support group for losing those last 10 lbs.



  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Can I join you ladies!!! I am also struggling with the last 10 pounds or so. I have gained and lost the same 5 pounds for 8 months!!:sad:
    I have tried low carb/paleo/low cal/zig zag and nothing seems to work. I am 5'8" and right now 164.8. In feb. I was 162. I started MFP in feb after gaining about 5 pounds when I started the new weight watchers program, (like Olivia), and keep gaining and lossing the same 4 or 5 pounds. One week 162, then 164, 165,163, 167,164. Thats what my weekly weigh ins look like for the past 8 months. Sooo frustrating.
    According to my bodymedia I usually average about 2500 calorie burn and I have anywhere from 300-900 defecit. My average intake is about 1700-1900. I tried decreasing to 1400-1600 and that seemed to work for a week or two, but everyone has told me that thats too low since my burn is 2500 or more.
    I dont know if I damaged my metabolism by eating low for so long, and it will take a while to improve, or if I need to try one thing for longer than 2 weeks. Any thoughts are welcome!!!
    Also I drink tons of water and doctor has checked all labs and they are fine!
    Thanks! dawn
  • olivia3263
    olivia3263 Posts: 263 Member
    Can I join you ladies!!! I am also struggling with the last 10 pounds or so. I have gained and lost the same 5 pounds for 8 months!!:sad:
    I have tried low carb/paleo/low cal/zig zag and nothing seems to work. I am 5'8" and right now 164.8. In feb. I was 162. I started MFP in feb after gaining about 5 pounds when I started the new weight watchers program, (like Olivia), and keep gaining and lossing the same 4 or 5 pounds. One week 162, then 164, 165,163, 167,164. Thats what my weekly weigh ins look like for the past 8 months. Sooo frustrating.
    According to my bodymedia I usually average about 2500 calorie burn and I have anywhere from 300-900 defecit. My average intake is about 1700-1900. I tried decreasing to 1400-1600 and that seemed to work for a week or two, but everyone has told me that thats too low since my burn is 2500 or more.
    I dont know if I damaged my metabolism by eating low for so long, and it will take a while to improve, or if I need to try one thing for longer than 2 weeks. Any thoughts are welcome!!!
    Also I drink tons of water and doctor has checked all labs and they are fine!
    Thanks! dawn

    I know it's scary, but if your bodymedia (wish I had one!) says 2500, I would try eating 2500 for a minimum of 2 weeks - try maintenance for a little bit, you've been doing it for 8 months, what's 2 more weeks? I actually wanted to try to gain so I would really know what my magic number was - but I couldn't hold out for that long. Once you're at a healthy bmi - and you are - you should only be at a .5 deficit, so if your bodymedia is right, you should be eating a minimum of 2250 calories to lose weight. Anything lower will not have any lasting results. I have VERY similar stats to you (5'8" and I'm 157 (well, 156.8-160 day to day) right now, but was stuck at 164 forever!!!). I'm friending you so maybe we can help each other :)
  • ktfitzgerald
    ktfitzgerald Posts: 369 Member
    Hey guys! I was trying to lose the last 7 pounds for 4 months. Then I started weight lifting and it just came off. And I've kept it off (and a bit more) for 4 more months. Now I want to gain a bit of muscle mass, but there aren't any groups for that. Can I join in ...Please!
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I wrote a 6 day plan for myself involving increasing distance running (3-4 miles so far) as well as upper body / lower body weight lifting.

    Today I did 50 mins worth of upper body, as well as 5 min cardio on treadmill before and after. Very proud :) Hoping I can really keep this up and see what my plan can do for me.

    Calorie-wise I have been very very good for the past week or so.
  • splackk
    splackk Posts: 163
    I'd love to join a support group too! I'm so happy I can finally say I'm within 10 pounds of my goal :bigsmile:

    But it definitely has gotten more challenging lately, weight coming off slower and gaining much easier on those not-so-good days, not surprising when even maintenance calories are down to about 1500... Not to mention I've been non-stop busy with applying to graduate schools this season plus spending 13 hours a day at work or commuting, it doesn't leave much time to exercise and I'm a royal mess without 8 hours of sleep.

    For the time being, until applications are finished in about a month, I'm planning to just stick with what I've been doing and then work on increasing exercise, but I could definitely use some support or stress relief options!
    Wow you are busy..hang in there and if you can sneak in moments of deep breathing, prayer, and 20 minute "naps". Also I have some cheap awesome massage places wether it be a pedicure (ask for extra massage) or I go to the mall and get a 15 minute chair makes a world of difference. Take time for yourself whenever you can!! good luck..this is just a season of your life..a busy one..but it too shall pass ..try and enjoy what you can:-)

    Thank you for the support :flowerforyou: Actually, taking a moment to try some deep breathing techniques sounds perfect, it isn't something I've really tried before but I do need to take a few minutes out to relax and get things straight now and again. I also found a 10 minute massage for 10 dollar spot right by my workplace that may be perfect for a midday de-stress haha. It's good to get some perspective and remember that things won't always be so hectic!
  • splackk
    splackk Posts: 163
    I'd like to join the thread too! I have about 10 lbs to lose, but they're also my 'first' 10 lbs so I haven't experienced any weight loss whatsoever. I've been logging consistently for about a month. I set my calorie goal pretty low (1000 cals) because I'm only 5 ft and eat back my exercise calories. Some days I go way over because of nights out, so I figured it would average out this way. However, my weight is not budging! I think previously I was eating in a way that was making me slowly gain weight, so even though I'm eating less now it's still not enough for weight loss.
    Here's the plan:
    -Cut out beer - just makes me bloated and sleepy anyway
    -Start spin classes and heavy weights. Currently I run and do insanity.javascript:add_smiley
    -Night snacking - I've improved this by changing to fruit, but still makes me go over calories because I'll have 3 or 4. Need to work on changing this habit altogether.

    Hopefully this week will be better!

    It looks like we're right about the same stats! I'm 5'1'' and this morning was 112 exactly, hopefully we can support each other as our goals are right about the same too :happy:

    It sounds like you've got everything in order, good luck giving up the alcohol and keeping an eye on the night snacking! it's not far to go from here!
  • trammellsheryl06
    trammellsheryl06 Posts: 19 Member
    These last five pounds are really challenging... I'm hanging in there though.
  • amys31
    amys31 Posts: 108 Member
    I'd love to join a support group too! I'm so happy I can finally say I'm within 10 pounds of my goal :bigsmile:

    But it definitely has gotten more challenging lately, weight coming off slower and gaining much easier on those not-so-good days, not surprising when even maintenance calories are down to about 1500... Not to mention I've been non-stop busy with applying to graduate schools this season plus spending 13 hours a day at work or commuting, it doesn't leave much time to exercise and I'm a royal mess without 8 hours of sleep.

    For the time being, until applications are finished in about a month, I'm planning to just stick with what I've been doing and then work on increasing exercise, but I could definitely use some support or stress relief options!
    Wow you are busy..hang in there and if you can sneak in moments of deep breathing, prayer, and 20 minute "naps". Also I have some cheap awesome massage places wether it be a pedicure (ask for extra massage) or I go to the mall and get a 15 minute chair makes a world of difference. Take time for yourself whenever you can!! good luck..this is just a season of your life..a busy one..but it too shall pass ..try and enjoy what you can:-)

    Thank you for the support :flowerforyou: Actually, taking a moment to try some deep breathing techniques sounds perfect, it isn't something I've really tried before but I do need to take a few minutes out to relax and get things straight now and again. I also found a 10 minute massage for 10 dollar spot right by my workplace that may be perfect for a midday de-stress haha. It's good to get some perspective and remember that things won't always be so hectic!
    amen sister!!! There ya go..good attitude:-)!!!
  • amys31
    amys31 Posts: 108 Member
    These last five pounds are really challenging... I'm hanging in there though.
    you can do it!!! Im trying zig zagging my calories..might be worth a shot?!
  • amys31
    amys31 Posts: 108 Member
    I wrote a 6 day plan for myself involving increasing distance running (3-4 miles so far) as well as upper body / lower body weight lifting.

    Today I did 50 mins worth of upper body, as well as 5 min cardio on treadmill before and after. Very proud :) Hoping I can really keep this up and see what my plan can do for me.

    Calorie-wise I have been very very good for the past week or so.
    Great job!! Keep up the good work!:-)
  • amys31
    amys31 Posts: 108 Member
    Hey guys! I was trying to lose the last 7 pounds for 4 months. Then I started weight lifting and it just came off. And I've kept it off (and a bit more) for 4 more months. Now I want to gain a bit of muscle mass, but there aren't any groups for that. Can I join in ...Please!
    Of course!! its so great to hear success stories! Im glad to hear another woman that supports weight lifting! Any input or advice is great and it goes to show that strength training works! Welcome!
  • amys31
    amys31 Posts: 108 Member
    I'm trying to lose the last 10-15 too. I've tried something a little different, but I won't be able to tell you if it's working until the end of this week. So I just ran my first half marathon last sunday, and in planning for it, I decided to do a "full diet break" -

    I ate at or above maintenance (usually above) for the past 2 weeks. I wasn't losing eating 1600 calories a day (I'm 5'8 btw) and guess what - I didn't gain eating 2600 -3000 for 2 weeks. And I feel awesome.

    So today is the first day back on my deficit and I'm only doing half a pound a week (netting 1675). If all goes as planned, I should start losing again, but I'm not going to weigh myself until saturday, so I'll let u know.
    Welcome!! Awesome job on your half marathon...its tough I ran my first marathon last year and it takes so much dedication way to go!!!
    Question: so you are netting(calories in - exercise..1675?) Im trying to increase my calories b/c I realized I was netting some days 1000 or so calories even though before exercise I was eating 12-1300..I think this is my problem. Am I configuring right? So when you were eating 2600-3000 that was net calories too? thanks :-)

    Short answer - yes, right now I'm netting 1675 (actual calories are about 2200 - 2500 after exercise). Before when i was at maintenance I was netting 1990 (actual calories were about 2600 - 3000 after exercise + 100 or 200 some days).

    Long answer - Before I found MFP I was doing WW for about 3 months - ate around 1200 -1400 actual calories a day, lost about 20 pounds and then seriously plateaued. I actually thought I was eating too much fruit and vegetables (because they're unlimited on weight watchers), but when I plugged my calories in to check, I was eating only about 1400, was not hungry, and was running about 25-30 miles a week. I started tracking with MFP and started eating around 1900 actual calories and lost 5 pounds like that! But then I hit another plateau and actually saw it go up a little (could've been just a fluctuation) but I got scared and lowered my calories again - not too far, but a little bit. I lost a little more, so I lowered a little more - and soon I was netting 1000 cals a day and had no energy in my runs (now running 30-35 miles a week) - and I plateaued AGAIN. So my race was coming up, so I decided to try out maintenance and this diet break thing. I started by raising to .5 pound a week loss for a week - I lost another pound, and then I upped to maintenance. I decided not to weigh myself the week before or after my half (my weight always goes a little wonky after long runs) and I didn't want my stupid diet head to get in the way of my performance. I think spending a good amount of time (at least 14 days) at maintenance or has done wonders for my body. My nails are stronger and long again, my skin and hair looks better, I have A LOT more energy, and I'm appropriately hungry. I don't think I could EVER eat only 1400 calories again. I'm really looking forward to seeing if now dropping my calories to .5 pound a week will work (I'm secretly hoping I lose more than .5 pound this week so I can raise my calories a bit more). From now on, I will never eat below my bmr (even on my day off from exercise - ps my bmr is more than my net calorie goal), and I will give myself a cheat day once a week, and I will do another full diet break within 12 weeks. At least that's the plan for now. I'll let you know how it all works out - hopefully I'll have good news for you: :)
    Love it!!! thanks for the response it is refreshing to hear..especially from one runner to another ;-)
  • Ruthann2
    Ruthann2 Posts: 232 Member
    I had upped my calorie intake from 1300 to 1450 hopefully this will help out I have notice that when I went from 1200 to 1300 I started losing I will see in a week if this is helping out
  • aussiesarah
    aussiesarah Posts: 68 Member
    Well I weighed in as usual this morning and I am still stuck!!!! The zigzagging last week didn't seem to work for me. . .

    So I'm going to copy those of you that are upping the calories a bit and I'm going to change my MFP settings to losing 0.5lbs per week (instead of 1lb) to see if that helps.

    In terms of the age old debate regarding exercise calories, have those of you that have had sucess with increasing your calorie deficit been eating them all back?

  • holly_v
    holly_v Posts: 292 Member
    Well I weighed in as usual this morning and I am still stuck!!!! The zigzagging last week didn't seem to work for me. . .

    So I'm going to copy those of you that are upping the calories a bit and I'm going to change my MFP settings to losing 0.5lbs per week (instead of 1lb) to see if that helps.

    In terms of the age old debate regarding exercise calories, have those of you that have had sucess with increasing your calorie deficit been eating them all back?


    i was eating about half of the calories back, sometimes i ate all of them but that was on days where i was working out hard so i could go out to eat.

    i havent been so good at eating them back lately because i work out in the evening and i never know how many extra i will have. i need to start doing it again
  • holly_v
    holly_v Posts: 292 Member
    i have been forgetting to do the mini challenge of doing the least favorite exercise. i wonder why... :laugh: i will start my day with 10 push ups :grumble:
  • aussiesarah
    aussiesarah Posts: 68 Member
    Thanks Holly

    I'm going to try to eat at least 50-75% of exercise calories back (on top of my increased deficit) so I'll let you all know how that works out for me.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Increased calories broke my last plateau (that lasted 2 months) pretty quickly. I am almost into two months of this current plateau of being stuck at 147. To break the last plateau, I set MFP to lose 0.5 lbs/week and that worked. Being that my calorie deficit is now allegedly so small, I have increased my calories to what MFP considers my maintenance. I have been eating at "maintenance" for 1.5 weeks with no change. The question now I maintaining or still in a plateau??? I am afraid to bring my calories any higher (I am at 1800 now) since I still want to lose a couple of pounds. I am a sedentary desk worker but have MFP set as me being "active" to incorporate my morning brisk walking without me logging it, however I do log my strength training, though that burns less than 100 calories.

    I am going to give it one more week of eating maintenance, then start from scratch again. I'll set MFP back to sedentary and log every bit of exercise and see what kind of calories that gives me for the day. This is very frustrating as I am SO CLOSE to my goal!!!
  • Christi6604
    Christi6604 Posts: 245 Member
    Update - Since upping my calories (eating some exercise calories back) this week, by about 100-200 per day I've lost 2.6.

    Full disclosure, I also started the Couch to 5k last week, so that may be contributing. I'm just not sure. I'm still tracking that activity like walking because my jog is sooooo slow and it only totals 8 minutes of the 40 minutes that I'm jogging. Maybe that shook my system up enough to start dropping again?
  • aussiesarah
    aussiesarah Posts: 68 Member
    Update - Since upping my calories (eating some exercise calories back) this week, by about 100-200 per day I've lost 2.6.

    Full disclosure, I also started the Couch to 5k last week, so that may be contributing. I'm just not sure. I'm still tracking that activity like walking because my jog is sooooo slow and it only totals 8 minutes of the 40 minutes that I'm jogging. Maybe that shook my system up enough to start dropping again?

    Good news! Hopefully the same will work for me, fingers crossed!