Calling all PCOS sisters!!



  • Hi everyone! I am also diagnosed with PCOS, about a year back. I am 26, getting married next year and decided to kick start my fitness regime this year. I have been dutifully going to the gym at least twice a week, doing cardio exercises and cutting down my calories.

    My biggest difficulty is cutting down carbo! I JUST LOVEEEE carbo. sigh. Anyway I plan to have children in the future (probably about 3 years time). So let's support each other and do feel free to add me!

    p.s. I have a cousin and a close friend, both PCOS sisters and they are pregnant now, so don't give up ladies!
  • salmat77
    salmat77 Posts: 310 Member
    :bigsmile: Watch your carbs ladies, I actually saw some success when lowering my carbs so try it for a week and see what happens...
  • Yup PCOS is me that's for sure- tried it all but keep on chugging along
  • PCOS.. what a wonderful thing *rme* lol

    **diagnosed in 95 at age 15......
  • Hey guys try Acupuncture. It helps with hormones and losing weight.

    What does this have to do with the topic at hand? Are you suggesting that all of us with PCOS can find a fix through acupuncture? Do you know what PCOS is?

    id have to ask the same.. Do you even know what PCOS is.. Acupuncture don't help.. i tried that one to... That's like my MALE obgys tellin' me the pain from the PCOS is all in my head.. It's actually in my pelvic area.. and Last i checked only guys have heads there sooooooo yea...
  • It really helps psychologically to know that there are others out there going through the exact same things! Doctors always said, "Just eat healthy and exercise." I did. Guess what? Nothing happened! Then I would get depressed and gain more.

    To make matters worse, the rest of my family is "normal". My parents are not overweight. My younger brother and sister are very thin and muscular...Like surfer bodies. So I really felt like the black sheep of the family, especially in family photos. It's like normal, normal, normal, normal, random fat girl. It is awkward when I meet one of my brother's friends because he says, "This is my sister, Kristen." And his friend looks at me, then him and says, "You have another sister?" Yeah.......the OTHER sister.

    So one of my motivations is to go to the beach with my brother and sister and take a picture and "fit in".

    Another is to buy a bra from Victoria's Secret. I hate walking in stores like that because you know those skinny girls are thinking, "What in the heck are you doing here? I think you need to go to Lane Bryant..."

    Any other insecurities that you have replaced with motivations? :)

    i feal ya.. diet excercise.. dr says loose weight.. HELLO been trying doesn't work. they don't understand they think it's easy and yea it causes the depression to go wild.. I have personally found that i cannot take the "PCOS pills" and standard PCOS -cut the carbs- diets don't work for me i actually gain more when i eat less carbs.

    I hate being that random fat girl.. No so much in my family my parents are both bigger and my brothers.. well they are huge.. Ogres i call 'em.. my little brother is 6'5" 350ish.. but the rest of my fam and all my friends.. yea random fat chick...

    on the victoria secret note.. I hate and LOVE going there.. I have a friend that's a 34A/B went there with her the other day and i went to the sales clerk with a curt as hell bra and asked if they had it in my size.. when she asked my size (this is where i have my fun) i asked her what she thought i was.. she said ohh 38DDD i laughed.. I'm actually a 36K.. I've ALWAYS had a large chest (thanks gma) The way the associates eyes almost popped out of her head when she heard 36K NOW THAT"S priceless...
  • I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2009 via ultrasound after extremely painful bursting cysts occurring a couple times a week. The rest of the symptoms finally made some sense. I was put on metformin but couldn't handle the stomach upset, so I'm combating it naturally like all of you :)

    I'm 25 now and I need(ed) to lose almost 100lbs. I'm down 40lbs this year. I wanted to say to all of you that are struggling, that it's something that takes time. Your body will SLOWLY adjust to a low GI diet and restructure how your insulin works. I started this process two years ago, and in the past six months started dropping the weight. Be patient!

    I'd LOVE LOVE some support from people in the same situation. All of you. It's a difficult thing to deal with on so many levels, especially when there's a lack of medical community to handle the broad range of symptoms PCOS encompasses.


    I can't do the PCOS pills either.. they all make me sick.. every dr wants me going back on them so i do and i get sick and gain weight.. on DR even put me on Phentermine and i GAINED 30#!! (yea 30# gain on prescription meth?!! WTH?)
  • Hey girls! I too have PCOS, and have been managing it for over 2 years now. Some of you posted that Metformin made you sick. It will do that for a few months until you adjust to it. You get diarrhea (gross I know) until your body rids itself of excess sugars is how my doctor explained it. My gynocologist gave me 500mg for 1 month, then 1000mg for a month, then 1500mg for my permanant dosage. Your body will adjust in time and you will feel much better. If your PCOS is really bad, you might ask the doctor about using Victoza in conjunction with Metformin. Victoza is another blood sugar medicine, and has an appetite suppressant that makes you feel full quicker. The last time that I had labs, my blood sugar and A1C were perfect and I know that it was because of weight loss and these two meds.
  • michellevt725
    michellevt725 Posts: 190 Member
    Another PCOSer here. I'm 33 and looking back I've had symptoms since I was about IDK, 13? Got my period when I was about 11 had it regularly for a couple of years and then it just stopped. I may have gotten it a couple of times a year but I can't remember now. I didn't think much about it and everyone explained it away because I was in dance and we were weighed in in front of the whole class every week with any gains/losses announced to the whole class. Then I think around 16-17 period started up again and were regular but I do remember finding hairs on my neck or sideburns area when I was in high school. When I was 19 I had 2 late periods and H (boyfriend at the time) and I were scared so I went on the pill. I stayed on the pill until I was about 25 I think and I went off for a year. Had a period the first month off the pill like I should and then I went a while without one, I think I had one every 3-6 months. Went back on the pill until 4 years ago. Since then I've only gotten a few periods on my own without medication but it is nothing regular. We've been trying to get pregnant that whole time with no luck. I actually brought PCOS up to my gyno and he was responded like I was stupid for NOT knowing I had PCOS but I had just found PCOS on internet searches and such, he had never mentioned it. I was recently on metformin for 6 months and went off of it because I wasn't seeing any response to it and I was looking to join a study about PCOS but couldn't be on metformin to participate. I have all the syptoms of PCOS except for the actual cystic ovaries. Phew! Sorry that was so long!
  • Pcos Cyster here! I noticed symptoms of PCOS when i hit puberty. I have pretty much all the problems that come with PCOS except i dont have the serious ones yet. Like heart disease and Diabetic but i was close to being type 2 diabetic. And im reversing it slowely by changing my eating habbits and working out daily I ALREADY LOST 51POUNDS and let me tell ya i have never been able to loose weight until i got on Metformin. and with that medication combined with working out and eating some what better. Its been fast weight loss 3 months lost 40 pounds 2 month later nothing just maintaining then another month i lost 11pounds total 51 loss. WE CAN LOOSE WEIGHT WITH PCOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Vino81
    Vino81 Posts: 16
    Yes, we can - together! :smile:

    Sadly, like you guys, I have PCOS, it took years to accept it... :sad:
  • PCOSer here! I've always had abnormal periods (ones that last for months and months), but the doctors never gave it much of a thought until about later last year. The same complications had been coming back along with a massive weight gain....which did nothing to help the high blood pressure that I'd already been taking medication for. Finally in about January, it was finally confirmed that I was in fact a PCOS-er. I was accepting of it until someone so 'graciously' brought up infertility (I don't have any kids as of yet, but look forward to having quite a few). ^_^;

    I've been working since about January and through some obstacles, have lost 53 pounds so far. I've got a wayyys way to go, but knowing that I'm not alone here in the cause, It doesn't feel nearly as hard.

    I have quite a bit to go, but eventually, this 24-year-old gal wants to get off blood pressure medicine and live with PCOS not being a major issue.

    Feel free to add and/or message me by the way, guys!
  • midwifekelley2350
    midwifekelley2350 Posts: 337 Member
    ohh really i didnt know it ws so common, can you get tested for it? can you get it after you have had children or is it always there? sorry if my questions are a little intrusive im just curious to know

    it is a syndrome with tons of symptoms...some women just have a few symptoms and others have tons of the symptoms. many women can still have children with PCOS but it is frequently a struggle. most of the time the diagnosis is made when women present to the OB/GYN complaining of no periods or very irregular periods. there isn't just one single test...we go by symptoms and lab tests that can make diagnosis (thyroid, cholesterol panel, sugar tests, hormone levels). most of the time we can make periods regular with birth control pills but sometimes people need other meds to deal with glucose intolerance. if people desire pregnancy, sometimes we can achieve that with use of prometrium(progesterone) and metformin. weight loss is often really difficult and there are usually real stuggles with acne and unwanted hair (there are medicines for that too). it is a very difficult diagnosis to deal with and i wish you all the best!
  • I am also a PCOS'er! I didn't know there were so many others like me. Does anyone find that carbs are your worst enemy?
  • terrellc1
    terrellc1 Posts: 231 Member
    I am also a PCOS'er! I didn't know there were so many others like me. Does anyone find that carbs are your worst enemy?

    For me, carbs are the DEVIL! :devil:
  • I know! But I think I will be trying the low carb deal again...always seems to get the weight off. until I binge of course! But the plan here is too keep it off! I am hoping to find some accountability partners?
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Hi everyone!!!

    What a crazy day....
    Had a hankerin' for Quesadillas tonight... found a great sale on Eye Round, made a fresh cajun-lime dressing, sauteed up some peppers, onions, mushrooms, chunks of gahhhhhhhhhhhhhlic, and was definitely PLEASED that I found Joseph's Tortillas in the low-carb variety - and WOW, they were REALLY good!!!! Oat-Flax-Whole Wheat tortillas, ONLY 5 NET CARBS!!! And WOW, they really were good too! I did a nice light pan-toast on them with a dusting of garlic powder and "Adobo" seasoning... OMG, I am SOOOO having this for breakfast tomorrow!!!
  • kendot
    kendot Posts: 1 Member
    Hi All! I'm a PCOS-er too! Please add me to the group!
  • ChelleLynn97
    ChelleLynn97 Posts: 2 Member
    I have PCOS as well, and found this site through my nutritionist. I'm currently in a medically supervised weight loss program in the hopes of having gastric bypass surgery next April as recommended by my RE. Good luck to all, feel free to add me.

  • Syntria
    Syntria Posts: 46 Member
    I have PCOS and Pre-Diabetes
    26/175 Pounds

    Been on the pill and metformin for nearly a decade.

    I would LOVE to have more friends on MFP that had PCOS! :D Feel free to add me! All of you!