

  • VTGolden
    VTGolden Posts: 24 Member
    I sooooo want to join this group. I need some motivation. I am on a yo-yo cycle right now and I want to get off this ride!

    SW: 139
    CW: 139
    Goal weight: 128

    Goals for this week:

    ~Drink more water (I am so bad at this!)
    ~Balance my eating/exercising. (Last week, I got in a cycle of overeating and then compensating by undereating/overexercising)
    ~Be truthful when logging my food
    ~Wake up by 6:45 am each morning
    ~Be nice to myself more (I was so angry/hateful of myself last week for getting in that cycle

    Good luck ladies!
  • judimuro
    judimuro Posts: 17 Member
    I would love to join this group if it isn't too late. I need some more accountability to keep me going.

    GW: 140

    Goal for this week:

    1. Log in everyday to MFP (I did this every day for the month of September and was consistently losing a pound a week.
    2. To eat a balanced lunch. I'm prett good at dinner time but lunch is whatever I have time for which is usually something bad :/
    3. Drink water! No more soda!

    I'm excited about this thread
  • Kristyz26
    Kristyz26 Posts: 33 Member
    I am so in! I love how there is a different topic to post each day :) I am at work right now but will do a weigh in a little later on...
  • Fit4Kateri
    Fit4Kateri Posts: 81 Member
    Oh Monday morning you come too quickly! :noway:

    Some how over the weekend my scale decided to give me a lb back. Yuck!

    SW: 130.8
    CW: 130.8
    GW: 118
    WL: 0

    My goals for the week:

    * Watch my sodium intake! This one gets me everytime
    * Eat at least 1500 calories a day. Maybe a little more depending on my workouts
    * C25K on TU/TH/SA
    * Be on time for bootcamp on M/W/F
    * Plan my meals in advance so I'm not going out for lunch everyday
    * Check into MFP daily (but don't start reading all the posts that I get further behind at work) :embarassed:

    I hope you all have a GREAT Monday!
  • Heather_023
    Heather_023 Posts: 76 Member
    Hi all! Wow, looks like we're going to have a great group!

    SW: 149.7 (down 2.2 from last week, yay!)
    CW: 149.7
    WL: 0

    Things move fast on this thread, I missed intros AND motivations! :tongue: I'm a 32 year old with a 4 month old daughter. I'm really looking forward to getting back to my pre-pregnancy weight and planning on finally getting to my goal weight of 125 that I've been trying to get to far too long! I have a love/hate relationship with running, I can stay motivated as long as I can run outside but now that snow has hit Saskatchewan I'm not looking forward to spending time on the treadmill.... Thinking about attempting a marathon in May but totally nervous about how much of a commitment it will be.

    Motivation for this week is 'no more excuses'. When there's a will there's a way, right?

    Goals for this week:
    - log in to MFP everyday
    - get some extra sleep, the wee one has not been making that easy the last couple of weeks!
    - check in with Sexy Mamas more often, obviously was a little behind!
    - get in 1/2 an hour of exercise every day

    Have a great day everyone!
  • kiahpyr
    kiahpyr Posts: 85 Member
    SW: 145.8
    CW: 145.8
    WL: 0
    GW: 135

    My goals for the week.
    *Eat more veggies.
    *Talk to a personal trainer at the gym
    *Try to find a balance between my macros. Usually I don't eat my exercise calories, but manage to eat the extra macro nutrients.
  • jennyph2006
    jennyph2006 Posts: 356 Member
    my before picture. hope it works. its my first time posting a picture.:happy:
  • maceycarey
    maceycarey Posts: 143 Member
    my goals this week are continueing the 30ds: today is day 6 i will skip every sunday cause that is the only day i get with my husband ... it is also my cheat day lol

    going jogging with my children they love it and so do i

    i would really like to start running it is a big goal of mine i just really want to be able to run one day

    i would like to lose any where from 6-8lbs this month and get back into my prepregnancy size (which is a 17 :noway: )
    but it is what i was wearing though and i dont want to have to go out and spend a bunch of money on cloths i dont want... my husband and i are trying to lose weight together we are going to a weight loss clinic this wed. im nervous and excited but i would love to hear what they say

    sw-175.8... after breakfast
    GW-120 but what ever weight gets me to a size 5/6 im happy with

    mind you i just had a 10lb baby a month ago and im very prone to streach marks but i wanted to put my pic up here because that belly gave me my babys so i should not be ashamed of it ohh and im 5'2 btw so what weight i have on me is very heavy for my little body


    putting his pic up makes me wanna cry :sad:
  • KOlmert
    KOlmert Posts: 50 Member
    Idk why it didnt work. There isnt a 20% in the link....... any suggestions?
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    Monday Intro and Weigh In

    Hi Sexy Mamas!

    I've always been really interested in nutrition. As a young athlete, I worked out all the time and was always at some sporting event or another. I didn't play in college, and the stress of working, school, and life had me eating a lot less healthy and working out completely disappeared from my life.

    Before I knew it I'd gained almost 30 pounds. I gain weight really evenly, so when I say it crept up on me I really was clueless. It was hard, but I got a more physical job and started eating better again. Eventually I was about 10 pounds heavier than I was at the end of high school.

    I then had a baby. Gained the exact recommended weight for my BMI and quickly got back down to the 10 pounds heavier than HS weight. I am one of those people who needs to work out and be very consistent or I go right back up in terms of weight and down in terms of frequency of work outs.

    Thanks for listening! I am so happy to meet you guys, and can't wait to hear more of your stories.

    HW: 145?
    SW: 135 lbs
    CW: 123.8 lbs*
    I've lost about 11 since starting MFP. My goal is less about losing now, more about lowering my body fat % and toning. I also would love to stick to a consistent workout schedule. Did 30 min of elliptical and an hour and 15 of weights (arms and abs) this morning!

    After a lot of deliberation, here is my picture from today. As you can see, I'm "skinny fat" and need a lot of toning.


    Edited to correct today's weigh in.
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    Idk why it didnt work. There isnt a 20% in the link....... any suggestions?

    You copied and pasted the direct link. Copy and paste the bottom option, IMG code. Once it is pasted, change IMG to lowercase img and you should have it.
  • maceycarey
    maceycarey Posts: 143 Member

    just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, she became a butterfly

    this is the tatoo i want after i lose weight
  • maceycarey
    maceycarey Posts: 143 Member
    Monday Intro and Weigh In

    Hi Sexy Mamas!

    I've always been really interested in nutrition. As a young athlete, I worked out all the time and was always at some sporting event or another. I didn't play in college, and the stress of working, school, and life had me eating a lot less healthy and working out completely disappeared from my life.

    Before I knew it I'd gained almost 30 pounds. I gain weight really evenly, so when I say it crept up on me I really was clueless. It was hard, but I got a more physical job and started eating better again. Eventually I was about 10 pounds heavier than I was at the end of high school.

    I then had a baby. Gained the exact recommended weight for my BMI and quickly got back down to the 10 pounds heavier than HS weight. I am one of those people who needs to work out and be very consistent or I go right back up in terms of weight and down in terms of frequency of work outs.

    Thanks for listening! I am so happy to meet you guys, and can't wait to hear more of your stories.

    HW: 145?
    SW: 135 lbs
    CW: 123.8 lbs*
    I've lost about 11 since starting MFP. My goal is less about losing now, more about lowering my body fat % and toning. I also would love to stick to a consistent workout schedule. Did 30 min of elliptical and an hour and 15 of weights (arms and abs) this morning!

    After a lot of deliberation, here is my picture from today. As you can see, I'm "skinny fat" and need a lot of toning.

    Edited to correct today's weigh in.

    your legs are a mile long!!!
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    Hi sexy mamas! Sorry I'm unable to post to threads on weekends, but I do continue to log my food and workouts with the mobile app.

    My weigh in for today is 134.4.

    My goals for the week are to stick with my workouts and hopefully get one in every day, which fits right in with our monthly challenge.

    I can't post pictures right now but I will try to remember to do it as soon as I get bring one to work to post :)
  • annasgyal
    annasgyal Posts: 1,692 Member
    Well, I posted my weigh in on the other thread. But, now that this one has the "rules and regulations".
  • KOlmert
    KOlmert Posts: 50 Member
    Idk why it didnt work. There isnt a 20% in the link....... any suggestions?

    You copied and pasted the direct link. Copy and paste the bottom option, IMG code. Once it is pasted, change IMG to lowercase img and you should have it.

    Thanks! That worked!!!
  • aliciazak
    aliciazak Posts: 18 Member
    Great to see everyone weighing in!!! I am just saying a quick hello before I get breakfast ready for my girls. I'll be back to reply properly :wink:
  • darrcn5
    darrcn5 Posts: 495 Member
    My weigh in for today was 189.8.
  • Kristyz26
    Kristyz26 Posts: 33 Member
    Hey Sexy Mamas!

    Here are my goals this week:

    -log onto MFP everyday
    -HONESTLY record everything I eat, if I eat something I shouldn't, don't beat myself up over it, just plan an extra workout to burn it off. I'm thinking my actions will dictate the consequences at first but after a short while the thought of the consequences will determine my actions, know what I mean?
    -do a R25K run at least 5x a week
    -target one area of my body for strength training a day. There are some awesome itunes apps out there!
    -drink lots of water, way more than the 64 ounces recommended
    -NOT FEEL GUILTY every time I take time for myself and work out!

    I will post my weight and a before pic (uggg) when I get home tonight :)