support group for losing those last 10 lbs.



  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    How does measureing your wrist determine bone size? When I weighed 45 pounds more, I could not wrap my fingers around my wrist and have them touch, now I can. Maybe it would be more accurate if we are not overweight, but if there is much weight, than you are measuring fat not bone.
    Thanks for the Chart for all of us! In case you missed it...
    If you are wondering what you body frame size is the following can help...

    I noticed that not everyone has their height on the chart. I like seeing that, it's helpful to compare a bit.
    I weigh in on Monday (not Thursday) I have found that this keeps me much more accountable through the weekend and is probably a more "honest" weight for myself.

    Hoping to have maintained this week, This was a bad week for exercise so I am hoping not to see any gain. I :heart: my exercise calories! :happy:
  • amys31
    amys31 Posts: 108 Member
    Hi ladies..Im so excited we all are supporting each other and replying/posting our success and challenges...that was really my vision when starting this support group!! Keep it up!

    I want you to think about something regarding cutting calories to lose weight..this is taken from Tom Venuto's book Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle.(HIGHLY recommend!!)

    Please read: "If there existed an airtight mathematical relationship between caloric intake and weight loss, cutting caloric intake from 3000 to 1000 would result in a 60,000 calorie per year deficit- and would result in a 200 pund weight loss after a year. what if the person began the diet weighing 200 lbs. , would he DISAPPEAR?"

    So like many of us..initially cutting our calories worked..we lost weight..we had more to lose! Now with the last 10 lbs or so...we are continuing to restrict our calories and its not WORKING for many of us..try eating more and exercising more...create the deficit in your WORKOUTS, not in your EATING.

    We need to fuel our bodies and stop believing ladies that the only way is to starve ourselves..b/c it will only backfire. He goes on to say that some studies have shown that restricted calories can cause the resting metabolism to become depressed by as much as 45%..that is like having your daily energy expenditure drop from 3000 to 1650..almost half!

    As I re-read this book I will be posting other supportive ideas and ways that we can break through the plateaus!
  • holly_v
    holly_v Posts: 292 Member
    I'm not on the list. Does anyone even see my messages, I replied twice early on and never got a response. Had someone on MFP tell me they don't see my messages, so just curious as to whether this is a common thing or not.

    you add your self to the chart
  • amys31
    amys31 Posts: 108 Member
    GGAAAAHHHH! It worked!!! I broke my plateau!!!!

    So a little background: I was eating 1400-1600 calories running 35 miles a week and not losing an ounce for weeks. I'm 5'8 and was 157-159, given the day. I read about taking a full diet break: ( and decided to try 2 weeks at or above maintenance level the week before and after my half marathon. I had a lot of fun, and relaxed a bit with my tracking - some days (like the day of my half) I didn't track at all. But most days I did and I made sure to eat AT LEAST my maintenance level, but usually 100-200 more. I ate more carbs, but still kept my eating very clean - with the occasional treat here and there. Anyway, the last two days of my break, I really amped up my eating - more than my share of trail mix with chocolate (I finished off my stash, so good), had the best red velvet cupcake of my life, pint of ice cream, bread with butter, pizza - I didn't go nuts with portions, but I did eat what I wanted.

    Last saturday I weighed in at 160.8. I went back on a deficit on Monday (only half a pound) - I'm set to lightly active and eat back every single exercise calorie so for me that's netting 1740. I increased my mileage by 3 miles this week (38 mpw), but I'm eating back my exercise calories so it shouldn't make that much of a difference. Monday - Friday I ate between 2200 - 2575 a day (actual calories).

    And this morning I was 156.0!!!!!! I'm just beyond thrilled. I'm sticking with my plan for the weekend: I have a long run today (10 miles) so I'll eat at the deficit today but have some treats because I earn quite a bit of exercise calories with that run, and on Sunday, my day off I plan to eat at maintenance level, then go back to half a pound on monday.

    Oh my gosh, I'm so happy right now :) If you've hit a plateau, seriously try taking a break for 2 weeks and coming back - it's also great psychologically - I HIGHLY recommend :-)
    THANK YOU for your update....just more proof that our body needs FUEL/FOOD and rest! Way to go!!!!!
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    I added the idea of height/body frame because i thought it would be a good way to see that even though we all have about 5-15 lb left that doesn't mean we're all the same. i'm glad some seem to like it. keep in mind you don't have to put this information. it does help me to see that i'm on the right track for other people about my same height. i do think age makes a difference too but i didn't put that information on there because it can be a bit sensitive sometimes. i think body fat percentage can matter too but i guess that is a lot of information for a chart!!! i guess i am just trying to keep in mind we are all different so of course our goal weights will be too.
  • MamaGraves2
    MamaGraves2 Posts: 203 Member
    GGAAAAHHHH! It worked!!! I broke my plateau!!!!

    So a little background: I was eating 1400-1600 calories running 35 miles a week and not losing an ounce for weeks. I'm 5'8 and was 157-159, given the day. I read about taking a full diet break: ( and decided to try 2 weeks at or above maintenance level the week before and after my half marathon. I had a lot of fun, and relaxed a bit with my tracking - some days (like the day of my half) I didn't track at all. But most days I did and I made sure to eat AT LEAST my maintenance level, but usually 100-200 more. I ate more carbs, but still kept my eating very clean - with the occasional treat here and there. Anyway, the last two days of my break, I really amped up my eating - more than my share of trail mix with chocolate (I finished off my stash, so good), had the best red velvet cupcake of my life, pint of ice cream, bread with butter, pizza - I didn't go nuts with portions, but I did eat what I wanted.

    Last saturday I weighed in at 160.8. I went back on a deficit on Monday (only half a pound) - I'm set to lightly active and eat back every single exercise calorie so for me that's netting 1740. I increased my mileage by 3 miles this week (38 mpw), but I'm eating back my exercise calories so it shouldn't make that much of a difference. Monday - Friday I ate between 2200 - 2575 a day (actual calories).

    And this morning I was 156.0!!!!!! I'm just beyond thrilled. I'm sticking with my plan for the weekend: I have a long run today (10 miles) so I'll eat at the deficit today but have some treats because I earn quite a bit of exercise calories with that run, and on Sunday, my day off I plan to eat at maintenance level, then go back to half a pound on monday.

    Oh my gosh, I'm so happy right now :) If you've hit a plateau, seriously try taking a break for 2 weeks and coming back - it's also great psychologically - I HIGHLY recommend :-)

    That is AWESOME!!! Congratulations!
  • cbinnd
    cbinnd Posts: 178 Member
    Hey everyone! So I'm super late showing up to the group but I would love it if I could join in! I had lost over 20 lbs since May on MFP and was down to 135... my initial goal. Then things got hectic and I slipped up, plus TOM kicked in and I spiked to 140 lbs! It's coming off rather quickly now that I'm watching what I eat again, I'm down to 137.2 as of today.

    But now that I've been at 135, I see that I can easily be a healthy 125 (I'm 5'3). I lost most of my weight purely with watching what I eat but I now want to focus on muscle and toning because that makes a huge difference! I read a lot of your posts and you all are super motivating!

    I did want to throw in that a nutritionist friend of mine had me do 1200 cals/day for 3 days then jump to 1400 cals for 1 day and continue on that zig zag week after week. And that worked amazing! Goes with all your thoughts of upping your calorie intake :)
  • loved11
    loved11 Posts: 92 Member
    This is for me! !!!
    My goal is 110. Maybe if I look to thin 115. I am stuck at 122-124. It is maddening. I have been doing this weightloss thing for 3years. I started @ 147. I had some breaks, surgeries family stuffs. Now started 3rd round of p90 program I just finished. Charlene extreme. I am still stuck. P90 has me at 1800 calories with a 50/30/20. Set my goal in mvp to match. I am in week three of p90 and still no loss. I did lose inches, so I know progress made. I still look the same though, weirdest thing?

    I do mix workouts up. Some jillian 3 fat shredder/chalene extreme/p90. Still nothing. I filled a gallon pitcher of water and keep in fridge to track my water getting 6-8 cups. Goal to drink the gallon. Read a couple ab sites and said gallon of water better.
    Goal 2: pictures of myself I have none. Maybe help me see some progress.
    Goal3: re measure everything.
    Goal4: buy some clothes that fit....some cute jeans.

    Anyone see there abs!!!! Is there a secret!!!!!!
  • loved11
    loved11 Posts: 92 Member
    Forgot to say I am 5"2 . Think I should try zig zag or stay where I am? I have been at 1800 for 3 weeks but really only getting close to it in the last few days?
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    i can't say personally what anyone "should" do... but i'll say that for me doing a zig zag of 1600/1200 has worked really well. i do every other day but you could do 2 days at 1600 2 at 1200... use whatever your base calorie amount is as the midpoint. but don't go below 1200 any time. that can be bad. that was the advice i got from another member and it works really well for me.

    if you're new and want to join, just add yourself to the spreadsheet.
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    I hope everyone is having a good weekend!

    It's chilly but gorgeous outside, I think I'm going to go for a walk later.

    Is anyone else nervous about how they'll feel at their goal weight? I'm afraid once I'm there I still won't be happy. Actually I know I won't, I need a lot of toning yet. And my goal is set 5lbs below my lowest adult weight, so it's going to be difficult to maintain the way it is let alone weigh any less than that. So even though I'm almost done it won't be "over" as far just slipping into maintenance mode. It's really daunting that I'm going to be doing this forever! I guess I just wish sometimes it were easier. But I know it's part of life and I have to deal with it.
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    How does measureing your wrist determine bone size? When I weighed 45 pounds more, I could not wrap my fingers around my wrist and have them touch, now I can. Maybe it would be more accurate if we are not overweight, but if there is much weight, than you are measuring fat not bone.
    Thanks for the Chart for all of us! In case you missed it...
    If you are wondering what you body frame size is the following can help...

    I noticed that not everyone has their height on the chart. I like seeing that, it's helpful to compare a bit.
    I weigh in on Monday (not Thursday) I have found that this keeps me much more accountable through the weekend and is probably a more "honest" weight for myself.

    Hoping to have maintained this week, This was a bad week for exercise so I am hoping not to see any gain. I :heart: my exercise calories! :happy:

    You can add yourself to the list (at least I did) :tongue:
    In this group that is within 10 pounds or so of your goal the wrist measurement should be pretty accurate I would think.
    And, YES! I can see you! :flowerforyou:
  • olivia3263
    olivia3263 Posts: 263 Member
    So I thought about something on my run today and made an interesting analogy to working out better - some advice we all could use (10 milers get some good thinking in, haha).

    I'm a music teacher, and on the side I give piano lessons. I was talking to one of my students about making better use of her practice time. She was only practicing the easy parts of a song, and getting frustrated with the harder parts. She was reverting back to bad habits (looking at her fingers, not reading the music and trying to guess the right notes by ear) and she was plunking through these parts and she couldn't improve - also her frustrations were getting in her way. I told her if she only practiced the easy parts, she would never become a better piano player. It's hard work, and you might not see results right away, but if you break down the hard parts into pieces and make yourself practice good technique, you will improve. Otherwise, practicing what you already can play is a waste of good practice time. Sure, playing the piano is fun, but there is a difference between sitting down to play the piano, and sitting down to practice. When playing you just play. With practicing, you have goals, and accountability in reaching those goals. There is a big difference.

    Switch over to my situation: working out. Now I'm a runner, but I'm sure this could transfer to other sports as well. So there is a big difference between 'going for a run' and 'working out'. I could easily go out for a run, put in my 5 miles on auto pilot and breeze through it. Sure I would burn calories, but I won't be improving as a runner. If I want to improve my speed (which I do), I need to actively have goals when I workout - pace, miles, sprints, hills - whatever type of workout I might be doing, I should always try to improve upon something or push myself further with each run if I truly want to get faster and stronger. I work hard to make sure I'm in bed by 9:30 so I can wake up at 5 to get my run in in the morning - why would I want to waste that time with just going through the motions? If I'm going to show up to workout, better make the most of it, right?!

    So I pose this as a challenge to you all. Make it your goal to find time for both: that's right, both. Know the difference between actively working out, and doing something active for the fun of it. When you go to the gym, or hit the streets for a run, make sure to be present in all your workouts and set goals for yourself. Then ALSO make time to enjoy your hard work - go for a fun run outside to take in the fresh fall scenery, or go for a long walk, or bike ride - just for fun. I think we need to incorporate both so that we improve our physical fitness, but also remember to enjoy being active and do active things because they're fun. I think both of these elements will ensure we continue to make physical activity a part of our lives, and stave off boredom with our workouts.

    Anyway, that's what I was thinking about on my run today. I love when I can make analogies like that, and learn from my teaching moments with the kids. Enjoy your saturday :)
  • cbinnd
    cbinnd Posts: 178 Member
    @olivia3263 - awesome analogy! That was really motivating! Thats a big part of how I lost most of my weight to this point was being active for the fun of it and it does make a difference!

    Quick question: I'm really wanting to get into running but the shin splints I get almost instantly have stopped me every time. It's not my shoes, I went in and got them specially designed for my feet. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! I want to make that dream a reality - to be a runner!
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Hi guys!!!

    Olivia: great job on your weight loss!!! That is awesome! I am eating more (close to maintenance) for the next 3 weeks or so to see if that will help me!!!

    I cant believe its snowing here in Mass..we never get snow this early!! Glad I did my run earlier!! It is gonna be a long winter!!!

    Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend!!
    now for my 20 minute treadmill walk as part of the weekly challenge!!
  • ChicGrandma
    ChicGrandma Posts: 2 Member
    I'm one of those who can't loose the last 10-15 lbs. HELP!!!!!:frown:
  • try eatting apples for a day and drinking minimal water to break the plateau. It could be a water weight issue that has kept you froom loosing weight; having an apple day might help, but dont drink too much water or you will retain it with the apples. it has worked for me in th past
  • amsparky
    amsparky Posts: 825 Member
    Hi all!

    I am in need of some encouragement. I have been S T U C K for over a month now with 6# to go. It's driving me INSANE!!! I have increased cals, changed up workouts, tried to be patient, etc, etc. I was losing around 8# a month until Sept - then it all came to a screeching halt!

    Any suggestions on what has worked for you?

    I'm thinking that once I get to the goal, I will still have another 10# to tone and tighten up (can anyone say 'loose skin' and yuck!!) so it's not like I don't have some wiggle room.

    I have food allergies, so I feel like I eat pretty darn good. I've increased my carbs a bit this week, one so I could see if my legs felt better when I run and two because I make a killer homemade spaghetti and I ate all my squash. LOL

    Any advice is GREATLY appreciated!!

  • Kimmy546
    Kimmy546 Posts: 102
    What is it about the last ten pounds? lol First ten always come easy and then las ten are stubborn sons of guns... lol. :happy:
  • cbinnd
    cbinnd Posts: 178 Member
    Just saw this weeks challenges as I was scrolling thru past posts....

    1. I am going to focus on doing squats and lunges. Definitely hate working lower body!

    2. I am going to work on cutting down my refined sugar... I have a BAD sweet tooth.

    3. I don't really have any clothes to try to fit into... I'm at my smallest adult weight right now, I just need to tone. I'll focus on how I look in my bathing suit, even tho the thought of wearing one (even in the house) when it's this cold outside makes me want to cry LOL

    Hope everyone's weekend is going good so far! Keep up the great work!!