I had a major realization today...



  • ClarkMer
    ClarkMer Posts: 206 Member
    Oh no! Try not to be so hard on yourself. The fact that you didn't see it shows that you have self confidence. Now that you have realized that you need to put more work into your health you will be more motivated to do so. I feel the same way almost every time I see a picture of myself. Even when people tell me I look skinny in a picture I look at it and can't believe how bad I look. I think that is something that everybody has to go throiugh at some point.

    What is important is that you are ready and willing to make the changes to fix it. You can do anything you put your mind to. No more tears, keep your head up and use these feelings for good. :)
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Every morning when you wake up, say to yourself, "this is the heaviest I will ever be" then kick butt that day. Remember how horrible you felt when you saw those pics and vow " never again". :flowerforyou:

    I look forward to reading your upcoming "Success Story" here! :drinker: :heart:
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    I do know how you feel. If lost half of my body weight, I'd still be obese. (Not saying that is your situation. Just that it is mine, so I know the feeling of despair.)
    First of all, snap out of it. It sounds harsh, but if I could time travel, I'd go back in time to when I first got depressed over my weight and slap me. Why? Because feeling depressed only made me want to curl up on the coach with a nice eclair (or donut, or cookie...you get the idea...) and soothe myself. It made matters worse.
    You are here. That is a great start. Track your food. Exercise every day. Whatever you are up to. Raking leaves count if it "leaves" you out of breath.:bigsmile:
    I am more than just my body. So are you. I am a loving, loyal, and gentle person. God loves me and will help me get healthier, so long as I ask for that help and cooperate with Him. I can love myself whether I am 200 pounds overweight, 20 pounds overweight, 2 pounds overweight, or right on the money. Because I am NOT just my size. Neither are you.
    Best wishes to you. If you want a loving, loyal, and gentle friend, feel free to add me.
  • jlmancil
    I have been married to a wonderful lady for almost 20 years. She has struggled for much of her life with her weight but my love for her is not centered around her appearance. I have loved her with the ups and downs she has had over the years and that would never cease. Regardless of your weight you sound like a wonderful lady and I'm sure your husband loves you regardless of however many pounds you have put on. Don't let your weight demoralize you. You aren't nasty.

    My wife and I decided together to do something about our weight this year and both of us began focusing on what we eat and have been very successful at it. Since late July she has lost 40 lbs and I lost 25. If you aren't happy with your weight then at least you recognize that and the ability to do something about it is within your grasp.

    However, the qualify of a person is not defined by their weight but by who they are on the inside. Don't feel helpless or lost. Just be focused on doing what you need to do for your own health. Your man loves you for who you are ... just love him back.
  • kelceystevens73
    kelceystevens73 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi, I went through a similar exp about a month ago....what I did was turn the negative energy I was feeling into positive motivation. I began to realize that I needed to gain control over my weight, make some serious lifestyle changes, develop a strong support network (Thanks to my MFP peeps) and set specific "mini" goals to shoot for. I'm a month into my journey and I've begun to see good results but my sights are still never off the target. I log all of my food intake, pre-plan my meals if going out to eat, I find the time to exercise (example - went to costco with my family and while my wife and daughter shopped I did laps around the store, 3000 steps/ 200 cal burned) and I let all of my friends know about my journey so they could support me. The choice to change is not an overnight choice it is a tough and long journey but I fully believe that together everyone can accomplish more....if you need a freind please feel free to add me. Good luck on your journey. - Kelcey
  • missinmybiscuits
    missinmybiscuits Posts: 100 Member
    If you were alone, there wouldn't be so many of us on this site!

    The hard part about the initial realization that makes us cry is that it seems like it happened overnight, but we know it will take a while to reverse it.

    BUT, instead of punishing yourself, reward yourself for every positive step you take! Set your goals small, and then it will be easier to achieve them and feel the progress... it might take a while, but you CAN do it!
  • Lahdidahdah
    It was a picture of myself that got me up off the sofa and in the gym. MFP has really made me look at food as a fuel and exercise and a way to 'clean my engine'!. I too cried and thought about all the other times I looked for a quick fix. Now I am no where near where I want to be, I still have about 40 pounds to go, but after 4 months, I am 18 pounds lighter than I was. It is slow, it is steady, I don't feel deprived, and if I had not started, the 4 months would have passed and I would still be that same weight, if not bigger. I didn't set specific goals, just decided I was going to do MFP for one year and see what happened.
    Look at each day as a gift, another day to refuel your body, clean your engine, and get going. You will be surprised at how your outlook changes! I will be thinking of you!
  • Lahdidahdah
    *It's not about how you start, its about how you finish*
    Smartest post yet!
  • Cappygirl27
    How can you fix something if you don't know its broke? So now you know what you have to do. You have a man that loves you for you, that how he still wants you. That just goes to show you that there is so much more to you than weight. Your value isn't measured by the pounds you weight! I lost 50 lbs only to gain 20 of it back. I have now lost that 20 and now want to lose another 30. The only thing different today from yesterday is now you have a picture that you can look at when you feel like you want to eat something bad. Or don't want to exercise. You can make your goal to be next Halloween you will love the picture taken. The worst thing you can do is give in right now. You are crushed, for us there is only one thing to do, get up and face the day with a whole new resolve. Good luck and believe in yourself!
  • kaetra
    kaetra Posts: 442 Member
    I rememer when I was 26 years old, 115 pounds and I would see someone who is exactly my size now and think, "Oh my goodness, look at that overweight person. That doesn't happen overnight! How she get that big and not notice and do something to prevent it? I just don't understand how people can let themselves get like that. She had to buy bigger pants! She knew she was getting heavy!"

    Yep, I was THAT person. And now I'm this person. And it did happen to me. Being a mom/daughter/wife/working professional keeps you really busy. The older you get the faster time goes by too.

    Until I had my daughter 8 years ago I was at a "normal" BMI, but it was tooooo thin. I young and also very active, AND had a physically demanding job back then. Fast forward to a baby and a desk job, add a few years under and BOOM, waist explosion! Who the hell is that lady in the mirror? OMG, it's me. Aaargh! I want to go back in time and slap my old self for thinking that way.

    It's happened to millions of us. But it doesn't make it hurt any less when either the mirror or a photo catches you off guard. I can totally sympathize.
  • thebainbridge
    I had a similar situation, I thought that I could lose some weight but never considered myself obese. Over the past few years my weight has crept slowly from 8 stone to 16 stone 4 a few months ago. You genuinely don't notice it happening, I just considered myself overweight but when I had to have a small operation and the surgeon said that he couldn't operate on me as my BMI was over 30 and I had to get another surgeon I cried so much. Yet, even knowing that I still continued to eat the way I was and doing very little exercise.

    A few months ago I saw some photos of myself and then got a new set of scales and found I was 16 stone 4. I was devastated and cried so much, I couldn't understand how my husband could still love me considering I had let myself become obese but on talking to him he reassured me that he loves me no matter what my weight. Even though this is the case, I still want to lose weight to get to a healthy weight again. I'm not on a specific diet, just eating healthily and exercising 4-5 times a week and within two months I am now 15 stone 5. I've still got a lot of weight to lose but I am determined to get fit again and to feel better.

    It's easy to eat a little too much everyday and for the weight to creep up and it is hard to start weight loss but nothing worthwhile having is ever easy.

    It's important to feel good about yourself, no matter what your size. I know I have a long way to go with my weight loss goal but I know that a fitter healthier me will feel happier and so I am aiming to be happy :)
  • jerridavis2
    First, I can completely understand how you feel. I think many of us on this site have had this realization at one time or another.

    The first thing that I want to say to you is this:
    NEVER QUESTION YOUR HUSBAND'S/BOYFRIEND'S LOVE FOR YOU!! :) He loves you for the person you are. Not for the size you wear. He loves you because of how he feels when he's with you. He loves you for a million little reasons that you couldn't possibly even fathom. His love for you isn't contingent on what your weight is or where you shop for clothing. It just is. Please understand that.

    When you begin to make this change in your life (and it will have to be a life-change), you must do it for you. No one else. Not him, not your family, not your friends... just you! This is truly the one time in your life that you can be as selfish as you want. If your desire to be healthy and lose weight is anchored on someone or something else, it will not last. So before you commit to doing this, take some time and think about the reasons why you want to do it. If you have it settled in your heart and soul that this is what you want, then there is nothing or no one that will be able to hold you back. There will be challenges setbacks, we are only human of course, but you'll have that strength within you to stand back up and keep going. Failure isn't the end. It just shows us that we need to try something different.

    Find someone to confide in regarding this area of your life. And don't be surprised if your friends and family aren't as excited about your new health plans as you are. You will need the support and encouragement. I have a few friends on MFP that are always there to assist and encourage. I also have a friend IRL that is here with me and can share in my struggle and successes. I am so very grateful that person is my husband. I know there are many people whose spouses aren't exactly on the same page regarding healthy living. But having that person you can call when the bag or Oreos is open on the table and you're ready to eat the entire thing because the baby won't stop crying, the car has a flat, and a check bounced is worth more than their weight in gold!!

    Regardless of your weight, you are a beautiful, loved person. That will not change as the scale changes.

    I really hope you have a better evening. And if you ever need to vent, please feel free to add me! :)
  • icemaiden17_uk
    icemaiden17_uk Posts: 463 Member
    You are so very not alone on this one!! I knew I was big and I had tried and failed and then had a baby and been ill and then I saw the size of my maid of honour dress for my sisters wedding! And then I saw the pictures!! I looked like my mother and I said no more! I started doing a food diary ages ago but it didnt really work as I never knew haw many calories I was eating and then I started logging on here and it has worked! Everyone is so nice and suportive and I can as much as I want (healthily) as long as I workout which means I workout every day now! It is great!! And even though I have lost a stone and not dropped a dress size I know I will get there and so will you!!
  • havalinaaa
    havalinaaa Posts: 333 Member
    With a few minor adjustments, I could have written that. The photo that put me over the edge was from my vacation, and I lost 10 pounds before we left! I couldn't believe that's how I really looked, it forced me to realize how much weight I'd really put on.

    Once I had to face the facts, the problems with my diet became glaringly obvious. How did I think it was ok to use an entire stick of butter every time I cooked dinner? How had I deluded myself into thinking home-made alfredo sauce was healthy (sure, healthier than the chemical laden jar versions, but still atrociously high in calories per serving)? How did I think eating deli sandwiches with mayo and cheese every day for lunch was good for me?

    The important part is you are being real now, and you know you need to get real about lifestyle changes. Excuses are easy, changes are hard - at first. I was pleasantly surprised how easy it has been to drop the next 10 pounds, and counting! The smallest changes make such huge differences. You can do this! And you don't have to do it alone. Use the forums, make friends on MFP for encouragement and support (feel free to add me if you'd like), set some realistic goals and see how easy it is to meet them!
  • Momma747
    This exact thing happened to me except it was pictures from New years this past year. A friend of mine had taken the pictures however did not post them until this past summer on FB. I was completely speechless ( not in a good way) at how big I had become. I have always been the same thinking it would help if I lost a few pounds but its not like I really NEED to. I look at that picture almost every day now. I completely understand where you are coming from. We are here to listen and be supportive! :happy:
  • lilyfluffbottom
    lilyfluffbottom Posts: 6 Member
    I am in constant denial about how I really look. I avoided pictures for years because I just couldn't stand to be seen. And I have this really terrible picture of me sitting sideways in a chair, looking like I weigh 500 lbs instead of 300. I've lost a little weight since then, but what I've learned is, (and I'm eating halloween candy while writing this so take it with a grain of salt) You have to love what you see in the mirror, and pictures. Its you. If you don't, no matter what weight you're at you'll never see yourself as you are; beautiful and intelligent and capable of accomplishing anything you set your mind to.
  • Kslice39
    Kslice39 Posts: 146
    Thank you all so much. I have realized, with your help, i need to stop feeling sorry for myself and do something positive in my life. Thank you all so so so SO much for everything. I can even express to you how grateful I am to you. I have never felt so much support in my life. My family, as always, is very critical of everything i do and how i look. They really have nothing positive to say...you would think i would have got the hit from them about how fat I've become! My man has always been there for me but he just doesnt understand the way you all do because he's never had an issue like this before. I still cant believe the person in the picture is me but i realize i need to change that person to how i really feel. I truly feel the warmth of your support and i want to thank you again, hopefully one day i can post on here a success story and thank you all yet again. I love you all and again thank you for everything. thank you.<3<3<3
  • janarmac
    janarmac Posts: 45 Member
    I know exactly how you feel!!!
    After seeing myself in my friends wedding pictures I had the *click* where I knew I wasn't just "bigger" anymore and had a complete meltdown. I probably cried for a good hour straight then got angry and purged my kitchen of all the junk food I had and my closet of all of the clothes that no longer fit me (I regret getting rid of the clothes now...).
    As crappy as that all was, that was the wake up call I needed to get me back in motion and care about myself again!

    It's a tough journey and you'll have good days and bad days but places like MFP really help!!!

    You can't push through a wall until you've hit it. This is you hitting that wall, now it's time to break through and become a better you!!!

    Good Luck with your journey!!! :)
  • wmemmett
    I was always pretty thin when I was a kid and had a pretty high metabolism. I was 190 (6'3") when I got married and not long ago I looked at the scale and I was 240. Thus the change in lifestyle. I used to watch those Biggest Loser-type shows with my wife and wonder how those folks got that way. When I saw 240 on my scale I knew the answer....one day at a time. That's the way I got this heavy and that's the way I'll get out of it.

    Don't sweat the bad feelings and pity of how you got this way. Turn it into motivation that will help you get, day by day, to a place where you don't look OR feel that way again. You can do it.
  • nicehormones
    nicehormones Posts: 503 Member
    You are gold now. This is the beginning. Nothing will hold you back now from changing your life.