Should you have influence as far as you kids wardrobe?



  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    My son had a 'thing' for camo. He had camo t-shirts, camo jam shorts, camo Vans. Hilarious. As an adult he smiles and tells me that I made him wear it! Sure bud, go on thinking that way! :wink: It all worked out, he dresses well now!

    Mine did too and he'd wear any combination of camo and tell me it all went together because it was all camo! LOL My boys both wear pretty much whatever they want. They agree that baggy pants are stupid, which is good because no way in hades would I let me son walk around with pants below his butt cheeks. :laugh:
  • kiwianjel
    kiwianjel Posts: 80 Member
    I have influence to a certain extent as I buy the clothes ! but as for combinations and colour schemes sometimes i dispair but i just go with it unless it is inappropriate for the occasion ..
  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
    My girls are free to choose their own clothes, BUT

    1) they have to match. That's the way they learn. If it doesn't match, I send them back to the drawing board and let them choose something else.

    I'm glad my parents didn't do this, because one person's mismatching is another person's individuality and matching and being expressive.
  • dreambodin2011
    dreambodin2011 Posts: 166 Member
    my first daughter always wanted to choose from as early as I remember; which was funny when I learnt how to let it go and let her just do it. She's 12 now and knows what she likes and what she doesn't.
    I find it might get a lil more difficult as she grows into the teenage years...with the influence of our society on being 'hot and sexy' and therefore revealing too much and being inappropriate.
    It's a sad thing and a sign of our times that young girls are so very image conscious and it's up to us as responsible parents to ensure they don't lose their childhood too soon. And that they value who they are more on what's going on in their head, rather than the way they look.
  • pain_is_weakness
    pain_is_weakness Posts: 798 Member
    I think as long as my kids aren't going to school in their crazy outfits I don't mind, it is good for them and I use it as a lesson to teach them about matching things.

    I draw the line at nast clothing for older or younger kids. Sagging jeans, mini skirts(that are too short) bellys showing, I refuse for my kids to wear it. I simply don't buy it for them, if they borrow it from a friend it is quickly returned with a note to the mom (if I know she doesn't approve as well)

    younger kids need to pick out outfits, I let all my kids pretty much pick out their clothing that we buy but it has to pass my inspection first or I don't spend my money on it, and neither do they!
  • catlady100
    I have two boys. As long as the pants aren't saggy , they can wear pretty much whatever they want (within reason of course). The older one (11) doesn't always match I may mention that, but if he still chooses to wear it, I don't really care. oh, another thing is no flip flops to school. If they follow those two rules, i'm good.
  • loved11
    loved11 Posts: 92 Member
    My nine year old who is great 98% of the time. Had a white rebirth on during dinner. Spaghetti noodle and sauce. He had wiped his hands on the shirt, really covered it. The next morning he came down with another white t. He looked nice until he walked away from me, it was the same shirt but turned backwards! ! I said "Sam that is a dirty shirt" he said "only on one side and no one will see, they only see the front of me". Too cute

    I have ages 4-18 it is a fine line sometimes. I find respect is the key. For themselves, for me and for others. My oldest now working understands how dress is important. Its all good
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I don't have kids either, but I would let them choose an outfit and then kind of correct it. As I'm getting older, I really appreciate my mom's honesty with my clothing choices as I've grown up.
  • MrsSpratt
    MrsSpratt Posts: 200 Member
    I also try to be happy with clean and age appropriate. My daughter didn't wear pants for about a year and a half. Leggings under dresses were okay, but she refused jeans or any other pants. Drove me crazy but I let it go.