
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    if there is still room I would love to join in with you all :)
  • KOlmert
    KOlmert Posts: 50 Member
    Good Morning Sexy Mamas!! This is my Monday morning weigh in!

    SW: 155.4
    CW: 155.4
    WL: 0

    My goals for this week is to do 30DS every day and either Zumba or job/walk a mile.
    I also want to eat better and stick with my calories.
  • Ashley121205
    Ashley121205 Posts: 131 Member
    Hello All :)

    Sunday - My motivation is my progress so far :) I don't want to go back where I was.



    My goals for the week are to stay under my calorie goals and to get in more exercise then I have been lately !!!

    I hope everyone has a great Monday !!

  • kristinkt
    kristinkt Posts: 921 Member

    The 30 minutes of exercise challenge is just what I am needing. I have been doing ok with that, but starting to feel the doldrums of daily exercise. This challenge will help put the spark back in for me.
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    Aliciazak and Mybabble - I SOOOO want to do boxing also!!!! I did a little in college and my husband (fiance at the time) was doing Kajukenbo (spelling?) when he was in the military and we would come home and 'teach' me a few things and it was so much fun and SUCH amazing cardio!!! I like doing Tae Bo from time to time, but I like having a partner :bigsmile:

    Now for the weigh-in:

    CW- 219
    GW - 130'ish (Goal Weight)
    WL - 0

    I am actually up two pounds today :angry: I'm not surprised at all though... stressful week and my eating wasn't all that great and barely got any workout in... so, that's what happens... ya gain:sad: Have to change my ticker and it makes me so mad to have to change that thing and ADD weight...

    Ok...looking for a pic...not sure I feel like pulling my cameral out and sitting up my tripod and such before school LOL... PLUS I have my two nephews this morning in addition to my own two kiddos to get ready and to school on time :noway: Good think I have a GREAT teacher's aid in case I'm a nut case by the time I get to my own class.... Hee Hee... ROCK IT OUT, SEXY MAMAs!!!

    This week's goals ~
    -Log in every day on MFP
    - Check in with SEXY MAMAs every day
    -DRINK WATER!!!!! (I suck at this also, aliciazak)
    -Get my butt moving - 30 minutes every day
    -Eat more fruits and veggies... I slack up on this too much. I'm make sure my kiddos get theirs and then I'm hyprocritical and don't eat mine...
    -Do something for ME this week.

    OOooo...had to edit because I forgot to add C25K.... I need to actually re-restart this week.... I'm going to do it!!!!!!!
  • RMitchell1186
    RMitchell1186 Posts: 11 Member
    This is my Monday weigh-in!

    SW-163.8 lbs
    CW-163.8 lbs
    GW-130 or 125 lbs if I'm feeling good! lol

    My goals for this week are:
    - Run at least 3 days
    - Walk at least 2 days
    - Only have 1 cheat day (that's gonna be tough since my relatives are coming into town and I know they will wanna go out and eat lol)
    - Look in the mirror and try say one nice thing about myself (VERY difficult for me. I've never be satisfied with the way I look. I know it's terrible! Hopefully that will all change soon!)
  • silvereve
    silvereve Posts: 69 Member
    Hello All!
    SW- 147.5
    CW- 147.5

    This weeks goals-
    45minutes/ each day activity
    Drink 2 glasses of water after exercise ( I tend to be short till later in the day)

    I am the proud mom of 7mo baby girl. I am working hard to get back into shape. Its really easy to sit around all day but I am trying to be more active for myself, husband and baby girl. Once she starts moving around a lot I am going to need to be in shape to keep up with her:smile:
    My biggest challenge is overcoming longterm fatigue from lack of sleep. I know this will get better overtime but sometimes its hard waiting.
  • silvereve
    silvereve Posts: 69 Member
    Rmitchell - I love your goal about saying something nice to yourself! Thats very motivating!:smile:
  • RMitchell1186
    RMitchell1186 Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you! I know we aren't talking about struggles yet but that is one of my biggest ones! Being nice to MYSELF! I am very very critical of myself. They say you are your own worst enemy and that can't be more true for me. I am going to try to fix that though throughout this journey!! Your weight loss acutally sounds a lot like mine too. I got up to about 183 lbs in my pregnancy, not sure what I came home as but a couple days later I was about where I'm at now 163 lbs! Hopefully I will get down to where you are pretty soon!
  • Tiffany517
    Tiffany517 Posts: 117 Member
    Hello all SEXY MAMAs!!!!

    Weigh-in Monday:
    Sw: 165.8
    Cw: 165.8
    Wl: 0

    I'm going to try and get my water in all week! Heading to the gym at least three days this week and possibly doing ZUMBA tomorrow so we shall see what this week will look like... On the days i don't go to gym i am going to the the 30 day shred i did want to restart it since i didn't finish however with jogging/walking and that seems to be too much at once for me right now...

    I'm a mom of four beautiful children, 1 boy and 3 girls! 8,6,4,2. My boy is the oldest. I started this journey about two years ago (i cant believe it's been that long) and i did really good for eight months lost about 30lbs, then i fell off with the whole gym thing trying to work on my relationship at home, and well needless to say i gained back about 10-15lbs and i have been logging back on here for a little over two months... I'm trying to stay in the swing of things and stop beating myself up!! Saturday when I was at the gym I realize that OMG my number for the weight i want to lose is no longer 60 lbs but 35lbs... I"M SO EXCITED!!!! Almost to the weight i was after having my oldest girl...

    mini reward for the week: savings a few dollars towards a haircut and color (fingers crossed) as long as i try my hardest!!!

    I also have took a before pic and saved it as my wallpaper on my phone to remind me why i need to go to the gym and why i am working so hard to change my weight and life!!!
  • jennyph2006
    jennyph2006 Posts: 356 Member
    Monday 7/11/11
    SW 155.5 lbs
    CW 155.5 lbs

    And here are my goals for this week:

    * Do the 30 Day Shred each day (level 2 and start level 2 this week)
    * Drink 8 glases of water
    * Do 3 Billy Blanks workouts
    *Eat more fruits and vegetables
  • HisChild2011
    HisChild2011 Posts: 145 Member
    Hi Sexy Mamas!

    CW: 182.5
    GW: 145
    UGW: 135

    My goals this week are:
    1 - Think positively about myself and my future. Make sure that I am exercising my faith.
    2 - Stay under my calorie goals.
    3 - Keep up with my workouts everyday giving 100% (I'm on week 8 of P90X)
    4 - Set a good example for my daughter via patience and loving discipline.
    5 - Keep up with this group. I have joined a few only to not keep up with them. Some seem way too overwhelming with too many requirements for me. I hope to make some nice connections with this group and remain committed to it.
  • rhaya96
    rhaya96 Posts: 66 Member
    Hey Sexy Mamas...

    Sorry I haven't responded or posted but I can't do it from my "smart phone" ...only from my computer. :mad:

    Either way....my goals for this week are:
    - get my new roommate moved in smoothly (which means re-arranging my condo and cleaning out my storage unit after work and moving furniture)
    - still getting to the gym every morning
    - adding 10 more minutes to my morning workout
    - doing well at the 8k I'm registered for this Saturday

    Geez, it's a busy week!!!:noway:

    As of today my CW is 160lbs! :glasses:
    (I need to figure out how to add my weight loss ticker to my signature....)
  • Im new here. I have been youing a program that has helped me have the right amount of nutrition that a women need everyday. This has never been easy for me. I have stuggled for years. I would lose weight for a while the without changing anything I was doing I would gain. I found out that I was killing my muscle mass and wasnt able to burn fat any more. I have been working on losing weight since January and I am very happy to say that I have lost 65lbs and all of it is FAT. I'm so excited. I am almost down to the size I really want to be. Thank you for letting me share. God Bless You All
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Monday Weigh-in:

    CW: 160 lb!
    (A few days ago I was 162, very surprised!)

    GW: 140lb. Reassess from there.

    I can't believe I'm a third of the way to my goal! My one year old was up half the night but today just got cheerier!

    My goal is to get outside at least twice this week with my three year old. Pulling him around on the toboggan for an hour the other day was a great workout.
    I'm going to work with my resistance band at least twice this week to start some strength training. My husband and I want to buy a weight set or a machine as a Christmas gift for ourselves but I need to do something in the meantime to increase some muscle mass.
  • SlimBananas
    SlimBananas Posts: 124 Member
    Monday weight in did not put a smile on my face lol but on to do lv2day1
    of the 30DS then c25k later on this evening. Wish me luck lol never been much
    of a runner but I'm trying to change that, hubby's starting with me
    He's awesome lol.

    *feel free to add me ladies just let me know your from sexy mamas
  • WilliamsPeggy
    WilliamsPeggy Posts: 440 Member
    Hello Sexy Mamas!

    I'm excited about the motivation in this thread.
    Here are my stats for Day 1, Monday, Nov. 7, 2011:

    SW: 154.5
    CW: 154.5
    GW: 115

    I'm a stay-at-home mom of 2 boys, ages 6 and 4-years-old. Goal for this week is to exercise daily. I also took my "before" pictures today, which was hard, but I know I'll be glad to have them as a comparison when I reach my goal. Good luck to everyone!
  • nonafit
    nonafit Posts: 582 Member
    So Monday is the weigh in day....

    Highest W - 214
    MFP SW - 209
    CW - 198

    My goals this week is complete 20 miles or 32 km. Keeping it simple. But I over did it today. And now my legs are jell-o!!!! :ohwell:
  • Can anyone join?
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 321 Member
    Hello all you Sexy Mamas!!!!

    My weight in this morning was not bad, TOM just left yesterday, so hopefully all the water/bloating will be going soon too!

    CW- 265.6
    GW - 140
    WL - 0

    My goals for this week are:
    *Do my Slim in 6 video everyday this week
    *Do Yoga ever day this week
    *Eat more fruits and veggies
    *Stop eating after 7:30pm
    *Not over eating this weekend at the football game with my family
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