support group for losing those last 10 lbs.

Hi everyone...
This is a support group for losing those last stubborn 5-15lbs. I have ten more I'd like to lose, but have been stuck at a plateau. Let me know what your doing or post questions that we can help each other with to make it to our goal

For me...I really think after reading that I need to increase my calories. Im currently at 1300-1500, but am going to try for 1500-1800 and see if that helps. I will keep you all posted. I have read quite a bit about increasing calories, and have heard good things. I also am mixing up my workout. I am currently doing p90x plus and have 3 more weeks left. I also play basketball 1x a week and run/sprints 2-3 times a week.

What are you all doing? what are your goals and challenges? Lets do this together!!:-)


  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    BUMP :)
  • bestrodeo
    bestrodeo Posts: 139 Member
    Sounds great. I know I really want to reach my goal soon.
    Ive started jogging- baby steps. hurt my ankle last night :( but still working at walking when i can
    and watching what i eat yet still cant break 130 no matter what I try...
  • Ruthann2
    Ruthann2 Posts: 232 Member
    Count me in :)
  • paulaGetshealthy
    I have around 11-12 pounds left and I can't seem to lose at all! I'm frustrated, but like you, I think I need to increase my calorie intake.
  • amys31
    amys31 Posts: 108 Member
    :smile: Ladies..thanks for responding..Let's take this next week, set a goal for ourselves and check in within the week to see how were doing. My goal for this week is to increase my calories by 200-300 calories, while maintaining my workouts and drinking a ton of water. Good luck and let me know how it goes!
  • holly_v
    holly_v Posts: 292 Member
    i need in on this. are we having any mini challenges?
  • amys31
    amys31 Posts: 108 Member
    :happy: Yeah mini challenges would be great ...what do you suggest?
  • holly_v
    holly_v Posts: 292 Member
    well i can only see amy and one other persons diary (dont look at mine, i made horrible choices all day and havent eaten like this in years) but i made a goal to try to burn 3000 calories this week. but i see you, amy, already do this :tongue: also i am going to try Insanity for the first time tomorrow. i have been doing turbo fire for 2 months and CLX for 3 weeks. im going to do insanity for a week with clx to see if i burn more calories to get up to 3000.

    as for mini challenge - i dont know. something fitness related? maybe 10-15 reps per day of your least favorite exercise - for me its burpees or pushups
  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    I'd like in on this as well. I'd like to reach 125 and am stuck. I keep fluctuating from 132 to 135 and can't even get to 130 which was my original goal. I'm going for 125 because maybe there I'll be rid of a little more belly fat. That's what's being stubborn!! :explode:

    Goals for myself (Sun-Sat):
    Burn a minimum of 2000 calories
    Drink tons of water (@ least 10 cups/day)
    Run 10 miles this week
  • Leanne3552000
    Leanne3552000 Posts: 395 Member
    Hey I'd love to join you guys. I have about 10- 15lbs to go. I'm eating about 1200 cals at the moment because I have exams so haven't been able to get in much exercise.
    My goal for the next few weeks (over my exam period) is to do tonning exercises 5 times a week and cardio at least once and drink at least eight glasses of water a day.
  • melliebee
    melliebee Posts: 187 Member
    Hey! Everyone's goals are so similar to mine! I have 10 to lose until I reach my goal. I want to maintain at 125. Saw 129 ONCE, but I can't stay below 135. I want to lose 1 lb a week steady. We can do this! :)
  • holly_v
    holly_v Posts: 292 Member
    like others have said, my goal is also 125! so it looks like we are all stuck at the same weight?
  • Leanne3552000
    Leanne3552000 Posts: 395 Member
    I'm 124lbs at the moment so similar to you guys too :)
  • amys31
    amys31 Posts: 108 Member
    Great idea with the mini-challenge..I will add into that core (which happens to be the area I need to work on most!)
    Insanity is great, I've done it for 3-4 months and it is great..real calorie burner!! Good luck this next week and lets keep checking in!!
  • amys31
    amys31 Posts: 108 Member
    :happy: Great goals ladies...we can definitely do might help to make your food diary public..if we want to support one another in the eating area (just a thought;). Everyone has written some great goals...Lets make this weeks challenge to ...

    Drink a ton of water-add frozen berries or cucumbers..tastes yummy
    Do extra of the exercises you like least aka for me it's core!
    Make sure to get enough calories so that we aren't going into starvation mode
    Mix it up..try 1-2 different work outs..

    Also I would suggest that every Thursday morning before the weekend starts..maybe weighing in and posting our weight?
    If anyone has questions for the group or has had something that worked for them (ie: recipes, workouts etc) Post em'!!:-)
    We can so do this!!!!
  • amys31
    amys31 Posts: 108 Member
    I have around 11-12 pounds left and I can't seem to lose at all! I'm frustrated, but like you, I think I need to increase my calorie intake.

    yes it scares me to do ..but for this week I am going to try to increase my intake 2-300 calories...will let you know how it goes..maybe try?!:)
  • Christi6604
    Christi6604 Posts: 245 Member
    I'm so curious to see how the upping of calories works. I've been plateaued for about a week. As of this morning, I have 9 pounds to my initial goal (145 - first time healthy) and then I will re-evaluate. Guessing I will probably end up shooting for 135 - midpoint of healthy weight range for me.

    I've lost 56 pounds altogether (started at weight watches, been on MFP for about 5 months), and never ate my exercise calories back. I've been losing so much slower and plateauing that I've finally decided to give it a try. Ate some more healthy calories back last night and I was down 1.8 this morning! I haven't had a jump like that in for-ever.

    Can't wait to see if it works!
  • amys31
    amys31 Posts: 108 Member
    I'm so curious to see how the upping of calories works. I've been plateaued for about a week. As of this morning, I have 9 pounds to my initial goal (145 - first time healthy) and then I will re-evaluate. Guessing I will probably end up shooting for 135 - midpoint of healthy weight range for me.

    I've lost 56 pounds altogether (started at weight watches, been on MFP for about 5 months), and never ate my exercise calories back. I've been losing so much slower and plateauing that I've finally decided to give it a try. Ate some more healthy calories back last night and I was down 1.8 this morning! I haven't had a jump like that in for-ever.

    Can't wait to see if it works!
    That is awesome! Im so glad to see hear that you were down this morning. Yes my weight loss has been so slow, I actually am up 2 lbs from last Im trying to get back down to 148. I work out quite a bit, and rarely eat back my exercise calories. so I will give it go. Keep it up !! Let us know how this week goes!
  • holly_v
    holly_v Posts: 292 Member
    i upped my calories from 1200 to 1350 in the summer and have notice a difference in a positive way. i also try to eat back my calories, not every day but sometimes.

    i was really stuck at 140 for months then i started CLX and i think the weightlifting helped me lose the 4lbs so far this month.
  • amys31
    amys31 Posts: 108 Member
    Good to know! What is CLX?