C25K ~ Is anyone else starting their 3rd week?



  • Hello all.....I am starting week 8 day 2 tomorrow. I was never a runner and have been pushing myself every step of the way. I haven't been outside yet...did all of my running on the treadmill...but was really just trying to see if I can do it. Next goal is to get outside and running my first 5k on Thanksgiving. Good luck to everyone....it may seem a steep battle to overcome but YOU CAN DO IT!
    Thanks! I am running my first 5k on Thanksgiving too. :) Good luck to you too!
  • This week was messed up with my kids being home from school Thurs & Fri, so I just finished up W5D1 this morning.

    The first run interval seemed kind of hard, but then it's always hard for me to start up again if I skip a workout. The third run though - wowee! I decided to push it a bit and keep going into the cool down, and ended up running through the whole cool down time for a full 10 minute run!!

    Ok, ok, saying "run" for me may be a bit of a stretch since I'm going for time and not speed or distance yet, but I kept going for 10 minutes.

    I have a question for all of you who are farther along in this than I am. Did you repeat anything around this point? I can't imagine getting through that 20 minute run.

    It is more a mental battle for me than it is a physical one. I did have to take about 10 days off after I got halfway through Week 2 the first time. I was having serious arthritis pain in both knees. After getting that under control with ibuprofin and ice I started back up and haven't missed a beat since. I've found if I set it in my mind that I can do this then I don't have much of a problem. I have been really surprised! But don't feel bad for repeating. Just look at how far you've come! A few short weeks ago you were only running for 60 seconds at a time. You are doing amazing! Keep it up! :) And let us know how you are doing! It helps me so much to have this online support.

    Happy Running!
  • 40Marbles
    40Marbles Posts: 188 Member
    W5D2 done!! What a beautiful morning! Cold but sunny and fabulous blue sky. The run intervals went really well, I only caught myself looking at the clock once or twice.

    W5D3 - here I come!! I might not make it on the first try, but I will get there.
  • Week 8 day 1 down. On another note, had a health screening at work today and my blood pressure is running a bit on the high side. Ugh. Am calling my doctor to see what I need to do. Prayers appreciated.

    Happy running!
  • Just talked to a friend who is a nurse and she said my run this morning could totally be the cause of my slightly elevated blood pressure. Still going to keep an eye on it, but I feel a little bit better about it.

  • 40Marbles
    40Marbles Posts: 188 Member

    Can I Do This?
    Can I Do This?
    I can do this?
    I can do this?
    I can do this.
    I Can Do This.

    I DID THIS!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    You were all so right - it was so much more a mental thing to get past this one!
  • WAY TO GO!!!!!!!! Amazing feeling, isn't it? :wink:

    I made it through Week 8 Day 2 this morning. Did 2.99 miles in 39 minutes! Slow, but steady. Feeling good!

    Happy Running!
  • 40Marbles
    40Marbles Posts: 188 Member

    Today was harder than W5D3! I think I was running faster thinking that the intervals were so much shorter but it just seemed to HARD today.

    Maybe I'm getting my daughter's cold. Made it through though.
  • W6D1

    Today was harder than W5D3! I think I was running faster thinking that the intervals were so much shorter but it just seemed to HARD today.

    Maybe I'm getting my daughter's cold. Made it through though.
    Way to go!

    I am starting my final week tomorrow. Hard to believe that this is gonna be it! I am ready though, and will be good to go for my first race on Thanksgiving. I don't care about time, just that I finish. I will miss you guys! We should start another thread to keep up with each other!

    Happy Running!
  • 40Marbles
    40Marbles Posts: 188 Member
    Way to go!

    I am starting my final week tomorrow. Hard to believe that this is gonna be it! I am ready though, and will be good to go for my first race on Thanksgiving. I don't care about time, just that I finish. I will miss you guys! We should start another thread to keep up with each other!

    Happy Running!

    Wow! You will rock it in the race on Thanksgiving! I'm hoping to finish before it starts to snow so much that I have to use the treadmill.

    Just finished W6D2. It went much better than W6D1, even though it is cold and raining this morning. As long as the ipod stays dry I'm happy.
  • Ran in the cold rain last night. Not my best run ever, but it got done! And I kept going the whole 30 minutes. A bit sore this morning, but nothing that a little ice and ibuprofin can't handle. :)

    Happy Running!
  • 40Marbles
    40Marbles Posts: 188 Member
    Week six - done. :happy:

    I did a time check at close to the mid-point of the run and accidentally hit "pause", so I ended up adding about 3 minutes or so to my run today. My legs are tired so I think I'll join Jolee in that bottle of ibuprofen.
  • Week six - done. :happy:

    I did a time check at close to the mid-point of the run and accidentally hit "pause", so I ended up adding about 3 minutes or so to my run today. My legs are tired so I think I'll join Jolee in that bottle of ibuprofen.
    Way to go! You are doing AWESOME!

    Good run this morning! I only have 1 more run left and I will officially be done with C25K. Unbelievable! I am breaking in new shoes and rubbed a raw spot on the back of one heel this morning because my sock disappeared into my shoe. Will keep an eye on it, hope it doesn't give me fits. My first 5k is two weeks from yesterday. I am a bit nervous, but also wayyyyyyy excited! :)

    Happy Running!
  • Well, it was bound to happen. On my last run I tripped on a sidewalk crack and completely fell flat. Scraped up both hands and my knee. Knee is swollen. Pretty achey all over. Ugh. But it could have been way worse. I felt so stupid. Oh well, I am gonna just pick myself up, dust myself off, and start all over again tomorrow and try not to let it shake my confidence.

    Happy Running!
  • 40Marbles
    40Marbles Posts: 188 Member
    Well, it was bound to happen. On my last run I tripped on a sidewalk crack and completely fell flat. Scraped up both hands and my knee. Knee is swollen. Pretty achey all over. Ugh. But it could have been way worse. I felt so stupid. Oh well, I am gonna just pick myself up, dust myself off, and start all over again tomorrow and try not to let it shake my confidence.

    Happy Running!

    Oh No!! I hope you are ok and heal up completely before your 5k!
  • Ran tonight. Got my confidence back. :) And I am officially a C25K graduate! Yay! :)

    Happy Running!
  • 40Marbles
    40Marbles Posts: 188 Member
    Ran tonight. Got my confidence back. :) And I am officially a C25K graduate! Yay! :)

    Happy Running!

    Awesome!! I hope to join you as a graduate in a couple weeks.

    Finished W7D3 on Sunday.

    You will rock that race this week!
  • Sick as a dog with a cold for the past week, but I ran every step of my race today! Dead last in my age division, but who cares?!?! I. Did. It.

    Happy Thanksgiving!
  • 40Marbles
    40Marbles Posts: 188 Member
    Sick as a dog with a cold for the past week, but I ran every step of my race today! Dead last in my age division, but who cares?!?! I. Did. It.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  • 40Marbles
    40Marbles Posts: 188 Member
    W8D2 - done.

    Ugh! This was a hard one. I've had a cold with a cough, and it's barely 30 degrees out and windy today. I knew if I didn't get out and do it I might just quit and not finish these last 2 weeks - so off I went.

    The first half wasn't bad as I had the wind at my back, but the second half against the wind was tough and a bit slower. So glad I went though.