College Girls Group?



  • snyakowa
    snyakowa Posts: 41 Member
    want to join:) junior nursing student,I'm 5ft 7,, i hate drinking water, but force myself to do it, lol no problem with veggies, i eat them like a champ and love every single one of them, i love working out, running walking, elliptical trainer, cycling, volleyball, swimming, thats me everyday, i only work friday sat and sun (12hour shifts)Yikes!, so monday through thursdays are my workout days, i started at 144, but i'm down 7 pounds,yayy:)
  • rosemiller11
    rosemiller11 Posts: 224 Member
    Date: 11/2/2011
    Weigh in: 259.8 lbs
    Net Difference:1.4 lbs

    Sorry that I have been MIA but my parents were around for a week, and I just didn't get much time for mfp. Didn't do so well on logging everything, but I probably got my 8 glasses of water in a day... I drink water like a fish! Wait, fish don't drink water, do they? Anyways... Don't know if I'll manage the mile run, but I'm gonna try to keep my calories in range! :) Good luck ladies!
  • emilyc19
    emilyc19 Posts: 71 Member
    Date: 11/2/2011

    Weight today :136

    lost From last week: -1

    excited about the staying within 100 of calorie goal or under! this will definitely keep me from bingeing hopefully :) and the veggies will be hard .. but i'll do the best i can! good luck everyone! :)
  • adesandre
    adesandre Posts: 3 Member
    Hey I just joined MFP today, and don't know anybody on here. I'm a freshman with no major (although they like to make me feel better by saying I am undecided) and spend all of my time focusing on trying to find out what I want to major in, and desperately trying to pass my classes. Meanwhile, the "freshman fifteen" is constantly hanging over my head. That's a nightmare in itself, since I'm already technically obese. My main goal is to come back for my sophomore year with a new wardrobe and more confidence.

    Please add me :)

    Current weight: 194 lbs
    Goal Weight: 140 lbs
  • kitkatkait
    kitkatkait Posts: 87 Member
    Date: 11/2/2011
    Weigh in: 150 lbs
    Net Difference: -1 lbs

    I also lost an inch from my waist! :D
    It's been a happy morning.
  • wackedoutpet13
    wackedoutpet13 Posts: 72 Member
    Date: 2 November 2011
    Weigh in: 143.5
    Net difference: - 0.5

    I think I'm up from last week....
  • lisaz3349
    lisaz3349 Posts: 14 Member

    Today I weighed in at 137.6 still the same but I have been working out SO hard. It is hard to understand where I am at with all the lifting I have been doing...
  • kailey_watson
    kailey_watson Posts: 65 Member
    Weigh in: 144.5
    Loss this week: 1
    Total loss so far: 16.5
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    tried to run the mile today...failed! my pants were too big and they kept falling no matter how I rolled them up! Since i didn't want to flash everybody, i went on a 4 mile walk instead!
  • havalinaz
    havalinaz Posts: 10 Member
    Weight: 184 lbs
    Net Difference: -0 lbs

    Weekly Challenge Results:

    1) I completed my diary every!
    2) I exercised 1x for at least 1 hr

    The monthly goal of drinking 8 glasses of water did NOT go well for me. That has always been a stuggle for me, but the challenge kept my water intake higher than normal. I think this month of eating veggies is going to be much easier for me!
  • InvictusPheonix
    InvictusPheonix Posts: 129 Member
    no weight check for pheonix today :(
    rough weekend= weigh in next week
    but on the plus, been strength training like a BEAST!! (jk)
  • blady135
    blady135 Posts: 12 Member
    I am in! Hopefully its not too late to get in on this?? I am new to this site, so don't really understand groups, but I love the idea of a group of college-aged people motivating each other. I started at 188, currently at 175, and my goal is eventually 125ish (i'm a shorty!). Senior Music major :)
  • Twister19
    Twister19 Posts: 43 Member
    Date: November 2
    Weight: 131
    No change from last week /: but I'm not too surprised what with Halloween and all lol
  • kater8er
    kater8er Posts: 364 Member
    Do you all use sugar? Or some kind of sweetener? What are your thoughts on that...? I'm a recent convert to splenda, but it hasn't seemed to help or hinder anything. I was reading on WHmag that people who use sweeteners are more likely to be overweight than people who use sugar?
  • emilyc19
    emilyc19 Posts: 71 Member
    Do you all use sugar? Or some kind of sweetener? What are your thoughts on that...? I'm a recent convert to splenda, but it hasn't seemed to help or hinder anything. I was reading on WHmag that people who use sweeteners are more likely to be overweight than people who use sugar?

    yeah i read that too. I use stevia and splenda a lot and never had any negative effects that I can think of
  • nkziv
    nkziv Posts: 161 Member
    love it! I'm a sophomore at Colby in Maine. psychology/spanish double major.
  • kater8er
    kater8er Posts: 364 Member
    Do you all use sugar? Or some kind of sweetener? What are your thoughts on that...? I'm a recent convert to splenda, but it hasn't seemed to help or hinder anything. I was reading on WHmag that people who use sweeteners are more likely to be overweight than people who use sugar?

    yeah i read that too. I use stevia and splenda a lot and never had any negative effects that I can think of

    I have gained 4 lbs since I started school this semester--which is when I started using splenda as well--but I don't think it really has anything to do with it. More like not exercising as often and eating the random BK meal on the go...
  • whiskyzee
    whiskyzee Posts: 102 Member
    re: sweeteners . . .
    I'm an advocate for real/un- or lightly processed food, rather than chemicals (and of chemical "foods" aspartame, the main ingredient in many artificial sweeteners, has one of the worst reps around). Stevia is fairly new, so I'm not sure what its deal is. For me, artificial sweeteners (especially in "diet" things, like diet coke) leave me ravenous. I crave food all day long, and they drain my energy. Because of this, I stay away whenever possible (and I avoid processed sugar/ high fructose corn syrup as much as possible).

    Whenever I can, I go for raw local honey (it eliminates my allergies) or agave nectar (lower gylcemic index). In packaged foods, I look for things sweetened with beet juice, or that don't list the sweetener as the second ingredient--I'm looking at you, cereal. I try to save sugar for dessert and eat it only sparingly.

    That's my goal, anyway.
  • whiskyzee
    whiskyzee Posts: 102 Member
    Oh! and I put cinnamon in my coffee and yogurt as a "sweetener." It's the best. Yum.
  • mapsie
    mapsie Posts: 19 Member
    Late to the weigh-in.
    11/5/11: 148.3
    Diff: -1 lb.

    I was doing well until the weekend hit again. I have really got to stop with the overeating on weekends. But now all the Halloween candy is gone from the house... thank god! I exercised every day with 30 DS and I am trying to run at least 2-3 miles three times a week.
    I'm excited about the new challenges I love veggies and definitely don't eat enough! I'm not a very fast runner but I'll do my best!