1000 Minutes in November!



  • paintingcrew
    Have not been able to get into the spreadsheet yet.....

    Today was 35 Minutes jog/walk...will up date my ticker too.
  • mary_kate23
    woohoo big day planned! nice weather, so i'm doing the 30 day shred (if i choose NOT to do any certain thing today - it'll prob be 30 DS), riding the bike to the gym and mowing the yard :)

    114 mins so far!
  • Nanadena
    Nanadena Posts: 739 Member
    DAY 3

    83 MINUTES

    713 to go
  • hjames0486
    I'm already part of another November challenge but i would like to join this one as well. It will help to stay motivated.

    Yesterday I did 75 mins of cardio
  • Nanadena
    Nanadena Posts: 739 Member
    Added my minutes to the speadsheet for today and yesterday! Hope everyones having a good start to november :)

    Where is this spread sheet?
  • emilyajones
    Day Three: 55 minutes walking
    Day Two: 40 minutes bike, 90 minutes walking
    Day One: 15 minutes walk
  • jadam6
    jadam6 Posts: 121 Member
    Added my minutes to the speadsheet for today and yesterday! Hope everyones having a good start to november :)

    Where is this spread sheet?

    The link for the spreadsheet is - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArisWe6qmbHrdDAyYUZmb005QzR4VGNvYWlrLUNqaWc#gid=0

    30 mins stationary bike x
  • nursepaige3003
    I'm in!
  • mcppsl
    mcppsl Posts: 179 Member
    Nov 1, Tue - 90 mins Dance Lesson
    Nov 1, Tue - 90 mins Dance Practice
    Nov 2, Wed - 60 mins Dance Practice
    Nov 2, Wed - 60 mins Dance Lesson
    Nov 3, Thu - 90 mins Dance Lesson
    Nov 3, Thu - 105 mins Dance Practice

  • annasgyal
    annasgyal Posts: 1,692 Member
    Thursday November 4th- 60 minutes
  • LauraHasABabyJack
    LauraHasABabyJack Posts: 629 Member
    I'm at 188 minutes so far.
    How do I update my ticker without having to create a whole new one each time?
  • Molly_Louise
    YES - I'm in! I sent you a friend request w/ a question, but can post it here in case someone else wants to answer. Does this count for mintues walking, jogging/running, elliptical, treadmill and zumba/step classes? If so - then my total for Tues, 11/1: 60 min walking, 60 min Zumba, 15 min treadmill (135 min). Today, 11/2: 60 min walking, 30 min elliptial (90 min). Total 225 total. Thanks - but remove those minutes that don't count...and let me know which ones don't, so I post them correctly at the end of each day. Thanks again for a great challenge! Judy

    Those minutes all count! We have a spread sheet where we are keeping track of our minutes, you can access it using this link https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArisWe6qmbHrdDAyYUZmb005QzR4VGNvYWlrLUNqaWc#gid=0

    You're able to edit it and update your minutes there whenever necessary. I've added you on to the list and put your total minutes at 225, so you've made a great start, well done!
  • divadoll41
    count me in
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Plus 91 minutes today! Great challenge Molly! I added my minutes to the spreadsheet as well.
  • nomorewishing
    nomorewishing Posts: 250 Member
    YES - I'm in! I sent you a friend request w/ a question, but can post it here in case someone else wants to answer. Does this count for mintues walking, jogging/running, elliptical, treadmill and zumba/step classes? If so - then my total for Tues, 11/1: 60 min walking, 60 min Zumba, 15 min treadmill (135 min). Today, 11/2: 60 min walking, 30 min elliptial (90 min). Total 225 total. Thanks - but remove those minutes that don't count...and let me know which ones don't, so I post them correctly at the end of each day. Thanks again for a great challenge! Judy

    Those minutes all count! We have a spread sheet where we are keeping track of our minutes, you can access it using this link https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArisWe6qmbHrdDAyYUZmb005QzR4VGNvYWlrLUNqaWc#gid=0

    You're able to edit it and update your minutes there whenever necessary. I've added you on to the list and put your total minutes at 225, so you've made a great start, well done!
    So on the spreadsheet we just add our current minutes to the ones already there?
  • lawtechie
    lawtechie Posts: 708 Member
    11/1 - 80
    11/2 - 37
    11/3 - 75
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    55 minutes today - 200 total.
  • ricanstace
    Another 70 min today!! For a total of 210 min.
  • ltaurau
    ltaurau Posts: 4 Member
    Hi there, is it to late to join? Iv never done one of these before but it looks like a great incentive to get me moving! If I can start now im at 80mins. Cheers!
  • PinUpGirlAtHeart
    PinUpGirlAtHeart Posts: 138 Member
    I don't think so. It's still towards the beginning of November and I think what matters is that you end the month with a 1,000 minutes of exercise completed.