10 down by Christmas (CLOSED)



  • fortysixpounds
    fortysixpounds Posts: 419 Member
    134 lbs lost in the first week of the 8 week challenge. WELL DONE EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!! :smile:

    That's an average loss of 1.53 lbs per person :drinker:
  • annasgyal
    annasgyal Posts: 1,687 Member
    Good Job to all on the losses! Already done lost my Atlantic City pounds, and down to 232.0 pounds, so next week I am so expecting myself to lose some sort of pounds. We got to catch up with Team 1, I am so coming for you guys! LOL!

    Water for me this weekend was a epic fail.....Well, sunday at least...totally sucked! Zero glasses....ughhhhh......just doing homework, keeps me focused on getting the homework done, and the water suffers because of it. As you can tell, today is my rest day from exercise, but back on the exercise grind tomorrow.
  • mamapaints
    mamapaints Posts: 206 Member
    Hey guys; how have you all been enjoying our mini challenge for the new week? I've been loving the stairs and jumproping. :) Tonight I added in 3 sets of (12) situps w/ shoulder press.
  • Yakisoba
    Yakisoba Posts: 719 Member
    I jogged for an hour the other day, but didn't record it. o.o Meh.
  • LouLouUK
    LouLouUK Posts: 136 Member
    Hello gang! I'M BACK!!

    Unfortunately just so swamped - just wanted to come here to catch my breath! PHEW.

    AMAZING results from the weigh in! So proud of you all really i am. I have not had the chance to weigh myself yet but i dread it as i know i went overboard with the eating - i think the fact i was on holiday for the first time in almost 2 years made me relax maybe a little too much in that department...

    But im surprisingly looking forward to getting back to the work/workout week routine! I noticed silly things whilst i was away - i drank NOWHERE NEAR enough, but getting back to my desk means i have my 2 litre bottle with me at all times! :wink:

    So what's happened here? Anything exciting? :smile:

    Lou Lou
  • zaz936
    zaz936 Posts: 68 Member
    Hi everyone,

    How are you ? How did you do during the week-end? I did well this week, I'm happy!

    This work week will be hellish though. Quite a few late nights planned at work; and a business on Wednesday where I need to take the train at 5 AM to be back at 9 PM. I will be exhausted and of course, restaurant eating and no time for exercise. We'll see how it goes!

    Have a good one!
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!

    Great progress last week! :flowerforyou: :drinker: It only makes me look forward to the future weeks! Congrats to all the teams and everyone's hard work.

    As always, my weekends are rough, I did better on my water intake than usual so I am happy for that. Today, is a cardio day, and I will hit the stair climber for 15 to make up for the weekend, then run a little on "dreadmill" and I will also work on my double unders for my CF competition this weekend coming up. I'm totally scared but looking foward to it because my husband will be there to cheer me on! Super excited! Happy Monday to everyone!
  • annasgyal
    annasgyal Posts: 1,687 Member
    Well, feeling good, and the scale is matching my feelings. Today is my exercise day, the dreaded two a days. However, tomorrow is my rest day....sad that that is my motivation. I walked 4.6 miles this morning, and at 5pm will be back to walking again. Hoping to hit the 220's by friday, but will take the losses as they come, as long as the numbers on the scale is going down. I am also doing good with my water goal today, and I am sure I will hit my water goal.
  • I had an awesome work out with my personal trainer last night.

    My planks are becoming a lot better, and i am able to hold them longer as well.

    She changed my nutrition up. So therefore, no carbs or processed foods. Only good carbs from fruits and veggies are allowed. Protein, fruits, and veggies until i get my body eating healthy foods, then we will incorporate little "other" carbs to it.

    Went grocery shopping last night and stocked up on apples, oranges, strawberries, pineapple, grapes, grapefruit, romaine lettuce, turkey, greek yogurt - plain, all natural peter pan peanut butter, Quaker oatmeal plain.
    Wish me luck!!!
  • annasgyal
    annasgyal Posts: 1,687 Member
    Hoping to see more of a reduction on the scale by tomorrow! Still down from last week, but want to be down more!
  • MelissaRaeTerry
    MelissaRaeTerry Posts: 377 Member
    yuck it the TOM right before weigh in lets see how this goes!
  • CBaumgardner7
    CBaumgardner7 Posts: 212 Member
    Well, did my weigh in today because I can't open the thread on my computer but the hubby can at his work. Didn't lose anything this week but unfortunately TOM is here and I can def. feel some increase weight gain. Although, been walking daily and going back to Zumba tom. and hopefully get a couple of classes in next week. I know I should be grateful that there wasn't a gain but still disappointing that there wasn't a lose after I worked hard. Guess I'll have to step it up and work harder this week to make up for it next week. Sorry Team 8!:mad:
  • Really disappointed today. I weighed myself as a "preview" to tomorrow's weigh-in and I am up 2lbs!!! :sad: I have actually been exercising almost every day. The only day I did nothing since last weigh-in was on Sunday. I probably need to work on cleaning up my diet. I completely splurged last night and had a beer with some friends and shared a plate of calamari after my dance class. I have been really sore with my renewed effort at weight training. I'm wondering if that soreness equates to any muscle swelling (i.e. temporary weight gain). It's probably a reach but I'm hoping for some kind fo reason. for now I will just try and do better with what I eat. Especially on the weeknds, that's my hardest time.
  • mamapaints
    mamapaints Posts: 206 Member
    Really disappointed today. I weighed myself as a "preview" to tomorrow's weigh-in and I am up 2lbs!!! :sad: I have actually been exercising almost every day. The only day I did nothing since last weigh-in was on Sunday. I probably need to work on cleaning up my diet. I completely splurged last night and had a beer with some friends and shared a plate of calamari after my dance class. I have been really sore with my renewed effort at weight training. I'm wondering if that soreness equates to any muscle swelling (i.e. temporary weight gain). It's probably a reach but I'm hoping for some kind fo reason. for now I will just try and do better with what I eat. Especially on the weeknds, that's my hardest time.

    Diet pretty much does account for 90% of what you will see on the scale. No matter how much you work out, if you go over your calories, the number on the scale isn't going to be nice to you. On the other hand, it can also be slow to budge at other times, like TOM, or if your body is getting used to working out more often, etc. I'm finding that the scale isn't moving much for me and I'm in a good calorie range + working out almost every day. I'm chalking it up to the workouts because when I don't work out at ALL, and just watch my calories, my weight goes down very predictably.
  • Really disappointed today. I weighed myself as a "preview" to tomorrow's weigh-in and I am up 2lbs!!! :sad: I have actually been exercising almost every day. The only day I did nothing since last weigh-in was on Sunday. I probably need to work on cleaning up my diet. I completely splurged last night and had a beer with some friends and shared a plate of calamari after my dance class. I have been really sore with my renewed effort at weight training. I'm wondering if that soreness equates to any muscle swelling (i.e. temporary weight gain). It's probably a reach but I'm hoping for some kind fo reason. for now I will just try and do better with what I eat. Especially on the weeknds, that's my hardest time.

    Diet pretty much does account for 90% of what you will see on the scale. No matter how much you work out, if you go over your calories, the number on the scale isn't going to be nice to you. On the other hand, it can also be slow to budge at other times, like TOM, or if your body is getting used to working out more often, etc. I'm finding that the scale isn't moving much for me and I'm in a good calorie range + working out almost every day. I'm chalking it up to the workouts because when I don't work out at ALL, and just watch my calories, my weight goes down very predictably.

    Last week when I wasn't as consistent with my workouts I lost weight. I also ate a bit better though. :smile:
  • Good morning everyone! Don't forget to log your weight today. I see a lot of people posting that their weight has gone up a pound or two. LADIES, this happens to all of us and there is not a darn thing we can do! Don't let "Aunt Flo" discourage you from your goal!
  • diaryoffatdad
    diaryoffatdad Posts: 175 Member
    Hello all, hope you all had a good week.

    not much of a loss for me this week but as of Wed I am using a previously unused belt loop! I notice that I'm walking a little taller and swifter, not out of breath after a walk from my car to my office, all good things and still no tums. Keep up the good work and please take notice of all the little things that change besides the weight!

  • Changed up my nutrition like my trainer said... so far, so good.. until the weekend..... :S 235.7 weigh in today..
  • annasgyal
    annasgyal Posts: 1,687 Member
    Logged in my weight......and I am liking the numbers so far. Hoping to be on a steady weight loss from here, and by christmas next month, there is a possibility I could be ten punds lighter! Oh yeah buddy! I will take it.
  • evelyngrice
    evelyngrice Posts: 349 Member
    Logging first thing tomorrow I promise team 6 :)
    I don't think it will be a big number though, but i'm keeping my fingers crossed!
