Lifeless, bored, and i hate my family.



  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    In the words of a very wise man who is like a father to me:

    Suck it up, princess.
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    When I was much younger, we'd chain smoke cigarettes listening to The Smiths and talk about this all night. But I have a job and a family and direction and goals in life. Of course, I'm older too.

    I'm sorry you are having a hard time. I do know that the more energy and focus I put into complaining about whatever sucky situation I'm currently in, the sucky situation seems to get suckier.

    It sounds like you are in a spriral of over-analysis. Your situation may be terrible, but thinking about how terrible your situation is doesn't translate to action. Without action, your terrible situation will stay terrible.

    Volunteer. Go find an organization where you can give back to the community, help another human being, do something to get out of yourself and the prison of your own mind for an hour or so. Go read to the blind or elderly. Go help out at a soup kitchen. Find something where you can interact with other people who are less fortunate than you. Do it. Commit to it.

    It's not magic. Volunteering won't make your problems go away. But it might give you a different perspective on your problems. After that, come back to MFP and let's talk about your fitness goals and what you want here.
  • geekymom57
    geekymom57 Posts: 176 Member
    At the risk of sounding like a mom of young adults (which I am), I'm going to share some mom thoughts/questions, since these are the things that come to mind to me as a complete stranger when someone your age expresses so little optimism, hope, motivation, etc. You mentioned your family had been affected by financial issues, which certainly affects the whole family. Even when you're better off than some/many, if the prospects are now different for your future than you had grown up expecting, there is an adjustment period. I know many young adults your age or slightly older whose future was changed in a moment due to job loss, foreclosures, etc.--the "dream college" is gone and it's a local technical college, the support parents said they would be able to provide turns into loans, health insurance is gone and they can no longer afford necessary prescriptions, etc. The world won't end but it's not what it was and it can be hard to see a more positive future.

    So with all of that, my concern/question would be whether you have seen a physician and discussed your concerns/symptoms? You could be suffering from depression or some other mood disorder, or some other medical condition that also presents with depression. And again being a mom of young adults, if you are using any substances such as marijuana, alcohol, etc., those could be affecting your mood as well or exacerbating psychological issues, esp. if use is more than occasional.

    I understand people's "suck it up" response but I also know from firsthand experience with young people in my life that sometimes a kick in the pants isn't going to help solve the problem.
  • em1976
    em1976 Posts: 119 Member
    I live in an isolated town in the country,there are no social groups,no team sports and very few jobs.This also is not the country I grew up in.

    So I branched out.I found a pool to do water aerobics,I made friends online and although it can be disheartening in regards to knockbacks for work,one day that one person will give you the break you need.If you do not constantly try you will never meet that person or for that matter that goal.Google cooking recipes,you obviously have the net,you can use it to access cooking recipes,free exercise videos,the sky is the limit if your isolated.

    Pity is not something you want others to feel for you.We can choose to be positive or we can choose to let what stands in our way knock us down.Attacking those here who respond to your post is certainly not the way to endear yourself or your situation to us,but I certainly understand your frustration.

    Note:Here on this site there are countless hundreds who on a daily basis who boost me,motivate me and make me see the positive.Ive never met nor spoke to a single one aside from my sister(who I made join:P)

    Bottom line:Dont give up,keep at it,try to be positive and Im sure everything will turn around in time.
  • It sounds like you need therapy or rehab. If you can't afford it, try and look for depression help groups. Good luck.
  • SO mean my mom is obsessed with my older sister leaving me in the corner... i have no friends they're in another country and the ones hear have school and are busy i am not enrolled yet at the university , i eat like a pig because i'm at home 24/5 at least! imagine someone without any projects... homework or friends and fights with family? my life sucks i cant take it I DO NOTHING i wish i can join a team to do somethng useful and have support uughh my friends dont connect because they;re busy i would do the same if i were them at some point :(
    have any tips to change what i am?!!!! i hate my self i only watch things i don't do anyhing in my liffe at the moment it's being wasted and im 18 SUPPOSEDLY YOUNG AND ACTIVE :( i have ambitions and can achieve.. NOTHING

    edit: i graduated school i'm >18 :) FYI.
    edit 2: i know life isn;t bad i;m better than some and some are better than me but i need ideas i hate the fact that i put things in my mind but never achieve it sucks ddid you ever go through this? not just weightloss things in general and did you ever have obstacles like transportation or family or whatever

    EDIT 3 FOR plunder bunneh: DID YOU GO THROUGH THIS ANY ADVICE ON HOW TO CHANGE THIS STATE? to emphasize and summarize :)
    So, you finished high school, are older than 18, but you are not in college? Then what are you doing with your education right now? Have you applied to college and are waiting for acceptances? I am a tad confused.
    I suggest finding a project to pursue. Write a research paper and submit it to a journal or a publication. Or, take up some hobbies, for instance, learn how to play the piano. Or, better yet, get your education sorted out.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
    I swear this type of drama only happens with teenage girls. Always with the pity parties. Whoa is me................try doing something constructive like volunteering at a place where under privileged children go. Or helping seniors out who need it. You are choosing to stay at home and are whining about it.
  • I swear this type of drama only happens with teenage girls. Always with the pity parties. Whoa is me................try doing something constructive like volunteering at a place where under privileged children go. Or helping seniors out who need it. You are choosing to stay at home and are whining about it.
    Ha ha teenage girls can be overly dramatic. And I agree, if you don't like your current situation, CHANGE IT, rather than being idle. Whining is counterproductive.
  • I think everyone's entitled to do a little ranting and raving every now and then. Yes, it's not something you'd want to listen to all the time, but sometimes these things just need to be let out to make the speaker feel better. Give the OP a break. I'm sure we've ALL been there before.

    I'm sorry that you're going through such a hard time, but things will get better. What are your hobbies? If you like animals, try volunteering at an animal shelter. Volunteering of any kind is great in itself plus it looks good on resumes and college applications. Go to your local library or park and rec/beacon center and see if they have any classes to take (things like sewing, computer skills, arts, yoga etc...) These things are generally free or very cheap and would also be a handy way to meet new people. Anything with exercise in it will boost your endorphins and make you feel good. If classes or workshops aren't your thing you can go to your library again and browse the isles to find something new that is interesting. Learn a language or try cooking foods from a different culture. Try some hands on projects that you either never thought of or didn't think you would like before. (Origami, knitting, gardening etc...) Once you find something to devote your time and effort to you'll feel much better.

    I've also know how it feels like to not be the favorite. My grandmother obviously prefers my cousin because he's smart and a male. And it's not just a little favoritism either but rather a full blown 'his wants are more important than your needs' sort of thing. Uh... I don't know how much help I would be in that department though since my solution was to simply stop interacting with her. It's been working so far.

    I hope this helps! Good luck and take care! :)
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    if you're waiting to get out and go to uni, i suggest you get out there and find things to do to keep you busy.

    you say you've tried and haven't got anywhere, but that doesn't mean you stop trying.

    i moved out of home when i was 16- i couldn't live with my mum anymore. i finished 6th form, then had 8 months to wait until my uni course started. i didn't really know many people where i'd moved to, but i just got out there. i volunteered at a local preschool (even though i HATE kids- was better than doing nothing!). things were a bit slow, but when i look back they were good times.

    i say stop stressing. if you're not happy at home at the very least say something. otherwise, vote with your feet and walk.

    as far as fitness goes, i can recommend C25K. it's free, and you can fit it in around your schedule. it is a walk/run programme though. but if you're doing nothing else, then why not.

    also, look at your goals. what do you want? and what are the steps you need to get there. i always feel more motivated and in control when i'm working towards something. i flounder when i don't have a goal. even if your goal takes 15 years to achieve, that's ok. and that way you know that the stuff you're going through now is temporary, which makes it easier to deal with.

    but yeah, don't get pissy with others. on tinterwebnet there is no tone- there is only what you've written and that can be interpreted in any way at all. and you do come across as a bit of a princess!! so, if you're generally unhappy, do something. if you're just having a crap day, then chin up, gob shut and get on with it!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
    I think everyone's entitled to do a little ranting and raving every now and then. Yes, it's not something you'd want to listen to all the time, but sometimes these things just need to be let out to make the speaker feel better. Give the OP a break. I'm sure we've ALL been there before.

    I'm sorry that you're going through such a hard time, but things will get better. What are your hobbies? If you like animals, try volunteering at an animal shelter. Volunteering of any kind is great in itself plus it looks good on resumes and college applications. Go to your local library or park and rec/beacon center and see if they have any classes to take (things like sewing, computer skills, arts, yoga etc...) These things are generally free or very cheap and would also be a handy way to meet new people. Anything with exercise in it will boost your endorphins and make you feel good. If classes or workshops aren't your thing you can go to your library again and browse the isles to find something new that is interesting. Learn a language or try cooking foods from a different culture. Try some hands on projects that you either never thought of or didn't think you would like before. (Origami, knitting, gardening etc...) Once you find something to devote your time and effort to you'll feel much better.

    I've also know how it feels like to not be the favorite. My grandmother obviously prefers my cousin because he's smart and a male. And it's not just a little favoritism either but rather a full blown 'his wants are more important than your needs' sort of thing. Uh... I don't know how much help I would be in that department though since my solution was to simply stop interacting with her. It's been working so far.

    I hope this helps! Good luck and take care! :)
    Ranting and whining are different. This chick's a whiner.
  • TahliS
    TahliS Posts: 52
    You sound just like me when I was 17.. I graduated high school and the day after my final exam I was shifted countries. I had been accepted into a universary but my parents said I was not responsible enough to be left in the country unsupervised (at the time I was mad.. but now im older I see they were right). When we got to NZ I was angry, bitter, hated everything and everyone around me.. or so I thought. My problem was simple.. I hated myself. I misinterpreted comments from my Mum because I was so negative and one day I woke up and realised that its no way to waste a life.. and it really is a wasted life. You only get one chance at life sweets.. take control of it. I joined a gym which helped me loose the weight that was contributing to my self hate.. I made friends at the gym which resolved my no friends issue.. and I sought out part time work within walking distance to where i lived which gave me back the feeling that I was being productive. I got a job a couple of months later (it does take time.. so dont get disheartened if it takes you some time to find something) and it gave me back self worth. Dont waste another minute being angry and frustrated with the world.. do what you can and take control where you can. Set yourself achievable results to avoid heartache and disappointment. I wish you all the best sweets. xo
  • luv4SFO
    luv4SFO Posts: 16 Member
    I have been where you are, recently. I wore myself out trying to find solutions to a problem that was mostly a result of crappy economy. I became irritable, and felt hopeless. Every suggestion made to me I replied with an "I tried", "I can't", "Nope, not working" response. The truth was that I eventually realized that no matter how many times I tried (for nearly three years), nothing would get better if I didn't keep trying. Try the same things, try new things, try to think of things that you haven't thought of before.

    Honestly three years later things are still not where I want them, AT ALL. But I am working to be happy with the things I have been able to create for myself.

    I also understand not having money, transportation, or friends. Living in an area where it is hard to meet people, and get around. I just had to expand my mind to include things that I thought were impossible. Walk three miles in the rain to volunteer at the library, I would not have considered, now it's something I am proud to have done. No great victory was every come by easily and this is no exception. Just think of this time as a battle, and your story of how you overcame it could be your gold medal, and the one story you get to tell later that makes someone give you an opportunity you would not have otherwise had.

    Here are more suggestions: Read books (from the library) about anything and everything I have ever been interested in. Grow a garden, knit a scarf, practice yoga, paint your toenails, collect every scrap piece of cloth in your families house and sew a patch-quilt, learn how to create things from your environment. Fly a kite in a local school yard. Research anything you can online and create and action plan. Read stories about really successful people, and consider the challenges they had to overcome. Clean a room (other than your own) in your house, this may also get you some needed positive attention from your mom? Ask your neighbors if you can walk their dogs. Train for a marathon (even if you just walk it). Learn to meditate. Join an online support group for depression, and try to be supportive rather than dismissive. Find several online communities to check and read regularly. Teach yourself a hobby even if it it nothing more than paper mache.

    Make a list of everything you have thought interesting and try each one for a day. Ask your neighbors, family and family friends how you can help them in their lives. Most people need a little help with something, be it organizing family pictures, or cleaning out a garage, but would not think to ask someone. Don't expect to be paid in money, but appreciation, and getting out of the house can be incredibly valuable when you are feeling the way you do.

    Your post was requesting advice on how to improve your situation. Many people provided suggestions which you promptly dismissed with a reason why not. Please do not be offended at their suggestions, or at their offense to your response. Put yourself in their shoes for a second.

    Although I know you are already hearing this from everyone else, the ability to change your situation right now is most dependent on you changing your point of view, not the situation you are in. Try it for a bit. I wish you the best of luck.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I swear this type of drama only happens with teenage girls. Always with the pity parties. Whoa is me................try doing something constructive like volunteering at a place where under privileged children go. Or helping seniors out who need it. You are choosing to stay at home and are whining about it.
    Oh, allow me to assure you that teenage boys are equally dramatic and partake in pity parties.

    That said, this is indeed a pity party. I don't give advice when I know it will be met with 1,300 excuses because someone is just in the mood to stay feeling poorly. Hope you improve your situation soon.
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    Ranting and whining are different. This chick's a whiner.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    See a therapist and get medicated for depression? And move out of your parents place.
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    A few years back i was in a sinilar position. Through circumstances beyond my control i had to leave college early so didn't get my qualifications then got bullied out of my first full time job. I lived on my own at the time. I found that lack of money was a massive barrier. Unless someoen has been there and had that problem they just don't get it. If you can't drive and only use public transport that is a huge problem for a lot of people. It took a couple of years till i managed to get something. I was really lucky that a new call center was built and they pretty much hired everyone who applied so that was how i managed to get out of my slump.

    If you are not going to enroll in uni, you should just keep applying for jobs and i know nowadays 75% don't even reply to you it is disheartening but if you don't apply they you are not going to get anything.

    Meanwhile try googling the area where you live and volunteering and you might find something to do. Is there a goodwill shop near you? They always wants extra staff, (at least here they do). It's not a fabulous job but it is something to put on your CV and if you can show up on time for your shifts and do your job well then that is also a good reference for future employer's whatever it is yo actually want to do.

    If you are not sure what you want to do, find out where your nearest careers office is and they could help you with thinking about what you want to do with your life.

    So keep positive and keep trying and eventually you'll get yourself sorted. Also be patient with your mum, She might not even realise she's showing favoritism, maybe even have a quiet chat to her at some point, not in the middle of an argument and not in front of your sister.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Find a job till you start school,you will have money and it will get you out of the house
  • Sh1tsRainbows
    Sh1tsRainbows Posts: 1,227 Member
    would you like some cheese??
  • IamRoJ
    IamRoJ Posts: 530 Member
    When I was much younger, we'd chain smoke cigarettes listening to The Smiths and talk about this all night. But I have a job and a family and direction and goals in life. Of course, I'm older too.

    I'm sorry you are having a hard time. I do know that the more energy and focus I put into complaining about whatever sucky situation I'm currently in, the sucky situation seems to get suckier.

    It sounds like you are in a spriral of over-analysis. Your situation may be terrible, but thinking about how terrible your situation is doesn't translate to action. Without action, your terrible situation will stay terrible.

    Volunteer. Go find an organization where you can give back to the community, help another human being, do something to get out of yourself and the prison of your own mind for an hour or so. Go read to the blind or elderly. Go help out at a soup kitchen. Find something where you can interact with other people who are less fortunate than you. Do it. Commit to it.

    It's not magic. Volunteering won't make your problems go away. But it might give you a different perspective on your problems. After that, come back to MFP and let's talk about your fitness goals and what you want here.
