How often do you weigh in?



  • sabcooke
    sabcooke Posts: 82 Member
    Every morning to keep me in check but only record it every monday on MFP :)
  • unmitigatedbadassery
    It really surprises me that so many weigh in daily. I weigh in once a week at most. I chose Saturday morning after my bathroom routine and before breakfast.

    Since out body weight can fluctuate up to 5+ pounds daily I don't like the idea of weighing in every day. If I miss a Saturday weigh-in then I usually just wait til the next week. I also have started taking body measurements every other week (waist, chest, neck, thighs etc).

    Good luck everyone!
  • rla331
    rla331 Posts: 27 Member
    Once a week, every Monday, keeps me in check over the weekend b/c I know that I will be weighing on Monday!!

    I weigh on Monday for the same exact reason! It helps me to make sure I don't over-do through the weekend. I do have a peek once or twice during the week, but only track Monday...good or bad! :)
  • basschick
    basschick Posts: 3,502 Member
    I weigh every morning; but I only record my weight on Fridays.

    I do this too, but I record my weight on Sundays. I'm maintaining and this helps to keep me from gaining back. So far in 3 months I haven't gone even an ounce over my goal weight. I've stayed at a range of right at to 2 pounds under and I think it's because I've kept such close tabs on my weight. When I was still losing weight, the scale would sometimes show a slight gain but I wouldn't get discouraged, I would just remind myself to watch my sodium and/or carbs, on which I sometimes tend to go over. I think if you can keep from getting discouraged then weighing everyday is good. Unfortunately, not everyone can do that. I know the scale plays mind trips on some people and if they show a gain they tend to want to give up. You have to find what works for you.
  • JessStapes
    Sometimes I will go two weeks without weighing myself. My weight fluctuates so much, I stopped weighing myself everyday to avoid getting discouraged. I tend to use how I feel and how my clothes fit as a guide.
  • whitneymws
    whitneymws Posts: 35 Member
    Once a week or every 8-9 days even. I find I get discouraged if I step on the scale every day. The small up or down discourages/frustrates me so I try and hold off and only weigh every now and then so I'm hopefully getting the bigger picture number... it's sometimes to hold off stepping on tho when I've had a few good days!
  • Artemis726
    Artemis726 Posts: 587 Member
    I weigh in every morning, but it's really because my body is so sensitive to my cycle and sodium. Weighing in every day gives me the chance to see a loss somewhere and gives me the motivation to keep going. I usually only register a loss on the scale a few short days of the month, so I need to see it when I can! I don't get discouraged over the fluctuations, and it has helped me to understand them more so I don't panic when I gain 2-3lbs overnight, or when I go 2.5 weeks without any sort of loss despite being a good girl. ;) I record whenever I have a loss and that's my new low as long as I am doing everything right.

    Different things will work for different people! :) Good luck!
  • PixelTreason
    PixelTreason Posts: 226 Member
    I'm awful - I weigh in at random times when I walk by the bathroom. Usually multiple times a day.
    I only record on Sunday mornings, though.

    Edit: Typo Queen
  • kimber_av
    I weight first thing in the morning EVERY morning. I have conflicting views. In europe they suggest you weigh every morning so you know how the foods you are eating are effecting you. (without a nasty surprise a week later if you weigh once a week). but in america they say not to weigh every day. so I guess whatever you are comfortable with.
  • thetrishwarp
    thetrishwarp Posts: 838 Member
    I weigh when I feel like it. Sometimes twice a week, sometimes once every two weeks. I'm mostly focusing on how my body looks and how I feel.
  • unmitigatedbadassery
    I weight first thing in the morning EVERY morning. I have conflicting views. In europe they suggest you weigh every morning so you know how the foods you are eating are effecting you. (without a nasty surprise a week later if you weigh once a week). but in america they say not to weigh every day. so I guess whatever you are comfortable with.

    I think that makes sense somewhat. I also think that once you are at it a while you should kind of know how certain foods affect you. I.E. I know that if I have a lot of sodium the night before, the scale is going to show an increase of 2-3 pounds or more. Bottom line is to do whatever works for you though. Keep at it.
  • unmitigatedbadassery
    I'm mostly focusing on how my body looks and how I feel.

    ^This is good advice^
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I don't own any scales, so I only weigh in when we go and stay at my parents which is about once a month to 5 weeks.
  • bellamia88
    bellamia88 Posts: 149 Member
    I think once a week at the same time is appropriate. No need to get discouraged daily or getting obsessed with the scale when it doesn't tell the whole story. My weigh ins are usually every Monday or Tuesday right after I wake up in the morning. I like to weigh myself before putting anything in my body to keep it as accurate as possible.
  • kid320
    kid320 Posts: 13 Member
    Officially: I weight myself and record it once a week. Either Saturday or Sunday morning, right after I wake up and use the bathroom.

    Unofficially: I have OCD. So, the frequency of weighing myself depends on the number of times I pass by the scale during the day. On a day where I am just doing housework all day, I could weigh myself 20 or 30 times. I am also horrible at remembering a number for more than 30 seconds. So, even if I wanted to take one of those numbers to heart, I'm not able to remember what they were.
  • lou1888
    I weigh in every morning first thing, but I look at my weight at the end of the week based on the report on fitness pal.
  • JamieRomig
    I weigh in every week on Sundays. Because of hormones and water weight, my weight fluctuates way too much. This week, it said I'd dropped 5 lbs, but really it was water weight from my time of the month. It makes me feel better when I wait, and see how much I lose, because I don't notice a huge difference day to day.
  • littleali
    littleali Posts: 179 Member
    Officially: I weight myself and record it once a week. Either Saturday or Sunday morning, right after I wake up and use the bathroom.

    Unofficially: I have OCD. So, the frequency of weighing myself depends on the number of times I pass by the scale during the day. On a day where I am just doing housework all day, I could weigh myself 20 or 30 times. I am also horrible at remembering a number for more than 30 seconds. So, even if I wanted to take one of those numbers to heart, I'm not able to remember what they were.

    This. I think I must be up to 12 or so times today. I weigh myself multiple times whenever I'm in the bathroom, but I only record it on MFP on Fridays, with the averaged number in the morning.
  • kathryncowart
    I weigh everyday 1st thing in the morning, but I only record loss.
  • busymnmom
    busymnmom Posts: 133
    I do it Sunday mornings.