emotional struggle

Bmoney11239 Posts: 31 Member
edited October 4 in Introduce Yourself
Hey guys, my name is bryan, i am currently over 400lbs i dont know how much excatly my scale wont register. i have been big my entire life, but this is the biggest i have ever been. i am going through so many emotions, and really feel hopeless about my weight, i feel like its really impossible to lose weight. i am getting sick and i need help to lose this before its to late and im wheel chair bound. thank you for reading this, god bless.


  • jazzdspazz
    jazzdspazz Posts: 137 Member
    Let's go!
  • queenpushycat
    queenpushycat Posts: 761 Member
    Hey bryan! Welcome to MFP! You are getting on the RIGHT track as long as you have the set of mind in changing yourself ;) I'm sure you'll get to your goal, it's matter of time as long as you don't give up. :) yes?
  • Anise6789
    Anise6789 Posts: 100 Member
    Welcome B, I know you can do this,and it doesnt have to be that hard. If you weigh that much ,it will be easy to cut down without starving. There is a science to this,and Lots of nice people on here. Add me as your friend and I will help. Sincerely JT
  • Yakisoba
    Yakisoba Posts: 719 Member
    Time to get started! ^_^
  • tiptoeketo
    tiptoeketo Posts: 271 Member
    You've come to the right place. Welcome and best of luck to you!
  • PatriNina
    PatriNina Posts: 154 Member
    Good luck ! You def. came to the right place ! The people here are amazing and willing to help! Just set your profile to the right amount of calories and don't give up no matter what! You can do this!
  • ZoayZoay
    ZoayZoay Posts: 60 Member
    Hello and welcome.

    You'll do fine. Take it easy, don't go mad, this is a long term plan to get you healthy not a quick fix fad diet.

    Personally I felt better just for taking some control of the situation.

    Look forward to seeing how you get on.
  • seph_house
    seph_house Posts: 101 Member
    hey bryan. i hope you manage to find some support and hope here on MFP. there are some great success stories around to show you it is possible, as well as *loads* of cries for help which make it very clear that however hard you are finding any given day, it's not necessarily "you failing" and more that changing you whole lifestyle just difficult and that difficulties are overcome-able (and *so* worth it :)
  • Hey welcome to the site. You will certainly find plenty of motivation and support here. Just remember that this is a long term plan. Like me you have a long journey in front of you and in the very beginning I wanted the scales to drop very quickly. I soon came to the realisation that things do not always happen as quickly as we would like them to but the scales to drop consistently week on week if you keep on track and pretty quickly the numbers add up to a reasonable number.

    You can do it mate and we will all be here to help you along the way. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Welcome! (; You already took the first step, now to follow through! Come on, we're here for you! :) I know you can do this, BRYAN!! :flowerforyou:
  • sculptandtone
    sculptandtone Posts: 300 Member
    Welcome Bryan, you have come to the right place. I don't have this down pat by any stretch of the imagination, as I'm just back on MFP after a 2 month hiatus. But, I have learned a lot and you will too. So, here's some advice:

    -go to the docs and find out what you really weigh, you're going to deserve to celebrate every pound. plus, you'll want to see improvements in blood pressure and cholestrol and other health markers.

    -friend at least some people who have similar goals as you and those who have successes you'd like to achieve. then you can't fall into the "but you're so much smaller than me" or "you're so much younger than me" excuses.

    -when you fall off the wagon, keep logging and don't do what I did and leave the site. you have to get back on eventually, you may as well do it before you undo whatever good you've done. log every single thing you eat honestly.

    -open your diary so your friends can keep a good eye on what and how much you're eating, the good, the bad and the ugly.

    -move. whatever exercise you think you can do, try do it 10% harder than you think you can. and when you can do that, do it 10% harder again.

    This isn't "easy" Bryan, but it is kind of simple. You have to make up your mind you're committed, understand that you're human and give it all you've got. When you've lost your motivation, find it from your friends. That is what I've learned by being here and leaving here and coming back. I hope it helps you.
  • whiskey9890
    whiskey9890 Posts: 652 Member
    Welcome Bryan, you have come to the right place. I don't have this down pat by any stretch of the imagination, as I'm just back on MFP after a 2 month hiatus. But, I have learned a lot and you will too. So, here's some advice:

    -go to the docs and find out what you really weigh, you're going to deserve to celebrate every pound. plus, you'll want to see improvements in blood pressure and cholestrol and other health markers.

    -friend at least some people who have similar goals as you and those who have successes you'd like to achieve. then you can't fall into the "but you're so much smaller than me" or "you're so much younger than me" excuses.

    -when you fall off the wagon, keep logging and don't do what I did and leave the site. you have to get back on eventually, you may as well do it before you undo whatever good you've done. log every single thing you eat honestly.

    -open your diary so your friends can keep a good eye on what and how much you're eating, the good, the bad and the ugly.

    -move. whatever exercise you think you can do, try do it 10% harder than you think you can. and when you can do that, do it 10% harder again.

    This isn't "easy" Bryan, but it is kind of simple. You have to make up your mind you're committed, understand that you're human and give it all you've got. When you've lost your motivation, find it from your friends. That is what I've learned by being here and leaving here and coming back. I hope it helps you.

    ^^^ this is really good advice.

    welcome to the site bryan, use it the way it was designed to be used and you will do great. i wish you all the best and remember, its a marathon not a sprint
  • Welcome! My Fitness Pal is a wonderful place with great people and advice. You can do this. Just take it "One day at a time".
  • There's some great encouragement and advice here for you! Like others said, this is a long term journey. It didn't take 30 days to put that weight on, so it will take longer than 30 days to get it off. The formula is very simple: calories in vs calories out. Burn more than you consume and you will succeed, little by little. Having been overweight myself (I won't kid you, I wasn't your size) and having felt all the same feelings of "nothing ever works" and "I'll never lose weight", I can tell you that it can be done. I can also tell you that it's very hard at first. Changing your life isn't easy by any means. You WILL stumble, you WILL have bad days, you WILL lose your motivation at times, you WILL hit a wall occasionally. It's all natural and all those obstacles can be obliterated with consistency and staying the overall course. It makes it a lot easier when you're feeling better and better and find healthy foods you enjoy eating and workout programs you enjoy doing, ensuring success.

    EVEN if all you do is burn an excess of 3500 calories per week, you will lose one pound per week. That's 52 pounds per year. That's a HECK of a lot better than gaining 52 pounds for that year...and frankly, that's not even close to your potential. Trust me!

    One thing that is very important for you to do is not only work to change your life physically, but mentally. I'm sure there's a lot of negative rhetoric going on in your head; a lot of self-doubt. There are multiple ways of getting through this, like talking with people who have been there and learning from their experiences, working with a therapist (definitely recommended), and even self-help gurus like Tony Robbins. This is essential to not only your short-term success, but long-term as well.

    If you're serious and want to put in the work (because it IS work) I'd be happy to be your friend here and encourage you on your path. If you're SUPER serious, determined to change your life, and need that extra motivation I'd be happy to text with you and more personally help you along your way. I didn't get to where I am at this point alone, that is for SURE! I have an amazing team of trainers I work with all the time that keep me motivated and working hard as well as family and friends that are on the same healthy living path I am. Surround yourself with those who ensure your success :)
  • duffydog1
    duffydog1 Posts: 76 Member
    Hi Bryan - you can do it here, you can make it happen. Fill in your food tracker religeously - it really makes you aware of what you are eating. Add some friends to support you and check out the success stories in the forums - other people have done it here - you can too.
    You have amazing life in front of you and this is just the start of your journey - I look forward to seeing your progress - and do add me as a friend if you would like too!
  • adross3
    adross3 Posts: 606 Member
    Congratulations on your very first step of many steps to your "NEW LIFE". Your old life consisted of feeling bad about yourself and letting that emotion motivate you eat and experience the hormone driven pleasure. Every time you think that things are impossable, I want you to know that I-M-Possable. Anything is possable if you believe it. When people achieve their goals, it never even crossed their minds to that it was impossable. Why do you think that it is impossable?

    Got the premise.

    You will lose fat slowly. It took you how many years to be at the weight you are right now. Don't worry. You will loose the fat faster than you gained it. Since I don't know you, I can't say this is your downfall and this is what you should do. I can say that the food that you eat is the old Bryan and the New Brian must learn to eat what is right for his body or his body will shut down.

    Loving food is a beautiful relationship. Food is a intrinsic to the world of life. All living things consume some type of fuel source. In America we are driven to succeed and man/woman has found many ways to succeed. Some people have created Mcdonalds, Jack in the Box, Carls Jr. and many other places to eat. Food is prepaired in a way to keep you comming back and comming back often. Most fast food combinations are Carbs, Fat and then protein. Carbs trigger your pancreas to to store fat. This hormonal process stores fat and you feel hungry. Eating food in the right combinations keep you feeling full and supply you with the nutriants like vitamins and minerals. These vitamins and minerals are nessasary in loosing weight. Your organs need electrolytes. An electrolyte will allow your central nervous system and organs communicate and function.

    Taking your Old Bryan eating habits and creating the New Bryan eating habits must be done. Do it slowly and creativly. Ex: Whopper w. cheese and med fries. 1,100 cals. I can fit 2-3 meals in that. I "eat more" of the right foods that give me the nutrients the body needs to function properly. Fill half of your plate with vegetables (prefer green leafy). I eat one dark green salad a day with anything but salad dressing. Make your own low cal dressing. Vegetables will give your the organ boost that your body needs to convert the fat into fuel. Potassium is an electrolyte. You need 3500mg a day. Do you know how much you’re getting? You need every other type also. I personally would rather eat my vitamins. Granted eating an over abundance of vegitables is not going to speed up things. Your body will utilize what it needs. IT WILL KEEP YOU FULL and give your body exactally what it needs.

    Fat is approx 3,500 cals per 1lb. The energy you eat as food is stored as fat or stored energy. Don't eat 3,500 cals and you loose 1lb of fat. Eat 3,500 cals and you gain 1lb of fat. That simple. If you want to loose 1lb of fat a week then spread it out at minus 500 cals per day. You will lose 1lb of fat a week. Knock of 1,000 cals a day and you will loose 2lbs per week.

    I eat 6X a day. That is my diet. I am NEVER hungry. You don't have to starve yourself to loose weight.

    Take one of your daily meals and make it healthy.

    Last question and statement:

    What do you want. Life or Death? You said it yourself. You are in a pleasure and pain problem. The food you view as tasty or pleasurable is now giving you pain. I love my food. I eat healthy. I love the taste, textures and fullness that I get from my way of eating.

    Good Luck and I wish you success and a fit body.

    Invest in your future. Invest in yourself.

  • Hi Bryan!

    I also have a lot of weight to lose, too, but one of my favorite sayings is "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." (Lao-tsu)

    The only way to never reach your goal is to stand still. The small steps add up to big things.

    Take one step today. Take another tomorrow. You'll want to take more and more, and before you know it, you'll be further down the road than you ever imagined you would be, and you'll be able to see your destination on the horizon.
  • Uerzer
    Uerzer Posts: 273
    Welcome and good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • Sexybum46
    Sexybum46 Posts: 1 Member
    One day at a time, Bryan! Well done for taking this first step.
  • Bmoney11239
    Bmoney11239 Posts: 31 Member
    I didn't think i would get this much of a response, THANK YOU guys so much for your feedback, allot of it was very good to hear about some of your struggles.
    i know this is going to be a journey, and i am really self conscience of my body and the way i look, i am currently doing Herbalife, and I'm hoping it works for me this time. i had lost 30 lbs and totally sabotaged it and gained it all back, plus some, it really discouraged me. But this time i really do sense a feeling of the NEED to do this, which is why i came here. i know support is key to anything we do in life, and im in need of some moral support. I know it has been done time and time again and i am no exception to the rule. also the holidays are the HARDEST to not eat, and here they come! so this is going to be so hard for me, entertaining my family and not being able to eat the way i want to. but this has to be done for the better of my health.
    so thank you everyone who is supporting me for your feedback it really is appreciated. i will stay in touch and fix up my profile.

  • Hi Bryan...Definitely one day at a time. I too have a great deal of weight to lose. I am doing weight watchers along with the sight. There is a couple that have been going to weight watchers since Feb. Together they came in using walkers and oxygen tanks. As of 3 weeks ago the man has lost over 70 lbs and has made life time. Both the man and woman no longer need the walkers or the air. There are other men in the group as well. Men tend to drop weight much faster than women when they stick to the plan. Be encouraged. You have already taken the fist step by admitting you need to lose the weight and want to do something about it. I think everyone on here will tell you that taking that step is the beginning of a new you. Stick within the goals set on this sight and you will see the weight come off. God bless you and be with you on this journey
  • Kimmer2011
    Kimmer2011 Posts: 569 Member
    Bryan, I can't improve on what many people here have already said, but I did want to welcome you and offer my encouragement as well. MFP is a great place!
  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
    Start slowly, get some lost, remember every pound not gained is a success.
  • liveinthemix
    liveinthemix Posts: 360 Member
    Welcome Bryan!!! You've taken the most important step..!!! We'll be here w/you every step of the way!
  • mother_of_brigade
    mother_of_brigade Posts: 102 Member
    Welcome Brian! One of my favorite quotes is: Eat a little less and move a little more! You can do this! This is not a diet, it's a lifestyle change!

    Good luck!
  • Puffins1958
    Puffins1958 Posts: 614 Member

    Welcome to the group. I've found it very helpful just keeping track of my food. I hope that you have a wonderful experience here. ENJOY!!!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,850 Member
    Gary? Where's Gary? ok well... hope he sees this and jumps on because he is the epitome of inspiration.

    yeah. i've been successful. i've seen some other successful people on here. this is the one place where you can actually DO IT. and do it correctly. but seriously, you have to see this friend of mine and realize that exactly what you're trying to do, can be done and HAS been done.

    so you can do it too.
  • Hi Brian:

    Losing weight has been hard for me also. Don't give up, even if you have a bad day, just start out each day with the same goal of what you have set out to do. Entering my food intake and seeing how high-cal some of what I regular eat has been a real eye opener and has helped me be more aware to try harder. I pray that the emotional part would improve for you and that the right people can connect with you to give you great support.
  • Bryan, I have 150 lbs to lose myself... I've been doing this now about 5 weeks and this site makes it much easier! WE CAN DO THIS!!
  • p0pr0cksnc0ke
    p0pr0cksnc0ke Posts: 1,283 Member
    Gary? Where's Gary? ok well... hope he sees this and jumps on because he is the epitome of inspiration.

    yeah. i've been successful. i've seen some other successful people on here. this is the one place where you can actually DO IT. and do it correctly. but seriously, you have to see this friend of mine and realize that exactly what you're trying to do, can be done and HAS been done.

    so you can do it too.

    AGREED! I am posting this to his wall.
This discussion has been closed.