Move-ember Challenge (Closed)



  • RebeccaLeinen
    RebeccaLeinen Posts: 110 Member
    ooo i finally figured it out!
  • Healthy_Shelley
    Healthy_Shelley Posts: 26 Member
    Good morning! I tried posting today's weight in the Google Doc, but think I might have screwed something up -- my apologies!

    Down 1.2 lbs this week! Today's weigh in at Weight Watchers: 165.2.

    This week I really focused on trying to stay within my points and calories as best as I could and worked out every day. Guess it paid off!

    Good luck to everyone else doing their weigh-in's today.
  • Healthy_Shelley
    Healthy_Shelley Posts: 26 Member
    ... and my goal for the coming week: see if I can do 2 days (2 out of 7) where I am below my calories/points, and try my best this weekend not to overindulge. (Last weekend: chocolate cake, halloween parties, booze, Thai food with families, oy vey!).

    If I can lose 1.4lbs by next week, then I will hit my 5% mark at WW and will pass my 10lb mark on MFP. So, here's to another good week!
  • may5220
    may5220 Posts: 101 Member
    Wed Nov 2 - drank lots of water (11 plus cups) and did my schedule workout. :) Success!

    Congrats I see you are drinking your water.
  • may5220
    may5220 Posts: 101 Member
    Check in 11/4/11 I did my WI this morning I gain 1 lb. I don’t know if it is muscle gain from cardio or Mother Nature. I went to Zumba class last night it was great, going tomorrow. I increased my water intake to 128 ounces yesterday, trying to drink 135 ounces today. Have a great weekend.
  • sheBB
    sheBB Posts: 573 Member
    Happy Friday everyone! I know we all will do well. I usually weigh on Sundays but did so today and I am down 1.2 pounds, 184.4. Also tried to update the spreadsheet but after submitting it, it didn't show my updated weight, just said July 2. I did not want to ruin that perfectly set up sheet do I left it as is.

    I am filling my 2 litre jug of water again today, will repeat yesterday's intake of 8 glasses.

    Have a great Friday everyone!
  • MrsFelton2010
    MrsFelton2010 Posts: 339 Member
    So I usually don't weigh myself till Sunday at my girlfriends house, my scale is broken, if I don't get there before to her before Sunday you can just put my weight in as my SW for today.
  • My goals for November: Increase water intake to 3L/day. Exercise 5 days a week. Try aquafit classes, get my daughter involved. Log all food intake. Lose 7 lbs
  • cptnjck0209
    cptnjck0209 Posts: 47 Member
    I usually weigh in Mondays at 8pm so I'll just have a peek tonight at 8pm too and see what's happened =D 4 hours to go! Nervous! :laugh:
  • Mechel79
    Mechel79 Posts: 99 Member
    Good morning/afternoon ladies, first thank you Shalimarmandy for all your hard work and effort! I can't see the spreadsheet at work, but I will check it out when I get home- i am going to the gym after work and will weigh myself there.
  • cptnjck0209
    cptnjck0209 Posts: 47 Member
    I lost 1lb! =D my scales aren't too precise so maybe i was near anyway but the number has changed from 214 to 213! yayy :)

    good luck to everyone else!
  • amiechann
    amiechann Posts: 6 Member
    I'm down from 174 to 172.2. Last night I exercised with resistance bands and got in some cardio. I am slacking on my water intake and need to up it. I have been meeting all of my other goals.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Loss of 0.8 lbs :) The spreadsheet changed my 142.4 to a simple 142 even though I noticed some others were able to post tenths of a pound on their weight. Can you tell me how to fix that?

    I've got today scheduled as a rest day, but the very first Zumba class at my gym is tonight! I shall see how much cleaning I can finish before that, and maybe go :)
  • Shalimarmandy
    Shalimarmandy Posts: 409 Member
    Good morning! I tried posting today's weight in the Google Doc, but think I might have screwed something up -- my apologies!

    Down 1.2 lbs this week! Today's weigh in at Weight Watchers: 165.2.

    This week I really focused on trying to stay within my points and calories as best as I could and worked out every day. Guess it paid off!

    Good luck to everyone else doing their weigh-in's today.

    You did great! The error was in formatting and I fixed it so thanks for noticing!
  • Shalimarmandy
    Shalimarmandy Posts: 409 Member
    Loss of 0.8 lbs :) The spreadsheet changed my 142.4 to a simple 142 even though I noticed some others were able to post tenths of a pound on their weight. Can you tell me how to fix that?

    I've got today scheduled as a rest day, but the very first Zumba class at my gym is tonight! I shall see how much cleaning I can finish before that, and maybe go :)
    It was a formatting error I fixed it :)
  • Shalimarmandy
    Shalimarmandy Posts: 409 Member
    Check in 11/4/11 I did my WI this morning I gain 1 lb. I don’t know if it is muscle gain from cardio or Mother Nature. I went to Zumba class last night it was great, going tomorrow. I increased my water intake to 128 ounces yesterday, trying to drink 135 ounces today. Have a great weekend.

    Its probably water weight.... After a hard work out your muscles will retain some water to repair the muscle I bet it drops in a day :)
  • Mechel79
    Mechel79 Posts: 99 Member
    AT 158.8, worked out tonight and have stayed at my calorie goal (almost the entire week)
  • Shalimarmandy
    Shalimarmandy Posts: 409 Member
    AT 158.8, worked out tonight and have stayed at my calorie goal (almost the entire week)
    Great job!
  • Shalimarmandy
    Shalimarmandy Posts: 409 Member
    This week's challenge...

    1.) Stay under/at your calories goal every day this week (on average - if you have an expected overage counteract it with working out or cutting back somewhere else)
    2.) Work out for a minimum of 200 minutes this week (divide it up how ever you want)
    3.) Drink your water - 8 glasses every day!
    4.) Make at least 2 post this week to this thread either updating your status or encouraging one of the other challenge members
    5.) On Friday, update your weight and any nsv for the week.
  • Jean410
    Jean410 Posts: 104
    Thanks so much for doing this!! This week has been hard and the month is only getting busier so it's great to have concrete goals.

    NSV: Less back pain this week and although I'm not quite a full size down, my clothes are fitting much differently/ comfortably.