were chubby-chasers so they couldn't care less about my weight loss. lol They keep mourning my boobs. XD But the one ex is also my best friend and the person who encouraged me to lose weight so it's a totally different story.

    But, yeah, ex boyfriends in general, outside of the rare exception, are jerks. That's why they're your ex. XD
  • Sarabeth5
    Sarabeth5 Posts: 134 Member
    I love this thread!! :love:
  • CalderaGal
    Love what you wrote. I wish it were not true, but the fact is, when I feel loved, I do not have a weight problem.