To those in the Northeast...



  • magratnj
    magratnj Posts: 38 Member
    PS, I'm in NJ
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    I have to admit I am happy this is a Saturday though and that I didn't have to be anywhere today...we all know how terribly people drive in the first snow of the year!

    A lot of people drive like idiots regardless :laugh: but yeah, I know what you mean. I remember last winter on the highway, it wasn't snowing, but it had recently snowed, and my so and I were driving slow and safe, but a lot of people were doing nearly full highway speeds! I was so surprised.
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    I'm from Massachusetts. Born and bred Gloucester (Glosta) girl :)
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I'm from Massachusetts. Born and bred Gloucester (Glosta) girl :)

    Born and raised in Methuen, MA!!! Hiya neighbor!!
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    I was more freaked out the year it was 80 degrees on Halloween! Where in the NE, is everyone from? NH here.


    Here! I, too, love the snow. However, I hate how many people don't know how to drive in it and/or think that bc they have 4WD that they can speed in it.
  • JulieSD
    JulieSD Posts: 567
    I don't know, maybe because we had to spend hundreds last year to keep our roof from caving in? Forgive me if I'm not freaking thrilled about the weather. How about you just enjoy it and keep it to yourself instead of judging the rest of us?

    Waaaahhhhht Thheeeeeee Faaaaack is this nonsense?

    That is the crappiest attitude! Take a chill pill!
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    sorry im from texas and i love seeing the pics from up north. but i wouldnt change it for the world. please post pics. i would love to see it from a distance.

    it was almost 80 today.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Why does everyone think the weather today is crappy? Yes, I realize it's snowing before it's winter, but really. The snow is so beautiful, and it looks so pretty on all the trees that haven't quite shed all of their leaves. Sure, you have to shovel snow, but come on, people! It's a nice, brisk workout! For me, it was the PERFECT day to wake up early (and I am by no means a morning person,) get my day started, clean my room, then curl up on the couch and watch The Nanny and drink a nice, steaming cup of peppermint mocha coffee. It's a beautiful day, y'all! Learn to enjoy it, because if you act like this every time you gotta shovel a little snow, you're gonna be miserable all winter! Have a great day! :drinker:

    I am in the Midwest and I wish we would get some snow!!! I agree. Every day that we are able bodied to get up and go, see and hear we should enjoy.

    Life is too short and we are not promised tomorrow. Think of people that are blind and can not see the beauty of nature that we are blessed to see.
  • MusicKeepsMeSane
    I was more freaked out the year it was 80 degrees on Halloween! Where in the NE, is everyone from? NH here.

    I'm from NY but currently living in MA. I've dealt with the snow all my life and I absolutely hate the winter and the cold weather! I love fall because I love seeing all the leaves change and fall was so short this year which is part of why I'm so disgusted with the weather right now. We even had to turn the heat on and don't like to do that until at least November. Plus, this snow basically came out of nowhere. One day it's warm and the next it's snowing, I mean, snow when there's still leaves on the trees, I don't think so.
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    I'm not upset about the snow - I love snow. Having to figure out how to get ski pants under my kids' costumes for Trick-or-treating tomorrow, however, did not make me feel giddy with delight. This is the first year of my entire life where on the first snowfall, I wished it would have held off just a couple days. LOL
  • MusicKeepsMeSane
    sorry im from texas and i love seeing the pics from up north. but i wouldnt change it for the world. please post pics. i would love to see it from a distance.

    it was almost 80 today.

    this is a picture I took in my backyard this morning

    this is a picture i took of our front yard a few hours ago.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    Our hating it and the 6 months or more of cold should be viewed in the same way as we do when all the southern people complain about how hot it is.
    It mystifies us here in the north how hating heat can be possible.
  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
    I'm not in the Northeast but I think the snow in the DC area today sucks monkey tails. It has forced me to stay in all day instead of running errands because nobody here can drive and there are accidents all over the road.
  • jend114
    jend114 Posts: 1,058 Member
    Our hating it and the 6 months or more of cold should be viewed in the same way as we do when all the southern people complain about how hot it is.
    It mystifies us here in the north how hating heat can be possible.


    plus it was 80 2 weeks ago so I'm not liking this cold.
  • VulcanLover
    Not everyone has a day with no obligations and can just sit back and enjoy it. Some people have very busy, active lifestyles and don't curl up on the couch.

    Why do some northeasterners not appreciate today's snow?

    Hmmmm. It's a heavy, wet snow. Trees still have leaves. That is a recipe for widespread power outtages.

    The roads are horrendous. Sliding on icy roads, destroying your car and putting your life in jeopardy, is not exactly something to be festive about.

    Because this is an earlier than usual storm for most of the northeast, that means many departments of transportation were not ready to handle a storm of this magnitude, which means unplowed roadways and worse conditons that a normal winter snow.

    As for shoveling--other than walkways to house entries, I see no point. It's october. The snow will be gone in no time, so shoveling driveways seems ridiculous.

    I love snow. I think it is gorgeous, but I do not underestimate the danger involved either.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    Our hating it and the 6 months or more of cold should be viewed in the same way as we do when all the southern people complain about how hot it is.
    It mystifies us here in the north how hating heat can be possible.


    plus it was 80 2 weeks ago so I'm not liking this cold.

    I am honestly not trying to be snarky but it amuses me in all the trips I have taken to Myrtle Beach or farther south plus online interactions life stops for them once the temps fall below 60.

    My first trip to Myrtle ended on a perfect day,sunny and mid 70s,was the week before Thanksgiving so knew it would be May before I would see that again.
    As we were leaving the golf course one of the staff there in conversation remarked that the following day was going to be just horrible,it was supposed to barely get to 50.
    It was hard not to hit him. :angry:

    I so want to be him too though. :tongue:
  • VulcanLover
    Our hating it and the 6 months or more of cold should be viewed in the same way as we do when all the southern people complain about how hot it is.
    It mystifies us here in the north how hating heat can be possible.


    plus it was 80 2 weeks ago so I'm not liking this cold.
    Mmmmm. Nope. I am a born and raised die hard northeasterner. I HATE heat. HATE it. We went to Georgia in June, and I thought it may as well be hell as weather goes. Awful. I would much rather 25 degrees than 80--any day of the week!
  • JulieSD
    JulieSD Posts: 567
    I'm in Canada and the weather is lovely. Warm and beautiful :)
  • kb455
    kb455 Posts: 679 Member
    Our hating it and the 6 months or more of cold should be viewed in the same way as we do when all the southern people complain about how hot it is.
    It mystifies us here in the north how hating heat can be possible.

    This. Also, I'm concerned about the people all over the NE who are going without heat because they've lost power. Last count I saw, there are over 200,000 in my area alone with no power. I'd say most don't own generators and have electric heat. Yeah, the snow is pretty but I like to be warm more. Its supposed to be in the 30s tonight...
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    Our hating it and the 6 months or more of cold should be viewed in the same way as we do when all the southern people complain about how hot it is.
    It mystifies us here in the north how hating heat can be possible.

    This. Also, I'm concerned about the people all over the NE who are going without heat because they've lost power. Last count I saw, there are over 200,000 in my area alone with no power. I'd say most don't own generators and have electric heat. Yeah, the snow is pretty but I like to be warm more. Its supposed to be in the 30s tonight...

    Not to mention there are those that are a little uncoordinated and slipped in the snow this morning and hurt their bum..
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