30DS dissapointed with myself

Had a go at the 30 DS today and didnt make it through only made it through 19 minutes and was stopping allot towards the end feel so dissapointed with myself ive seen people on here that are heavier than me being able to complete this so why cant I especially when i thought i was allot more fitter now since ive been cycling and walking pretty much everyday for 4 months

another problem i had was very bad form i could feel the pain in my neck instead of the muscle groups i was meant to be working did anyone else start with poor form and then get better as they went along

and to top everything off i now for some reason feel quite shaky and ill after it

has anybody else had a similar experience should i maybe wait until i have lost some more weight before starting?


  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Don't be down on yourself. Try again tomorrow or in a couple days.

    My heaviest was not that heavy, and I tried doing 30DS the first time when I was around 150lbs. I could not make it through the entire video. Weight doesn't really have as much to do with it as conditioning. Some folks are just better at vids like that than others. I was part of the 'not-so-good-at-this' group, even though my weight was lower than many people going through it.

    Feeling shaky after pushing yourself to a new workout is totally normal. Do some stretches, drink a little water, and take it easy the rest of the night.

    Don't wait to lose weight and try again. Try again as soon as your muscles feel like they can handle it :) Tomorrow... the next day, two days from now - but not 3 months from now. You CAN do the video. Even if you have to do 19 minutes every day for 3 weeks, then that is 19 mins more than nothing!
  • tageekly
    tageekly Posts: 3,755 Member
    Perhaps your stamina isn't up to par yet, but that doesn't mean you should stop. I was working out for a couple months before starting it but found I could barely get through the first time too. Get through what you can and further modify if you need to. I couldn't do the jump rope at first all the way through so had to just run in place.

    I found my form was a bit lacking and my knees would hurt so I have to really pay attention in the squats.

    Was the pain in your neck from trying to watch the TV while you were doing the movements? Maybe try watching the DVD a couple times and practicing the form before going all out. I don't even watch it anymore, just use Jillian for timing of when to move on.

    If you're feeling ill and shaky it could be you're dehydrated or hungry. Try drinking some water and having a light snack. It's best to do the workout on an empty stomach but follow up with something if you're body needs it.

    Good luck!
  • mrsdauer
    mrsdauer Posts: 102
    regarding the "dizzy shaky feeling", i started doing the work-out AFTER i eat a meal. i found that exercising without any food in my body made my blood sugar drop very quickly.
    I also felt the same way when i started the dvd.... thought it was pretty simple starting out, after day 3 i was aching and feeling the mucsles begin to "burn"....
    i learned quickly NOT to say "that was easy"....LOL

    good luck to ya
  • DawnLosing
    I could only do the first 16 minutes and I have not tried again however I have seen others do it and complete it. I think it is there for us to push ourselves, I was thinking of doing it after I got back from a trip to Atlanta, starting on Nov 9th, if you would like keep each other on track let me know. I think doing day one 50 times beats not doing it ever again so I am going to keep trying till I can get through it :) Good luck!!
  • upsidedownpear
    upsidedownpear Posts: 101 Member
    I also find 30 DS very challenging. I guess its not the weight but the fitness level. I'm at 213 lbs now. I get through the entire exercise but have to drop the weights at certain points.. I just cannot get myself to do the side lunges with arm raises. I started with 5 lbs in the beginning but then reduced to 3 lbs for the parts I couldn't efficiently do..

    I think you need to build up slowly. Make sure you get good warm-up..more than whats done in the video. Don't be disheartened. I know you will get there pretty soon =) Good luck!
  • caitymay1
    caitymay1 Posts: 73 Member
    The first time I did it, it took everything I had just to get through it, my boyfriend couldn't even finish it. My form was not great either, but after about 4 days it really started to get easier and my form improved immensely. Just stick with it a few more days at least! It's such a great workout and the results are so worth it :flowerforyou:
  • OneBKDiva
    OneBKDiva Posts: 82 Member
    Everyone works at their own pace. You'll get through it and when you do, you are going to be so proud!!
  • meredithd13
    well done for giving it a go. i'm pretty fit and find it a challenge (i'm on day 6 of level 1). i hate anything to do with upper body strength, so the arm raises and pushups are horrible for me.

    you got through 19 mins? that's pretty much the whole thing! i would persevere, but sounds like maybe you could ask a trainer at your gym for the correct way to do some of the exercises as i think it's important. in particular, my pushup form has changed (look at ceiling, hands behind ears not clasped at the back of your head etc). also, i think you have to get the squats and side lunges right.

    but persevere. just do what you can and you'll get better each time you do it. i don't think you need to lose more weight first. i do daily cyclilng, a bit of running each week, a bit of tennis, a spin class and some yoga, and the 30DS is a nice complement as it's a little bit of weights intensity. if you're walking and cycling every day, it may be that your body is used to those exercises so it's good to introduce something new.
  • rachellosesitall85
    rachellosesitall85 Posts: 497 Member
    The same thing happened to me. She works your core so the first few times are very hard. By the 7th day you will feel stronger, perhaps even notice a difference and you'll learn a new form. My neck hurt the first few days because I was pulling up with my neck in the situps and not with my ABS which what is your supposed to do. Keep going, you'll see in a week or so. You'll probably mess up a few more times at each level too because it will be new to you. Keep pushing!
  • NashvilleShelley
    Don't give up!! The first three days are unbelievable!! Can't move and everything hurts. I couldn't even roll over in bed!! By the 5th day it gets a little better. I did it for 11 days. Level 1 the first 10 days and then moved up to level 2 and it was soooo hard for me. I quit! Should have stayed on level 1 longer. Just started again today and will stay at level 1 until I get better. You can do this!! : )
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    19 minutes for first day is great! I had to turn it off and sit down and then start it over again a couple of times for the first week! Then I got to where I could do the entire thing with modifications. Stick with it! Modify when you have to...do push ups against a wall if that is easier. For jumping jacks I would do the arm motions and just move feet out to side one at a time...ohhh and put down the weights for a couple of days...

    I was thinking about starting it again. Want a partner?
  • Wendyma1
    Wendyma1 Posts: 289 Member
    You got further than I did on my first day! I had to build up my stamina. It took about 5 or 6 days. As for form, that took me a while as too, I was also very discouraged, but please, hang in there. Even if you dont get it down the first time around, you will do better the second time around. I am just starting my second course of the 30DS, and this time I am concentrating on form.

    You can do this! hang in there, your MFP family is here to cheer you on!
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    Don't stress yourself out! Everyone has a starting point, and there is no shame in that. The first 6 months I did spin classes I was ALL OVER THE PLACE. I didn't have the endurance to go for 55 mins straight, so every 20 minutes or so I would have to sit and free spin and give myself a break. Also, I didn't have the endurance to stay in a climbing position for more than a few minutes nor was I comfortable staying in the saddle for the entire ride. So, I just made each and every workout my own and did everything I could and MODIFIED MODIFIED MODIFIED so I could keep going! And I kept showing up and doing my best.

    Same goes for pilates! At my first class, I could probably do less than half the moves. Now I can do EVERYTHING and many things at more advanced levels! It has taken two years, but I've improved tremendously! My fitness level is way better than it was when I joined a gym 30 months ago. And it has only improved since finding MFP.
  • kstep88
    kstep88 Posts: 403 Member
    Don't beat yourself up about it. From what you wrote it sounds like you are doing the right things to get fit. Exercise videos can be tough, because you have to figure it out on your own. You did most of the video and I am sure you will get better at it. I am smaller, and I suck at my form. Classes are much easier. But you can do it, and I am sure you will have it down in a few days. :)
  • annie_p
    annie_p Posts: 319 Member
    I just started again. I did one day before and my God...it was bad. I was like you, barely able to make it through and all that jazz. I haven't touched it in a long time, and yes, I was still shaky after, but I was able to make it through. I would just give it time, if you feel comfortable doing it tomorrow, go for it. If not, maybe step away. Jillian Micheals made another video called Jillian Micheals for Beginners. It's MUCH easier than 30 Day Shred, but still a great workout. And she's not as strict in that one, she says if you need a break to go ahead and take it.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    I am on level 2 day 3. I was hitting 45 minutes on the elliptical 5-6 days a week before giving it a go.

    Day one... I had to stop 10 minutes in because I thought I was going to vomit. I sat there for like 5 minutes, and I didn't give up. The next three days I experienced DOMS. (delayed onset muscle soreness) I could barely walk. No I'm not kidding. I couldn't even sit on the toilet to pee without excruciating pain and stiffness. I did day 2. It got worse. I broke down and cried because my boyfriend truly did not believe how much pain I was in. I had a rest day and did day 3. All the soreness went away... I started to feel stronger (like she says force your body to make those changes) and the rest is history! It's still a great and hard workout but it's gotten MUCH easier!

    I stuck to it and I'm glad I did because my endurance is so much greater now.

    As with any new exercise program do it at your own pace. Don't want to injure yourself. But I know that feeling of "400 pound people can do this and I can't wtf is wrong with me" !

    You can do it!
  • em1976
    em1976 Posts: 119 Member
    The way you have to look at it is this...19 minutes is a great start.Try again in a few days(or if your sore) once your back to form and hop back into it.Go for 20 next time.

    Ive been at the weight loss goal for 3 years with the last 6 or so months really getting stuck into cardio(was doing weights previous to that).The first day I did 30 DS I really struggled with the jumping jacks/skipping,my calves hated it,I was in agony.Not so bad now.It does get better as your body adjusts.I personally found it quite brutal even though id been doing strength I found muscles screaming but I decided bugger it,its temporary and I can do this.So can you!

    Dont give up please.Try again,do 20 minutes,then next day or so do 21.Each extra minute is a step toward where you wish to be.If your struggling with form,work on that first and foremost until your comfortable then work on the timeframe.Even though its a 30 day program,take 60 days until you feel your ready to tackle it head on.Dont be disappointed,19 minutes is good,also ignore the 'Ive seen 400 pound people do jumping jacks' as I swore at my tv.petty I know:P

    You can do whatever you set your mind to do,so start at 19 minutes and work up from there:)
  • Getting_Fit_4_Life
    Getting_Fit_4_Life Posts: 401 Member
    Don't be so hard on yourself. The workout is tough. I tried it about 4 months ago and I had to stop because I was so out of shape. I have since tried it again and it's a BIT easier. I am currently on level 3. As a matter of fact, I just started level 3 today and boy it was probably the toughest of the levels. With that being said, I know I will get better at it as the days go on. You can stay on any level until you are ready to move to the next one. YOU can do it. Maybe give it a rest for now and come back to it in a month or so. You will be amaze how better your form will be. Trust me, am still out of shape and level 3 is kicking my but, but am feeling stronger each day I do it. Keep at it :)
  • sendu911
    Remember that was 19 more minutes than you did the day before. Just make sure you don't hurt yourself, always listen to what your body is telling you. You should be proud that you tried something new. Just because it didn't work doesn't mean give up just try something that doesn't hurt, you don't have to hurt to make progress. Keep At It !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • MinaAriel
    MinaAriel Posts: 138 Member
    I totally know how you feel. It does get easier. After the first few days, the muscle soreness goes away. It gets easier to keep up but still challenging. Start with modifications and gradually work up to it. I look at it as a conditioning type video. I do it 5 days a week resting on Sunday and Thursday. I'm 6 days into Level 2 and it is still kicking my butt. I have to stop and catch my breath and I still do modifications. I scream at my TV and make horrible groaning noises. Still, I push.