C25K Running Group - Week 8 (Closed Group)



  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 906 Member
    a) W8D2 completed!
    b) I use to think that if someone could read during their workout that they weren't working hard enough. Well, the last few days I have been bringing my iPad and reading. It works real well because I am able to adjust the size of the font and don't have to mess with book or magazine pages. It provides an excellent distraction and makes time go faster.
    c) This Saturday I am participating in a 5K. My three kids are doing it with me, and I am super excited. My 18 year old is an avid runner, but my 15 and 10 year olds are not runners at all. I have no idea what to anticipate out of myself; I'm sure the oldest will encourage me to go faster and harder, but the younger two will be a distraction. I'm just looking forward to having some fun and accomplishing something with my kids. Oh, and getting a cool t-shirt!

    Christine, I'm soooo excited for you!! Your first 5K Yaay!!! I wish my kids would participate with me, but my hubby is by my side, so I can't complain. I'm still on the fence about a 5K this month. Maybe in Dec. I can't wait to hear how great you did!!!
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 906 Member
    a) W8D3 Done!! I jogged between a 4.8 and 5.0, didn't feel like going any faster.
    b) I found some energy before going to the gym. Then I treated myself to the jacuzzi. It was heaven!!!
    c) I'll have to do a bonus run to keep on moving
  • chanson104
    a) W8D3 Done!! I jogged between a 4.8 and 5.0, didn't feel like going any faster.
    b) I found some energy before going to the gym. Then I treated myself to the jacuzzi. It was heaven!!!
    c) I'll have to do a bonus run to keep on moving
    Well done! Wow, ready to start week 9!
  • TL136
    TL136 Posts: 86 Member
    Oh my, I have been slacking. Today I will do w8d2 and tomorrow w8d3, if I don't die between the runs!!!

    Hearing you guys talk about running a 5k is awesome. I never felt I could fit in with that crowd and here I am running along side of you. I want to try one, but in VT I have to wait till the spring. I think my lungs might freeze if I try to run one now!:laugh:

    wk 9 is just around the corner!!!!!
  • pandabear_
    pandabear_ Posts: 487 Member
    a. W7D3 done!
    b. The run was ok, I saw penguins! But I keep getting a cramp feeling in my stomach after I run. Does anyone else get it too?
  • TL136
    TL136 Posts: 86 Member
    w8d3 done, It actually went pretty fast. ran at 5 this time
    Crazy though, I was watching it sleet while I was running. Don't I love Vermont!:bigsmile:

    I don't get cramps after I run, but I do get them during my run usually right at the beginning and then it goes away.
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 906 Member
    So Cool that you ladies got your runs done!!

    Bry, I don't ever get cramps in my tummy. Could it be that you're drinking too much water, or maybe eating prior to?

    Tonya, It's so cool that you get to experience the seasons, in Southern Cali, we don't really have any defined seasons.
  • chanson104
    This morning I did a 5K with my kids! I was hoping to do it in under 40 minutes, but my time was 44.7 However, that is actually slightly better than what I have been averaging on the treadmill. I have only been doing the C25K on the treadmill so running outside was quite a bit different, and I am feeling it in my hips and legs! It's a little chilly in Indiana right now, but it didn't take long to warm up, and the last mile of the 5K was beautiful! The best part of the whole thing is how excited my younger two children were to finish; they put much more effort into it than I had expected them to.

    I'm asking for a pass on W8D3?
  • ysamatar
    ysamatar Posts: 484 Member
    This morning I did a 5K with my kids! I was hoping to do it in under 40 minutes, but my time was 44.7 However, that is actually slightly better than what I have been averaging on the treadmill. I have only been doing the C25K on the treadmill so running outside was quite a bit different, and I am feeling it in my hips and legs! It's a little chilly in Indiana right now, but it didn't take long to warm up, and the last mile of the 5K was beautiful! The best part of the whole thing is how excited my younger two children were to finish; they put much more effort into it than I had expected them to.

    I'm asking for a pass on W8D3?

    Congrats on your 5K!!!.
  • ysamatar
    ysamatar Posts: 484 Member
    I'm back and thank God we have power back. It was a trail week and not so easy for alot of families who lost their loved ones due to Carbon Monoxide. I will be one week behind and will try my best to catch up to you all wonderful ladies.
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 906 Member
    This morning I did a 5K with my kids! I was hoping to do it in under 40 minutes, but my time was 44.7 However, that is actually slightly better than what I have been averaging on the treadmill. I have only been doing the C25K on the treadmill so running outside was quite a bit different, and I am feeling it in my hips and legs! It's a little chilly in Indiana right now, but it didn't take long to warm up, and the last mile of the 5K was beautiful! The best part of the whole thing is how excited my younger two children were to finish; they put much more effort into it than I had expected them to.

    I'm asking for a pass on W8D3?

    OMG Christine that's sooooo AWESOME!! Of course you get a pass!! I'm so proud of you!! Next week should be a breeze for you, right?
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 906 Member
    I'm back and thank God we have power back. It was a trail week and not so easy for alot of families who lost their loved ones due to Carbon Monoxide. I will be one week behind and will try my best to catch up to you all wonderful ladies.

    No worries Yasmin, we'll stick it out with you. I'm just glad that you and the family are okay. I'm sorry to hear that there were lives lost in this ordeal :(

  • TL136
    TL136 Posts: 86 Member
    wooho wk 8 is behind me. This is youth hunting wkend in VT and my daughter and son are gone with my husband. They took my iphone so I had to do te run with nobody telling me I was half way done. I played a Seinfeld episode and prayed it would be 28 minutes long. It finished and I looked at the time on my treadmill and it said 25, not bad I just ran another three minutes listening to the jingle. Wish I could get it ot of my head now.

    Next wk is wk 9 and we will all be graduates.

    Siles to all
  • chanson104
    wooho wk 8 is behind me. This is youth hunting wkend in VT and my daughter and son are gone with my husband. They took my iphone so I had to do te run with nobody telling me I was half way done. I played a Seinfeld episode and prayed it would be 28 minutes long. It finished and I looked at the time on my treadmill and it said 25, not bad I just ran another three minutes listening to the jingle. Wish I could get it ot of my head now.

    Next wk is wk 9 and we will all be graduates.

    Siles to all
    Yay Tonya!!
  • pandabear_
    pandabear_ Posts: 487 Member
    a. W8D1 done
    b. The run was good, I was very tired after! Who knew 3 minutes would make it even harder!
  • TL136
    TL136 Posts: 86 Member
    Tonight I would like to start wk9, my iphone app says 3 miles or 30 minutes. What are you guys doing?:huh:
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 906 Member
    I did 30 mins, which wasn't quite 3 miles. I didn't run very fast this morning, but I got it done!!!!!!
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 906 Member
    We have moved on to our final post ladies!! Please post your updates here:
