Valentine's Day Challenge



  • Hay just saw the challenge (50 crunches 30 squats) I'm off 2 the dance studio and I'm gonna aim 4 100crunches and 90 squats. Not as 1 set tho lol :D
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I'm Leigh aka Shakybabe. I'm currently 11st 3 (157lbs) .... I'd like to be closer to 10st (140lbs) by February, ... my ultimate goal is to try and reach between 9st -9st 7 if possible before my birthday in June, like I used to be.. however I'm not sure how practical this is as I'm now 42.. not 26..with considerably less mobility than I had in my Uni days.. lol! :blushing:

    10st would still put me in the top end of healthy range for my height (for a medium or larger frame).. so I'll aim for that first!
  • Kslice39
    Kslice39 Posts: 146
    I wish they made this site where notifications popped up for groups like this, kinda like how FB has a thing where you can make and lock your own page and members in it and you are notified by current things going on in that group. If we made this a blog or something would it do that? And how are we doing this? are we weekly checking in for the weeks goals to accomplish and post our weight loss or something positive we accomplished during the week or something?
  • Kslice39
    Kslice39 Posts: 146
    Is there a way to subscribe to this post or something?
  • monicamk1975
    monicamk1975 Posts: 298 Member
    Hi I'm Monica and would love to join! I am 204.4 as of this morning and would love to be 175 by Vday. We are heading back to Arizona to see my family (after a year of living in Veracruz, Mexico) and the last time everyone saw me I was this April at 245 lbs- so this would be even more inspiration :)
  • Fighting4Healthy
    Fighting4Healthy Posts: 336 Member
    If you check in your my topics the post should be there, I am not familiar with the blogs and all of that kind of stuff, I just know about posting, but if you know something let me know, I am trying to figure out ways to make this group easier to access
  • Fighting4Healthy
    Fighting4Healthy Posts: 336 Member
    Ugh 50 crunches hurt my tummy ans 30 squats hurt my legs, but I did get my water in!! and my cardio too!!! lol
  • Fighting4Healthy
    Fighting4Healthy Posts: 336 Member
    Sorry for not being on lately, my job has kept me busy!!! Sunday's challenge, 1 hour of cardio and 100 oz water. Sorry about the delays! How is every one doing???
  • My name is Ginger. I’m new to MFP and just got the ok to join this very exciting (and closed) V-Day Challenge. I’m 26, work for The Home Depot, restarting school in January, and I’m losing weight because I want to feel sexier and be the sexiest I’ve ever been!
    CW: 222
    Weekly goal: 2 lbs a week
    That’s 182 by February 14!! Im not going to count how many total pounds that is, just wanna leave that at 2 lbs
  • wpatbeauty
    wpatbeauty Posts: 2 Member
    I would like to lose 25lbs by Valentines Day. I' starting a few days late but I think this is a realistic goal.

    My current weight is 213

    My Valentine goal weight is 188

    Good Luck Everyone.
  • lovingmethin
    lovingmethin Posts: 47 Member
    Hi. My name is Tanya. I am 33 years old. I have four beautiful children (13,10,6,2) that I teach at home and chauffer around daily. I guess you could say that I am a soccer mom through and through. I love my life, my husband, my children, my home, my daiily routine, but I just wish that I were healthier. I've always been a big girl but I've never lost my breath when walking or had legs that just felt tired. My age is catching up to me and I want to stop this while I still can.

    Current weight: 210
    2/14 goal weight: 195

    I'm doing this diet differently than the ones in the past. I am trying to take this slow and steady. I have a one pound per week goal loss. I'm trying to be more aware of what i put into my body and to love myself thin....thus my login name....lovingmethin.
  • kizzym
    kizzym Posts: 250
    i just seen this challenge and would love to name is kizzy. I live in california. i weigh 185....
  • Ally_Clare
    Ally_Clare Posts: 355 Member
    Today I did 50 min Zumba and 15 min strength training with weights and 40 crunches
  • rodneysmom98
    rodneysmom98 Posts: 167 Member
    Hi! I am a 43 year old mom of 2 active boys who wants to get healthy for me and my family! I joined MFP in 2010, made a commitment to exercise regularly, and have lost 12 lbs slowly over the last year. I now want to focus on getting better with my food choices to see if I can boost my weight loss and get even healthier. I've joined a Christmas challenge and enjoy the mutual accountability and challenges. I thought joining this challenge would be a good way to get myself looking beyond Christmas.

    So .... I would like to lose 14 lbs by Valentines. Planning on drinking my water today and exercising - at least 30 minutes of cardio!


    CW: 165
    XmasGW: 158
    ValGW: 151
    UGW: 135 (happy with 140 tho!)
  • Okay I am a little late and just saw this post but i don't think its to late to join.

    Well my name is Heather and i am 5'4 weigh about 156 and I would like to lose about 30 pounds by Valentines would be amazing. I am a single mom to a beautiful 2 year old girl who keeps me very active. =) I am just getting out of a relationship and basically struggling with binge eating and not taking time for myself but i think it will help eating better and exercising and finding time for me.

    Current Weight: 156
    By Valentines day: 126

    Lets encourage everyone to stay with it . I really need the encouragement from every end especially with the holdiay's etc.
  • rw4hawks
    rw4hawks Posts: 121 Member
  • Hello!!

    I would love to join this group, my name is Kelley I am 22 year old. I am 5'7 and currently weigh 183.. I would love to lose 20 pounds by Valentines Day.. I work full time, but have a two year old that keeps me running around.
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    got in 45 min on the tread mill and 20 on the elliptical tonight :) and drank a TON of water
  • Hello, My name is Sarah. Otherwise known as citygrl87 I am 24 years old. I actually just joined MFP in early October. My initial weight (even though people don't believe me) was 242.6. After 4 weeks tomorrow since counting calories and watching my portions, I am now 228.4. I am actually doing this with my cousin's gf. She is my main support system because she too wants to lose weight by next June. Our promise to each other is that if we make it to our goal or if we are ten lbs away, we will go buy sexy Victoria Secret bathing suits to sport on the beach next year. :) I wouldn't mind be down to at least 195 by this coming Valentines Day, but a more realistic goal would be 205. My main goal is to get down to 160 lbs but 175 will be a blessing since I havent weighed below 200 lbs since I had my daughter two 1/2 years ago. I am really hoping to take something from My Fitness Pal. In fact, everytime I weigh myself and I see progress, I give a shout out to MFP on my Facebook, since that is where I am updating my friends on my journey. :) I am excited, because people are actually able to see changes on me in my face, and my jeans are already starting to fit loosely. I am mainly doing this for me, but I am also doing this, because one day I want to be able to run around and play with my daughter and not get so winded. So I am doing this for my health. Well that was a longwinded introduction, but I am hoping to hear from this post. Good luck to everyone who joins this challenge!!!!