To Mordor!



  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    This past week I walked the equivalent of 15.45 miles.

    Miles walked to date: 196.2
  • ACowboyKid
    Oh man. Even though I'm late I'm so jumping in on this.
  • VelvetKey
    VelvetKey Posts: 193 Member
    No such thing as too late; welcome! We all have our different paces and favorite exercises to get us to Mordor. This is totally for you, but we like to tell each other where we are every few days in case a Nazgul gets you so we can mount a rescue mission.


    Please post back if you have questions about the websites, tickers, etc. and any one of us would be glad to help!
  • BioQueen
    BioQueen Posts: 694 Member
    Mile 32! Just jumped behind a tree because someone was coming to get me.
  • xcountryguy
    xcountryguy Posts: 27 Member
    I'll give this a shot, what the heck?
  • janski2
    janski2 Posts: 70
    No such thing as too late; welcome! We all have our different paces and favorite exercises to get us to Mordor. This is totally for you, but we like to tell each other where we are every few days in case a Nazgul gets you so we can mount a rescue mission.


    Please post back if you have questions about the websites, tickers, etc. and any one of us would be glad to help!

  • ncwingnut71
    ncwingnut71 Posts: 292 Member
    Ok, I'm 119.22 miles in....I have been such a SLACKER!! I need to get moving more, but I do zumba and classes w/ my trainer so don't get as many miles in as I want :(

    I am currently riding north through a gap. Soooooooooooooooooo close to Bree!! Only 16 more miles!
  • VelvetKey
    VelvetKey Posts: 193 Member
    I'm just past Crickhollow!

    I'm pretty sure I'm walking more than I put in my ticker, but because all I have is a cheap pedometer and I do 85% of my walking indoors in my office building, I have no accurate way to know how far it is.

    Tips for a better system?
  • PinUpGirlAtHeart
    PinUpGirlAtHeart Posts: 135 Member
    I'm planning on joining this journey, but I need to buy a thing or two first. LIke maybe one or two of the Walk Away the Pounds dvds by Leslie Sansone. There's several of them. I think each of them are divided into miles, too. They're also based on levels of difficulty and what you want out of it. Like if you want to burn fat or walk away your hips and thighs. Just different things or a combo of things. They usually come with the bands and such that you need for them and you can do them at home. Not too expensive either. ^_^
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    This week I walked the equivalent of: 24.96 miles

    Miles walked to date: 221.16
  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    I'm still camping... it's getting old. Reached 325 miles. 28 miles until Strider finds an Elf Stone! Whoop!!
  • rissadiane
    rissadiane Posts: 355 Member
    This is AWESOME! I want to join! :D
  • softwind
    softwind Posts: 488 Member
    What a great idea. I'm in.
  • Angelgrl86
    Angelgrl86 Posts: 74 Member
    Welcome to Rissadiane and Softwind! ^_^

    Don't worry about how fast you're going or catching up to the rest of us. This isn't a race, it's for fun.
    Good luck and don't let a Nazgul get you!
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    I'm in.
  • janski2
    I'm following a wide shallow curving valley.
  • VelvetKey
    VelvetKey Posts: 193 Member
    I'm in the Old Forest, currently in the Bonfire Glade. Rumor has it that this is the home of Old Man Willow...I have several miles to go before I meet up with that old tree.
  • linbee83
    linbee83 Posts: 144
    It's been a slow month for me, but I have just been rescued from the Barrow-wights & am heading north through a gap (with Tom) towards Bree.
  • sadielane
    sadielane Posts: 83 Member
    I haven't posted in a while, been busy and did something funky to my knee :sad: But here I am now and I'm just a hair under 100 miles!

    I spent a rainy day at Tom Bombadil's.
  • PinUpGirlAtHeart
    PinUpGirlAtHeart Posts: 135 Member
    Here is what Frodo and I did yesterday: We left Bag End at full dark (ca. 7 p.m.). We went around (W) end and jumped the hedge. Then, we went through the gate into a lane and headed west. Finally leaving the lane, we followed the hedgerows south. So far, we've only gone 2 miles and still have many, many miles to go on our journey. We have barely begun our journey and the road goes ever on and on....

    As far as today, I know I'm going to get about 3 1/2 miles at the very least, but I am going to try to do more....