Loss For Xmas - 1st November - End DEC



  • DanceYogaRun
    DanceYogaRun Posts: 373 Member
    Can those of you unmotivated or feeling unsafe to run at night do it in the morning? It will give your metabolism a boost to start off your day.
  • DanceYogaRun
    DanceYogaRun Posts: 373 Member
    I'm currently trying to motivate myself to go to one of my least fav zumba instructors in 1.5 hrs. The challenge is getting my kids ready and on time, too.
  • TXBelle1174
    TXBelle1174 Posts: 615 Member
    I am in too if it's not too late to join. I want to lose 20 lbs by Christmas. I am still trying to find the time to fit a workout into my day so I dont know if 20 lbs by Christmas is possible but I am going to try!
  • Monkeymin
    Monkeymin Posts: 197 Member
    I'm aiming for 25lbs, but as long as I get over 14 I'll be happy.

    I can't fit in the gym before work as my partner takes the car in the morning and I wouldn't be back in time. Am swimming tonight which gets me out of the house and moving.
  • I know I won't go to the gym by the time I get home so I decided I wanted to try something at home as well and was going back and forth between a few but think I have settled on Jillians 30 Day Shred - I've heard great things and am starting tonight. I'll keep you posted:smile:
  • Monkeymin
    Monkeymin Posts: 197 Member
    I know I won't go to the gym by the time I get home so I decided I wanted to try something at home as well and was going back and forth between a few but think I have settled on Jillians 30 Day Shred - I've heard great things and am starting tonight. I'll keep you posted:smile:

    I've tried that, I really liked it. I just haven't got into a routine of it yet. Hope you get on well with it :)
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    I'm up for this challenge if it's not too late! I would love to be in ONEderland by Christmas, but I'm going to be a little more realistic and say 15 lbs.

    Still getting the hang of this twitter thing, does anyone have a manual for it? :laugh: :laugh: I'll use your hashtag... I'm @TheRealLizagna
  • im in aswell...im a few days late but ill just have to work harder would love to lose 10-15lbs by xmas.......What day will ye be doing the weekly weigh in??
  • GownleyC2
    GownleyC2 Posts: 72 Member
    I am not a morning person but it looks like I may not have a choice. I am going for a run today at 7:00pm with a friend. I am going to plan to run tomorrow morning at 7:15am after I drop my son off at school. My goal is to get myself up at 5am to run in the mornings by next week. My problem is that I am up late doing paperwork for work.
  • MzTrapp
    MzTrapp Posts: 20 Member
    Please count me in I need the motivation. I need to drop 18lbs by christmas. I weigh in every wednesday so far.

    CW= 317
    GW= 299
  • Monkeymin
    Monkeymin Posts: 197 Member
    I usually weigh myself on a Friday as it gives me time to recover from shoddy weekends lol. Anyone else have a weighing day preference?
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    I usually weigh myself on a Friday as it gives me time to recover from shoddy weekends lol. Anyone else have a weighing day preference?

    I usually do Saturdays for the same reason! LOL
  • I used to weigh in on Fridays for the same reason BUT i used to celebrate weight loss a little too much throughout the weekend. So now I officially weigh in Thursday mornings. Its far enough away from the weekend that i can recover from bad choices but i don't get weekend cocky lol. I'll weigh in for this group though whenever everyone chooses.
  • GownleyC2
    GownleyC2 Posts: 72 Member
    I weigh myself on Wednesday. Christmas is on a Sunday this year. So do we want the final weigh in on Christmas day or eve?
  • I weigh in on a wednesday,

    I'm away for 2 nights, so I'm hoping that I'll be able to make good food choices,
    going to Sheffield tonight, then 2morow am off to Nottingham

    So have a good Friday & W'end peeps
  • Monkeymin
    Monkeymin Posts: 197 Member
    How about we all stick to our preferred days and just post in here on that day.

    I weighed in this morning and have maintained from last week which is a bonus considering Halloween hit. But it's only the 4th so I have plenty of time.

    I think the final weigh in should be Christmas Eve.

    Anyone else?
  • janeyloveslife
    janeyloveslife Posts: 34 Member
    I'm determind to lose 18lb by Christmas! I'm down under in New Zealand so it will be bikini weather then. Eeeeek!
  • janeyloveslife
    janeyloveslife Posts: 34 Member
    I'm determind to lose 18lb by Christmas! I'm down under in New Zealand so it will be bikini weather then. Eeeeek!
  • yeah christmas eve is good for me and ill be weighing in on a thursday coz only started properly yesterday goodluck every1 :D
  • GownleyC2
    GownleyC2 Posts: 72 Member
    Christmas Eve is good for me! I will continue my weigh in on Wednesday also.

    11/2/11 SW 227
    12/24/11 GW 207