Whole 30 - November Challenge (Closed Group)



  • nmbasilico
    nmbasilico Posts: 28 Member
    Happy Monday, everyone! Had a pretty bad food weekend but I did the best I could given my options. Boy do I feel it though. Not so much sick or anything but I can feel it in my body. My face feels fat (puffier?) and my whole body just is....blah. TMI but even my boobs feel sort of swollen and a bit sore!! Crazy! I was eating better today but I can still feel it. I can't wait to have another good day tomorrow and get rid of this feeling. I have about a week until my month is up and I'm going to have a great week! I hope everyone had a good Monday!
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Okay, I am declaring a new challenge for me for this month: a maximum of 3 meals/eating periods per day.

    I have successfully eliminated my need for a mid-morning snack by eating eggs for breakfast instead of oatmeal. But, I am still in the habit of wanting a snack around 3 or 4 and I would like to get rid of this.
  • Ayla20103005
    Ayla20103005 Posts: 104 Member
    Do you need to add more good fats to lunch?
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    Okay, I am declaring a new challenge for me for this month: a maximum of 3 meals/eating periods per day.

    I have successfully eliminated my need for a mid-morning snack by eating eggs for breakfast instead of oatmeal. But, I am still in the habit of wanting a snack around 3 or 4 and I would like to get rid of this.

    I find that when I am short on sleep I need that afternoon snack. Unfortunately, I've been needing it for a while :grumble: I was able to sleep in later in the summer and there was a time when I was able to go without.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Do you need to add more good fats to lunch?
    Perhaps. I think it would help if I wasn't working at home. Also, if I actually liked my work.... I might not be distracted. Distraction leads to thoughts of food....

    I think that I should also try to push off lunch by an hour or so. I typically have 4 hours between breakfast and lunch and 6-7 hours between lunch and dinner.
  • froglegjack
    froglegjack Posts: 388 Member
    pushing off lunch by an hour will probably help then.

    I feel like skipping breakfast today. Just not hungry. But I am off work today and by the time I do get hungry I will be where I make rational decisions on what to eat. When I work I try to make sure I have a good breakfast because lunch time changes and I don't want to be Starving (lol) and let that help me eat just whatever is available at that second.
  • wxkris
    wxkris Posts: 57
    Happy Monday, everyone! Had a pretty bad food weekend but I did the best I could given my options. Boy do I feel it though. Not so much sick or anything but I can feel it in my body. My face feels fat (puffier?) and my whole body just is....blah. TMI but even my boobs feel sort of swollen and a bit sore!! Crazy! I was eating better today but I can still feel it. I can't wait to have another good day tomorrow and get rid of this feeling. I have about a week until my month is up and I'm going to have a great week! I hope everyone had a good Monday!

    I know that feeling. Last month, when I was at a funeral and ate a ton of carbs, my body literally HURT all over the next day. It took like a week to recover, because I really overdid it. But that feeling will go away!
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    Okay, I am declaring a new challenge for me for this month: a maximum of 3 meals/eating periods per day.

    I have successfully eliminated my need for a mid-morning snack by eating eggs for breakfast instead of oatmeal. But, I am still in the habit of wanting a snack around 3 or 4 and I would like to get rid of this.

    I find that when I am short on sleep I need that afternoon snack. Unfortunately, I've been needing it for a while :grumble: I was able to sleep in later in the summer and there was a time when I was able to go without.
    that is true for me as well.. when I don't sleep well I find myself snacking more and craving sugary stuff.. it is harder to get that needed extra hour when the time changes.Many nights I toss turn and don't sleep well. unfortunattely my children have internal alarms clocks.. they wake up at the same time no matter what time they go to bed..in the fall that means an hour earlier:sad:
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    I have stopped the leptin reset.. I am not making the progress on it that I had hoped. I am still staying on the paleo path with my new goals to
    1. eat breakfast- protein and fat.. just not the whopping 50 grams of protein IF is my natural bent but it slows my metabolism.
    2. do cross-fit work outs 3-4 days a week
    3. be more active in general
    4. sleep well
    5.drink more water
  • froglegjack
    froglegjack Posts: 388 Member
    I have a question about chocolate. I have seen it mentioned a few times. Is it allowed? What kind? :love:
  • wxkris
    wxkris Posts: 57
    I have a question about chocolate. I have seen it mentioned a few times. Is it allowed? What kind? :love:

    My impression is that it's allowed, but should be as dark as possible (at least 70%).
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    many paleo primal people enjoy some dark chocolate on occasion.
  • queenbcronen
    queenbcronen Posts: 158 Member
    I never liked dark chocolate until I became Primal. I bet now if I tried it, I couldn't stand milk chocolate! :bigsmile:
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    can the newbies to this group please READ some of the Primal resources available online, instead of asking questions?

    This is a motivation and support group, not the 411 operator's PM chat box. Either you are FULL Paleo 30 or you should not be posting in this GROUP that is closed to anyone but those who are commited to PALEO.

    Discussions are welcome, annoying questions that you can find for yourself online are not.
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    can the newbies to this group please READ some of the Primal resources available online, instead of asking questions?

    This is a motivation and support group, not the 411 operator's PM chat box. Either you are FULL Paleo 30 or you should not be posting in this GROUP that is closed to anyone but those who are commited to PALEO.

    Discussions are welcome, annoying questions that you can find for yourself online are not.

    I feel like we had amended this to allow others to adapt the challenge to their needs and we were going to support each other towards that goal. Yes, there are newbies with questions but some people feel better getting a direct response rather than just reading something online, that's part of support and motivation, getting reassurance. Not everyone is as confident in their choices yet as you are. Until now, getting the paleo/ primal community together has been difficult and I think a lot of people were excited to find others on this challenge thread as evidenced by the number of views last month and this month.

    The groups feature will make this easier for us to gather but further refine ourselves as regards to our goals, and individual preferences within the paleo/ primal banner. Next month, I think the challenge should be issued within the groups community to allow everyone to have the challenge experience they are after. In fact, it might be good to move that there now- strict paleo 30 challenge on one thread and those following a looser interpretation of the challenge could be on another. BWB, does that solution interest you?
  • froglegjack
    froglegjack Posts: 388 Member
    what interests me now after that response is leaving. I will continue without this group and ask questions of reasonable people.
    Thanks to those who did respond kindly. Yes I can read. Thanks Bye
  • nmbasilico
    nmbasilico Posts: 28 Member
    Wait for me, froglegjack! I understand this was a 30 day challenge group, however some of us are still learning. As we have seen, its pretty rough posting questions on the rest of the board.

    I will also be continuing this way of life, but I will also be bowing out of the group. Thank you to those who were helpful in getting me started with this way of eating.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Hey guys. I certainly don't mind questions of any sort. As I understood it, we're all here to support each other and also to challenge one another for a month. Hope you'll stick around. Or join the paleo/primal group, if you haven't already.

    For my challenge, I waited until 1pm for lunch! Let's see if I can make it to dinner without an afternoon snack.
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member

    this group allows newbies as long as you are following the paleo 30 guidelines, as posted on page one.

    If you can't hang here, so long. We are here to help with the basics and encourage you in your paleo journey, but we will not tell you the basics that you will get on your own with a few minutes of reading off site. (Yes, I feel that it's Good riddance to the fad dieters and those who can't go off site or open Primal or Paleo books! But that's me.) If you are still with us, congrats! We love having you. We love supporting you. We want you to be educated! But we are not the educators here, you are. It is up to you to educate yourself with the most up todate blogs, books, seminars, doctors out there! You can't learn Paleo from this thread or from a MFP group. You just can't, and in good conscience, we old timers can't let you cheat yourself or make the paleo group here look like fad dieters.

    Am I harsh? no, because we have a great group here and we deserve to have real Paleo conversations, not talk about if this or that is "paleo" (candy? wtf?), or post fails, and tmi about bloating. Kiss and Cry over food you want to eat is not part of this topic thread.

    If you are looking for motivational foods, checkout nomnompaleo.com That gal has a beautiful blog and pictures of food that will inspire you. She's also on facebook. Marksdailyapple.com also has links to amazing sites, cookbooks, etc. Don't be afraid of your oils (coconut, avacado, olive) and fats. Don't forget to have nice meals with delish dishes of veggies and greens.

    Be strong!!!!!
  • nmbasilico
    nmbasilico Posts: 28 Member
    Honestly, I expected that people would be able to post their bumps in the road since it is a support thread. I'm sure I'm not the only one that has had one, and I know there have been posts by others that have nothing to do with Paleo. Good job to those who have been living this way for years. Really. A lot of people start this to help medical problems. I don't have any, thank God. I learned about this way of eating on this site, I researched many websites, I have books, and I do still have questions. Some of us are eating Primal which is not as cut and dry as Paleo. Some people can handle dairy, some get very ill. Some enjoy a bit of dark chocolate on occasion and some avoid it. Everyone is going to be different. I don't think anyone thinks of joining this group as a fad. Everyone I have seen on here are looking for a better way of life, not to lose 20 pounds in 3 days or something.

    I highly doubt this group is only for people who are perfect. No one is perfect. Those new to this way of eating are no less of people or any less dedicated than ones who have been this way for years. It's not right to take a high and mighty postition over them just because they might not know everything yet. Its too bad that this turned into a problem. My family will continue with our healthy lifestyle on our own, individual terms. Best of luck to everyone!
This discussion has been closed.