

  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    I'll tell you what would work for me. It would be a McDonald's Big Mac. Seriously, those things clean me right out. Big time! :sick: I'm not being a smart alec, that's just the first thing that came to my mind. Good luck to you. I hope you can find something to help you.

    Yes, something really greasy. Or, try some beer...a few glasses does the trick for me!:drinker:
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    ever since i moved 3.5 hours from home to this university, i have had a really hard time pooping..at one point i don't think i had gone for a week.

    comfort toilet syndrome is real.

  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    ...for pooping, its normal to go every three days, up to three times a day.

    awesome burn.

  • Mmmary212
    Mmmary212 Posts: 410 Member
    I'll tell you what would work for me. It would be a McDonald's Big Mac. Seriously, those things clean me right out. Big time! :sick: I'm not being a smart alec, that's just the first thing that came to my mind. Good luck to you. I hope you can find something to help you.

    Probably the fat....I'd suggest coconut oil as a much healthier approach. That keeps me going, since I dont eat high fiber foods.
    MIMITIME Posts: 405 Member
    I would go to the Dr. If you are drinking 4L of water, working out, eating fiber and drinking benefiber you should be receiving results!!!

    This. It could be your thyroid.
  • odessablondie
    odessablondie Posts: 76 Member
    You should look into digestive enzymes. I used to have similar problems (and did for many many years...). I started taking digestive enzymes and now I'm normal. I haven't ever gone every day but I am now! Sometimes more than once.
  • lottycat
    lottycat Posts: 333 Member
    FLAXSEED! (also called linseed). You can get the seeds, or as an oil. I mix a spoon full of the seeds into my porridge every morning. It is amazing.
  • tonilizzy88
    tonilizzy88 Posts: 968 Member
    hey this happened to me i didnt go for a whole week went o cemist and she told e to take senecot... i took 2 that night and in the morning hey presto i had a poop a normal one not just pebbles. and since then ive been fine... i have the in a draw just incase i go 5 -7 days agin lol
    oh and my stomach went from being bloated and hard to nice and soft again lol
  • snyakowa
    snyakowa Posts: 41 Member
    reading this made me have to poop....

    laugh my butt off! I had the same problem, would go maybe once a week and my bf thought something was extremely wrong with me cause he would go like twice a day lol, but once i started drinking more water and eating vegies, i poop awesome!lol, i actually boast to my bf, isnt that pathetic? lol
  • snyakowa
    snyakowa Posts: 41 Member
    reading this made me have to poop....

    laugh my butt off! I had the same problem, would go maybe once a week and my bf thought something was extremely wrong with me cause he would go like twice a day lol, but once i started drinking more water and eating vegies, i poop awesome!lol, i actually boast to my bf, isnt that pathetic? lol

    also i work in a nursing home and they give the patients that cant poop, milk of magnesium or prune juice..blow out!!!!!!!