What is the HCG diet?



  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    Yeah, the number of first posts is interesting.

    Yep. Amazing how these first time posters saying how great HCG is all have "HCG" in their username.


    JUST when I thought I didn't want a dog, you show me Suspicious Sheltie. That's my kinda dog.

    First, let's answer the question that hasn't been asked. What is research? If you've ever conducted research, you know that there are many factors to making it GOOD research. Control groups and double-blind studies and placebos are lovely starts. Large heterogeneous sample groups are fantastic. But the most important thing I like to know about a study is...WHO FUNDED IT? That should always be your first concern as an informed consumer of sciencification.

    People have wired shut their jaws to lose weight, and it works. People have starved themselves, vomited on purpose, and taken drugs to lose weight. People smoke to lose weight. Sometimes, people get surgery. These things work.

    Improve/reduce what you eat and increase your activity. This is the healthiest, cheapest, and doggone SEXIEST way to lose weight.

    I will not ever respond to another HCG thread again. It depresses me to see how people will capitalize on the desperation of others.
  • thor1god1of1awesome
    thor1god1of1awesome Posts: 481 Member
    I understand that people feel strongly about this HCG diet but no one has the right to criticise or act all holier than thou. Some people have done HCG and even if it is unhealthy it works for some people. Others don't agree with weight watchers, Atkins, Dr. Dukan, slim fast etc. but people do it because they want to. If its not affecting you let them do what they want to do.

    I don't understand why some people on this site have to be so cruel to each other. This site is meant for support that we don't get in our own lives. It's hard enough as it is!
    Because this site is here to promote a healthy life style and it wrong to support someone who is damaging their health
  • mirandahimmelspeck
    Some people seem to need the next best thing or the magic pill that is going to totally transform them. I would much rather put in the work and change my relationship with food. Surviving on 500 calories is not something that I am interested in even attempting to do - even for a short period of time. How some people think this is healthy I just can't figure out. I am sure that the HCG that people are taking is actually not pregnant woman pee and that it is a chemical replication of the hormone that our bodies produce naturally. In my opnion when it comes to stuff like this is that if you needed that much HCG in your system, your body would actually make that much HCG.
  • sarahp86
    sarahp86 Posts: 692 Member
    I understand that people feel strongly about this HCG diet but no one has the right to criticise or act all holier than thou. Some people have done HCG and even if it is unhealthy it works for some people. Others don't agree with weight watchers, Atkins, Dr. Dukan, slim fast etc. but people do it because they want to. If its not affecting you let them do what they want to do.

    I don't understand why some people on this site have to be so cruel to each other. This site is meant for support that we don't get in our own lives. It's hard enough as it is!
    Because this site is here to promote a healthy life style and it wrong to support someone who is damaging their health

    It still doesn't give people an excuse to be cruel!
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    I understand that people feel strongly about this HCG diet but no one has the right to criticise or act all holier than thou. Some people have done HCG and even if it is unhealthy it works for some people. Others don't agree with weight watchers, Atkins, Dr. Dukan, slim fast etc. but people do it because they want to. If its not affecting you let them do what they want to do.

    I don't understand why some people on this site have to be so cruel to each other. This site is meant for support that we don't get in our own lives. It's hard enough as it is!
    Because this site is here to promote a healthy life style and it wrong to support someone who is damaging their health

    That is called "enabling". Not "supporting".
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    Even though I probably would not choose this method for myself, if my neighbor did, I would wholly support their decision in doing so, and I would not badmouth them behind their back. Cmon peeps. Integrity is the road that will get you far.

    Really? I wouldn't support my friends' decisions. I have two who have done it. I didn't give my opinion of it because they didn't ask, but I promise you that if they did ask, I would encourage them not to do it. Your definition of integrity and mine are two different things.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    OP...just a thought...GOOGLE IT!!!!!

    Just a thought.. it is the 30th of the month which means nothing cept MFP will load as my brother has used all the downloads and we're on dial up speed. Asking here is a lot quicker than waiting half hour for something to load.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    OP...just a thought...GOOGLE IT!!!!!

    Just a thought.. it is the 30th of the month which means nothing cept MFP will load as my brother has used all the downloads and we're on dial up speed. Asking here is a lot quicker than waiting half hour for something to load.

    Googling would not be as informative in this case, I'm afraid. It would probably just lead to sites selling it and praising it.

    I feel your pain, I grew up with dial-up too, but not many people remember living with it.
  • mrdee555
    mrdee555 Posts: 178
    I use HCG for what it was ment to be used for to stimulate testosterone production in males never heard of this diet until now sounds crazy but if it works it work:)
  • dckim
    dckim Posts: 311 Member
    I could not believe about this. Hormone from pregnant chick to lose weight? :huh: I guess it's only for women. What will they think of next? :noway:
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    I could not believe about this. Hormone from pregnant chick to lose weight? :huh: I guess it's only for women. What will they think of next? :noway:

    Like an earlier poster mentioned, it is FDA approved for hormone therapy in men, but I have heard of men using it as the diet as well.
  • stresco
    stresco Posts: 354 Member
    Holy ****! Not the HCG debate again. For the love of God, your better off using a knife to cut of a limb. At least then the results are permanent.