support group for losing those last 10 lbs.



  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Do you have room for one more?

    I am 38yo, my current weight is about goal weight is 115. That is my prepregnancy weight from my forth child.

    Exercise and nutrition have always been my passion. After having 4 kids and gaining lots of weight with each pregnancy (80 pounds with my first) and losing it each time, you'd think I was an expert! I can't seem to get back to my prepregnancy weight from my last child who is now 3.

    I homeschool my kids. We just bought a house after living in our RV and traveling for 2.5 years. We spent 14 months in Alaska, several months in Salt Lake City and the rest of the time traveling. Keeping my exercising going was hard, but I did. I couldn't run in Alaska in the winter so I used videos to keep me going (P90X, Turbo Fire, Insanity, Jillian Michaels, Bob Harper...I have a ton), Now that we are settled, I have my home gym set up and I am using my weights and treadmill 5-6 times per week. That last 7 won't budge though.

    I also get up early...usually 5am to get it done before we start school. Sometimes (like today) wanting to stay in bed gets the best of me, but I am never glad I slept in. I am ALWAYS glad when I get up early!

    I am currently doing a juice fast (and green salad for dinner...sometimes I have some homemade popcorn made with coconut oil for a snack) and will continue to juice everyday after the fast. The calories are a little low, but it's just for a week and then I will break the fast with lots of healthy fruits and veggies. I have a ton of energy and I am even thinking clearer without all of the processed stuff!

    Good luck to everyone, I am excited to meet all of you and have support! Sometimes people aren't as supportive if you just have a little to lose!

  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Welcome to the new ladies who joined our group....

    Sounds like many of you are in a transition phase...I encourage you all to give your "new" diet/exercise changes some time..preferably a few weeks.

    I just started eating more calories(4 days ago)...and my weight has increased and now stayed the same for the last 2 weeks, but I am hopeful that by next week..I will start to see the number drop. I feel I guess that accounts for something!

    Just remember that our bodies are very sensitive...meaning to hormones (TOM)...stress whether from exercise or personal life...and also sodium etc. Look at your body as a machine that is becoming stronger and that needs to be taken care of..and that includes rest and fueling it with proper nutrition.

    this week's challenge:

    Continue to incorporate1-2 workouts that focus on exercises that you like the least.

    Look back at your diet...if you have a few "less desirable" eating habits..pick one and vow to eliminate it this week.
    example: mine is to cut out my afternoon (3pm) chip snacking..and eat a healthy snack instead.

    Pick an outfit/ jeans etc and have that be something that you work towards fitting into better. You could even weigh in Thursday and try on you clothing of choice that day too (so we can see inches). I have a pair of jeans that are my goal to fit into..:smile:

    "You don't always get what you wish get what you work for."

    Lets work hard this week!!:happy:

    Good luck ladies

    Sorry for all the posts. I dont know how to quote more than one person at a time :grumble:

    My challenge for this week:

    1. For workouts I least like, I will go for at least 20minutes walking on treadmill regardless any other workout I am doing that day. (currently week 6 of p90x)
    2. Aim for 2000-2100 calories per day gross, with 35/40/25 c/p/f
    3. I have a pair of jeans that are snugger than I would like and wont wear them until they fit better.
  • erzille
    erzille Posts: 524 Member
    I am trying to lose these last 5-6 pounds. I have increased my calories to Net 1400. I was doing's just recently I am having issues with stress...and unfortunately..I tend to eat the wrong foods (especially now with all this Halloween candy in the house!). I decided to try to focus on working with weights and doing some CLX...I figure If I can work on my muscle training...maybe it will melt some fat off.
  • celticmuse
    celticmuse Posts: 492 Member
    I would love to join this group. I have 4 more lbs to go, and the last 10 lbs. seems to be coming off 1 ounce at a time. I'd love to be able to brainstorm ideas to get to the goal.
  • jennleestephen
    Please count me in as well. What do I need to do? I have been trying to do MFP on my own and with the support of my friends outside of MFP but I am really struggling lately and looking for some support online.
  • madisonsteelex
    Added more lifting yesterday, only did about 30 minutes worth of cardio

    Today i have a bike and core class. I'm not doing weights today though
    maybe I'll run a little bit
  • emfoley2
    emfoley2 Posts: 30 Member
    Count me in - lost 5+ plus pounds/month for the first 8 months or so, but at my current rate, it's going to take 6 months to drop the last 15. I'm all for slow and steady, but that's too slow.

    I recently added strength training to my routine ( 1 hour yoga class 3 days a week) and from reading this thread, I think I need to get back in the habit of drinking lots of water like I used to. Here's hoping to see the numbers on the scale start to move again soon.

    CW: 143
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Hello! Working on those last (now 6) lbs. myself. My struggle is trying to live lean in this life of plenty! So many blessing my jeans over-floweth! :laugh: The first 20 came off relatively quickly and these last 10 have become part of my lifestyle!

    I will be back-tracking through this thread to glean great ideas for our journey!
  • trammellsheryl06
    trammellsheryl06 Posts: 19 Member
    I got so frustrated at my scale staying at 124.8 that I began giving in to my cravings. Now I've gained two pounds overight...?!?!. :-( I'm back on my normal diet today and will just remain patient, I guess...

    It's only water weight, a few days back on your routine will get rid of it. I know how frustrating it is for the scale not to move! I was gaining and losing the same 5 lbs for months. Then I changed my macro percentages; I'm eating lower carb and I've upped my calories to BMR level. When I get stuck again I'm going to eat at the level to maintain for a few weeks, then hopefully "shock" my metabolism by lowering it again. I hope you find something that works!

    Thanks Shannon! :-)
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Sorry for all the posts. I dont know how to quote more than one person at a time :grumble:

    type the hard brackets near your enter or return key, they look like this [... ] and put in
    in front of your quote and
    behind it :)
    it should end up like this
    and this way you can quote many things in one response :)

    Edit: you have to take that extra space out after the word quote to make it go :smile:
  • trammellsheryl06
    trammellsheryl06 Posts: 19 Member
    I cant sleep so I made this spreadsheet that we can record on

    You can edit it yourself.

    im going to try to go back to sleep for 2 hours before i need to get up:yawn:

    I added my info.
  • tbrewst
    tbrewst Posts: 93 Member
    I'm in...I have been trying to lose 12-15 lbs of baby weight for 5 years! I am trying increase my exercise and add more raw veggies. I've had the funk for a few days so I am trying to get back on track......
  • olivia3263
    olivia3263 Posts: 263 Member
    GGAAAAHHHH! It worked!!! I broke my plateau!!!!

    So a little background: I was eating 1400-1600 calories running 35 miles a week and not losing an ounce for weeks. I'm 5'8 and was 157-159, given the day. I read about taking a full diet break: ( and decided to try 2 weeks at or above maintenance level the week before and after my half marathon. I had a lot of fun, and relaxed a bit with my tracking - some days (like the day of my half) I didn't track at all. But most days I did and I made sure to eat AT LEAST my maintenance level, but usually 100-200 more. I ate more carbs, but still kept my eating very clean - with the occasional treat here and there. Anyway, the last two days of my break, I really amped up my eating - more than my share of trail mix with chocolate (I finished off my stash, so good), had the best red velvet cupcake of my life, pint of ice cream, bread with butter, pizza - I didn't go nuts with portions, but I did eat what I wanted.

    Last saturday I weighed in at 160.8. I went back on a deficit on Monday (only half a pound) - I'm set to lightly active and eat back every single exercise calorie so for me that's netting 1740. I increased my mileage by 3 miles this week (38 mpw), but I'm eating back my exercise calories so it shouldn't make that much of a difference. Monday - Friday I ate between 2200 - 2575 a day (actual calories).

    And this morning I was 156.0!!!!!! I'm just beyond thrilled. I'm sticking with my plan for the weekend: I have a long run today (10 miles) so I'll eat at the deficit today but have some treats because I earn quite a bit of exercise calories with that run, and on Sunday, my day off I plan to eat at maintenance level, then go back to half a pound on monday.

    Oh my gosh, I'm so happy right now :) If you've hit a plateau, seriously try taking a break for 2 weeks and coming back - it's also great psychologically - I HIGHLY recommend :-)
  • drsteph01
    This sounds like the right group for me to be a part of. I have about 7 pounds to reach my goal. I've dropped 17 since early July. The loss slowed in October but I know some of that was lack of sleep and even though I had some poor eating days, I think I may be cutting myself short on calories. I run, mostly on a treadmill and do home workouts with the Beachbody series. Starting Slim in Six next week. Anyway would love to learn from you all as we get the last few pounds of fat off!
  • holly_v
    holly_v Posts: 292 Member
    Im starting to think my goal is unrealistic when i look at other peoples goals. i think i might change it based on my body fat %. i just cant find my measuring tape right now!

    im also going to read this link posted by olivia

    also my protein powder arrived yesterday. I usually have 40-100gm left of protein everyday so maybe this will help?
  • tsoprano
    tsoprano Posts: 6 Member
    Hi All!

    I am with you all trying to lose just a few more pounds! Its been tough but I have come a long way and don't want to give up! I agree with some of you that I know I need to be eating about 200 more calories. Let's do it!
  • drsteph01
    Im starting to think my goal is unrealistic when i look at other peoples goals. i think i might change it based on my body fat %. i just cant find my measuring tape right now!

    im also going to read this link posted by olivia

    also my protein powder arrived yesterday. I usually have 40-100gm left of protein everyday so maybe this will help?

    That's a very interesting article. Glad I saw that!
  • bigbugboo
    bigbugboo Posts: 161
    I've got 12lbs to lose to get to my pre pregnancy weight, been overweight since I had my son (13 years ago, yikes!)

    I've been struggling to eat all my calorie allowance as I've not been hungry the past few days, and I've noticed my weight loss has stopped even with exercise! I am going to try and up my cals to at least my recommended 1200, and eat at least half my exercise cals back.

    I do find it scary to do this I must admit as it goes against everything I've been taught to believe. But I know that we are not machines, and our bodies are more complex than responding to a simple formula of lowering calories to reduce weight.

    Thanks to all you lovely people I am learning more and more, and getting lots of encouragement.

    Please count me in for this, and please anybody add me for mutual support. :flowerforyou:
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Thanks for the Chart for all of us! In case you missed it...
    If you are wondering what you body frame size is the following can help...

    I noticed that not everyone has their height on the chart. I like seeing that, it's helpful to compare a bit.
    I weigh in on Monday (not Thursday) I have found that this keeps me much more accountable through the weekend and is probably a more "honest" weight for myself.

    Hoping to have maintained this week, This was a bad week for exercise so I am hoping not to see any gain. I :heart: my exercise calories! :happy:
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    I'm not on the list. Does anyone even see my messages, I replied twice early on and never got a response. Had someone on MFP tell me they don't see my messages, so just curious as to whether this is a common thing or not.
    Thanks for the Chart for all of us! In case you missed it...
    If you are wondering what you body frame size is the following can help...

    I noticed that not everyone has their height on the chart. I like seeing that, it's helpful to compare a bit.
    I weigh in on Monday (not Thursday) I have found that this keeps me much more accountable through the weekend and is probably a more "honest" weight for myself.

    Hoping to have maintained this week, This was a bad week for exercise so I am hoping not to see any gain. I :heart: my exercise calories! :happy: