We have ALL been and done this....what is your worst?



  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    P90x sitting in a drawer in my living room. turns out when i bought it i could barely get through the assessment.

    i also have a stationary bike in my living room cause i was going to ride it while watching the biggest loser. now its just somewhere for the kids to play.

    however, i go to the gym at lunch and im getting stronger and better. Im going to use the P90x real soon.
  • Tiggerrick
    Tiggerrick Posts: 1,078 Member
    Let's see.....
    Threadmill - Used only a handful of times. (about $100 used) Gave it to my Mom, who still has it, but doesn't use it.
    Ab cruncher - Only used a couple of times. (about $5 used) Still sitting in the garage.
    Ab chair - Only used a handfull of times. (about .... oh wait... free), but it's in my room.
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    She bought it used at a yard sale so it was old and very stiff. That thing was a ***** to use!

    Yeah same! I think he got it at a thrift store or something. I hated that thing from the very start! I wonder if they even still sell those kinds that you have to power manually.
  • crseedee
    crseedee Posts: 6 Member
    Got an elliptical and probably used it less than 10 times, I'm gonna start using it at least once a week though...making a pact with myself :) Luckily I didn't waste money on it though-got it free from a neighbor. The only downside is that it is big & bulky so it's outside in my screen room right now. I've came really close to buying numerous types of fitness equipment-luckily I've held back :D
  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member
    about 10 years ago I bought one of the belts that sends and electric currrent to contract your abs. I thought, "hey, I can wear it at work a few days a week and while watching TV." Well, the thing was cheaply made and did not "fire" properly. So I put it on and when nothing happened, I jacked up the level until it clicked on sent me into a spasm on the couch. It hurt so badly that I had trouble moving to get it off. I ended up with electricity burn on my stomach!

    I am sorry but this made me LOL :laugh:

    You would've laughed harder if you'd seen me in a near seizure on the floor in my living room
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    The stabilizer ball - I just need to admit I live in a small house and get over it. It rolled from room to room for a while, now it's deflated in the basement.
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    about 10 years ago I bought one of the belts that sends and electric currrent to contract your abs. I thought, "hey, I can wear it at work a few days a week and while watching TV." Well, the thing was cheaply made and did not "fire" properly. So I put it on and when nothing happened, I jacked up the level until it clicked on sent me into a spasm on the couch. It hurt so badly that I had trouble moving to get it off. I ended up with electricity burn on my stomach!

  • ABetterBalance
    When I was 18 my mom bought a man powered tredmill. It was like the fred flinston of tredmills. The belt only moved when someone was walking on it, no electricity to move the belt for you.

    That was my first treadmill! :laugh:

    To the OP- I've bought a lot of equipment over the years, but I don't really regret most of them. My husband and I have a rule, we will buy the cheapest version of what we want and, if we use it enough we can justify buying a better one.

    I used my manual treadmill for about a year and then my husband and IL's went in together to get one for my birthday. We have it in the den, facing a TV. Most of the time we don't bother to turn the TV on, but some days I will put a movie on for the kids and they watch TV while I run. I

    We bought a cheap rowing machine, and used it for awhile. It now collects dust in the den. I don't regret the purchase, though. It was a decent workout, but not one either of us really cared for, and we know now it won't be worth it to invest in an upgrade. Plus, since it is also manual (you turn a knob to add resistance, no automatic programs) I don't mind if the kids play on it. They think it's a fun workout. :smile:
  • spyork
    spyork Posts: 187
    about 10 years ago I bought one of the belts that sends and electric currrent to contract your abs. I thought, "hey, I can wear it at work a few days a week and while watching TV." Well, the thing was cheaply made and did not "fire" properly. So I put it on and when nothing happened, I jacked up the level until it clicked on sent me into a spasm on the couch. It hurt so badly that I had trouble moving to get it off. I ended up with electricity burn on my stomach!


    That made me laugh so hard (sorry) I don't have a prize but you would have it so far! :bigsmile:
  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member
    about 10 years ago I bought one of the belts that sends and electric currrent to contract your abs. I thought, "hey, I can wear it at work a few days a week and while watching TV." Well, the thing was cheaply made and did not "fire" properly. So I put it on and when nothing happened, I jacked up the level until it clicked on sent me into a spasm on the couch. It hurt so badly that I had trouble moving to get it off. I ended up with electricity burn on my stomach!


    That made me laugh so hard (sorry) I don't have a prize but you would have it so far! :bigsmile:

    I'd like to thank all those involved that gave me top honors. My ego will only need minor repairs!
  • UnderCoverShyGirl
    UnderCoverShyGirl Posts: 254 Member
    hmmm, joined a gym once on a yearly membership (paid up front too) and never set foot in the place again!
    A treadmill, a gift from my husband at the time, i tried it out, but OMG was i bored stiff....clothes rack.
    Ab lounge...gift from someone for my kids, but i was determined to use it....and I did, sat right in it to watch tv...
    Oh and those rubber tube/band things that you put your foot in one and pull with your hands so you can do all kinds of neato toning...i was too afraid the bands would snap to brave using it. Still scares me!

    Weirdly enough the thing i used most was one of those silly sit up machines...you know, foot pedels a spring in the middle and handles to help you do sit ups. I would do 800 a day and lost a lot of weight once with that thing. For some reason, i just loved it (and wish i had it still). I think it had something to do with being able to exercise while laying on the bed hahahaha!
  • deb505
    deb505 Posts: 11
    Bought an elliptical haven't used it much, bad move? not sure cause its a good machine doesn't take up to much space and works great when I did use it. Ab cruncher bad move used it twice i think. Also bought a stationary bike "love it" use it while doing laundry so not everything in my house is a waste.
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    A thought came to me earlier today. I have an exercise ball that I've only used about.... four.. five times at best. I keep saying that I'll use it to do some crunches, but that 20 minutes never comes. I mean it's not a very expensive net loss, but I bought it with good intention, only to have it mock me by tripping me up every so often in a 'cry' for attention. I guess it's the way the carpet is patterned, but it actually rolls around every so often and if not careful can (and always does) make it's way right in your path.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    OK, I don't remember the name of the contraption, but it was for abs and it was shaped like a large crossbow. You put the pad on your abs, hold the handles on the sides, and then did crunches. It was "weighted" so when you did crunches, it literally pushed against your abs. The theory was that it flattened out your abs at the same as exercising them, so you get rock hard flat abs that way.

    I think the Ab Lounge makes more sense, lol.
  • honeybadger175
    honeybadger175 Posts: 69 Member
    I bought a Nor**** Track when they first came out...worked great as a clothes line!
  • Brainsurgeon
    Brainsurgeon Posts: 26 Member
    A lifelong karate club membership.

    It was only after I signed up and went to the first class, that I remembered I don't like being particularly vocal or aggressive, both of which seemed to be a necessity in the class.

    I do have a treadmill but it gets plenty of use (as a form of exercise, NOT as a clothes hanger heh) so that one doesn't count.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I bought a Nor**** Track when they first came out...worked great as a clothes line!

    HAHAHAHA!!! Evidently if you spell "Nordic" with a "k" on it at the end, this website thinks you are talking dirty.
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    When I was 18 my mom bought a man powered tredmill. It was like the fred flinston of tredmills. The belt only moved when someone was walking on it, no electricity to move the belt for you.

    Call me old-fashioned, but I love those things. Somewhere, my mother still has one, and I intend to commandeer it if she ever finds it again. It's much more practical space-wise for my apartment than anything electric.
  • honeybadger175
    honeybadger175 Posts: 69 Member
    I bought a Nor**** Track when they first came out...worked great as a clothes line!

    HAHAHAHA!!! Evidently if you spell "Nordic" with a "k" on it at the end, this website thinks you are talking dirty.

    Hahaha! I was wondering why it did that!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    My new kinsei trainers. They cost fortune, I wore them 4 times and my blisters are so bad I had to go and get some different ones last week.

    My husband has a rowing machine and a turbo trainer he has used each about 3 times but they sit there clogging up our annex.