what day do you weigh yourself?



  • Rynoman2k3
    Rynoman2k3 Posts: 152 Member
    I weigh myself every morning, naked right after using the bathroom first thing. Sometimes I weigh more than once. I try to use the bathroom sometimes to make the scale move. I know i'm obsessed but it makes me feel good when i lose!
  • cjs3001
    cjs3001 Posts: 273 Member
    I weigh on Wednesdays. I used to go to Weight Watchers and that was a Wednesday so I guess it's a little habit of mine. Depending on my week I might weigh multiple times but the only time I ever update my tracker is Wednesday mornings :smile:
  • BreakinTheChains
    BreakinTheChains Posts: 381 Member
    I weigh myself every morning, naked right after using the bathroom first thing.
    So do I !!!
  • uLinx
    uLinx Posts: 148
    As many others, every morning after peeing and before eating/drinking. I log everything being aware of normal fluctuations (i.e. before my period).
  • NPetrakis
    NPetrakis Posts: 164 Member
    Friday morning, right after taking care of business.
  • RuthAne
    RuthAne Posts: 130
    I weigh myself every other Tuesday.
  • Wynterbourne
    Wynterbourne Posts: 2,222 Member
    Friday mornings, naked, right after morning bathroom visit. I know some people weigh in Mondays specifically to keep themselves in check on the weekend while others like me do it on Friday to *have* a weekend. Personally, I need my weekend, as someone else stated, this is a lifestyle change and I will not spend the rest of my life never having the chance to splurge a little on the weekends if something was to come up.
  • beckylou66
    beckylou66 Posts: 103 Member
    Friday morning, 5:30AM, butt naked.

    Beavis and Butthead: "She said *kitten*...Huh HuhHuh, Huh". LOL
    This makes me giggle huh huhHuhHuh, huh

    Oh and everyday.... I only log once a week, if then, but I do weigh daily, but that's mainly because I've been on maintenance for a long time..... I'm goin back to losin now - so maybe a little less.
  • tuneses
    tuneses Posts: 467 Member
    Every morning.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    When I weigh myself it is on Sunday because that is the one day that I don't exercise on...so I've done 6 days of workouts and then weigh-in. I weigh-in a few minutes after waking up, before eating, and after using the bathroom. I try to keep all those little variables constant.
  • n_parker21
    I weigh every evening and morning and log every morning (the 1 kg I lose over night really cheers me up!)...it is really fascinating the oscillations in the graph..but ultimately its the gradient of the average you should be looking at...plus a big rise up in the graph steels my determination for the next few days so I get a double dip bounce back!
  • stephabef
    stephabef Posts: 936 Member
    I haven't in a month or so, because my old scale fluctuates and I'd rather spend my money on new running shoes or a set of hand weights. The next time I weigh myself will be the day before Thanksgiving on my grandma's scale :)