Another baby?



  • HannahPastoor
    My parents are 45 and their youngest is 3...But she was adopted. Their youngest bio kid is 6. Go with whatever you feel. Only you know your body.
  • PegasusDeb
    PegasusDeb Posts: 665 Member
    Get a goldfish and be done with it.

    Puppies may be even worse than children... Can't diaper that *kitten*. :grumble:

    True. But puppies don't talk back.

    Obviously you have never met my dog! LOL ^..^
    Seriously though, have a serious talk with the hubs. From the last kid & the health issues, I would be leery as well. But then again, I have never had kids, nor do I want my own. Step kids would be fine though.
    Don't ever feel "selfish" on these decisions. You've got 2 beautiful, healthy children already, if you don't honestly want more, tell him.
  • Misiaxcore
    Misiaxcore Posts: 659 Member
    My mom was 42 and my dad was 44 when they had me. Growing up I did not like that I had old parents. Everyone thought my dad was my grandpa! Also, since I was 14 I had major anxiety about my dad passing away until he did pass away last year (I was 20). I love my parents and couldn't ask for better ones, and I know my parents are/were very happy to have me (only child, mom had a few miscarriages before), but it can be a strain. Personally I would not want to have children at an older age and put them trough what I've been going through with the loss of my dad and the anxiety before that.

    Just my two cents.
  • kiesh82
    kiesh82 Posts: 131 Member
    Do you WANT another baby? It doesn't sound like it...and if you don't, then don't! I'm single and childless but I'm pretty sure that if I was 37 and blessed with two children I wouldn't feel the need to have more at that age.
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    Firstly I'm finding the whole 'at your age' thing rather bizarre. No one makes a fuss about being in your 30s here and plenty of kids are born to mums in their 40s. Cultural difference I guess...

    If you don't really want another child, don't have one. I would love another child (in fact I really hope I'm pregnant now!) but I can't imagine how I'd feel about being pregnant and giving birth if I wasn't yearning for that child.
  • mscoco10
    mscoco10 Posts: 527 Member
    Thanks everyone for the advice. My daughter is a girl and I have a 20 month old son. Both of them are great. We have been so blessed to have healthy, happy kids and sometimes I feel like we should count our blessings and not push our luck. When I was preggo with my son, I had a hemorrhage and almost lost him. I got put on bed rest and had to quit my job. At that time my husband was making really good money. Now, my husband has his dream job BUT the salary is about $15K less a year. I didnt have to work then. I do have to work now. So if something happened and I had to quit, I dont know how we would make it financially. We also just bought a car earlier this year. It fits 4 people comfortably - that includes a booster seat and a car seat. I am not sure we could fit another baby seat back there! There is so much to think about besides just the medical aspect of things. I appreciate all of YOUR thoughts!

    After reading this part i say don't do it. I honestly think your doctor wouldn't recommend it. Yes i've read the whole children are blessings but children can be pain too. I wouldn't want to put my life and a child's life at risk with a risky preganacy. Be honest with your husband he will get over it. Only you know your body and your feelings. Just becuase Hallie Berry had a baby at 40 doesn't mean i should too.
  • CraigG75
    CraigG75 Posts: 177 Member
    Side topic, I saw a show about women having babies in their 60's and 70's, WOW! They used invtro (of course).
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Side topic, I saw a show about women having babies in their 60's and 70's, WOW! They used invtro (of course).

    Now, THAT seems selfish!
  • gillad
    gillad Posts: 15
    Hi.. my eldest daughter is 26 and my youngest son is 6 .. I was 40 when I had him. Love him to bits and he keeps me young. It is necessary to weigh up the risks of being an older mum pregnancy wise and also you do have to weigh up looking after a little one again with regards to what you want to do or acheive in life. Don't forget your other children will help you look after the new baby. The main thing is to talk to hubby about it. There never seems to be a right time to have a baby but I wouldn't be without my youngest.