Late-Night Face Stuffing

Anyone else struggle with this? I eat so much during the night. I've been pretty good lately, but are there any things I can do to stop... forever?? How do you guys deal with this? Do you deal with this or am I the only one?


  • mcb816
    mcb816 Posts: 24
    totally am a midnight food cabinet monster! I NEED TIPS TOO! haha. My nutritionist told me to make myself eat more in the morning...I'm workin on it
  • sheisbrown
    sheisbrown Posts: 171 Member
    HUGE problem for me. I always have trouble sleeping at night and then I want to eat to comfort myself. I try to save some cals for a healthy snack before bed. I sometimes fantasize about the great breakfast I'm gonna have the next morning. I wish I had better advice but this is one of my crutches too. I do notice that when I exercise in the evening I have less time to eat at night which helps.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I eat a ton at night.

    My solution is to eat less during the day so that I still hit my daily targets.

    Today for example, I had creamer in my coffee and that was it for calories until about 1:30pm. Had an apple and some whey protein.

    Then I had about 1800 calories in the past couple hours.

    Feels awesome, but it's not for everyone.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I try to save some cals for a healthy snack before bed.

    ^ This, I just save LOTS of calories for it.
  • runningmom1977
    I have this problem too. At night, after the kids go to bed. I can completely blow a great day all after 9pm. :(
  • elimendoza31
    elimendoza31 Posts: 359 Member
    Wow I'm a late muncher to..I'm trying to behave but its so freaking hard.......
  • Larius
    Larius Posts: 507 Member
    I eat 5 meals a day, and one is at bedtime. Usually the bedtime meal includes a casein/hemp protein shake.
  • deucesarewild1
    deucesarewild1 Posts: 36 Member
    Intermittent fasting...I stuff my face every night and am losing 2-3lb/wk doing so :D
  • judkinsjenny
    Me too. I take a sleeping pill right before dinner. then i eat dinner. that way im too tired and i go to bed before i can mindlessly eat cuz im a cow. i usually eat about 2000 cals at night. knocking myself out is the only way to avoid it. good luck
  • youcandoitjess
    I'm talking about snacking in the middle of the night... It's so crazy. I go to bed around 11 and between 2 and 4 am I wake up and STUFF MY FACE! It always involves something sweet, and usually peanut butter, tons of milk and soooo many calories! I wake up feeling sick sick sick! Most of the time I don't remember but only know I did because I feel physically ill and depressed!
  • jessjayla
    I deal with the same issue- I stay up too late and eat out of boredum.... trying to switch my whole routine around and become more of a morning person. Hoping that going to bed earlier can help with the late night snacking.
  • deucesarewild1
    deucesarewild1 Posts: 36 Member
    So you're sleep walking and sleep eating? Brutal

    Might need to have locks put on your fridge and cabinets so you can't get into them over night. Not joking either.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Intermittent fasting...I stuff my face every night and am losing 2-3lb/wk doing so :D

    ^ For those not aware, look up intermittent fasting or Martin Berkhan knows his **** and if anything, it will open your mind up to the concept of short feed windows, where deficit eating doesn't feel like a deficit.

    It's NOT for everonye, but it's something worth knowing and trying.
  • mommymovingmountains
    Are you taking Ambien? I know that it is one of the side effects of that medication.
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    Intermittent fasting...I stuff my face every night and am losing 2-3lb/wk doing so :D
    this, except I just started and only lost a pound so far.......

    What I've done is a little extreme but it seems to be working so far. *****NOT FOR EVERYONE*****

    I'm doing this:

    Basically I'm skipping breakfast. Now I love big breakfasts, but since I am only allowed 1660 a day and I don't exercise every day, I was ending up with only 400 calories for supper and snack. So I decided to try the fasting approach wherein I only eat between 11:30 in the morning and 8 pm at night. This leaves me with plenty of calories for the evening. Then I turn in around 10 because if I stay up any longer I will get hungry. The other night I stayed up to 1 am and cleaned out a container of cookies :blushing:

    I have 40-50 calories for "breakfast" in the form of my fish oil, fiber tabs and coffee creamer. I got used to not eating until late morning and then I start grazing. I also drink a large diet soda every morning which is probably not a good idea. Anyway, I like this routine and come in under calories almost every day. Most importantly, I can feel satisfied at night when I want to eat the most.

    Again, this approach is not for everyone, it was hard at first since I was never a breakfast skipper.
  • youcandoitjess
    So you're sleep walking and sleep eating? Brutal

    Might need to have locks put on your fridge and cabinets so you can't get into them over night. Not joking either.

    Oi.. You think? I mean, when I'm eating, I know I'm eating but I forget by the time the sub comes up. I don't know how to explain it! It's like I know what I'm doing but my auto pilot is on and I can't stop. I'm a robot programmed to eat and go back to bed, but I have to ask myself in the morning, "did I binge?" and I usually feel sick if I did, and THEN I'll remember what I ate...
  • Jsnbabb1
    Jsnbabb1 Posts: 146 Member
    I can definatly relate. As a matter of fact I just had chips, Halloween candy and some cookies after having an awesome diet day. Go figure right? Well to answer your question I definatly see a difference in my "snacking" when I exercise sometime after dinner. And for me it doesn't have to be like a sweat-a-thon it could be playing some tennis...going for a walk or jog whatever. I ushually have a better diet day if I workout in the morning and do a fun workout after dinner to keep my mind off food. I mainly eat because it's there or I'm just plain bored.very rarely am I actually hungry. But if I'm active throughout the day I'm less likely to screw it up.
  • youcandoitjess
    Are you taking Ambien? I know that it is one of the side effects of that medication.

    Nope... Although when I took Ambien, I woke up and found an entire empty box of cookies and a gallon of milk in my CAR the next morning! I found it on my way to work...
  • fordster99
    fordster99 Posts: 181 Member
    I don't keep unhealthy snacks in my house. I have gotten up in the middle of the night and am hungry so I might have some carrots or a piece of fruit or something that if I do eat, it won't ruin my diet. Good luck..
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    It's almost 10 PM, I just ate about 400 calories. Since I know I'm a night eater, I basically save an extra meal for it :D Works for me! No reason to starve or change something I like to do.