10 down by Christmas (CLOSED)



  • I was driving myself bonkers when I was weighing in once a day. I'd suggest weighing in once a week on the same day.
  • Hi Guys,

    I don't think I've even introduced myself to everyone yet. So HEY!!!

    I'm also looking to lose a wee bit more than 10 pounds by then but I'll be more than happy with 10. It's just so hard for me to figure out the pounds think.. Cause I work in kg's..

    Anyway.. hope you're all getting on with it and KEEP IT UP!
  • How's everyone feeling this Monday morning? We went out to dinner with some friends last night and I was able to stay "in the green." Woo hoo! Social gatherings are the hardest for me. For some reason I always chow down like it's my last meal when I'm eating out.

    Let's all set a mini goal for today: RESIST, RESIST, RESIST the Halloween Candy. Let's JUST SAY NO to the candy binge!!!!
  • zaz936
    zaz936 Posts: 68 Member
    How is everyone? Am I the only who's bad on week-end? I guess I have to come to terms with the fact that I have no will. I need tricks, please share!!
  • evelyngrice
    evelyngrice Posts: 349 Member
    Ended up going for a walk along the Thames yesterday, walked for 90minutes & then finished off the evening playing on the kinect with my housemate. Burnt over 600cals yesterday!

  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    Good Morning All! My weekend was fun and eventful in many ways. Attended a little Halloween party Friday, no power Saturday (great reason to clean my house), and yesterday I attended my first concert. All the while, my eating was a lot better than it has been in a long time.

    Zaz, I am normally bad on my weekends, especially since I normally eat out a lot. Try making little small goals. I think it is all the free time that I have that is my downfall.
  • I too am bad on weekends. I went out on Saturday ate Halloween candy and definitely splurged at dinner with lots of food and some alcohol. Tried to make up for it by running 4 miles on Sunday. All you can do when you slip is dust yourself off and get back on track.
  • aranchmom
    aranchmom Posts: 176 Member
    I seem to be 'good' on wekends, then lose willpower all week at home! :( I think I take small portions when I am with friends, cause I don't want to eat like a pig...(super-skinny friends who exist on salads)...then come home and splurge all week. :( yuck.
  • I keep thinking it's a 15-by-Christmas goal instead of 10, so hopefully I'll keep thinking that and work extra hard ;-)

    Today's the day I went off track last year and started piling on lbs instead of dropping them. It's Halloween, paired with BF's b-day, plus my desire to cook fall and winter treats jumped up by a million.

    But not this year! I've got to keep my focus and remember the goal. I can't let Team 8 down! GO TEAM 8!
  • msenior
    msenior Posts: 171 Member
    Hey Guys,
    How you all doing, I am tired today, the clock go back on saturday and I hate Mondays. I do alot of housework on weekends, therefore, I do not drink as much water as I should. Thats my downfall.
    I walk alot, because I do not drive. Now I'm walking up the escalators and using stairs instead of the lifts. I know its hard work to shift those pounds, but God knows I need to.
    I think right now my body is just not shifting the pounds as it use to. Any tips would be great.

    Cheers :wink:
  • annasgyal
    annasgyal Posts: 1,687 Member
    Hey guys,

    Let's just say this week is not been the best week food wise, but personally yes. Well today is my birthday, and I am in Atlantic City. That should about sum up how things are going for me food and diet wise. However, I will not beat myself up, because I know what needs to be done to make the necessary changes to get back on track. These ten pounds will come off! Darn skippy! So team 6 let's get it done!
  • zaz936
    zaz936 Posts: 68 Member
    Hi all,

    How did you do last night? I 'sampled' a few candy, but all in all, I was pretty good. My neighborhood is out of water though, so I am so thirsty and can't wait to get to work. I hope it'll get fixed during the day, I'm emptying all my pool to try and get toilets to flush!
    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    ~ Happy, Happy, HAPPY .... November 1st ! It's the month for change, setting your goals, pushing the limits ! Make everyday count and when you slip .... just grab on and bounce back ! :)
  • homeport51
    homeport51 Posts: 198 Member
    We have had a weird few days here in CT (MA too, I heard). We had that freak snow storm on Sat. that left most of CT with no power. I got my power back after 30 hours, but there are still many with no power. Because of that, the mayor in our town postponed Halloween until Thursday. I didn't know you could do that! Anyway, I have class Thursday night so I won't be here for Trick or Treat. My candy is unopened and is going back to the store today.
    Hope everyone is doing well!
  • fortysixpounds
    fortysixpounds Posts: 419 Member
    How we all doing?!

    YAY all the halloween goodies are gone. Temptation has been removed Hurrah :drinker:

    Don't forget to do you extra 15 :smile:
  • fortysixpounds
    fortysixpounds Posts: 419 Member
    We have had a weird few days here in CT (MA too, I heard). We had that freak snow storm on Sat. that left most of CT with no power. I got my power back after 30 hours, but there are still many with no power. Because of that, the mayor in our town postponed Halloween until Thursday. I didn't know you could do that! Anyway, I have class Thursday night so I won't be here for Trick or Treat. My candy is unopened and is going back to the store today.
    Hope everyone is doing well!

    Glad you're ok!!!:flowerforyou:

    postponed Halloween??? :laugh: I didn't know you could do that either oh well least you've got a plan to rid yourself of that candy before then. Well done on the self restraint :happy:
  • Nikki881
    Nikki881 Posts: 203
    Ugh, it was this morning I didn't do so well! I bought mini chocolate bars for the kids, but NOBODY CAME! So, I had chocolate for breakfast.... and now I feel like I don't want to eat for the rest of the day. At least the chocolate is gone, and I don't have to think about it anymore!
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    Morning All! We have horrible lighting in my neighborhood, so I think the kids go to different neighborhoods.
    Yesterday and today, my co-workers have brought in cupcakes and cakes. One for Halloween and the other to celebrate an officer's promotion. At least this time they are keeping it in another office.
  • annasgyal
    annasgyal Posts: 1,687 Member
    Hey Guys!

    Tonight will be my last night in Atlantic City! It was fun while it lasted, however, time to get back on track. Like many have said, the only thing one can do is keep moving forward. We all at some point have succombed to temptation, food wise. Now that Halloween is gone, one can then focus for a solid three weeks and get some pounds shed.
  • I was feeling pretty good about resisting the Halloween goodies (okay, I nibbled a bit) but, walked out of the house this morning without my packed lunch. Soooo that meant scrounging for whatever goodies I could find in the lounge for lunch during my 10 hour workday. The worst part is that I feel like I am starving and I am nearly out of calories for the day. Good thing I got my 15 minute walk in this morning before work. Blagh!!!!