Embarrassed by weight loss

I am now at the point in my new lifestyle change where people are really starting to notice how much weight Ive lost. When comments are made like "wow, you are really looking good" & the like, I feel embarrassed & almost apologetic. This is extremely frustrating. Ive worked so hard this far & because of my own insecurities I am almost sabotaging myself. Does anyone else experience something similar or have any insight


  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I was like you when I was younger. Someone gave me some advice and that was to just say "thank you" and move on. You will start to bask in the attention if you just let go with the self consciousness. I am very shy, so I totally understand.
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    I agree, but i find it more annoying than embarrassing at this point, plus in the industry i work in, its customary to not see people for 6-9 months at a time that you work with, so people always notice.
  • gashinshotan
    gashinshotan Posts: 749 Member
    Same here.... especially when it's people I know... you're just not used to attracting so much attention... I know I'm still not...
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Probably one of the best problems to have so, hey. No worries okay?
  • gashinshotan
    gashinshotan Posts: 749 Member
    For insecure people the anxiety can be bad....
    Probably one of the best problems to have so, hey. No worries okay?
  • Own up to, and accept, the fact that you were overweight and unhealthy and that you're actively changing that. Not only will it allow you to accept the compliment, it'll boost your self esteem.
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    Just keep your responses simple. "Thank you" or "Great of you to notice" as you walk away do just fine! :happy:
  • cloveraz
    cloveraz Posts: 332 Member
    I'm dreading the day my grandmother says that to me.
  • oaken
    oaken Posts: 35 Member
    At one point in my life, I lost 60 pounds. Unfortunately, I've since gained it all back, but I remember the feeling.

    People didn't recognize me, people would do double-takes at me. Most people said I looked great and asked how I did it. (I think that is such a stupid question. What do you do to heathily lose a lot of weight? Diet & Exercise, duh!)

    I remember the feeling of being taken aback by some of these comments, though. I remember thinking, "Was I that fat before? Is this person calling me fat by saying I've lost so much weight?" I sometimes felt embarrassed by how much weight I had on prior to the weight loss, but I never felt embarrassed by losing the weight. I just felt like, "Gosh, did I look THAT BAD?"

    I have to be realistic though, the answers are YES! I did look that bad; I was that fat.

    I'm more embarrassed about gaining the weight back now. That's something to be embarrassed about. But to be embarrassed about losing the weight? I'm not sure I get your meaning.

    BE PROUD and when you feel like "Was I that fat?" The answer might be yes, but it is also in the past and that is something to be proud of. Accept that your "fat-self" was who you ONCE were, not who you are now. Keep telling yourself that you're leaving that fat person behind.

    Also, I use the word fat a lot because that is what it is. It's not conducive to your health to lie to yourself and be unrealistic. It's fat, it needs to go and it is what it is.
    RNMDFF Posts: 153 Member
    I am exactly the same way. I love people noticing but What do i say? It's really awkward, I have a love/hate relationship with compliments
  • Izable2011
    Izable2011 Posts: 755 Member
    :happy: I agree. I usually just say thank you, smile & move on.
  • tkn11
    tkn11 Posts: 276 Member
    it happens to me too sometimes, but it's mostly when people are kind of rudely complimenting. I had a former classmate say "hey, you're not fat and ugly anymore"
    I wanted to say "hey, you're still the same *kitten* you were in high school" but instead, my classy side came out and I "thanks" and walked away, knowing how much I've grown on the inside, when obviously he hadn't.

    Unless they are blatantly rude like that, most people do not mean anything bad by saying you look good now. Just take it as a compliment, and move on. :)
  • Ange_
    Ange_ Posts: 324 Member
    I know what you mean
  • I work with 150 people. I just say "I'm trying" ,smile and change the topic.
  • Id b like 'yep I bn workin out hard, thanks...then switch my behind away, Id almost break a hip switching....No nd 2 feel embrassed u worked really hard 2 get 2 wear u r...STRUT ur stuff!
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    yeah i feel the exact same way!!
  • Yes, i experienced that when I lost my weight. My coworkers at store where I worked were really encouraging and always telling me how great I was looking during my journey. Then customers who I knew would walk up and say things. Then my coworkers would tell people they knew who came into the store and introduce me. I felt really self conscious. The question always came up, 'how did you do it?' I got really tired of repeating myself. You should enjoy it while you can, though, because it does stop eventually. Hahaha!
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    I think that even as we lose the weight, we still have the overweight mindset. I think changing that is even harder than changing our bodies!

    I agree with the poster who said to just say a polite "Thank you" and move on. Eventually, you will get more used to it. Also, as people get used to the thinner you, they'll eventually stop saying it because that will just be who you are. Right now it's new to them, so they feel the need to say something. Just be encouraged that they are noticing! If no one was noticing that I was busting my butt and losing, I'd be a little discouraged...
  • debussyschild
    debussyschild Posts: 804 Member
    I was like you when I was younger. Someone gave me some advice and that was to just say "thank you" and move on. You will start to bask in the attention if you just let go with the self consciousness. I am very shy, so I totally understand.

    This is probably the best advice. I'm the type that would probably gloat and enjoy all the attention... at first... But after a while, it'd irritate me that I actually looked that bad before that it's now really noticeable. You've worked hard for your weight loss and you deserve praise for it. So don't let all the new (and well meant) attention and comments make you feel self-conscious about it. :)
  • I would take the comments as encouragement and proof that you're making progress. As your weight gets lower towards what you want it can become annoying if others start to pick at you out of jealousy perhaps. So much of our self image is based on comparing ourselves to others, and there's way too much marketing telling you that you have to be skinnier to be valued. It's sad.