
Hello everyone and Happy November!

This forum is for those of us that are shorter in stature. Losing weight and changing your life is hard enough, but when you are short, it is even harder.

We are a small group (no pun intended) and try to support each other through what life sends our way.

Welcome back to everyone who has posted here in the past and welcome to any newcomers.

Since posting does really help, I'd like to suggest that we all try to post an update weekly. This forum has always been kind of loose, but I hope this one guideline will make us all stronger with the holidays quickly approaching.



  • estepteau
    estepteau Posts: 146
    Im 5'2 just hit my goal weight but us short ppl have to stick together.... it is challenging being short; 10lbs on us looks like
  • kappy_hollowell
    Ugh.... I need some support! I'm 5' flat, and I have 17lbs to go! Yikes! It seems like so much.... But I guess, If I could do better on the weekends, and stick with it, I'd do a lot better. I hate this feeling of "never gonna happen" - ness........ It will happen, I just need to keep trying and try harder on the weekends!
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    Hi.. I'm 5'2, so definitely fun! What do we post here? Just daily or weekly updates?
  • caterpillar2Butterfly
    At 5'2 and shrinking I like to call it verticaly challenged instead of short : )
  • Bonita_Lynne_58
    Bonita_Lynne_58 Posts: 2,845 Member
    Hi! I'm 5'1" and have a ways to go to reach my goal weight. Sometimes when I see other women's weights and pics I get aggravated. At 150-160 they look great! I have to remind myself that they may be taller and can carry more weight than I can.
    Hope to lose about 12 more pounds before New Years. This could be tough as it seems that the holiday season is the eating season. Good luck to all of you!
  • mynika
    mynika Posts: 312 Member
    Hello again, I am 5' 0", and have many pounds left to go about 100 to be exact :blushing: But I am in this for the long haul, so can't wait to meet all of you if I have not already met you. Have a great week everybody. and be sure to drink your water :wink: :drinker:
  • caterpillar2Butterfly
    Hi.. I'm 5'2, so definitely fun! What do we post here? Just daily or weekly updates?

    Fun sized I like that!! Thats what I'm going with. Heres to all the fun sized Ladies out there :drinker: :drinker:
  • bodyzen
    bodyzen Posts: 122 Member
    I'm 5'4", and have about another 5-10lbs I'd like to lose. I'd love to get to know some fellow shorties out there. :)
  • Gwen7121
    Gwen7121 Posts: 126 Member
    Hello! I'm 5'2" -ish, and would love to be a part of this!
  • ChshireKat
    Hi all. I count Octobr as a good month. I started it at about 230, then dropped and settled at near 228 and it has stayed there. I aquired a boyfriend in September and am using him as part of my control plan, although I don't think he would like it if I told him:wink::happy: , He is a distraction at meals so I don't end up eating as much as I would if I was by myself or with my roommate. Other then being chronically sleepy, which I also attribute to him ( he lives about an hour away from my by car and he doesn't drive), I feel great. I am looking forward to the Holidays and the many birthdays i =n my family between now and new years. Happy Holloween all.
  • 321blueeyes
    321blueeyes Posts: 279 Member
    Welcome newcomers!

    Starting my 30 Day Shred tonight - hoping that this will help me get rid of that persistent "fat" feeling that has been holding onto me these past few weeks. The past two weeks I gained a little over 1 lb - not the end of the world, but discouraging nonetheless. At least I ran an awesome race in the process & got to enjoy some really good food during my pre-race and post-race fueling :wink:

    According to an online running calculator, I can reach my goal Half Marathon race time < 2 hrs once I'm down to 128-130 lb range (assuming current fitness level). Awesome to learn this - makes me want to lower my goal weight just a bit. But, I think I need to wait to see how I'm doing in another 10 lbs before I make that decision... last thing I want to do is get to an unsustainable weight (which is usually 120s for me).

    Really hoping to break into the 130s this month! 30DS, please help me get there!
  • vanessa194
    vanessa194 Posts: 77 Member
    why is being so small so difficult to lose weight .. im at my wits end some times i feel like i run hard walk faster than a taller person but they lose more weight and tone up faster than us why ??
  • SaishaLea
    SaishaLea Posts: 333 Member
    I am 5'3''. October has been a great month for me. I went from 187 to 174! I have a long way to go to get to my goal of 125.
    We can do this ladies!
  • TSTagain
    TSTagain Posts: 84 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I would love to join this group - I am 5'1 and been gaining and lose the same 20lbs for the past 5 years. This is my second time on MFP and the one thing I have noticed is that the people who are truly successful on MFP are the ones who post alot; so this time around, I am reaching out and hoping this will help me stay on track.
  • hellokittymfp
    I should join this group. I am really discouraged today and that is why I have wondered into this folder. Long story short, I just did a 6 wk wt loss challenge with my exercise class and I was pretty sure I was going to win. Well, the announced the results this morning and I lost to another women by 0.01 of a lb! Can you believe it? UGH. I lost 8 lbs in 6 wks, which is a MAJOR feat in itself for me. I didn't even care about the prize (got the entire pot, everyone put in $10, so it was well over $100, plus a t-shirt), I just wanted to win, *something.* Second place didn't get any prizes and the story of my life is that if I come close to winning, I never get anything higher than 2nd place. I hate this feeling right now. I told my husband I would rather have lost by an entire lb, than by only .01 of a lb, it's such an insult from the universe. I feel like I really needed to win this challenge as a boost to my self esteem. The other women in my exercise class are all much more athletically in shape than I am, most of them place for their age group when they run 5Ks. I finish my 5ks, 5-7 min later than they do and I am also the oldest one in the group and just never been athletic to begin with. Anyway, last time I weighed in on Friday, I was 160 lbs, I'm 5"4 and 38 yrs old, a mom of 3 boys, who has been killing myself exercising 5-6 a wk to try to lose wt and keeping a food diary. I really think that a group like this will help, since you are right. If you are short and overweight, it looks worse than someone who is only a few inches taller. I've had this trouble my entire life. In high school, I weighed 115 lbs and practically starved myself to get to that weight, but the smallest size I could wear was a size 8 and all of my friends thought I weighed over 130 lbs, so I always thought I was fat, even when I was, "skinny." Now I really am fat and I realize how silly I was to get upset over a pants size. I also have really large calves, which on my body frame, simply makes me look more bulky. My calves are so large, I have a really, really hard time finding boots and sometimes even jeans that fit over my calves, and the thing is that they are ALL muscle, my husband is jealous of my calves and the only ppl who like them are all athletes. However, I wish I didn't have my athletic calves, they make me look fat.
  • beaner1st
    beaner1st Posts: 229 Member
    I am 5'2" and 117 pounds. Have been going up and down the same pound for over a month. I think I am "toning" but would love to see that magic number of 115.
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Hi all! I'm 5'2" and starting November at 130.6... I've already lost about 50 pounds, which I'm thrilled with, but really wanting to see a magic number of 127 sometime soon! That's my current "goal" weight and I think I'll try to stay about there. I figure with my medium build I should be between 125-129, so that magic 127 is right in the middle. I'm a little nervous to finally get to maintenence and to be honest I think that's why I'm not there yet. I've been splurging a little too much on the goodies and candy which for almost a year I wasn't doing. Now that I'm close I "cheat" more often. Still working out four days a week, but without a current race to train for I'm not nearly as intense as I was before my half marathon. So I'm getting my *kitten* back in gear as of today... I need to see that magic number before an exciting 4 day trip to Vegas coming up this month!!!!! I know that weekend will NOT be for losing... although I'm packing my workout gear! It's a trip I've been looking forward to for a LONG time!!!!!
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    Hi all! I finished physical therapy last Friday. Still walking with a very slight limp and am breaking in orthotics for my shoes. Tomorrow I start at the Wellness Center connected with the hospital so they can train me even more and hopefully I will lose the weight I put on after surgery!!

    I haven't been "good" this Halloween day but tomorrow is a new start!!

  • Shirlann46
    Shirlann46 Posts: 430 Member
    I'm 4 ft. 11 3/4, I have been this TALL(no pun intended) since I was 11 yrs. old. Yes, when I gain weight it shows immediately but when I lose it takes forever to see. I lost 5 lbs. this month and I am elated!!!!. So YES I could use support from anybody that is in the same boat.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :flowerforyou: Kelle, I love the story of your dinner at the Chinese buffet and your walk home. It has taken me a long time to convince the people around me that I prefer to walk. Finally, they understand and accept it.

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie, I know what you’ve gone through in the last year and it is an amazing accomplishment that you walked through all that stuff and didn’t gain weight. I’ll be here to support and encourage you as you make a fresh start . Thanks for starting the new thread and getting us all going for November

    :flowerforyou: Intuitiveself, best wishes on achieving your goal. It’s important to me to fit in my clothes and not look stuffed in. I chose my goal weight and ignored anyone else’s opinion.

    :flowerforyou: Estepteau, I am at my goal weight and continue to post because I don’t want my weight to ever get out of control again.

    :flowerforyou: Kappy, checking in with a great group like this will help you stay focused and reach your goal

    :flowerforyou: Bluegirl, I hope to post every day and usually end up posting once a week LOL

    :flowerforyou: Annita, how great to hear that you have a boyfriend and that he’s good for you

    :flowerforyou: Blueeyes, good luck on the 30 day shred---I’ve never done it but I’ve heard great things about it. Keep doing what you’re doing and you’ll find the goal weight that’s good for you. I thought I’d found mine but it may turn out to be a few pounds higher:laugh: :laugh: ---time will tell

    :flowerforyou: Vanessa, of course it’s harder to lose weight when you’re small because your body still needs all the nutrition that bigger people need but our small stature doesn’t burn calories as fast as bigger people----but it can be done, so never, never, never give up

    :flowerforyou: Saishalee, congrats on your weight loss in October

    :flowerforyou: Kim, I’m glad to hear that you’re on the road to recovery and activity. Keep up the good work

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: And to all of us, let’s not let the holidays or the cold or the darkness or anything else keep us from healthy eating and exercise every day.