Couch to 5k Day 1

I just started the Couch to 5k for the 3rd time today. Is anyone interested in joining me and keeping each other motivated to continue with it?! My goal is to sign up for a 5k in the spring and run it comfortably and at a decent pace. Want to join me?!


  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 788 Member
    I am interested. I started the program back in August and completed 4 or 5 weeks, but it fell by the wayside after I ran my first 5K in September. I just found out my gym has an indoor track in the basement, which will allow me to run without using a treadmill but still allowing me to utilize their childcare (this has been part of my procrastination as I did not want to continue the program on the treadmill). I am going to start over with week 1... I can do W1D1 today! :)
  • ontheskinnyroad
    ontheskinnyroad Posts: 205 Member
    I have started and was on week 5 then stopped. I started back on week 3. I signed up for a 5k which is December 3!!!! I'll join if I can stay at my current week.
  • KatrinaG2012
    KatrinaG2012 Posts: 354 Member
    Count me in. Got to week 3 some weeks back and had some issue with the ball of my foot.
    It is finally better and I am anxious to get started again but need the motivation of group support.
    I have broken in some new shoes and inserts and ready to go.

    Hello new shoes, goodbye blues:)
  • I think we ALL need encouragement and motivation no matter what week/day we're on! Shydaisi--I completely understand about child care and needing something indoors. I'm thankful for my treadmill living in Iowa where it gets too cold/icy/snowy to be outside! (I also don't have to worry about the idea that EVERYONE in town is looking out their window watching me as I plod on by! I know they're not, but I feel like they are!)

    Does anyone know how to start a group? I'm fairly new to MFP, but I'm willing to give it a shot!

    Ontheskinnyroad---WAY TO GO! You've signed up for your 5k! THAT is awesome motivation by itself!!! I need to look for one in my area so I can keep my eye on the goal!
  • Myzstarr
    Myzstarr Posts: 32 Member
    i want to do it. i downloaded it and have never used it. lazy and no motivation..... im willing to try
  • I'm defiantly in I started Week 1 Day 1 this morning and I love it I wish I couldve done it outside but it is raining like crazy outside so I had to do in on my treadmill, but I'd love some motivation I know once I do get to do it outside I'll need all the motivation I can get COUNT ME IN
  • ontheskinnyroad
    ontheskinnyroad Posts: 205 Member
    I think we ALL need encouragement and motivation no matter what week/day we're on! Shydaisi--I completely understand about child care and needing something indoors. I'm thankful for my treadmill living in Iowa where it gets too cold/icy/snowy to be outside! (I also don't have to worry about the idea that EVERYONE in town is looking out their window watching me as I plod on by! I know they're not, but I feel like they are!)

    Does anyone know how to start a group? I'm fairly new to MFP, but I'm willing to give it a shot!

    Ontheskinnyroad---WAY TO GO! You've signed up for your 5k! THAT is awesome motivation by itself!!! I need to look for one in my area so I can keep my eye on the goal!

    LOL you have started it LOL.. Nothing special. We can all reply to this thread or you set up the rules it's your group. Whatever it's up to you.
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 788 Member
    I think we ALL need encouragement and motivation no matter what week/day we're on! Shydaisi--I completely understand about child care and needing something indoors. I'm thankful for my treadmill living in Iowa where it gets too cold/icy/snowy to be outside! (I also don't have to worry about the idea that EVERYONE in town is looking out their window watching me as I plod on by! I know they're not, but I feel like they are!)

    Does anyone know how to start a group? I'm fairly new to MFP, but I'm willing to give it a shot!

    Ontheskinnyroad---WAY TO GO! You've signed up for your 5k! THAT is awesome motivation by itself!!! I need to look for one in my area so I can keep my eye on the goal!

    It is basically just like posting a thread, which you did. I think it might be best to have a weekly thread - I have been part of ongoing support threads for C25K in the past, and they seem to fizzle out around week 4. People continue on, but just don't seem to post as much.

    What about doing a C25K and weight loss challenge - so a 9 week challenge where you have a fitness goal of completing the C25K program (no matter where you are in the program) and a weight loss goal. Each week you post your weight and talk about how you did the previous week?

    Just throwing out ideas... :)
  • bobbi29
    bobbi29 Posts: 138 Member
    I am on Week 2 day 1. I also just sign up for a 5k in March so I am really excited. :bigsmile:
  • KatrinaG2012
    KatrinaG2012 Posts: 354 Member
    I think combining it with a 9 week weight loss challenge is an outstanding idea. It seems it would matter less what week/day of the C25K program each individual was on to begin with. Perhaps tying in the idea of working the program a minimum of 3 days a week. Am I correct that this is the recommendation? Just throwing out ideas.

    Oh and W1D1/ Done:)
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 788 Member
    Just got home from the gym, and W1D1 is done! I really enjoyed the run and am in love with the indoor track!
  • nickydp
    nickydp Posts: 29 Member
    I have tried it once before and only made it to Week 3 for a variety of reasons. Would love to give it another go! The idea of a weight loss challenge tied in is very motivating! :)
  • curlygirlcami
    curlygirlcami Posts: 102 Member
    Hey! My husband I just did D1W1 Sunday! It was great! I am going to try to stick with it and do the program all the way through. The challenge idea sounds good to me. :-)
  • xamyxx
    xamyxx Posts: 30
    hey im up for it hun im starting day 1week1 this afternoon so im new to it add me if ya like
  • Caerthilian
    Caerthilian Posts: 21 Member
    Hi! Yes, I'd like to join please! I can't do the brilliant Park Runs (free timed 5k weekly runs organised all over the UK) here in Italy and in any case my time sucked - run/walk (2 min. intervals) in 41 mins! - and I haven't done it for over a year. I long to be able to run the whole thing and get a much better time - and I'm back in the UK in January. Did my first training session this morning!
  • katekrise
    katekrise Posts: 178 Member
    I did C25K in February. Stick with it! I'm training for a Marathon now. Def. wouldn't have thought that back in February!
  • I will so sign up for this challenge. Over the summer I was at week three and then school started and I stopped. But I want to start it back up and I am going to start from week 1 and work my way to week 9 that will give me something to do on my off days from Jillian Micheals 30 day shred.
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 788 Member
    I need to find a local 5K to run in December or January... I ran one in September and it was great for my motivation!
  • Id love to do this! Just to get myself fitter and things :)

    If anyones interested...I found this for Couch to 5k for the treadmill incase you dont like running outside or something!
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 788 Member
    Id love to do this! Just to get myself fitter and things :)

    If anyones interested...I found this for Couch to 5k for the treadmill incase you dont like running outside or something!

    This is great for those who can't get outside due to weather conditions!

    However, be warned that I found it much easier to run on a treadmill than to run outside. I did my first 5 weeks of the program last time on the treadmill, and then attempted my first 5K. While I was very happy with my final time, I was very disappointed that I had a difficult time running the same amount of time during the race as I could do on the treadmill -- I was up to 5 minutes straight at about 5.5 miles per hour and had a hard time running even half of that at a time during the race, especially after the first "sprint." If your goal is to be fit, it wouldn't be a problem, but if your goal is to be able to run a 5K, it might be disappointing in the end.