The Sweetest Thing.



  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    Had an awful day. He sends me a text that says "I have a surprise for you". So 10 minutes later he calls me and he is at home playing his piano. He played for me for an hour. It was perfect, just what I needed.
  • auntdeedee87
    auntdeedee87 Posts: 706 Member
    My lawn mower broke and my yard was a JUNGLE. He had a Monday off-- he's a teacher-- and used it to drive to my step dad's house and get his mower and weed eater, tow it to my house, cut my grass, and back to drop it off. then back home. He lives 45 minutes away, as well.

    And then a few weeks ago he bought the toy I was gonna buy my niece for her birthday, and told me "Id love to buy that for my future niece."

    So sweet.
  • Brainsurgeon
    Brainsurgeon Posts: 26 Member
    I totally had to look up the atm thing - I'm a little sorry I did 0_o

    Anyhooo, my O/H has done lots of sweet things, but there's one thing he does every day, without fail. He brings me a cup of coffee, and tells me he loves me. I never get sick of it. Especially the coffee....the man makes good coffee.

  • littlesis412
    littlesis412 Posts: 314 Member
    One night I was sick but absolutely HAD to do homework. I was literally falling a sleep in my chair so crying I gave in and said I needed to take a nap. I asked him to wake me up in 30 minutes but he gave me the hour knowing I wouldn't let myself. Then he cooked me supper, gave me a foot rub and tucked me into bed when I was finished for the night. I don't know how sweet anyone else would think this is but it's one of my favorite memories.
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    One Valentine's Day several years ago I was extremely sick with the flu and bronchitis so we didn't plan to go out. He went to the store and bought all the fixing for a Sunday like chicken dinner as well as flowers. Then he set it all up in the dining room all while I was sleeping on the couch. Gotta love a man who takes care of romance even with a sicky poo wife!
  • auntdeedee87
    auntdeedee87 Posts: 706 Member
    I totally had to look up the atm thing - I'm a little sorry I did 0_o

    Anyhooo, my O/H has done lots of sweet things, but there's one thing he does every day, without fail. He brings me a cup of coffee, and tells me he loves me. I never get sick of it. Especially the coffee....the man makes good coffee.


    My favorite daily thing is when he leaves for work before I'm awake, he always wakes me up with a kiss on the cheek to tell me he is leaving and he loves me.
  • branflake5
    we had only been dating for about a month and stopped by walmart to get some stuff to make sundaes (back when i was skinny and could eat anything i wanted and not gain a lb) so we are leaving walmart and get out to the main road its busy as hell and there is a disabled man in a wheel chair who was trying to get across the street and his wheel chair got stuck on the curb. my honey stopped the car in the middle of the all the traffic ran over to the guy got his wheel chair dislodged from the curb it was stuck on and wheeled him across to safety and even offered the man a ride home. i was so smitten with his act of total kindness i think i truly fell head over heals for him that moment.

    this is just the good hearted type of person he is, he will always go out of his way to help a stranger or anyone who needs any help for that matter. whether it be to help an elderly woman put groceries in her trunk or to buy a sandwich for a homeless man.

    it goes to show u that looks can be deceiving, he has a shaved head and is covered in tattoos and sometimes ppl give him looks of disgust for the way he looks but he would give the shirt off his back or his last dollar to help someone in need.
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    we had only been dating for about a month and stopped by walmart to get some stuff to make sundaes (back when i was skinny and could eat anything i wanted and not gain a lb) so we are leaving walmart and get out to the main road its busy as hell and there is a disabled man in a wheel chair who was trying to get across the street and his wheel chair got stuck on the curb. my honey stopped the car in the middle of the all the traffic ran over to the guy got his wheel chair dislodged from the curb it was stuck on and wheeled him across to safety and even offered the man a ride home. i was so smitten with his act of total kindness i think i truly fell head over heals for him that moment.

    this is just the good hearted type of person he is, he will always go out of his way to help a stranger or anyone who needs any help for that matter. whether it be to help an elderly woman put groceries in her trunk or to buy a sandwich for a homeless man.

    it goes to show u that looks can be deceiving, he has a shaved head and is covered in tattoos and sometimes ppl give him looks of disgust for the way he looks but he would give the shirt off his back or his last dollar to help someone in need.

    I'm glad I'm not the only one with a questionable-looking hero type. :-)
    I think the sweetest thing he does for me is come up and hug me from behind and says, "hey, pretty lady." And hearing him read stories or pray with our boys, 3 and 1. He is such a great dad, it makes me love him in a whole new way.
  • auntdeedee87
    auntdeedee87 Posts: 706 Member
    we had only been dating for about a month and stopped by walmart to get some stuff to make sundaes (back when i was skinny and could eat anything i wanted and not gain a lb) so we are leaving walmart and get out to the main road its busy as hell and there is a disabled man in a wheel chair who was trying to get across the street and his wheel chair got stuck on the curb. my honey stopped the car in the middle of the all the traffic ran over to the guy got his wheel chair dislodged from the curb it was stuck on and wheeled him across to safety and even offered the man a ride home. i was so smitten with his act of total kindness i think i truly fell head over heals for him that moment.

    this is just the good hearted type of person he is, he will always go out of his way to help a stranger or anyone who needs any help for that matter. whether it be to help an elderly woman put groceries in her trunk or to buy a sandwich for a homeless man.

    it goes to show u that looks can be deceiving, he has a shaved head and is covered in tattoos and sometimes ppl give him looks of disgust for the way he looks but he would give the shirt off his back or his last dollar to help someone in need.

    I'm glad I'm not the only one with a questionable-looking hero type. :-)
    I think the sweetest thing he does for me is come up and hug me from behind and says, "hey, pretty lady." And hearing him read stories or pray with our boys, 3 and 1. He is such a great dad, it makes me love him in a whole new way.

    Love both of these! :)
  • wifeygonzo
    wifeygonzo Posts: 287 Member
    When my husband proposed to me, he called it the "Super Date - the date to end all dates" because once we got engaged we were no longer dating. Anyway, he talked to my boss, got me the day off of work as a surprise, took me to Disneyland, then to San Diego & proposed as the sun was setting. Then we went to dinner and had a table by the water and ended it with a carriage ride through down town San Diego :heart:
  • dragonbait0126
    dragonbait0126 Posts: 568 Member
    Actually this one just happened today. I had an interview this morning for a new position at my work. I went to grab my purse and keys and found this note:

    Hi Monkey,
    I just wanted to tell you good luck today in your interview. :smile:
    I'm very proud of you, and I know you're going to kick the crap our of your competition.

    I stuck the note in my pocket when I went to my interview for good luck! Hopefully it brings me some.