Worst Diet You've Been On...



  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Slim Fast. Back in the days when it was new and the canned shakes were all that was available. I think that lasted 1.5 days. They tasted like chalky milk and I was hungry all the time.

    I think that may be the only fad diet I ever tried. I never tried Adkins or any other low carb diet. Not because I think they don't work, but because I know they wouldn't work for me.
  • jamiesadler
    jamiesadler Posts: 634 Member
    Nutri Systems gets my vote.
    Most of their foods was covered with this "sauce" that would make me gag.
    After spending $$ & ordering foods that sounded delicious online only to receive them & have them covered in this "sauce" I ended up only able to eat 2 items out of my whole monthly shipment.

    Nutri sytem gets my vote as well. It was expensive and gross and you had to add all kinds of stuff to it.
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    HCG... the natural kind... that ends with a kid... and a lot of extra pounds.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    I have never been on a diet. I never will be, either.

    Good, I was starting to think I was the only one.

    You BOTH are on a Diet of Ignorance....
    di·et [ d ət ] 1.what person or animal eats: the food that a person or animal usually consumes
    2.controlled intake of food: a controlled intake of food and drink designed for weight loss, for health or religious reasons, or to control or improve a medical condition
    3.regular intake of something: a continuous or daily experience of, or indulgence in, something other than food

    Thank you, Mr. Webster.

    v. di·et·ed, di·et·ing, di·ets
    To eat and drink according to a regulated system, especially so as to lose weight or control a medical condition.

    Also, that joke is old and not funny.

    I was going to say 'Captain Literal.' Lol.
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    Easy: Atkins.

    Pre-Atkins I hadn't eaten beef or port for 12 years; post Atkins I not only started eating carbs again, but had developed a taste for beef at every other meal and bacon on everything. I lost 10 lbs in 12 weeks on Atkins, and gained back 15 in 8 weeks.

    I still haven't been able to give up pork. Mmmmm bacon.

    It reawakened the senses..:laugh:
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    Thinking I had to eat every 3 hours and eat small portions. Annoying.

    Funny. This somewhat describes the way I eat, by far my favorite way. I hate waiting too long to eat because I feel like I want to eat everything in the pantry and refrigerator. And big portions stop me in my tracks. Like I'm sh!tfaced on food. Feel lethargy setting in. I eat every few hours in small portions, never get really hungry, always feel relatively sated. Always feel fueled for my workouts, usually avoid the Bonk, always ready to go on Race Day.

    Guess its not for everyone obviously.
  • MandyMcAwesome
    MandyMcAwesome Posts: 109 Member
    I did Quick Weight Loss once. Everything had to be fresh or fresh frozen. You ate a ton of meat and veggies but you could only have 2 sclices of bread a day and only one tablespoon of butter for flavoring. My mother referred to this as my chicken diet, because I ate so much of it.

    I lost weight but I was only 22, so I when I was done loosing I thought I was "cured" and went back to my old eating habits.

    Imagine going though that HELL just to put it back on. Dang it!

    I'd rather take my time.
  • Shanna_Inc86
    Shanna_Inc86 Posts: 781 Member
    I tried that Metabolite/Ephedrine stuff in high school. I couldn't stop working out and had NO appetite to the point where I felt shaky and sick. Toward the end of my affair with these icky pills my vision kept clouding with black spots. Yeck! We're so stupid as teenagers.

    Yea...same here...I went 2 weeks w/o eating solid food...THEN I ate PB&Js like they were going to disappear if I didn't LOL

    I did the not eating diet, the eating and then puking diet, the coffee and cigarettes diet with a dash of crackers,
    Nutrisystem, SlimFast, omg DUMB DUMB *kitten* :noway:

    If I knew then what I know now kind of thing...I just did what I saw my mom do...yo-yo and try fad diet after fad diet and I NEVER remember seeing my mom work out
  • laylina
    my sister has had the same 5 cans of slim-fast in the fridge for a month or two now lol
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Never been on a diet. I always ate healthy prior to MFP but I got into some bad habits while finishing grad school, getting laid off from my dream job, and my Mom getting cancer.

    MFP got me back to my 2008 weight.
  • LilLolo22
    LilLolo22 Posts: 229 Member
    Atkins = Too restrictive
    HCG = Dangerous and a waste of money
    Beet Diet = DUMB! Why oh WHY did I do it? B/c I was DUMB. I don't remember the details but it involved more beets than I can stand. Yuck.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Slimfast and cabbage soup... not only did I not lose weight but I lost friends too (windy city)!!!
  • KavemanKarg
    Worst: They typical heart healthy approach that cuts calories and mandates food from every food group in recommended proportions including high calorie whole grain foods that pale in comparison to actual vegetables.

    Left me hungry all the time, just starving. I literally spent 3 months losing a pound a week and counting the minutes til my next measly 400 calorie meal.

    An experience I will never EVER repeat.

    Best: Primal Blueprint, which I work on a sliding scale based on my current goals. Right now I am wanting to drop some quick pounds again, so up with the fat, up with the protein, and carbs are less than 10% of calories.

    I do not like "One size fits all;" approaches because they do not. To me, this is a downfall with Atkins. With Primal Blueprint you can pick your target zone, and work accordingly. And the odd feed on bread aint gonna kill ya or cause the pounds to magically rush back. Infact I just spent a week cheating, gained a measly pound, and took it off again quickly.
  • jacquelyn_erika
    jacquelyn_erika Posts: 524 Member
    Atkins. It was super expensive, for starters. I followed it to a T and lost a significant amount of weight, but when I stopped following the program I gained it all back and then some. I also had a lot of intestinal issues from Atkins that had to be addressed by a doctor. I'd recommend it to NOONE!
  • LeCitron
    Atkins. I have that to thank for my year-long eating disorder and the mental hurdles I still have to get over just to eat a freaking potato.
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    I tried low carb for all of about 2 weeks - no thank you. :P
  • lindzmt22
    ATKINS. blech
  • KavemanKarg
    I am shocked by all the hate for different diets based on what happens WHEN YOU QUIT THE DIET.

    Think about it.

    You change how you eat, you start losing weight.

    You then, for whatever reason usually due to not liking the food choices and liking the foods that bulked you up in the first place, you switch back to those very same foods, and gain weight back.

    Then blame the diet?

    Does any diet work once you return to eating the way that made you fat in the first place?

    As far as gaining the weight back "more rapidly", this is normal for ANY DIET you quit. You are no longer a "newly fat person" but an "experienced fat person" with nice HUGE fat cells from previous use, and likely even excess fat cells, that slowly grew over time the first time you gained weight. Gaining weight the 2nd time is very easy compared to the first. It is why maintenance is a longer battle than losing.

    Pick on any diet you want, but you cannot judge a diet by what happens when you quit the diet.

    There is a certain element of self honesty required here. You gained weight because you switched to some other method of eating that is making your already big fat cells drink deeply again.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I am shocked by all the hate for different diets based on what happens WHEN YOU QUIT THE DIET.
    kinda why I backed out slowly...I knew the hate would come.
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    I am shocked by all the hate for different diets based on what happens WHEN YOU QUIT THE DIET.

    Think about it.

    You change how you eat, you start losing weight.

    You then, for whatever reason usually due to not liking the food choices and liking the foods that bulked you up in the first place, you switch back to those very same foods, and gain weight back.

    Then blame the diet?

    Does any diet work once you return to eating the way that made you fat in the first place?

    As far as gaining the weight back "more rapidly", this is normal for ANY DIET you quit. You are no longer a "newly fat person" but an "experienced fat person" with nice HUGE fat cells from previous use, and likely even excess fat cells, that slowly grew over time the first time you gained weight. Gaining weight the 2nd time is very easy compared to the first. It is why maintenance is a longer battle than losing.

    Pick on any diet you want, but you cannot judge a diet by what happens when you quit the diet.

    There is a certain element of self honesty required here. You gained weight because you switched to some other method of eating that is making your already big fat cells drink deeply again.
