[GROUP FULL] SPARTANS: No Excuses November Chat - Wk 1

Hi all! Naming the thread "closed" has confused people. Sorry :) Meant to be "Closed Group".

Let's start again.


Welcome to Week One’s conversation thread! Please read this post thoroughly.

Hey - did you Check In yet? This is the thread to do so: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/381968--closed-spartans-no-excuses-november-check-in-thread-wee


1. First, I have weekly extra exercise challenges. They are *completely optional,* but designed to help give a bit of extra burn and motivation to help you with your goals. You can substitute whatever you want as long as it is above and beyond what your routine is for that day. Every day, you’re building your strength, endurance, and muscle tone at the same time. Why *wouldn’t* you do it?

The challenges are designed to hyper-focus on one part of the body. Do them when and if you want. There are breaks built in, optional exercises for different levels of fitness, and a focus on flexibility and mental challenges as well. We even have a Thanksgiving challenge :)

2. Second, if you haven’t friended me, please feel free to do so! I am a writer by nature and will be blogging each week for another place to discuss specific issues for those who are interested. Again it’s not required, just another way to support each other.

3. Finally, this weekly conversation thread is a positive place ONLY. We’re all human, and even Spartans have been defeated (though not easily). Party poopers go poop elsewhere.


Failure is in the staying down, not the falling down. The worst thing you could do is stop altogether, so by starting the challenge today, we hereby pledge to encourage, support, sympathize, and motivate as best we can no matter what you go through. There’s no judgment here, no elitism.

4. Last thought: Baby steps are still steps. Keep going. That is your mantra.


Let’s start off with a pause for reality. There is only one thing everyone should do today:

1. HYDRATE. Drink 100 oz of water today.

What are the mind-boggling benefits of good hydration?

* We look and feel younger.
* Mental clarity gets a welcome boost.
* Our digestive system sends nutrients to each cell
* Weight control is restored.
* Ability to handle stress is enhanced.
* Pain from aching joints is reduced.
* Overall flexibility is restored.

All systems in the body function at their peak potential with good hydration. Sound too good to be true?
It is not. As simple minded as it may sound, water is the secret to good health.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/899372


2. LEGS. 100 reps of toe/calf raises (http://www.wikihow.com/Do-Calf-Raises)

Work your legs! Find a step, a curb, anything, and shoot for failure. Don't know where to start? Try doing sets of 10 each throughout the day if you get failure early.

Is 100 too easy? Do 100 more, advanced people!!


  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    I wasn't confused before... now I am...
  • kateland
    kateland Posts: 160 Member
    Hi Sarah,

    Sorry if you're confused now! Not being able to remove my threads or edit them is very frustrating for me with a group this big.

    I'll talk to a moderator about fixing a few things.

  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    Okay, so this is where chat will be for week 1? The whole week? Just want to be sure I'm in the right place. :)
  • kateland
    kateland Posts: 160 Member
    The beginning's always a little bumpy...please bear with me :)

    I'm asking a moderator to either edit the title of the original chat thread and delete this one, or give me the ability to moderate the threads that I start. So stay tuned, but be sure that I will communicate on my profile and in these threads. For now, this is the correct thread. I didn't see that you were posting so many replies on the last thread and would hate to have your work wasted, so I'm trying to see if we can salvage the original chat thread.

    Yr pal!
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    The beginning's always a little bumpy...please bear with me :)

    I'm asking a moderator to either edit the title of the original chat thread and delete this one, or give me the ability to moderate the threads that I start. So stay tuned, but be sure that I will communicate on my profile and in these threads. For now, this is the correct thread. I didn't see that you were posting so many replies on the last thread and would hate to have your work wasted, so I'm trying to see if we can salvage the original chat thread.

    Yr pal!

    LOL. It's okay, I'm sure it will all get worked out. We were typing over there at the same time. I was trying to catch up because I didn't have time to check in much yesterday. It's all good. No worries. Just let us know where we need to be! :)
  • Ant_M76
    Ant_M76 Posts: 534 Member
    Day 2 and I have made it into the office Today but via a train and bus, so no cycling again, grrr. Food is going well Today though and I am logging my walking time - should be on target for the day :)
  • Itsallbs15
    Itsallbs15 Posts: 262 Member
    Day 1 went very well. I only got to 80 oz of water and was paying for it through the night!!! Day 2 is looking a little sketchy. I have little motivation this morning and have a TON of things to do. Im not sure about running today but I think I should at least get a nice walk in. See what the day brings.
  • char2009
    Yay! I'm loving the daily challenges!! :) Didn't drink all the water, I was told I personally shouldn't drink more then 7 so I tried for that!! (7 glasses) Will do the challenge today, and since you posted a higher number I'll try for that one!! 200 calf raises here I come!!! :)
  • kateland
    kateland Posts: 160 Member
    Yay! I'm loving the daily challenges!! :) Didn't drink all the water, I was told I personally shouldn't drink more then 7 so I tried for that!! (7 glasses) Will do the challenge today, and since you posted a higher number I'll try for that one!! 200 calf raises here I come!!! :)

    LOVE IT! :heart: :love: :flowerforyou:
  • kateland
    kateland Posts: 160 Member
    Day 1 went very well. I only got to 80 oz of water and was paying for it through the night!!! Day 2 is looking a little sketchy. I have little motivation this morning and have a TON of things to do. Im not sure about running today but I think I should at least get a nice walk in. See what the day brings.

    Baby steps are steps. Any chance you can get some calf raises in??
  • kateland
    kateland Posts: 160 Member
    Day 2 and I have made it into the office Today but via a train and bus, so no cycling again, grrr. Food is going well Today though and I am logging my walking time - should be on target for the day :)

    Great news. Do you usually do well with food? that's my biggest challenge. Lord, do I love the taste of good stuff :)
  • Ant_M76
    Ant_M76 Posts: 534 Member
    Great news. Do you usually do well with food? that's my biggest challenge. Lord, do I love the taste of good stuff :)

    Haha, no I don't do well with it... that's why I look this shape :p I have only consumed 563 cals so far Today though. It's mid afternoon here in London, so that's good going by my lowly standards! Why did pizza have to be invented, man ;-( It is the root of evil!!!
  • mouser228
    OK..Day 1...Did not get 100oz. of water in...but I did start my Day 1 o SHRED so I got some extra excercise in---Food not so good but stayed within calories

    Day 2--I will get 100 toe/calf raises in--did not make it to my morning gym session-hoping to run later:happy:
  • hersheygirl09
    hersheygirl09 Posts: 41 Member
    day 1 wasn't so good for working out, but i did get 70 oz of water. pretty proud of that! i didn't do my workout this morning, but i'm going to do it when i get home (i'm saying this so i'm accountable for it later!).

    i'm in a take no prisoners mode today... that goes for work, weight, working out and life in general!
  • julsmarshall
    julsmarshall Posts: 129 Member
    Day 1 was good for me :) Got most of that water in--that was a lot! I did the 30DS yesterday and today and it is getting better, I started a little early so I'm technically on day 6 ;) I wouldn't say easier, but better!

    I'll definitely do calf raises, I work in an office, so I will try to do them in 10 increments throughout the day.

    Go Spartans!
  • Chaosdrone
    and remeber BE THE BEST YOU CAN BE FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION. I want you guys to wrap your mind around this motivational quote and i wanna see the answers you guys come up wirth
  • rachaeldavies40
    Whats a 100oz in litres?
  • Chaosdrone
    100 fluid ounces (US) = 2.957353 liters
  • lindalee0315
    lindalee0315 Posts: 527 Member
    I made the 100 oz of water. I didn't see the original chat thread, though, because I was out of the office presenting a conference all day. So, it was just fortuitous that I made the effort to drink extra water! I will do the 100 calf raises when I get home from work. Exercised this morning: Insanity Pure Cardio and JM-No More Trouble Zones.

    @Katleand: Thank you so much for organizing this. I loved your blog post, and this seems to be the most organized challenge I've every stumbled across!

    My personal goal: Each day log everything I eat, and make my diary public. I did that yesterday. I'm off to a good start. :)
  • lingading
    lingading Posts: 259 Member
    DAY 1
    I didn't do well. At all. I consumed a total of 310 calories, and 40oz of water. I am going through some really tough ptsd related anxiety (also related to other things, but ptsd is my biggest issue) and I have absolutely zero appetite.

    DAY 2
    Today is no better so far. 0oz water, no breakfast, didn't even bring a lunch. I'm holding off on exercise right now until my appetite returns, but I will do the 100 calf raises today.