Bodybugg/Body Media Fit Questions Thread:



  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    no skin irritation for me.

    I do have a wicked tan mark though :P Got to do something about that.
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,722 Member
    I've had a little irritation but it hasn't happened a lot. Every so often there's a little redness but I always put it down to the velcro on the strap overlapping a bit. And it always goes away.

    But taking part of your skin off? No good.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    Hmmmm…I’m not sure how the meal entry works in the BodyBugg site. For the BodyMedia Fit site I can just click on create food, I call it MM/DD Food and enter all of the info from the Summary screen of my MFP app, then I save it to that day’s food log on the BMF site.

    And it took a few months for me to be able to wear the armband pretty consistently in one spot without too much pain or irritation. I still get the occasional red marks or dry skin under it, but nothing to the point of it feeling uncomfortable anymore. Nowadays I barely notice that it’s there. But, I do make sure to clean it every day when I take it off to shower as well and sometimes I move it just slightly around, either side to side or up and down, no more than a ¼-1/2 and inch, just to keep it from resting in the exact same spot all the time.

    With the elliptical, you can definitely hold the arm thingies, but I’ve read a lot about how not holding onto anything actually gives you a better full body workout since you are having to constantly stabilize yourself on the machine rather than relying on the arm thingies to keep your balance. I did notice that my average heart rate increased overall when I stopped holding on while on the elliptical, so I guess my body is working harder. Lol Also, I use it as cross-training for a workout training program for running, so my focus with the machine is really my leg strength (I do lifting for my upper body two nights a week) and I don’t want to be using my arms to push or pull myself while on the machine, I want my legs doing all of the pedal movement. So that’s why I make the choice to not hold on.

    In regards to it learning your body, it’s more about learning about your actual burn rate more than adjusting your calories. Every device is set with general measurements from the factory, but it pays attention to how your body is moving and functioning and the more you wear it the more it can adapt to your own specific movements (do you swing your arms a lot as you walk or do you keep them in your pockets, do you have a long stride or a short stride, etc) and it adjust to make sure that it’s providing the proper calculations for steps and calories burned. Then apparently it also can look at your weight progress (if you’re losing too fast, losing the right amount, not losing at all or gaining) and then somehow make additional adjustments based on that.

    I honestly don’t remember all of the nitty-gritty details, but I did a lot of reading on the devices before I decided to lay down the money on one, and they sounded really involved and quite worth the investment, so I went for it. I found everything online, unfortunately it’s been about a year since I was doing all the research (I only waited until Mar to buy it because I had to save for it and I was waiting for a sale at Costco Online. :) ) so I don’t remember all the links or sites I found at the time. But I’m sure Google will get to the bottom of the matter since that’s all I used. :D
  • amberl10
    amberl10 Posts: 75 Member
    I'm curious about cost. I know you purchase the BMF but then do you pay a monthly fee for something, was it the website to enter food or what was that you pay extra for? I'm narrowing mine down between the Body Bugg, BMF and the Fitbit. I know there's no monthly charge for the Fitbit but just curious if you can use the devices without the monthly charge.
  • heart_explodes
    heart_explodes Posts: 48 Member
    I've had a little irritation but it hasn't happened a lot. Every so often there's a little redness but I always put it down to the velcro on the strap overlapping a bit. And it always goes away.

    But taking part of your skin off? No good.

    Maybe I over exaggerated a little. When I took it off it was itchy but I think it was my scratching that has caused a tiny bit of scab there. It was probably no more than you're talking about but I made it worse.
  • heart_explodes
    heart_explodes Posts: 48 Member
    Has anyone else used it just to measure their exercise and then still use the MFP recommended calories?
    I've been considering trying this - simply because I don't want to end up a wicked tan line lol and I think sometimes I rely on it too much and get obsessed with the numbers.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Has anyone else used it just to measure their exercise and then still use the MFP recommended calories?
    I've been considering trying this - simply because I don't want to end up a wicked tan line lol and I think sometimes I rely on it too much and get obsessed with the numbers.

    sort of defeats the purpose a bit. I do know what you mean re obsessing over the numbers though. Some people may be better off not using these devices and just eating a healthy diet in general.

    A lot of people just use them for a bit to determine rest day cals, training day cals and then sell them.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I'm curious about cost. I know you purchase the BMF but then do you pay a monthly fee for something, was it the website to enter food or what was that you pay extra for? I'm narrowing mine down between the Body Bugg, BMF and the Fitbit. I know there's no monthly charge for the Fitbit but just curious if you can use the devices without the monthly charge.

    I got mine from Costco Online so I came with an extra armband and an entire year subscription to the website. And I got it on sale (it goes on sale every couple of months, more frequently around Christmas and the first couple months of the new year). So I got my BMF, with year of subscription and extra armband for $130 shipped.
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,722 Member
    Maybe I over exaggerated a little. When I took it off it was itchy but I think it was my scratching that has caused a tiny bit of scab there. It was probably no more than you're talking about but I made it worse.

    LOL. Sometimes I take things too literally. It didn't even really make sense to me!
    In regards to it learning your body, it’s more about learning about your actual burn rate more than adjusting your calories. Every device is set with general measurements from the factory, but it pays attention to how your body is moving and functioning and the more you wear it the more it can adapt to your own specific movements (do you swing your arms a lot as you walk or do you keep them in your pockets, do you have a long stride or a short stride, etc) and it adjust to make sure that it’s providing the proper calculations for steps and calories burned. Then apparently it also can look at your weight progress (if you’re losing too fast, losing the right amount, not losing at all or gaining) and then somehow make additional adjustments based on that.

    Thanks for this. It helped a lot! It was one of those things I kept meaning to google to find out how but got distracted with other things. I think I'll stop taking the bodybugg off during exercise now and spend more time on the website entering my mfp calories, weekly weigh ins and measurements and see what happens.
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    Thanks for the thread :)

    I'm thinking about getting one or the other. I'm wondering if there is a way to use the BB or BMF with a display and not renew your subscription? I understand that it only holds a couple of weeks of data, but I also read somewhere that there is a way to clear that data so you can continue? I don't understand it very well because I don't have one.

    I was also thinking of getting one that works with mobile. They say they are compatible with iPod Touches but when you read how to set it up, it always says you need to go to the Bluetooth setting--no such think on an iPod touch! Anyway, I've also seen so many posts saying they can't get it to sync so I'm worried about that. So I'm leaning toward just getting a display instead although I hate to have something else to carry around unless necessary.

    I've also seen posts saying that the BB is more expensive but each place i check has the BMF as more expensive ??? So I'm leaning toward BB with display. there is a 12 month subscription one, with display, for $210
  • noeys
    noeys Posts: 56
    I need some help!!! My first week using the BB.... I burned anywhere from 2800-3300 calories every day, so I tracked my food here on MFP, to make sure I had a deficit. So I was around 600-800, with a few 1000 calorie intake deficits. HOWEVER I gained a lb??

    So I asked on another thread what was going on, and people said I was eating a maintenance diet? and that I needed to deduct my calorie intake from my RESTING calorie burn??
    SO when I do that, Its about 1950-2000 (judging by my hourly burn rate during the night when Im sleeping) so if thats the case Ive been overeating by at LEAST 500 calories a day??

    Am I supposed to be creating a deficit from my resting burn, or my daily total???
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    pretty sure you are supposed to go from total burn. Since it's just been a week, my guess would be random fluctuation, ie water weight ???? good luck and i hope you get some more informed replies :)
    I need some help!!! My first week using the BB.... I burned anywhere from 2800-3300 calories every day, so I tracked my food here on MFP, to make sure I had a deficit. So I was around 600-800, with a few 1000 calorie intake deficits. HOWEVER I gained a lb??

    So I asked on another thread what was going on, and people said I was eating a maintenance diet? and that I needed to deduct my calorie intake from my RESTING calorie burn??
    SO when I do that, Its about 1950-2000 (judging by my hourly burn rate during the night when Im sleeping) so if thats the case Ive been overeating by at LEAST 500 calories a day??

    Am I supposed to be creating a deficit from my resting burn, or my daily total???
  • noeys
    noeys Posts: 56
    Thats what I thought too. Its either that or my body doesnt like sugar and my eating halloween candy (even staying IN my calorie counts) made me not lose. :( STUPID CANDY!
    My diary is open... the past few days have been BAAD though cause Ive been so depressed about not losing no matter what I do. (case in point yesterday I didnt even bother finishing tracking. booooo)
    pretty sure you are supposed to go from total burn. Since it's just been a week, my guess would be random fluctuation, ie water weight ???? good luck and i hope you get some more informed replies :)
    I need some help!!! My first week using the BB.... I burned anywhere from 2800-3300 calories every day, so I tracked my food here on MFP, to make sure I had a deficit. So I was around 600-800, with a few 1000 calorie intake deficits. HOWEVER I gained a lb??

    So I asked on another thread what was going on, and people said I was eating a maintenance diet? and that I needed to deduct my calorie intake from my RESTING calorie burn??
    SO when I do that, Its about 1950-2000 (judging by my hourly burn rate during the night when Im sleeping) so if thats the case Ive been overeating by at LEAST 500 calories a day??

    Am I supposed to be creating a deficit from my resting burn, or my daily total???
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    I've actually had the same problem for the past 2 weeks. I've been doing well on calories on average, but I've had a few crappy meals because of my birthday and a Thanksgiving feast. So even though my calories have been ok, my weight has been stuck/up a bit for more than 2 weeks. (of course i don't have a BB/BMF but ykwim). Hang in there!
    Thats what I thought too. Its either that or my body doesnt like sugar and my eating halloween candy (even staying IN my calorie counts) made me not lose. :( STUPID CANDY!
    My diary is open... the past few days have been BAAD though cause Ive been so depressed about not losing no matter what I do. (case in point yesterday I didnt even bother finishing tracking. booooo)
    pretty sure you are supposed to go from total burn. Since it's just been a week, my guess would be random fluctuation, ie water weight ???? good luck and i hope you get some more informed replies :)
    I need some help!!! My first week using the BB.... I burned anywhere from 2800-3300 calories every day, so I tracked my food here on MFP, to make sure I had a deficit. So I was around 600-800, with a few 1000 calorie intake deficits. HOWEVER I gained a lb??

    So I asked on another thread what was going on, and people said I was eating a maintenance diet? and that I needed to deduct my calorie intake from my RESTING calorie burn??
    SO when I do that, Its about 1950-2000 (judging by my hourly burn rate during the night when Im sleeping) so if thats the case Ive been overeating by at LEAST 500 calories a day??

    Am I supposed to be creating a deficit from my resting burn, or my daily total???
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    Definitely don't subtract anything from what your overall daily burn is, that's your daily burn including everything you do and then your caloric deficit based on what you ate. It's not MFP or a HRM where you have to do any other math to get "true" numbers.

    And if weight loss really was as simple as keeping a caloric deficit each day than I'd have reached my goal over a year ago. But bodies fluctuate, they adjust they like certain things and dislike others. Even with a BB or BMF it's not going to just be automatic because you have higher visibility. So stick with what you're doing and track everything over at least a month, preferably two. If at that time things still aren't moving the way you want, then make adjustments and watch everything again for one to two months.

    Basically everything with weight loss is trial and error and you can't make any quick decisions because the body needs adjustment time to figure out how it's going to respond to what you're doing. But stay strong and focused and don't be afraid of making mistakes, because that's just the nature of the beast, it's how we adjust and continue to move on in the face of those mistakes that makes us even better, healthier people in the long run. :)
  • noeys
    noeys Posts: 56
    Ok Im sorry I think Im having a blond moment. So are you saying that I need to take my calorie deficit from my total for the day, or figure it from my resting rate? (insert blushing face icon lol)
    Definitely don't subtract anything from what your overall daily burn is, that's your daily burn including everything you do and then your caloric deficit based on what you ate. It's not MFP or a HRM where you have to do any other math to get "true" numbers.

    And if weight loss really was as simple as keeping a caloric deficit each day than I'd have reached my goal over a year ago. But bodies fluctuate, they adjust they like certain things and dislike others. Even with a BB or BMF it's not going to just be automatic because you have higher visibility. So stick with what you're doing and track everything over at least a month, preferably two. If at that time things still aren't moving the way you want, then make adjustments and watch everything again for one to two months.

    Basically everything with weight loss is trial and error and you can't make any quick decisions because the body needs adjustment time to figure out how it's going to respond to what you're doing. But stay strong and focused and don't be afraid of making mistakes, because that's just the nature of the beast, it's how we adjust and continue to move on in the face of those mistakes that makes us even better, healthier people in the long run. :)
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    Definitely don't subtract anything from what your overall daily burn is,

    This is EXACTLY what you subtract your deficit from. Your overall daily burn (i.e. TDEE) minus calories eaten = caloric deficit (also known as "cause of weight loss")
  • noeys
    noeys Posts: 56
    Definitely don't subtract anything from what your overall daily burn is,

    This is EXACTLY what you subtract your deficit from. Your overall daily burn (i.e. TDEE) minus calories eaten = caloric deficit (also known as "cause of weight loss")
    Ok thanks, cause that really confused me lol!

    So my not losing... is it WHAT Im eating you think? Cause Ive had a deficit from my total burn EVERY DAY, enough that I should have lost at least a pound..... Im so confused with all this weight loss stuff. lol!
    Back in the day it was simple, eat my weight watchers points, and lose weight lol! Now I have to think about exercise calories, and eating too much, or too little.... and not losing. I am at the point Im ready to throw my hands up and say F' this. :(

    Low carb didnt work, eating exercise calories didnt work, eating too little didnt work, now this.... booooooo
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    Definitely don't subtract anything from what your overall daily burn is,

    This is EXACTLY what you subtract your deficit from. Your overall daily burn (i.e. TDEE) minus calories eaten = caloric deficit (also known as "cause of weight loss")
    Ok thanks, cause that really confused me lol!

    So my not losing... is it WHAT Im eating you think? Cause Ive had a deficit from my total burn EVERY DAY, enough that I should have lost at least a pound..... Im so confused with all this weight loss stuff. lol!
    Back in the day it was simple, eat my weight watchers points, and lose weight lol! Now I have to think about exercise calories, and eating too much, or too little.... and not losing. I am at the point Im ready to throw my hands up and say F' this. :(

    Low carb didnt work, eating exercise calories didnt work, eating too little didnt work, now this.... booooooo

    Are you measuring and weighing everything you eat? Or eyeballing portions? It's incredibly easy to screw up estimates. A decent scale that measures in grams and ounces can be purchased for less than $20.

    It could also be that you were eating too little for too long and your body needs to catch up and realize it's getting what it needs and can let go of the excess (this was my original issue).
  • noeys
    noeys Posts: 56
    Definitely don't subtract anything from what your overall daily burn is,

    This is EXACTLY what you subtract your deficit from. Your overall daily burn (i.e. TDEE) minus calories eaten = caloric deficit (also known as "cause of weight loss")
    Ok thanks, cause that really confused me lol!

    So my not losing... is it WHAT Im eating you think? Cause Ive had a deficit from my total burn EVERY DAY, enough that I should have lost at least a pound..... Im so confused with all this weight loss stuff. lol!
    Back in the day it was simple, eat my weight watchers points, and lose weight lol! Now I have to think about exercise calories, and eating too much, or too little.... and not losing. I am at the point Im ready to throw my hands up and say F' this. :(

    Low carb didnt work, eating exercise calories didnt work, eating too little didnt work, now this.... booooooo

    Are you measuring and weighing everything you eat? Or eyeballing portions? It's incredibly easy to screw up estimates. A decent scale that measures in grams and ounces can be purchased for less than $20.

    It could also be that you were eating too little for too long and your body needs to catch up and realize it's getting what it needs and can let go of the excess (this was my original issue).

    yes I measure everything!!! I have a postal scale I use for that. (and postage of course lol)

    I definitely did mess up my body doing low cal stuff. I was on medifast in April, and was eating like 900 calories a day OMG!! But how long does it take your body to relax? cause over the summer (after stopping medifast) i was a huge pig and ate way too much food, so my body wasnt starving lol! Its just been the past month and a half. did southbeach for almost 2 weeks, didnt lose, and probably cause my calories were around 900 each day, but after that point I started doing the MFP plan, and eating exercise calories etc and still not losing.....