Why am i not loosing??



  • Cathleenr
    I eat salad & fruit every day.. mon-fri i have smoothies for bfast (boost juice ones)
    weekends i have eggs & stufff & make a omelete..

    coffee and sugar for breakfast one day? and bacon, butter and eggs on another?
    fruit only for a meal?
    lollies..i assume thats some kind of candy or soda for a snack?

    um, the duration of exercise is not your problem.
    lots of carbohydrates in the form of simple sugars there, which is burned off by your exercise, but then you are exercising so long that you risk using muscle tissue, which in turn gives you less lean muscle and less metabolising tissue.
    you need to get a nutrition plan that incorporates a complex carb, a fat and a protein at every meal. and stick with it while exercising moderately.
    perhaps try 1/2 cup oatmeal, 1/2 cup fresh fruit (berries) and 4 egg whites for breakfast. coffee is ok, but lose the sugar and creamers. other meals can include tuna and fresh spinach with an apple or a mango, 4 ounces of lean beef, 1/2 cup cooked rice and a cup of broccoli, chicken breast salad with strawberries and a piece of wole grain bread...no butter!
    cut your cardio to 3 sessions of 30 minutes apeice for about 2 weeks along with the nutrition and see if that helps you...you can tweak it from there. the main point is...eat fresh and lean and in moderation...and be patient.
  • jskaggs1971
    jskaggs1971 Posts: 371 Member
    ...eat fresh and lean and in moderation...and be patient.


    The thing is, there are no quick fixes. I didn't get fat overnight, and I'm not going to lose it overnight. I assume it's the same for a lot of people. It's going to take time, and a lot of effort. I don;t mean physical effort, although that's part of it. The mental aspect of this journey is by far the harder part.

    I haven't looked at your diary, OP, but I did read McDonald's in there somewhere. McDonald's is the devil. Same goes for almost all fast food and a lot of stuff from restaurants. Even a lot of restaurant "salads" are sneaky, with tons of calories from high-fat dressings.

    There's a lot of conflicting information out there, and only some of it is correct. If your health is at stake, maybe you should consider consulting with a nutritionist. It's hard to do this stuff alone. The MFP community is great, but it's hard to beat one-on-one attention when you really need it. I wish you great success, and congratulations on taking the first steps to changing your lifestyle. It's tough. Keep up, and never give up on yourself.
  • kjannan
    kjannan Posts: 248 Member
    One thing I've learnt from here is that weight loss is all about the eating & the benefits of exercise are an added bonus.

    You've done well by honestly logging, it's a huge step.

    In the couple of months I've been on here my cooking methods have completely changed. I buy a LOT more fresh food & make basic meals from scratch, I was stuck in a cooking rut & hated cooking before I found this wonderful site. Now I go searching for new recipes & I love trying new food!

    I try to eat 'clean' but still have a treat here & there. Have a look at other's diaries for inspiration & kick the mcd's to the curb, it's so much cheaper to cook at home :smile:
  • Kymmy81
    Kymmy81 Posts: 168 Member
    Okay, my two cents....I would suggest upping your protein intake and trying to keep your simple carbs down - try small amounts of lean meats, a boiled egg, even a protein powder if you need to. Protein with every meal and snack, combined with a complex carb (a boiled egg + an apple, or a tin of plain tuna in springwater + a carrot, for eg) Protein keeps the appetite at bay and keeps a steady blood sugar without the ups and downs that send us running to coffee or sweets to get us back 'up' again. Eating at regular intervals helps too, to make sure your body knows it's going to be sustained and doesn't 'hang on' to everything it has.

    Otherwise, I agree with what others have said here about whole, fresh foods - no takeaway or packaged cr*p. So important!

    Best of luck! You have loads of support here at MFP.

    K x
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    i would also suggest exercising less

    I agree. Also it might be on your genes because there is such a thing as a person who despite doing all superhuman effort in the gym & is consistent in his calorie deficit eating habits still couldn't lose an ounce of fat. I suggest consulting a dietitian or a qualified fitness trainer regarding this.
  • BeautifulIllusion19
    Because you've platued or even gained muscle. Muscle gain is GOOD. Muscle burns more cals at rest, just keep what you are doing and you'll lose, do not weigh yourself every day ( been there, done that) measure yourself and you'll see your body shrinking!
  • aliciar3
    I don't at all mean this in a rude way but you say you're eating 90% healthy but I don't believe that's true.

    I actually used to think I ate quite healthily until I started counting calories and doing a bit of research.

    It's not just about eating the right amount of calories, it's also about eating the right kinds of foods. Like someone else said, not all calories are created equal. You could probably eat 3 meals a day 7 days a week at McDonalds and be under your calorie goal but in no way would that be healthy.

    I think you need to try eating more fresh foods and less packaged/processed foods.

    Also, skipping breakfast is a big no no!! :)

    For the next 2 weeks, try eating more regularly and incorporating fresh foods into your diet. Even if you don't see immediate results on the scale - your body will thank you for it!

    All the best! :)
  • glittermouse
    glittermouse Posts: 590 Member
    are you turning it to the left?
  • hayes1311
    hayes1311 Posts: 159 Member
    Wow! the time i had mcdonalds every1 picks it out.. i said i honestly was logging & only 90% eating healthy.
    i went from eating 6000 calories a day (not cooking 1 thing all mcdonalds!) to now eating mcdonals once or twice in a whole week.
    as i said no one is perfect..
    Maybe it was wrong to post this now, seeing as this last weekend i had my engagement party, anniversary and another party out..
    i think ive done a amzing job, im not ashamed of eating maccas once or twice.

    also some foods i cant be bothered logging correctly such as easy mac i made myself. i weighed it but logged it as the easy mac..
  • meredithd13

    don't lose heart! just take some of the good advice if it suits you and try a few new things.
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    i'm having the same problem and reacting in the same way to it (i.e. exercising more and more , beating myself up). the bottom line is it HAS to be diet.
    I decided for me its picking bits here and there (really adds on calories) and some other issues. for me I loosen up in the weekends (which in my mind start Friday) so really half the week I am not nearly as controlled as I am during the week which cancels out my hard work.
    it takes such consistency its amazing how easy it is to eat an extra 300 calories in bits here and here wtihout knowing. I'm beginning to think exercise less but focus so much on food. you can break your diet once in a week but any more than that you probably won't lose.
  • hayes1311
    hayes1311 Posts: 159 Member

    As i said i only upped cos im not budging in weight..

    i think excercise is the biggest thing for me, b4 working out i ate to a strict diet for 2 weeks & lost NOTHING. not one gram! i actually put on...

    I have a calorie counter so i know how many calories im burning so i no its not incorrect..
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    I'm sad that you came here looking for advice but then deny that any of the suggestions have validity. Well, it sounds like things are working for you and you're happy with the status quo then, right? If not, please be open to the help people are trying to give you. Sometimes just a few tweaks work wonders and, since we're all different, you never know what tip will help you.
  • aliciar3
    Wow! the time i had mcdonalds every1 picks it out.. i said i honestly was logging & only 90% eating healthy.
    i went from eating 6000 calories a day (not cooking 1 thing all mcdonalds!) to now eating mcdonals once or twice in a whole week.
    as i said no one is perfect..
    Maybe it was wrong to post this now, seeing as this last weekend i had my engagement party, anniversary and another party out..
    i think ive done a amzing job, im not ashamed of eating maccas once or twice.

    I was not picking out the fact that you had eaten McDonalds, I was trying to illustrate that eating the correct amount of calories is not necessarily enough. McDonalds was just the first thing that came to mind when I thought 'crap' food :)

    You came here looking for advice and possible suggestions and people are giving you their honest opinion based on information obtained from your food diary. There is no way for us to know that you prepare these foods yourself and log it as something processed.

    We're all here for the same reason and you can benefit a lot from other people's advice, it is all meant in good faith.

    Good luck and I hope you can figure out what works for you.
  • kshelest
    I had a problem like this before.... I kept turtling my weight. It could be due to lack of sleep, even sleep cycle changes. Or since your exercising more, your cal. intake needs to increase. Also, if your drinking ice cold water, you don't burn a much cals. vs. drinking temp. room water. I hope this somewhat helps. This is what my trainer once told me.
  • hayes1311
    hayes1311 Posts: 159 Member
    Losing weight and being healthy are two different things. You just have to pick your priority. You can lose weight eating nothing BUT mcdonalds, but you won't be healthy.

    Be careful around these parts. Health Nazis abound.


    Yeah true, atm im just trying to loose weight!!
    i can focus on being super healthy later on, but being this obese just the fact of loosing weight is the biggest priority for me now :-)

    hrrmmm i do drink ice cold.. think i might change that.. lol...
  • superbman
    Hayes, what's your diet like? What type of foods do you eat? Do you eat moderate or low carb? Do you eat lot of grains/flour/brown-bread? Are you unecessarily avoiding healthy fats?

    I feel everyone is different, but we all hit a plateau eventually. I hit a plateau after losing around 40 pounds in 5 months. The weight came off fast, until the weight loss eventually stopped and I couldn't lose those last 12 pounds or so. The problem seems to get worse when you only have a few pounds left to lose, especially if you started out on a wrong diet that slows down your metabolism overtime.

    The problem in my case was exactly this. I thought I was eating properly, since I was eating low fat, brown bread instead of white, and counting calories religiously. However, my diet turned out to be my biggest roadblock! Luckily, I happened to stumble upon a program designed by a husband and wife, which optimizes your metabolism to burn fat by eating the right foods. The system they recommend helped me get rid of the last 12 pounds I wanted to. Here's a good introduction to the program: www.learntolose10poundsfast.com

    Oh, btw. Just like you, I eat junk food once every weekend. It's better than eating it every day and helps you stay on track! :smile:
  • whisperingdragon
    How long have you been doing this?

    It took me awhile before weight started coming off.
  • hayes1311
    hayes1311 Posts: 159 Member
    i lost my first 5kg 6 weeks ago now, but dieting & excercising ive been doing for about 8-10weeks in total..

    6 weeks & no more movement...