Lost a cup size, feel like putting the lbs back on!!

Five months ago I decided to lose weight. At 5'2.5 tall and 144.4 lbs I was overweight and I knew it was not healthy. I have lost almost 14 pounds and although I am very happy with the results so far I am incredibly upset that my breasts have gone down a cup size (or 2 or 4 depending on which bra calculators I use!)

I know this may come across very shallow, but I feel I have nothing else going for me. I am short, so my legs aren't incredibly long, my butt isn't that nice its fairly small, I carry most of my fat around my midsection (I'm apple shaped) and I am not strikingly beautiful, so all my teenage years and up until now I felt my breasts were the only "sexy" thing about me. I felt it was my appeal to men, and although I have a smaller waist, and defined curves my breasts don't "appear bigger", they've sagged a little.

Over the past month I started to notice the band of my favorite bra starting to rise up my back. Yes I've had that bra for almost 4 years and I have many other bras but they never fitted quite right, most of them were too small and uncomfortable (even now). So I decided to measure my chest and went on those bra calculators and I have gone down a size, others say I have gone down 3! Its really discouraging.. I feel like putting back 5 more pounds or something.

Anyone else had this problem?


  • jmatthews75
    jmatthews75 Posts: 525 Member
    this topic is ALWAYS on here. and it kind of makes me laugh to be honest....
    Women always say that its us guys that are obsessed with the body, that we look right at the boobs... But in reality, its the women that are obsessing with them. OH dear, I lost a cup size here, what to do... Really? I wish I could lose a cup size in my chest. I wish I could get six pack abs. I would be so ok with losing an inch or so if I could lose the weight that I have been carrying around for the last 15 years of my life.
    Lets face it, if you lose weight, chances are you are going to lose some of the girls, if you don't want to lose the girls, then stop trying to lose weight and just love yourself the way you are.
  • clarech82
    clarech82 Posts: 244 Member
    Have to agree with the previous poster women are obsessed with their boobs.

    Personally I am happy I've lost weight so I couldn't care less that my boobs are smaller just means I have more choice of bras nowadays (gone from a 40f to a 34c) I would rather be healthy than have big boobs. They just got in the way anyway :)

    You just have to decide what you really want
  • Rachiepie6
    Rachiepie6 Posts: 423 Member
    All I see here is a fabulous excuse to go buy some new sexy matching bras and nickers :wink:
    I'd get fitted when you buy them if I were you :smile:
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    Your WHOLE body is going to be smaller. You still should proportionally have approximately the same size breasts. I mean, my experience has been that my band size has shrunk but my cup size has grown. You don't know how your body is going to react and worrying about something as trivial as the size of your boobs is going to make this process more grueling than it needs to be.
  • jacobhayes1
    I agree with the other guy... Im not a fan of big boobs. Dont even worry about it.
  • ashleighjoy2007
    ashleighjoy2007 Posts: 150 Member
    Yes, this is on here a lot. I know what you mean thouugh, I'm a little worried about it. Some of my friends on here have either had breast augmenation or are planning on having it when they get to their goal weight.

    My solution? I'm going to make a big investment in some high quality Victoria's Secret **** when I get to my goal =]
  • Rheatheylia
    Rheatheylia Posts: 53 Member
    The right guy won't think your breasts are the only thing you have going on for you (or a halfway decent guy for that matter.) The only guys who would really care are either 13 year old boys or incredibly shallow perverts. Not to mention the fact that overall health and wellbeing is more important than boobs, at least in my opinion, lol.

    Plus when you go down a band size you go up a cup size, so a 36C has the exact same cup size as a 34D. That's why a lot of women get those "fat rolls" squeezed out by your bra straps, they buy tiny band sizes so they'll "technically" have a larger cup size. Plus if your breasts fit in your bra cups the same way they haven't shrunk, if it's just the back riding up then it's only your chest size that has shrunk, not your breast size.

    Also, those "bra size calculators" are stupid, and don't take the shape of a person's body into account, according to them I'm like a 34B, there is no way I could wear a 34B, tried one on and was popping out of the cups like crazy. I'd suggest getting fitted at a nice lingerie store (maybe as a treat to yourself for losing the weight?) I did an found out I was actually 2 cup sizes larger than what the online calculators told me, so don't panic based on what they're telling you.
  • Rain_Howard
    Would you rather have your health or your big boobs?
  • andrea198721
    andrea198721 Posts: 173 Member
    Where I work I do bra fittings all day long. You ca measure yourself and get an accurate answer and that will put you in the right ball park but a lot of bras do fit differently so you should try on different sizes and styles and you may end up buying a bra in the size you measured at or one that is bigger/smaller. I say buy some sexy new bras. I think guys are mostly attracted to confident women! Love yourself no matter what your size is!
  • Yakisoba
    Yakisoba Posts: 719 Member
    I would be THANKFUL for that problem. I hate my boobs. Praying for A cups.
  • Eleanorjanethinner
    Eleanorjanethinner Posts: 563 Member
    Ignore the guys (and guys - imagine if you were losing length and girth in the place you want it most, then be more sympathetic! :) )

    I've only lost 5kg (11 pounds) so far but I've already gone down a cup size. It is sad looking down and seeing less there. I'm definitely going to buy some new push up bras when I get down with this.

    That said, our sizes vary wildly by brand and even style of bra. I suggest you go and get fitted in a good department store and let them help you find at least one or two bras that you feel good in.

    Also, have a look at what you can do to feel pretty - learn what colours and styles suit you (there are a lot of books, websites etc), get a flattering new hair cut, what about fake tan, manicure, pedicure?

    For my recent birthday I got lash extensions, my eyebrows threaded and a scrub and fake tan. It all helps... :)
  • perceptualobfuscator
    Make sure that when you are bra shopping you are getting the correct band size. If the band is rising up at all, rather than straight across, you probably need a smaller band size. this doesn't necessarily mean a smaller cup size, since the cup will be smaller on a smaller band anyways.

    Boobs really aren't everything. Remember that when your body is in a state of change due to weight loss, it's hard for you to perceive the actual physical changes. This is part of why we cling to numbers so much, like on the scale or clothing sizes. I know that when I look in the mirror, I have trouble seeing the change, but I know my boobs have gotten smaller, because they're the most obvious thing - they're right there. Try not to focus on it too much, and buy yourself properly fitting bras. You'll thank yourself later.

    I should also note that boobs often look better after weight loss - size isn't everything, and exercise can make them firmer and nicer to look it. What would you choose - big and saggy, or smaller and firm? Probably the latter.

    Boobs do weird things during weight loss, a lot dependent on your shape (hourglass, pear, apple, etc), so don't worry about it too much. I know I've gone down band sizes and up cup sizes, which is pretty horrible. If I lose one more pound, I'm going to need a 30DD, which is sold approximately nowhere. Bras are a constant source of difficulty, and unless you have a standard model body, you're going to suffer for it. Try not to make it your life, and concentrate on fitness instead of your bra size. There are different ways of being attractive, and weight loss is often about a change from one way to another.
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    boobs do change shape/size go south even without dieting you know...so i presume at a guess you are still in your 20's???? :wink:
  • jmatthews75
    jmatthews75 Posts: 525 Member
    Ignore the guys (and guys - imagine if you were losing length and girth in the place you want it most, then be more sympathetic! :) )

    Actually I did say I would be more than willing to give up an inch in length and girth just to get to a happy weight for me, I wouldn't try and gain weight again just to have more down below. If you want to be heavier and have heavier boobs, then feel free. Its part of life, stob obsessing over something you can't control. Maybe you could spend some time and listen to your body. as you lose weight, you can't control where you lose it from, so if your boobs go bye bye, then thats your body saying they gots to go. take it as a good thing, and if you want, feel free to barbie yourself up and get some plastic work, I am just trying to say that the real men out there don't care about them all that much so why are you stressing about them so much, they are boobs. Thats it, they are there to feed your child for the first year of their lives, other than that, they have NO reason for existance....
  • MîîśÊmÿłõü
    MîîśÊmÿłõü Posts: 285 Member
    :wink: im the same, ive lost 3 cup sizes! to my absoloute surprise, im actually really happy about it,
    treating myself to a matching set of lingerie on the weekend
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    I'm sorry for your loss! I would love to lose about 10 cup sizes, seriously i would. Maybe if mine were smaller i wouldn't have such bad back problems. On a serious note, love yourself for who you are and what you have, you are unique and if that is all a guy wants then he is very shallow,,not worth your time right?! Hugs
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    You can fake boobs but you can't fake skinny! :)
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I was bummed too when I lost weight now down to A/B cup :(. But realization made me aware that I will never afford surgery so why not doll up another asset of my body. Look to your next option. Do you have pretty eyes you can glam up or maybe get your hair done or go get a tan? I darkened my hair after losing weight and my husband loved it! Said it brought out my eyes. Little things matter :)
  • Sstrable
    I would love to lose a cup size or 4. You can have mine. Problem solved! HAHA. No really though I get it. I would be upset too. Be proud of your accomplishments and buy padded bras. It will all work out.
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    If you have gone down a cup size or two then the boobs were not yours in the first place, they were excess fat! Perhaps you have naturally smaller boobs and thats ok too because its who you are.
    If you honestly think you have nothing else going for you then you need to get out into the big wide world and do something about it. make something of yourself that will make you a lot prouder than a cup size ever could. Sorry if I haven't followed the sympathetic route. I don't do sugarcoated, it has too many calories x