Run, Walk or Crawl Highway 50



  • kathy0317
    Monday: 4.16 km = 2.58 miles
    Tuesday: 3.99 km = 2.48 miles
    Total this week: 8.15 km = 5.06 miles
  • Bajankat
    Bajankat Posts: 82 Member
    Sadly, I couldn't workout for the last two days but I managed to get in 0.8 miles today. not much but I tried. I also did 30 minutes of house cleaning with my bad back. so can that be counted as something?? lol
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    First time ever I manage to run 10 minutes non stop. The rest of the time I walked. There is pain at the back of left knee. Its not like a sharp injury pain or muscle tear. But more like a continuous dull pain through out the day. I tried stretching all but its still there. I am not sure if I should take a break from exercise for today (Day 4). Some suggestions guys.

    First of all, congrats! Awesome job doing 10 minutes :smile: Such a great feeling.

    Have you iced your knee? Try alternating ice and heat and take a nice hot shower to relax the muscles. If you feel the need, wrap it up in an Ace bandage or something to give it some extra support for a day or two. Don't push it too hard, though, until you are 100% sure it's not any sort of injury! I always tell people NEVER EVER EVER take any sort of knee pain lightly!!!!!
  • nonafit
    nonafit Posts: 582 Member
    Oh yes...I felt so proud...the sense of accomplishment even its 10 minutes was amazing. On the pain I did not do any ice or heat compression. I took hot shower though. Its not knee pain. It at the back of the knee. I am not sure its the varicose vein or what. I will get the bandage or knee guard and see how it goes. But what do you think Bregalad....should I take a rest day or should I just walk it out slow today.

    Anyway I do not want to hijact the may be I will PM you.
  • LauraHasABabyJack
    LauraHasABabyJack Posts: 629 Member
    1.5 miles Monday and 3 miles today.
    10.5 miles total
  • tracy337
    tracy337 Posts: 199 Member
    Monday: 4 miles
    Tues:2 miles

    6 total and 9 to go :)
  • peaceinside
    Got 5 miles in today, 2.5 on the bike and 2.5 on the tm! Love this challenge!

    Got another 2.5 jogging on Monday. Quoting myself so I can keep all my numbers together. :noway:
  • Wallaby2
    Wallaby2 Posts: 132 Member
    I'm having a break today so it's zero for me (Wed). Great work everyone!
  • sharonsjones
    sharonsjones Posts: 574 Member
    I did 3.14 yesterday. So that is 7.84 for the week.
  • luvmybeebees
    luvmybeebees Posts: 681 Member
    Only a 1/2 mile today :sad: Tried out the elliptical - kicked my butt! Will have more miles today!
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    Tuesday: 12 miles
    Today: 4 miles

    Total: 16 miles
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    Got 5 miles in today, 2.5 on the bike and 2.5 on the tm! Love this challenge!

    Got another 2.5 jogging on Monday. Quoting myself so I can keep all my numbers together. :noway:

    Awesome, doing great!
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    Monday: 4 miles
    Tues:2 miles

    6 total and 9 to go :)

    Impressive stuff!
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    Tuesday: 12 miles
    Today: 7 miles

    Total: 19 miles

    Added 3 more miles to today. :)
  • Ifly4free
    Ifly4free Posts: 203 Member
    Ran 5 miles today..
    Total so far 13.7

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Sun.= 2
    Mon. =3
    Total of 7 miles done.
  • kathy0317
    Monday: 4.16 km = 2.58 miles
    Tuesday: 3.99 km = 2.48 miles
    Total this week: 8.15 km = 5.06 miles

    Wednesday: 3.86 km = 2.4 miles
    New Totals: 12.01 km = 7.46 miles just about 1/2 way there
  • kdenny1
    kdenny1 Posts: 134
    1.5 miles today
  • Bajankat
    Bajankat Posts: 82 Member
    Today i did 2.9 miles which brings me to a total of 3.7
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    Sunday: 0 :cry:
    Monday: 3.8 miles of walking. I'm forcing myself to not run. I want to... Total: 3.8
    Tuesday: back at it. The run was rough after a week off, but I'm still alive! 5.4 miles of walking, 2.1 miles of running = 7.5 miles today = 11.3 total
    Wednesday: not feeling well, so 0 again. 11.3 total
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