emotional struggle



  • Dona_Maria
    Dona_Maria Posts: 78 Member
    Welcome Bryan!!! You can do it, it will be hardwork and an up and down rollercoast of emotions. Just start with baby steps one day at a time. I've been on here for a few months and have lost some weight I still have over 100+ pounds to lose so if you need support add me.
  • adjones5
    adjones5 Posts: 938 Member
    Welcome Bryan! So happy to have you here! Best of luck to you!
  • nikki778
    nikki778 Posts: 148 Member
    Welcome Bryan!!!! This is the place to be~

    I wish you all the Strength & Luck on your journey & I look forward to seeing you become a Healthier, Happier & Stronger person!
  • snorktharpe
    snorktharpe Posts: 41 Member
    hey bryan :)

    this site will really help you out a lot. and there's a lot of support for you here. you're not alone and many, many people are going thru the same thing. it does feel hopeless sometimes but if you take on a few friends here, check their diaries to see what they're eating and such, its a huge help. you can do this and you'll be very surprised how much you can lose even in a short amount of time. and that will make you feel encouraged. so try to tell yourself "i'm going to get well" and believing it :) best of luck and prayers for your success :)
  • Hey Bryan,

    Welcome to MFP! This website has been a life saver for me. When I don't feel like exercising or eating healthy for a day, I think...I am going to ruin my track record on MFP, so it makes me want to log it anyways, and then I tend to eat less and exercise more.

    It has taken me a very long time to get where I am mentally today. My biggest piece of advise is to make little, obtainable goals for yourself. I have the ultimate goal in mind...but I found that if I focus on my little goals, it does not seem so overwhelming.

    You can do this if you believe you can...And I have faith in you!
  • Hi Bryan,

    I've just joined MFP too.
    I can only second the great advice and words of support that everyone has put on your thread but thought i'd say hi in any case.

  • kagenw
    kagenw Posts: 260 Member
    Eat a little less and move a little more! You can do this! This is not a diet, it's a lifestyle change!

    Good luck!

    Totally agree with this. Friend request coming your way man.
  • Welcome Bryan....It's not easy to get started, for it's difficult to change the mindset about food. It has to be a lifestyle change, you can't eat healthy one day, and go and eat junk the next...BUT, once you see a significant change in your body, you'll want to strive for more and more. Please just remember one thing, to love yourself. Be kind to yourself by feeding your body healthy, nutritious food. Dig your heels in and do this. Think about next year at this time of where you can be. We all know how fast a year goes by...we want to see a healthier, happier, energized Bryan...OK?!!! We're behind you all the way in this life changing journey. YOU CAN DO IT!!! ((Hugs))
  • Keep your head up and stay positive! You want to get healthy - you can do it!! You just really need to want it and go for it!!
  • _GingerSnap_
    _GingerSnap_ Posts: 339 Member
    Hey Bryan, youve got some really great advice so far, so I really wont have too much to add other then the fact that I KNOW what you are going thru personally. I started out at 476 lbs in May 2009. This is a battle that CAN be won if you work hard and want it bad enough.

    MFP is a great place for support to help get you thru it, you are NOT ALONE!

    Feel free to send me a friend request and let me know if you need any help or advice along the way.

    Also check out my site www.500lbs2marathon.com

    Youve made the first step to a healthier you, congrats!

    Looking at your ticker..242 down, that is amazing! Congrats!
  • This is my first week too. You've done a great thing by opening up and telling the world that you're over-weight and ready to make a change. I've been told that you never really make that change until you are ANGRY! Angry at yourself; angry that you miss out on good things because of your weight; angry that you haven't made that change. Are you ANGRY? I am! LET'S GO! Let's do this thing!
  • Bmoney11239
    Bmoney11239 Posts: 31 Member
    Yesss lets do this i need as much help as i can get!!!
  • You absolutely CAN and WILL succeed in whatever your goals are! :) Stay confident, Bryan, you've got this!
  • WannaBeSlimJim2
    WannaBeSlimJim2 Posts: 39 Member
    We can do this. Hi Bryan. I am here for a second go, and I too need the help to get through it. We can cheer each other on, talk each other to help us perservere(sp?) and take it day by day.

    You've already done the first step.

  • Hi Bryan- I have often felt the very same way. The important thing that we have to remember is to take things one day at a time. If you have an off day, where you feel like you've done something that doesn't support your goals, for goodness' sake, FORGIVE YOURSELF. Every day is a new opportunity to make your life better. Do whatever works for you to remind yourself of this.
    I myself pledge to support you, and if you ever need to talk it out, feel free to message me.
    P.S. You should check out the A&E Show "Heavy." I think you can watch it online. It inspired me a lot to see what other determined people could do if given the resources.
  • Hey look at that Bryan you've took one of the first steps, you've started using this and you want to lose weight , well done (:

    Read some of the success stories , people who weigh as much as if not more than you have managed to lose loads! Its also an inspriation and makes me feel better and get into a " I can do this " frame of mind

    Set your goals in stone , why do you want to do this? Health? Fitness? Confidence?
    Focus on it and work at it
    . Make a list of the goals and post them to cupboard and fridges etc so if you are tempted to cheat a little you know what youre actually cheating on! ( for example , the confidence to chat up ladies , to look good on the beach , to feel good about yourself , just some of mine but im sure youll have some) (:
  • LJGmom
    LJGmom Posts: 249 Member
    Welcome Bryan, just try to stay positive and up beat! You are gaining a wonderful life by losing weight. You CAN do it!
  • hi, my name is Alex
    It's very nice to meet you, guys and girl!!!

    I know one thing, that a person can do everything if she/he really wants it.
    So let's help each other in our goal by hanging together!!!
    Good luck for all of you!!!)))))
  • kristilovescake
    kristilovescake Posts: 669 Member
    Hey and welcome to the site. My advice for success is to check out the success stories. If you're feeling hopeless, there are people who are your same build and larger who have lost weight. It helps to have a mindset of "if they can do it, so can I!". This helps me when I'm feeling unmotivated and like it's too hard and I want to give up.

    Remember that this takes time (there's no miracle diet that will make you healthy overnight). It's hard work, but it's worth it.

    And find MyFitnessPal friends! Load up on them! You'll need all the support you can get if you want to get healthy and lose weight. Friends on here will hold you accountable and give you more support than you could ever imagine. It's important to be able to turn to a friend and say "hey, I screwed up, kick me back into shape" or "hey, I did good!" and have the positive reinforcement.

    You can do it! Feel free to add me if you want a friend :)
  • Rohnic
    Rohnic Posts: 82
    Welcome aboard Bryan!
    I can only agree to what's been written already.
    I sent you a friend request because I'd love to join you on your jouney!
    Good luck!