Motivated Mommas Week 6 (closed group)



  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    hi girls! I feel totally blah today. had a horrible nights sleep (nightmares, disturbing dreams, gerenal anxiety) I got less than 4 hours total. argh... I'm exhausted :yawn:

    anywho, I'm gonna go chug some coffee and hope to get a false burst of energy from the caffiene. I think that's about my only hope for getting any work done today. :ohwell:

    hope you all are having a better morning then me!
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Sorry I've been MIA, I'll check in later today!
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    hi girls! I feel totally blah today. had a horrible nights sleep (nightmares, disturbing dreams, gerenal anxiety) I got less than 4 hours total. argh... I'm exhausted :yawn:

    anywho, I'm gonna go chug some coffee and hope to get a false burst of energy from the caffiene. I think that's about my only hope for getting any work done today. :ohwell:

    hope you all are having a better morning then me!

    It must have been something in the air last night. I was the same way! 3 cups of coffee, followed by 2 bottles of water, and praying the crash doesnt come until after I get done with everything I need to do today! It will get better girl!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Emotional challenge: It's long and kinda rambly, and I'm tearing up as I write this but I love you girls and I really want to share what I am feeling at this exact moment because I hope and pray that you all get to have a moment like this too. :flowerforyou:

    For starters, I have to say that I struggle pretty much daily with my motivation, my drive and my worth. I still get discouraged. And I still emotionally eat. And I still think of myself as fat. But here's the thing... I also think of myself as powerful. Even at my most discouraged I look back at the 40ish lbs I've lost and I know that I have the power to keep losing. I've learned that will power and motivation come from within. Not to say that the support of my mfp friends hasn't kept me going - it totally has!! My point is simply that it is MY internal power that urges me to log on when every single day, regardless of whether or not I feel like crap and want to eay my feelings. I make the decision every single day to be here, to be honest and to be healthy. I think back to something on ef my bosses said to me 9 months ago when talking about his weight loss "it's all about will power" and at the time I thought "well, I guess that's just something I don't have" and I dug into my bread pudding. Well, now I have it. And I understand exactly what he meant.

    How has my outlook on life changed? Hmmm... April 2011 I was preparing myself mentally for my return to work. I had gained so much weight that pretty much none of my pre-baby wardrobe was gonna fit. (allow me to mention, my pre-baby wardrobe was made up of size 16s and XLs with the occasional 18 thrown in for good mix) so I made a big donation to a local charity and went out and bought some very nice new work clothes. Size 18, XXLs exclusively. I did that because I HONESTLY BELIEVED I would nver lose weight and that I needed to resign myself to the size I was. Now all those new shirts I bought hang off of me. Some could be confused as a short dress. I made another donation to the same local charity of the clothes that now are too big! I am back into a size 16 pant (although I cling stubbornly to one pair of 18s because I love the feeling of lose clothes after spending so much time squeezed into things!). I still wear an XL shirt but I am close to a large and it it weren't for my baby gut I'd for sure be in one already. But that's ok I'm getting there. And that is how my outlook has changed. I no longer look automatically to the back of the rack for the largest possible size knowing full well that it may not fit anyways. I try on different styles and I ask to try to the L because I know that one day, as if by magic, it WILL fit me perfectly. Except it won't be magic that caused this transformation - it will be me.

    Am I happier? yes and no. I'm not happy with how I look. And I'm not happy with how I feel all the time. But I am happy that my confidence is increasing. I am happy that I have control over this previously uncontrolled issue. I am happy that I am setting a good example for my son (even tho he is too young to appreciate it!) I am happy thatI hacve dealt with this issue and taken control of it ebfore he was old enough to be damaged by mommy's unhealthy lifestyle and accompaniying depression. and I am happy that I have confronted and continue to confront a lot of my emotional issues (thanks in no small part to SAHMU and MM!)

    Do other people notice? YEs. Absolutely. THey notice more than I do. My husband thinks I'm hot as hell :wink: . My sister is isnanely jealous and kinda spiteful. My friends continually slap and grab my *kitten* (we are an affectionate bunch!). My dad tells me he's proud of me. My mom tells me I inspire her. My sister comes back after spiteful and mean comments and tells me she is proud of me. My colleagues randomly report differnt vendors that haven't seen me in awhile giving me the once over. And i am flattered by all of this reaction, both positve and engative because it is all genuine. I just don't really see it. Until today...

    I apologize for rambling. It's just... I want to remember this day. I want to remember it because my mom sent me a few pcitures that she took over the last 2 weeks and as I opened them I wept. I wept because for the first time I saw what people are seeing. I saw that I look slimmer. I look healthier. my complexion, while never bad perse, is so much clearer. More than the physical changes, I see that I don't look uncomfortable because I am trying to look smaller when the camera points my way. I see a girl that I would describe as pretty. I see that I'm no longer hiding behind my super adorable son but instead holding him proudly. I see the girl I dream of being is within reach and that I am slowly becoming who I know I am capable of being. I see how far I've come and I am inspired to go further because I know I can. So, today, at this moment, I see it. And I'm sure I will forget this feeling soon. I will get lost in the day to day drudgery of counting calories and waking up super early to workout and I will have moments where I will feel it is in vain. Which I why I wanted to write this feelign down. I want to capture it somewhere that I can come back to and remind myself. Also, I'm using this as motivation to start taking regular pictures. Every 10lbs form her eon out I will take a snapshot of how far I've come so that I can look back. And maybe, if I do that for long enough, I will be able to see that girl I'm looking for in the mirror. Until that time comes, I'll jsut hve to keep looking I guess.

    Thanks for reading. Sorry for rambling. I'm just overwhelmed in the best possible way and wanted to share that with the women that have kept me going so many times when I wanted to give up.

    Much love,
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    Oh Lynda, you just made me cry while reading your post. Thank you so much for sharing it. :)
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 322 Member
    I had a great vacation, but I am so glad to be home and have MY kitchen and food and schedule back. I am joining the tired club today, and have been slugishly going about my day. I am hoping to get an exercise in in the next few hours.

    Total Points Available: 27 + Bonuses for cardio and food! Good luck all!

    Part 1- My goal is 10 miles this week. 0/5pt

    Part 2- Interval training. 2/3pt

    Part 3- Logging 4/4


    Flamingo Dips: 2 sets of 15 reps per leg to target triceps & quads(

    Decline Push Ups: 2 sets of 15 reps to target chest, arms, and abs

    Booty Lift: 2 sets of 15 reps to target butt & hamstrings DONE - Saturday

    Forward Planks: 2 sets of 1 minute each to target arms, butt & legs - Sunday

    Crunches: 100 to target abs (1 rep would be 25) - Monday

    Squats: 100 to target thighs, hips, butt & hamstrings (1 rep would be 25) DONE ON THURSDAY

    Combo: Pick any 3 of the above exercises and do 1 rep of each

    Submitted by mom2calebncasyn (Amy)

    7 points + 3 Bonus Points for a total of 10 points possible

    Achieving each day's goal is worth 1 point.

    3 bonus points if you submit a recipe for a dinner that is low(ish) calorie and low(ish) sodium that can be made quickly for those nights when we don't have a a lot of time to spend worrying about or cooking dinner. No votes on this one, just a recipe submission :)

    Wednesday: Stay under on Carbs

    Thursday: Stay under on Fat DONE

    Friday: Stay under on Calories DONE

    Saturday: Meet or Exceed your Protein requirement DONE

    Sunday: Stay under on Sodium

    Monday: Meet or Exceed your Calcium requirement - DONE

    Tuesday: Stay under on Carbs

    Emotional 1/1pt

    Sunday and Monday- 5 pt
    Miles Total - 7.67
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Emotional challenge: It's long and kinda rambly, and I'm tearing up as I write this but I love you girls and I really want to share what I am feeling at this exact moment because I hope and pray that you all get to have a moment like this too. :flowerforyou:

    For starters, I have to say that I struggle pretty much daily with my motivation, my drive and my worth. I still get discouraged. And I still emotionally eat. And I still think of myself as fat. But here's the thing... I also think of myself as powerful. Even at my most discouraged I look back at the 40ish lbs I've lost and I know that I have the power to keep losing. I've learned that will power and motivation come from within. Not to say that the support of my mfp friends hasn't kept me going - it totally has!! My point is simply that it is MY internal power that urges me to log on when every single day, regardless of whether or not I feel like crap and want to eay my feelings. I make the decision every single day to be here, to be honest and to be healthy. I think back to something on ef my bosses said to me 9 months ago when talking about his weight loss "it's all about will power" and at the time I thought "well, I guess that's just something I don't have" and I dug into my bread pudding. Well, now I have it. And I understand exactly what he meant.

    How has my outlook on life changed? Hmmm... April 2011 I was preparing myself mentally for my return to work. I had gained so much weight that pretty much none of my pre-baby wardrobe was gonna fit. (allow me to mention, my pre-baby wardrobe was made up of size 16s and XLs with the occasional 18 thrown in for good mix) so I made a big donation to a local charity and went out and bought some very nice new work clothes. Size 18, XXLs exclusively. I did that because I HONESTLY BELIEVED I would nver lose weight and that I needed to resign myself to the size I was. Now all those new shirts I bought hang off of me. Some could be confused as a short dress. I made another donation to the same local charity of the clothes that now are too big! I am back into a size 16 pant (although I cling stubbornly to one pair of 18s because I love the feeling of lose clothes after spending so much time squeezed into things!). I still wear an XL shirt but I am close to a large and it it weren't for my baby gut I'd for sure be in one already. But that's ok I'm getting there. And that is how my outlook has changed. I no longer look automatically to the back of the rack for the largest possible size knowing full well that it may not fit anyways. I try on different styles and I ask to try to the L because I know that one day, as if by magic, it WILL fit me perfectly. Except it won't be magic that caused this transformation - it will be me.

    Am I happier? yes and no. I'm not happy with how I look. And I'm not happy with how I feel all the time. But I am happy that my confidence is increasing. I am happy that I have control over this previously uncontrolled issue. I am happy that I am setting a good example for my son (even tho he is too young to appreciate it!) I am happy thatI hacve dealt with this issue and taken control of it ebfore he was old enough to be damaged by mommy's unhealthy lifestyle and accompaniying depression. and I am happy that I have confronted and continue to confront a lot of my emotional issues (thanks in no small part to SAHMU and MM!)

    Do other people notice? YEs. Absolutely. THey notice more than I do. My husband thinks I'm hot as hell :wink: . My sister is isnanely jealous and kinda spiteful. My friends continually slap and grab my *kitten* (we are an affectionate bunch!). My dad tells me he's proud of me. My mom tells me I inspire her. My sister comes back after spiteful and mean comments and tells me she is proud of me. My colleagues randomly report differnt vendors that haven't seen me in awhile giving me the once over. And i am flattered by all of this reaction, both positve and engative because it is all genuine. I just don't really see it. Until today...

    I apologize for rambling. It's just... I want to remember this day. I want to remember it because my mom sent me a few pcitures that she took over the last 2 weeks and as I opened them I wept. I wept because for the first time I saw what people are seeing. I saw that I look slimmer. I look healthier. my complexion, while never bad perse, is so much clearer. More than the physical changes, I see that I don't look uncomfortable because I am trying to look smaller when the camera points my way. I see a girl that I would describe as pretty. I see that I'm no longer hiding behind my super adorable son but instead holding him proudly. I see the girl I dream of being is within reach and that I am slowly becoming who I know I am capable of being. I see how far I've come and I am inspired to go further because I know I can. So, today, at this moment, I see it. And I'm sure I will forget this feeling soon. I will get lost in the day to day drudgery of counting calories and waking up super early to workout and I will have moments where I will feel it is in vain. Which I why I wanted to write this feelign down. I want to capture it somewhere that I can come back to and remind myself. Also, I'm using this as motivation to start taking regular pictures. Every 10lbs form her eon out I will take a snapshot of how far I've come so that I can look back. And maybe, if I do that for long enough, I will be able to see that girl I'm looking for in the mirror. Until that time comes, I'll jsut hve to keep looking I guess.

    Thanks for reading. Sorry for rambling. I'm just overwhelmed in the best possible way and wanted to share that with the women that have kept me going so many times when I wanted to give up.

    Much love,

    Lynda, I absolutely love the revelations. Its an amazingly powerful and overwhelming feeling when we just get it! I love your words, they honestly made me tear up a bit because I know how you feel, I dont see it and sometimes I wonder if I ever will. But you have worked so hard and conquered so much and now you do see it! Im so happy for you because I believe this is maybe not the first real step in the right direction, but maybe one of the most meaningful ones. I think you should print your words and hang them on the refrigerator or along your mirror with all your 10lb snap shots so that you can see them everyday and always be reminded of how far you have come!!! WTG girl!!!
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Sadly today I have realized that I am not going to get a workout in today, we have made a last minute decision to take our little man trick or treating tonight, which meant the first part of my day was spent getting him some kind of costume mustered up, the rest of the afternoon will be spent cleaning up after myself because man...i made one huge mess! Hopefully I can get some serious walking in tonight though and all in all, I am perfectly happy sacrificing my workout so that my son has an awesome halloween! I realize Im a little behind on the points counting, I will get all caught up tomorrow! Hope you ladies are having a great Monday!!!
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Emotional challenge-

    Its been a few months since all of us started this journey together, first on the 60 day challenge and now as motivated mommas, how do you feel you have changed personally? Not just in weight loss but how has your outlook on life changed? Are you happier? More self-assured?? Have people noticed these changes?

    Life has changed so much after the challenge, initially i joined 60 day challenge to keep myself motivated to exercise and eat right. I thought if I exercise 30 mins a day was fine, but now, 30 mins a day seems to be so less and I never satisfied. I may be off the track for a day or two, but then I feel something is missing. I had never thought that I would be enjoying to workout. Previously, I felt I enjoyed dancing and that is one thing I cannot live without. But now, exercising has added on to it. Due to my knee injury, I was feeling so awful and I just wanted to get back to exercising. As I couldn't exercise for nearly a week, got back to exercising today and I cant believe I went on till one hour.. Real crazy..heheh

    Even when we go out for lunch or dinner, I look out for healthy options on the menu card. We had been to a lunch get together with few frnd on the weekend and I am surprised that I look out for healthy options like fruits, soups, salads.. Also, few of them asked me if I was dieting. But I am surprised, why do people consider it as dieting, they should be telling me that I am eating healthy. Always Salads and soups are associated with the diet food, but no it is a healthy lifestyle which we are considering.. Also, for the dessert, we had two options, ice cream and fruit salad.. I like both, but ice cream has been my all time fav, but when my hubby asked me I said I would like to have fruit salad.

    Also, I have to confess one more thing. I used to hate walking to the core..hehehe.. Now I not only like walking, but running even.. I used to hate going on shopping because I had to walk in the malls.. Now I go to malls so that I can get nice walking along with shopping.. And I even framed the walking challenge which we did for 2 weeks..hahha..

    Previously I used to browse search youtube and google for recipes which were tasty and high calorie at the same time, but now I search for low calorie versions and for exercises which would burn those calories..

    ok I would go on and on.. But honestly, mfp and frnds I made here have been pushing me towards a healthy lifestyle change and I am getting there... :-)
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    Total Points Available: 27 + Bonuses for cardio and food! Good luck all!

    Cardio: Possible 12 points + Bonus miles in Part 1

    Part 1- Time for walking..My goal for the week is 15 miles. I've accomplished 15+ miles/15 miles (I didn't keep track with all our walking for Trick or Treating this afternoon and tonight, so I'll just give myself credit for the 15 miles, even though I know it's definitely more)...5/5 points

    Part 2- Interval training...3/3 points

    Part 3- Logging the details in the spreadsheet for 4 days...4/4 points

    7 points total

    You can pick any day/any order to do the below exercises. You get 1 point per exercise completed.

    Flamingo Dips: 2 sets of 15 reps per leg to target triceps & quads...1/1 point
    Decline Push Ups: 2 sets of 15 reps to target chest, arms, and abs...1/1 point
    Booty Lift: 2 sets of 15 reps to target butt & hamstrings...1/1 point
    Forward Planks: 2 sets of 1 minute each to target arms, butt & legs
    Crunches: 100 to target abs (1 rep would be 25)...1/1 point
    Squats: 100 to target thighs, hips, butt & hamstrings (1 rep would be 25)...1/1 point
    Combo: Pick any 3 of the above exercises and do 1 rep of each...1/1 point

    7 points + 3 Bonus Points for a total of 10 points possible

    Achieving each day's goal is worth 1 point.

    Wednesday: Stay under on Carbs...1/1 point

    Thursday: Stay under on Fat...1/1 point

    Friday: Stay under on Calories..1/1 point

    Saturday: Meet or Exceed your Protein requirement...1/1 point

    Sunday: Stay under on Sodium...1/1 point

    Monday: Meet or Exceed your Calcium requirement...1/1 point

    Tuesday: Stay under on Carbs

    Emotional...1/1 point

    Monday Points Total: 7 points (5 for cardio, 1 for strength, and 1 for food)
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Cardio: Possible 12 points + Bonus miles in Part 1
    Created by Renu

    Part 1- Time for walking.. 16/20 miles done!
    Part 2- Interval training. 3/3 done!

    Part 3- Logging the details in the spreadsheet for 4 days

    Submitted by mom2calebncasyn (Amy)

    7 points total

    Flamingo Dips: 2 sets of 15 reps per leg to target triceps & quads --1/1 Ugh. These things are evil!! But they're DONE!

    Decline Push Ups: 2 sets of 15 reps to target chest, arms, and abs -- 1/1 -- Also.. EEEVIL. But Done!

    Booty Lift: 2 sets of 15 reps to target butt & hamstrings - 1/1 done

    Forward Planks: 2 sets of 1 minute each to target arms, butt & legs-- Done!!

    Crunches: 100 to target abs (1 rep would be 25)1/1 done

    Squats: 100 to target thighs, hips, butt & hamstrings (1 rep would be 25)

    Combo: Pick any 3 of the above exercises and do 1 rep of each - 1/1 done

    7 points + 3 Bonus Points for a total of 10 points possible

    Achieving each day's goal is worth 1 point.

    3 bonus points if you submit a recipe for a dinner that is low(ish) calorie and low(ish) sodium that can be made quickly for those nights when we don't have a a lot of time to spend worrying about or cooking dinner. No votes on this one, just a recipe submission :) 3/3- doing now!

    Wednesday: Stay under on Carbs- 0/1-- Dang Halloween candy!!

    Thursday: Stay under on Fat - 1/1

    Friday: Stay under on Calories- After my burn today.. 1/1 done!

    Saturday: Meet or Exceed your Protein requirement

    Sunday: Stay under on Sodium - heh.. had chinese food. Not a fat chance!!

    Monday: Meet or Exceed your Calcium requirement- 1/1

    Tuesday: Stay under on Carbs

    This is fom bella_babe86 (Ashley)


    Its been a few months since all of us started this journey together, first on the 60 day challenge and now as motivated mommas, how do you feel you have changed personally? Not just in weight loss but how has your outlook on life changed? Are you happier? More self-assured?? Have people noticed these changes?

    There have been a few ways that I've changed- I know that I have always been a strong, determined woman, but to have something like this to back it up has made me even more so. I'm definitely happier with myself, and am doing things that I would not have dared doing even 6 months ago ( Bootcamp every monday night? no way!!). I think I always went on about how important the mental and emotional crap that went with weight loss is, but often felt that I didn't have any to deal with (" really, it's just that I like ice cream") . Actually doing the exercises on here have given me even more perspective on where I came from, and where I want to be heading. And you know what? I'm damn proud of that. Sure, people will comment on how I look great, and I'm losing weight, but I am ALWAYS telling them that there was really just some work to do inside, and the rest has followed. Then they get all weird and uncomfortable, because "Who knows what this woman is going to share with me next"... But I just revel in it. ;)

    Monday ( and Sunday, and Sat..)- logging, intervals, strength ( 3), food-- 6 points
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Emotional challenge-

    Its been a few months since all of us started this journey together, first on the 60 day challenge and now as motivated mommas, how do you feel you have changed personally? Not just in weight loss but how has your outlook on life changed? Are you happier? More self-assured?? Have people noticed these changes?

    Life has changed so much after the challenge, initially i joined 60 day challenge to keep myself motivated to exercise and eat right. I thought if I exercise 30 mins a day was fine, but now, 30 mins a day seems to be so less and I never satisfied. I may be off the track for a day or two, but then I feel something is missing. I had never thought that I would be enjoying to workout. Previously, I felt I enjoyed dancing and that is one thing I cannot live without. But now, exercising has added on to it. Due to my knee injury, I was feeling so awful and I just wanted to get back to exercising. As I couldn't exercise for nearly a week, got back to exercising today and I cant believe I went on till one hour.. Real crazy..heheh

    Even when we go out for lunch or dinner, I look out for healthy options on the menu card. We had been to a lunch get together with few frnd on the weekend and I am surprised that I look out for healthy options like fruits, soups, salads.. Also, few of them asked me if I was dieting. But I am surprised, why do people consider it as dieting, they should be telling me that I am eating healthy. Always Salads and soups are associated with the diet food, but no it is a healthy lifestyle which we are considering.. Also, for the dessert, we had two options, ice cream and fruit salad.. I like both, but ice cream has been my all time fav, but when my hubby asked me I said I would like to have fruit salad.

    Also, I have to confess one more thing. I used to hate walking to the core..hehehe.. Now I not only like walking, but running even.. I used to hate going on shopping because I had to walk in the malls.. Now I go to malls so that I can get nice walking along with shopping.. And I even framed the walking challenge which we did for 2 weeks..hahha..

    Previously I used to browse search youtube and google for recipes which were tasty and high calorie at the same time, but now I search for low calorie versions and for exercises which would burn those calories..

    ok I would go on and on.. But honestly, mfp and frnds I made here have been pushing me towards a healthy lifestyle change and I am getting there... :-)

    So many changes, and so much to be so proud of!! Good for you!!
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Emotional challenge: It's long and kinda rambly, and I'm tearing up as I write this but I love you girls and I really want to share what I am feeling at this exact moment because I hope and pray that you all get to have a moment like this too. :flowerforyou:

    For starters, I have to say that I struggle pretty much daily with my motivation, my drive and my worth. I still get discouraged. And I still emotionally eat. And I still think of myself as fat. But here's the thing... I also think of myself as powerful. Even at my most discouraged I look back at the 40ish lbs I've lost and I know that I have the power to keep losing. I've learned that will power and motivation come from within. Not to say that the support of my mfp friends hasn't kept me going - it totally has!! My point is simply that it is MY internal power that urges me to log on when every single day, regardless of whether or not I feel like crap and want to eay my feelings. I make the decision every single day to be here, to be honest and to be healthy. I think back to something on ef my bosses said to me 9 months ago when talking about his weight loss "it's all about will power" and at the time I thought "well, I guess that's just something I don't have" and I dug into my bread pudding. Well, now I have it. And I understand exactly what he meant.

    How has my outlook on life changed? Hmmm... April 2011 I was preparing myself mentally for my return to work. I had gained so much weight that pretty much none of my pre-baby wardrobe was gonna fit. (allow me to mention, my pre-baby wardrobe was made up of size 16s and XLs with the occasional 18 thrown in for good mix) so I made a big donation to a local charity and went out and bought some very nice new work clothes. Size 18, XXLs exclusively. I did that because I HONESTLY BELIEVED I would nver lose weight and that I needed to resign myself to the size I was. Now all those new shirts I bought hang off of me. Some could be confused as a short dress. I made another donation to the same local charity of the clothes that now are too big! I am back into a size 16 pant (although I cling stubbornly to one pair of 18s because I love the feeling of lose clothes after spending so much time squeezed into things!). I still wear an XL shirt but I am close to a large and it it weren't for my baby gut I'd for sure be in one already. But that's ok I'm getting there. And that is how my outlook has changed. I no longer look automatically to the back of the rack for the largest possible size knowing full well that it may not fit anyways. I try on different styles and I ask to try to the L because I know that one day, as if by magic, it WILL fit me perfectly. Except it won't be magic that caused this transformation - it will be me.

    Am I happier? yes and no. I'm not happy with how I look. And I'm not happy with how I feel all the time. But I am happy that my confidence is increasing. I am happy that I have control over this previously uncontrolled issue. I am happy that I am setting a good example for my son (even tho he is too young to appreciate it!) I am happy thatI hacve dealt with this issue and taken control of it ebfore he was old enough to be damaged by mommy's unhealthy lifestyle and accompaniying depression. and I am happy that I have confronted and continue to confront a lot of my emotional issues (thanks in no small part to SAHMU and MM!)

    Do other people notice? YEs. Absolutely. THey notice more than I do. My husband thinks I'm hot as hell :wink: . My sister is isnanely jealous and kinda spiteful. My friends continually slap and grab my *kitten* (we are an affectionate bunch!). My dad tells me he's proud of me. My mom tells me I inspire her. My sister comes back after spiteful and mean comments and tells me she is proud of me. My colleagues randomly report differnt vendors that haven't seen me in awhile giving me the once over. And i am flattered by all of this reaction, both positve and engative because it is all genuine. I just don't really see it. Until today...

    I apologize for rambling. It's just... I want to remember this day. I want to remember it because my mom sent me a few pcitures that she took over the last 2 weeks and as I opened them I wept. I wept because for the first time I saw what people are seeing. I saw that I look slimmer. I look healthier. my complexion, while never bad perse, is so much clearer. More than the physical changes, I see that I don't look uncomfortable because I am trying to look smaller when the camera points my way. I see a girl that I would describe as pretty. I see that I'm no longer hiding behind my super adorable son but instead holding him proudly. I see the girl I dream of being is within reach and that I am slowly becoming who I know I am capable of being. I see how far I've come and I am inspired to go further because I know I can. So, today, at this moment, I see it. And I'm sure I will forget this feeling soon. I will get lost in the day to day drudgery of counting calories and waking up super early to workout and I will have moments where I will feel it is in vain. Which I why I wanted to write this feelign down. I want to capture it somewhere that I can come back to and remind myself. Also, I'm using this as motivation to start taking regular pictures. Every 10lbs form her eon out I will take a snapshot of how far I've come so that I can look back. And maybe, if I do that for long enough, I will be able to see that girl I'm looking for in the mirror. Until that time comes, I'll jsut hve to keep looking I guess.

    Thanks for reading. Sorry for rambling. I'm just overwhelmed in the best possible way and wanted to share that with the women that have kept me going so many times when I wanted to give up.

    Much love,
    Oh hon... there were tears, shivers... the whole thing!!! I'm SOOO proud of how far you've come, and obviously, this is a HUGE day for you. Don't ever forget it!!! You are AMAZING!!!!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Ok. I've sucked for tracking points on the spreadsheet this week so here's where I'm at:

    W- walking done! intervals done! logging done! carbs under! - 2
    Th- walking done! intervals done! logging done! fat under! - 2
    Fr - walking done! intervals done! calories under! - 1
    Sat - walking done! intervals done! strength (all of them) done! (almost killed me! :tongue: ) protein met! - 8
    Sun- walking done! intervals done! sodim over :sad: Which sucks because I am ALWAYS under on sopdium but we wen to my parent's house for dinner... there was gravy.... need I say more? It was well worth it :wink: - 0
    Mon- walking done! intervals done! emotional done! calcium done! - 1
    Tues- walking done (and goal officically met!) skipped the intervals cuz I didn't want to get too sweaty on my lunchtime walk :ohwell: . logging done! carbs - shoudl be under as I have planned my day and haven't some anywhere near my carb goal. recipe coming shortly.... 7 + 3 for recipe which I will post momentarily = 10

    So by my count that gives me 24 for the week. Sorry for being a total slacker on posting both on here and on the spreaddsheet this week. My brain has been MIA for the last few days I guess! :laugh:
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    I'm a big fan of Canada's food guide which is a phenomenal tool to help you figure out portions and what you should be putting in your body. I got a copy from a registered dietician at my mommy group last spring and it was actually part of what inspired me to start this new lifestyle. As an offshoot of that I've become a big fan of the Candian Heart and Stroke foundation for fantastic recipe ideas and such. This recipe has been completely pillaged from their website. straight up copy and paste but I've made multiple times and it is soooo good. It takes a few hour to make because like any good soup you gotta let it simmer but it freezes well for a quick reheat when you are in a rush so that is why I included it here. Hope you enjoy!

    Chicken and barley soup
    Serves 6

    Barley is a whole, high-fibre grain packed with nutritional value. Barley appeals to kids because of its soft texture. This recipe freezes well.


    ■1 tsp (5 mL) olive oil
    ■1 cup (250 mL) diced onion
    ■1 cup (250 mL) diced celery
    ■2 cups (500 mL) diced carrot
    ■1 clove garlic
    ■½ lb (250 g) chicken breast chopped into bite-sized pieces (about 1 large breast)
    ■½ tsp (2 mL) oregano
    ■½ cup (125 mL) barley, rinsed
    ■* 2 cups (500 mL) 25% sodium-reduced chicken broth
    ■4 cups (1 L) water
    ■½ tsp (2 mL) black pepper
    * To make you own soup stock, try our low-sodium chicken or vegetable stock made from scratch recipe.


    1.In a large stock pot, heat oil over medium heat. Cook onion, celery and carrots until onions are soft. About 10 minutes.
    2.Add garlic and chicken and cook until chicken is no longer pink inside.
    3.Add oregano, barley, stock and water. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to medium and cook for 1 hour.
    4.Season with black pepper and serve.

    Nutritional information per serving
    (¾ cup / 175 mL)

    ■Calories: 143
    ■Protein: 11 g
    ■Total fat: 2 g
    ■Saturated fat: 0 g
    ■Dietary cholesterol: 22 mg
    ■Carbohydrate: 21 g
    ■Dietary fibre: 3 g
    ■Sodium: 183 mg
    ■Potassium: 395 mg
    Developed by Nadine Day, RD. ©The Heart and Stroke Foundation
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Ok. I've sucked for tracking points on the spreadsheet this week so here's where I'm at:

    W- walking done! intervals done! logging done! carbs under! - 2
    Th- walking done! intervals done! logging done! fat under! - 2
    Fr - walking done! intervals done! calories under! - 1
    Sat - walking done! intervals done! strength (all of them) done! (almost killed me! :tongue: ) protein met! - 8
    Sun- walking done! intervals done! sodim over :sad: Which sucks because I am ALWAYS under on sopdium but we wen to my parent's house for dinner... there was gravy.... need I say more? It was well worth it :wink: - 0
    Mon- walking done! intervals done! emotional done! calcium done! - 1
    Tues- walking done (and goal officically met!) skipped the intervals cuz I didn't want to get too sweaty on my lunchtime walk :ohwell: . logging done! carbs - shoudl be under as I have planned my day and haven't some anywhere near my carb goal. recipe coming shortly.... 7 + 3 for recipe which I will post momentarily = 10

    So by my count that gives me 24 for the week. Sorry for being a total slacker on posting both on here and on the spreaddsheet this week. My brain has been MIA for the last few days I guess! :laugh:

    I love those smileys..heheh.. I have been a very bad girl this week, havent been able to do the strengths this week...
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Hey girls!

    just got a great tip: if you have unwanted halloween candy in the house and want to avoid unnecessary snacking but hate to think of just throwing it out - check with your local hospital. Just found out Cancer Care Manitoba (where I live) collects halloween candy and offers it to children who are undergoing procedures as a treat. I'm sure other hospitals/programs in areas that you live in may do a similar thing. can't think of a better cause!
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Total Points Available: 27 + Bonuses for cardio and food! Good luck all!


    Part 1- My goal is 15 miles this week. 0/5pt (15/15 completed)

    Part 2- Interval training.. 3/3pt

    Part 3- Logging 4/4


    Flamingo Dips: 2 sets of 15 reps per leg to target triceps & quads( (done)

    Decline Push Ups: 2 sets of 15 reps to target chest, arms, and abs (done)

    Booty Lift: 2 sets of 15 reps to target butt & hamstrings

    Forward Planks: 2 sets of 1 minute each to target arms, butt & legs

    Crunches: 100 to target abs (1 rep would be 25) (done)

    Squats: 100 to target thighs, hips, butt & hamstrings (1 rep would be 25) (done)

    Combo: Pick any 3 of the above exercises and do 1 rep of each

    Submitted by mom2calebncasyn (Amy)

    7 points + 3 Bonus Points for a total of 10 points possible

    Achieving each day's goal is worth 1 point.

    3 bonus points if you submit a recipe for a dinner that is low(ish) calorie and low(ish) sodium that can be made quickly for those nights when we don't have a a lot of time to spend worrying about or cooking dinner. No votes on this one, just a recipe submission :)
    I posted a recipe yesterday(3pts) (done)

    Wednesday: Stay under on Carbs(done)

    Thursday: Stay under on Fat(done, I already calculated my meals for today)

    Friday: Stay under on Calories(should get done)

    Saturday: Meet or Exceed your Protein requirement (done)

    Sunday: Stay under on Sodium (did not do)

    Monday: Meet or Exceed your Calcium requirement(nope :frown: )

    Tuesday: Stay under on Carbs (should easily get done)

    Emotional 1/1pt

    Fridays points 4-(intervals, strength, logging, and food)

    Between running over 5 miles today, and last nights 2 hours of walking while trick or treating which I estimated to be about 2 miles all together I actually hit my goal, even though I didnt think I would! 25 pts all together, pretty happy with myself today and for the first time in a long time, im actually excited about weigh-in looking for some big numbers!!!
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 322 Member
    I am ready for a new week and new motivation! I am been doing ok eating, but not totally great like I would like to me. I am starting fresh tomorrow. Hopefully I can stay on track one day at a time this week!

    Total Points Available: 27 + Bonuses for cardio and food! Good luck all!

    Part 1- My goal is 10 miles this week. 5/5pt

    Part 2- Interval training. 3/3pt

    Part 3- Logging 4/4


    Flamingo Dips: 2 sets of 15 reps per leg to target triceps & quads(

    Decline Push Ups: 2 sets of 15 reps to target chest, arms, and abs DONE

    Booty Lift: 2 sets of 15 reps to target butt & hamstrings DONE - Saturday

    Forward Planks: 2 sets of 1 minute each to target arms, butt & legs - Sunday

    Crunches: 100 to target abs (1 rep would be 25) - Monday

    Squats: 100 to target thighs, hips, butt & hamstrings (1 rep would be 25) DONE ON THURSDAY

    Combo: Pick any 3 of the above exercises and do 1 rep of each

    Submitted by mom2calebncasyn (Amy)

    7 points + 3 Bonus Points for a total of 10 points possible

    Achieving each day's goal is worth 1 point.

    3 bonus points if you submit a recipe for a dinner that is low(ish) calorie and low(ish) sodium that can be made quickly for those nights when we don't have a a lot of time to spend worrying about or cooking dinner. No votes on this one, just a recipe submission :)

    Wednesday: Stay under on Carbs

    Thursday: Stay under on Fat DONE

    Friday: Stay under on Calories DONE

    Saturday: Meet or Exceed your Protein requirement DONE

    Sunday: Stay under on Sodium

    Monday: Meet or Exceed your Calcium requirement - DONE

    Tuesday: Stay under on Carbs DONE

    Emotional 1/1pt

    Tuesday- 8 pt
    Miles Total - 10
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Its been a few months since all of us started this journey together, first on the 60 day challenge and now as motivated mommas, how do you feel you have changed personally? Not just in weight loss but how has your outlook on life changed? Are you happier? More self-assured?? Have people noticed these changes?

    This journey has been full of up's and down's. I have had great, motivated weeks and others that have fallen short but overall I know I have come a long way! I feel more confident and stronger. I love being able to do things and not run out of breath. All of you have been such an inspiration and such an amazing support system, I know for sure I wouldn't have come this far without you!
    People have noticed and that is also super encouraging.

    I have been feeling sick the last couple of days so I am sorry for my absence.:sick:
    I will try to get back in the swing of things in the next couple of day's as I start to feel better. I still have to go to work even though I don't feel well so that is a bummer!
    I completed my 10 miles this week!! Thanks to trick or treating last night, we live in a small town so it is a long walk from house to house.

    I will try to get on in the morning before work to weigh in, If I feel well enough.

    I hope all of you have a fabulous night and good luck for the weigh in tomorrow!